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Lasers —_e—— jut INTRODUCTION sce of the oustanding inventions of the 208 century, The word "LASER’ isthe ‘Zire fr Light Amplification through Stimulated Emission of Radiation. However, laser “2 als amplifier of light but is @ generator of ight, I isan artificial ight source that SEA from the traditional light sources. Laser is more akin to radio and microwave ter and produces a highly directional coherent monochromatic polarized light beam. Zs ane the theoretical basis forthe development of laser in 1916, when he predicted ‘post of stimulated emission. In 1954, C.H Townes and his co-workers put Einstein's ‘sn or practical realization. They developed a microwave amplifier based on stimulated con of radiation. It was called a maser. Shortly thereafter, in 1958, A.Schawlow and “HTomes extended the principle of masers (0 light and T-H.Maima bull the first laser ‘ene 1960, In 1961, A Jovan and associates developed te fis gas laser, the elium-neon 1: Lar is high technology device and is the most sought afer tool in a wide variety ‘ls sich as metalworking, entertainment, communication, surges ophthalmology and "sp guidance in was 42 INTERACTION OF LIGHT WITH MATTER AND THE THREE QUANTUM PROCESSES “ena us that when light travels throu ‘eg processes, Light absorption means he ‘sitenig involves change inthe diestion oft es, ght intensity decreases with distance in th © light isnot conceivable from classical point of le when the interaction of light with medium is considered fom the point of vew of {fseancs. The anf of energy fom atom oe ea light amplification pier canbe farter converted into a source of Tight Raving spear harasses ‘See otainaigh sources. A laer sa monochromatic cave Tigh source that | Srey on qt peas forts operant is heefre ses 10 HK wneand operation of ase. ich a medium, it undergoes absorption and fuser of energy ffom light to atoms and ravel of waves. As a resul ofthese two re medium. Transfer of energy ftom f view: However, itis found 10 be tum processes in order to understand the a saa ical atoms. Atoms are Ue us op composed of identi | Ce esis materia median whih i aos lt ied by many energy levels but for the sake of simp Meshoot, Wr, st aim af te materia edi tc be ca, sw cu vc namely ecg evel and neg eve; the Fath exe wte As the alomsof he mater Met aor of hy ners) level and the others the energy level. The numberof atoms pey tit ESSE es cals the poplin den: tthe olin a he ge Fan E, be \, and N, respectively, Under normal conditions higher the en > ‘pain ence. Ny» Ms Now. lt ihraiton be indent on the mt ‘ssume thatthe radiation and the medium ate in thermal equilibrium, The incident ae ima) Be viewed as a steam of photons, and lt the photon density be py) Let each” cary a energy E, where E= E, ~ E, ~ hy. When photons travel through the meta «we likely to cause three different processes. ‘They are absorption, Spontaneous emis, _ spprulatd emission ima ee Suppose an atom is in the lower energy level E) Ifa photon of energy (E, ~ E\) is incident on the atom, it imparts 1 energy to the atom and disappeas, ‘Then We say thatthe atom absorbed the ‘cident photon. As a result of absorption SA he =a ‘where 4 isan atom inthe lower state and 4* Probability that an absorption transi is an excited atom, The “ tion occurs is proportional tothe photon dest) ¥) Probability 2 fore seceding Me tine Avis Batons) moe atthe lower <8 7 lay. whe mere pts min then more ams can get exo 4 yey ciefia bormtion involves ie excita fhe sot el ge level ony A* tamet be pena Utah My ees wie nn Bat nr ng, veo % cannot be greater than : CY m0 som eter i th oer ee we he bp press so aenmaigpsFradiation as Tigh travels trough the median ee 342.2 “Spontaneous Emlaston pepe excited fo a higher energy level, See ‘cannot stay in the exeited state for £ SeGet omer tne nt te xe Seu ON te atom reverse ? Siover Sisey tote by Tag Saou of ay br shore By ~ Ey, The emission of photon = = ‘ii on its own and without any Batore ater ‘extemal impetus giyen to the excited Fig. 26.2. Spontaneous emission process stom Fig. 242)-Zethission of a photon by an atom without any external impetus is called (soar ‘The probability that a spontaneous transition occurs depends only on the propeties of nergy sates E and £; and is independent of the photon density [tis equal tothe of feel, Ts oe Ses Pads 43) where da, is a constant and Known asthe Einstein cogficient for spontaneous emission. Az, isa constant characteristic ofthe atom. 1/dz, is a measure ofthe Iifeine ofthe upper vere against spontaneous transition tothe lower Hate. ‘Ke numberof spontaneous transitions, N, taking place during he time Ar depends ony on the number of atoms Ny staying a the excited state Ey. Thus, ind AyNgAt 4.4) Iti the process of spontaneous emission that dominates in conventional light sources, ‘The process of spontancous emission is essentially probabilistic, that is the atom has some probability for making the‘ansition, ad itis not amenable for control from we) The instant of the transition, direction of emission of photon, the phase of the photon, the polarization state of the photon are all random quantities. There will ypt exist any correlati among the parameters of the innumerable photons emitted spontaycously by the assembly of atoms of the mediv. Therefore, the light generated by the mydium will be incoherent. ‘The light from the conventional sources originates in spontanepis emission process and is incoherent. {¢ coniaits ® Superposition of many waves of random phases. The net intensity of such incoherent waves 's Proportional to the number of/raisting atoms. The light is faded in he form Fao! dation wave ans emited inal dietions andthe inenity oes on dercsing 8s WA is tavel away fom ty soe Each f thet bey ne consistent phase relations with each other nor do they sfae a common poatzstion plane ‘As a consequences thes * be compounding of the indiyidual waves. The light is also not monochromatic Because ne broadening processes that take place inthe medi j 7 ‘24.2.3. Stimulated Emission au 4m 1916, Fanstein showed the existence ‘Me . of equa etween nl ‘te taint requied a new radiation procens |e called stinilated tation, Moyers the presence of external radationyS an stom in the excited state interacts with ~~, 4 photon with enengy Av = By By the Betore 1hoton indies the exited aor 1 Fl. 263, Pace of Sime stownard transition well befre the atom en 8 make a spotancous transition The atm emits the exces energy in the form, ‘nv B,~ ast drops to the lower enemy state. The passing photon is nt the excited atom emits a photon (Fig. 24.) The phenomenon of forced 4 excited atm cue tthe action ofan externa agency is called stim ‘so known as induced emision. The proces may be expressed as AM vod hv The probability that a stimulated tanstion occurs is given by Pa ainataes % PAY) danas * 8060) ey ets fy isthe constant of proportionality and is known a8 the Eisen coe samt miso kia con chara san ad open ae thee ss ya {Psonic ih mat at ins il ey su an ft nmi of ans ats ety le ym eae the aiid anton, The want of sos Ne Bat stint OF 8 ei alfeded yy, Photon emisien ated emisiin NyAB NPAC — O46) Multiplication of Stimulated Photons we ‘The photon induced in this process propagates in the same direction as that ‘of stimulating photon. The induced photon has features identical to that of th inducing photon. 1 has th same frequency, phase and Fig. 24.4. Muttpication of Simulated photos int an avalanche lane of polarisation as that of the stimulating photon. The than feature of this proces is the maleplicaion of phon. Faxoneplaoh maeectng Frese fom, thee are wo pons merging. The two photons Uaeling fete sak earth t¥0 mote excied ams and gent wo More photons and pode sian pone hotons, These four photons in tum sinulte fu ecd some and eats ight photons, and s0 on. The number of photons builds up in an avalanche like shown in Fig. 244 one ton Fe de 1 ane inital wave and il of ‘are coherent and inerfore camstructivels. The net whens the square of the number «atone Naa ANT diatng tight tater medium is very large, coherent emission leads we light and we say that the incident fight ts amplified. Therefore. xl emission is the key to the operation fa laser wan) the proses 24.2.4” Distinction between Spontaneous and Stimulated Emission ‘imate einion 7 [Spontaneous emission rnd ad pa] Nos ano pce Inc proves : F_ | Not amenable for con Kom ous Pitas farce case [he phos ave emited haphazardly. The | The simulating photon spose hare sostant of emission, tection of casio, | cs nthe pon ited. phase, polarization sate of phon ate al Fandown iatites and cannot be enol [| Photons are emit nitorny i all dirstions | The haons Ged nthe proses wave inte from an asambly of atom. As real ction tht of stemlating phen Ugh is non-diretional ‘heli produced bythe process senaly Arectinal 5 [Photons of aiglyierent equencies |The spread of photon fequcneies rele ave-gencrated. Ax a reall the fight i mot ‘monochromate [Photons do not have any consation in hi] The photons mite by this poses ar allo phases, wich Mctste randomly. Therefore, | phase and therefore the ight s eoeret. thelihtprodocd by this process ncoeret [Ltn this process multiplication of photons does | One stimulating photon causes emission of tt take place Hence thre sme amplieation | two mare poten. These ro prods ‘oF Tight de wo the process otons, wc in {Um generate exp photons Url soon. Ths, there are N excited tors, 3 photons wil be prodiced. Light ampic eatin occurs de 40 such mulipiation of photons. rc nck otesity of the generated igh given | Axl he photo ate in phase, ey const * le : i ta ete an ode nay yond ent whore’ Ni the umber of atoms emiting tons and isthe nent ofeach photon, 3-7 Tne pines oF poration ot the photons are The planes of polazation we wental for all evened randonny: Hence, hight fo the sores | photos, Consequently, Highs polarized 242.5 Steady State ‘The three processes des condi bed above occur si n the absorption and emission bala %, %, tion sttancously (Fig, 24.5). Under steady state ve each other. Thus, ean yy Ny LOY AE Ay My AF Bay Ny AOD N gL» 706 (se some a aca tte Padi yy “ wm there would lies sends e me atm ihe wes fn srateena” aml te fot tan a hgh er ae Thaw aye anne | eatin nate aonheaswewlemeavne. Caw cya eae concatenate Erncton a “"ynee 9-248. Aborpon and Eien Pose sg smite whe tun me ky get chord hn oa rermmaemt 2 hoon. Therefore, usally the process of absorption demas’ the pt 10 B;, we have By PLY) Ny = AaaNa + Bai AW) No 249) C9) [Ba Ny ~ Bay Na} = Asa AM (24.10) 2) = TN, - BN] sah hand side ofthe above By dividing both the numerator and denominator on equation with B,.N,, we obtain pw) ean [ia] tebe As Ex Ey= hy, ae dwt _., ered thy 4 EHEEEY IN Ne ny gg al wt Blick fay con tw fr any value af Accvtlag to Phan woe [™ hs] mand che vee oF ght Hee here the reftative mde of Ter dy et gen yo 2) wtb come tr asd es, Ani" / = Bh oe ayes ei Ri Shee uations (24.14) nd 24.15) are known a he Hl elation "the coefficients are tld through Buy = y= ty o a Ba om {0 The tcaton (24.15) shows that the cefclens for both sorption and stn mission are uerically equal. The equality implies that when an atom with tes ea, levels is placed inthe radiation Bel, the probability for an upwatd (abnoption) trees ‘ual 0 the probability fora downward stimulated) ta (i) The to why its dificult to achieve laser action in (2&4 UGHT AMPLIFICATION {yet aplication requires Ut sinted emsion oct st exchaiely tn pi absorption and spotancos eision always ocr together wih sme ee ne lsc peatio is ahieved when stimulated emission exceeds in ge nay oy Broceses Let us now look the condions under which the mune gmay ‘an be made larger than the other two transitions 244.1 Condition for Stimulated Emission to Dominate Syontanegus Emission The ratio of u.(24 6) to equ, (24.4) gives Stimulated anstony My A000) _ My Spontaneous transitions Ay)Ny yy eat qu (24.17) indieates tht stimulated transitions will dom Pentancons transition sf the radiation density pv) is very lange. Thus, the presece of a a "onber of photons ™ (rv) spe (99 (rv ve aay wopwindod SY 1nday FAMAL AHL ‘ONLLEGW,, S90 sai 346% oimjuaosad ysry anaryoe oF “son ano os mous aq pauosol 0! SENSING spac (242) bo 0 suopysueaL uopdionqy ewuruiod 04 vopsHTU paywynusps 403 WORIPUD ove asixo ou ay pun worsiasut wounded ow 2g pynoo aia poitoxe Axeurps0 2tp Jo org ‘sumn ayqeroaidde jpndod Jo uorrpuoo 2xp jouue9 worsioaar wonendog ON 1 0) KRsou Bursyddns &q [aroy soyBKy w 0} faimsaaesnOW CSE Cy00¢) x98) as tw -# geo, se eer © 9-7 ai. ? = PL wn onan 0 om 94 mes ace Yes cyan fo iy Smpud sys ny ay-247 9. soys ows 2 fo sunynded fo ones 2 pag Tye MERA Lo O1XZ09IXOT 4207 7 rg = CeO AE = ACE puoos a0 u pouox9 soe jo J9gumy = puonos au ur mndur “au0jas9q 1 too aap Smpesy suossra porynams sejomoud pur uojstosnt woneindod Jo ode torgu woupeut © 31 waMpou! anzae OY wanyped 2AN3® 2 Pal > annige suodds pur 1804 St S128 feoneindod Suraaqyoe Joy 2qqeMs tH Jponaeiyffeis « Ayuo ‘smuor® Jo sofdods 1222] P JO sose7 8 Jo swavodwen “Ze “Bid oF “sfoA9] ABsoua Jo 39quINE mew Aq pazuarooseyo yesousd ut a Story 7 uf uossianut uosemndod Ureee (1 ayge 29 pinogs om remy st wipew ose] oxp 204 yuauazinbas wrewodu 08 ‘uy, 290d sexe donoe J9se] au7 WH tu feuareus ogy sy mmmypamn 94n¥ 2A uummpaw annoy 9'F (eve 1g 208) orea0sas ‘uv () ave so5yw yo syuauoduos yonuss? 40 suNaNoawoo, 97% oe oS 1 Funnsar ay, Wo Ly tampa aon a anon 2 3d NOLLOV ONISVI L'¥2"” mm Suiduind jeondo arn Surdud 3° (OHLAW oNawnd 98°F ve oe saresado wmpaus ap pUE = tn ayy 303209 Pap atsod ap ppv soovsout Atay worst aN oor om sy “pou 9 NO Sut -uoneouidureazoue pe SUC} suonoyd ay] (2) 6'>7 “Bly UE UMOYS ausoddo om axis ye~p suovoyd oy “F fo swoye suou pu aso apse ura us ap Sunjoest uo #289 peroyo! 2H PL soreunee edo woe a cy onp suotenoee pur vonsamidue win ‘v2 “ia wopeagndary Fda sano) so] am pb tno aap Jo Sopis amp yon ssed Aueyy ‘suonsomp cosqe worn &q_ par ‘sy ams ojgesmaus 24p 01 orm os, 01 40 49920 aq Jo “Ipeus jouom ou re 5 ‘3 sano ome 241 1m wAop Keep Apypmnb vary swOHE 4 4 aa, “aes soem) soddn ayy we A@sou9 2248 ats poupx> uF on uoR omy 2 285 oyox9 ap 0} Swe Sepa yy oF se xn sz nay st pomour sq, ‘NSE 0 5 A papa Ba ‘AOB5HO9 O73 Uod.AIOg om 30 “umpam aanoe omy ndyno oy ye uorsstusuEN oy ‘voneoynidire s908iapun 1 Teuuon ye “suoyosou Ly < ("1g ~ £9) veMp yons “Aqpides smo £7 ayes amp v8 uonadod au“ “yans] Sumse] 2omo} op £y pur joas] Suis] zaddn ajquiseiou ayy ponoss amp st Ty arms OUL1T'pC ‘BIg UL umoys st aUroyos Sdn ‘vontpuod uorssenut woneindod ayy vow "7 J9n9] aq) a8 swowe jo su “ “s4roxy Jonope oo wd i puns ‘ev i uy 'oALapun yA Jo wwaq w jo AusuayUL u ueYD ay) FuLOpISUOD q UTES tommy y ou -_ 4 “ARA9MOH 7 WUD] jo. A4rAR 198 oun Aq U9AI8 sarguanbo4y ML toy pants 2q you jy so.ou0pbay) Paxton 280KN 1 pis sarouanbayf panoy ath 28 (67'¥2) f ¢ (ora) =4v lwoamjaq souas2q)1p fouanbayy “SILL (ve) quand Kouonbay a eg sapoutyoupnt 4) uO Sone Supums aos spnooue ts voddns fet e408 pa eyo 080 eno Day oeniog uO} Pu PH zoo Jo sone A889 Fug ‘oups anoge i (sere) ¢ oN ne A Tethoet oy, the lst, since there ae other g Cg Aiiting conditions, Only Logp/ Cav tongs Mo Aceon, those froguecies (modes) that 9h Gancing fe have amplification above the Tasing threshold, 10 overcome soon will be ented out ofthe laser (ee Fig. 4.14). Fig 24140 shows the sain curve of particular active medium, as funtion mF me ‘of frequency and is marked ms with the lasing threshold and FO. 2414 Gan cue of ay Perse login! modes ofthe ser. The rexon make under the cae, ‘lasing threshold include the range where lasing can occu. For example, in Fig 24 frequencies fom tase allowed inside the cave above the lasing esa, these $ frequencies can eit tthe oupa ofthis ler “ Example 243 case ofthe eration of hromiun ion With ray atic. te rn, responsible for u-laeremison are spread over an ene, resing in nla F083 mm around 6943 rm. If he length of ruby rds? cms roatbe dre ‘many longitudinal cavity modes would the ry laser emision contin? ’ I8mis EO Ro hie Salation, Move separation = <1 Frequency spread of laser emission 3108 (avs) 0.53.10" my v= onan = 2M meys03210) yy, (433107 No.of cavity modes = Av / mode separation = 330 10/86 x 10?=385 ie, = 38 modes Example 244.1 the hafwidth ofthe He MH, what must be the length of he laser oscillates? Solution: ‘The length of cavity is given by = MC . 1X3%10'm/s AV” 2x 1.SxI0"/s () Transverse Modes The cofgwatin ofthe op cavity detemies te tanvene maxes of ‘output, which characterizes the intensity distribution across the cr0ss-section of the Ms ‘beam. This is simply 8 natural consequence of electromagnetic WAVES Being confined wil ‘the cavity and restricted by the boundary condition. In gene, the allowed made it onal evty are esate TEM nee TE hd M ste, agate modes, wpe and nd we es. Te Ho ws ‘transverse mode is TEMyy, Which has 4 smooth cross-section Profle With a Gaussian pe ® the mule hows in iy 2415 ‘ Th tpt m and cis wit tc TEM ee as of 5 ‘minima between the edges of the beam in two orthogonal direct shown i the uP € laser operating at wavelength 63284 is cavity ensure that only ome Ionita me 7 TEM, eam nt single minimum dviding ‘ent to Or DO, A TEM, be bay to am ur in (eh each deta) ge [oT ore Th gehen an ht ets ae conte inthe lar Bea ove a single hatred i operation, one can place wut apertre tha slighty lager has hey ae TEM ve in he mile of te lsc, sar cavities are designed to produce ony the TEM, et Myowever some lsc do operate in higher ower pecially when they ate designed to mason the Seaton: p41 TYPES OF LASERS rer ae divided nt differen types basing on diferent "ESuerations, We divide thom here onthe bac ofthe material use, Some ofthe important Spe ses ae 1. Solidstte lasers Examples: Raby laser, NEYAG laser te 2 Gas lasers Examples: Hliam-Neon laser, CO, later ee 3. Semiconductor diode lasers Examples: GaAs le InP later et Most ager emit ight nth red or IR repon, Lasers workin continous mode orn 8 posed mode 14:11.\7kaby Laser Raby loser belongs tothe clas of solid-state lasers. Ruby is basically ALO crystal containing about 0.05% of chromium atoms. Cr* ions are the actual active centers while aluminum and oxygen stom ate inert. Effomim ions have absorption bands in the blue and green regions. by rod is taken sn the form ofa cylindrical rod of about 4 em in length and 1 cm in diameter sls enus are grounded and polished suc dat the end faces are cxsetly parallel and ar also perpendicular tothe axis ofthe rod “Th end faces of the ruby rod are slvered so tht they form the optical resanato. The rear fice is made totaly refletingwhile the font face is made patally reflecting The laser vod is surrounded by helical photographic fash lamp fille with xenon (Fig 24.16 4), Whenever activated by the power supply the lamp produces ashes of white light fe. “ ash Lamp Absorption 5 Nena barre? arson othe cm © ‘mata sa oem Tram me punped eves Green Enter auputn exams oat ‘eotod & @ ©) Fig. 24.16. (a) Schematic of a ruby laser (b) Energy levels and transitions in a ruby lasor La 70 Moto, ‘Workings The energy fevels of Ce" ions in the crystal lati 7 Ae th )_The every level state ofthe C1" fons it hacer by aba Pe 4 perastble sate mia ~~ Tb€ Pumping Mechanism FANS ah an ied he dag ec, of white ight lasting for a few milliseconds. Me, tons ate excited to the energy bands and, by ihe i ‘Niet of white tight. mH, ines undergo non ~raitive tasons rom thse eney ev EE, isa metastable ste. “ ‘©The metastable sate has iftine of approximately 1000 tines ra etn oad, levee Theo, Con acme ue * Tes metastable evel Eis the upper ner level, while, is he preg lel constitutes the lower laser level Population Inversion * The upper laser level E willbe rapidly populate, asthe excited C43 ‘make downward transit ions ei ions from the upper energy bands, ‘© When more than half of th Con poplin scum evel te ay Population inversion is etablished between E and E, le Lasing ‘© A chance photon is el, Ey level to E, level * This spontaneous photon stimulates Produced when a Cr* fon makes a spontaneous i agin fon ‘stoer excited ion to make a dovomud transition, + Ths mulated photon andthe inital photon tigger many excited ioe tent photons. © Reg phan of wavelength $943 Atelig slong the axis of tery rl at fered refed athe end minor ad igh amplicon tke pace ast beam emerges out trough the paially ting miro, ‘© The Laser emission occurs in the visible re ‘© Once stimulated transitions commence, "pil andthe tt of population inversion dapens an ing or The ser booms ctv one agin wer population inveion sine ed + Tarts, the ouput of he seis ot conn ware br rege pulses of microsecond duration, Salient Features Uses thre-level pumping scheme ‘The atv cetera Cas 2 Light om xenon ship sh puning gent 7 © Poor eticiensy 7 © Operates in pled mode on ata wavelength of 6943 A (694.3 a ie metastable sate gets depopulated vey Ly a 7 vag Laser st ene ft mL att Valter er yw we ol tte Hs 8 - we evo Somer Yiu akan My Vig ame fray commonly. called raw Oz: wally trope crystal Tua ~~ (emetic : . oe 1, pdyim Hons, Nd i con mts Healy om oeneer” inter of 0.728% by weight ae att awe which the active eentes, Fig. 24.17. Schematic of a Nd:YAG Laser sexly NO ons reside er es Pe 241 ests yg a A AG ae Te ten ty nse story ere sg eo eo etc oer fo ns einer wt lil ae = nay arr set ees Ts ie Ming nan a mt Een ne 2 Fast nonradiative decay for rscseaN — : NG erystal rods visasate ae gpially of {6m 10 cm in length eum Laser ranston =i 2 mm in ianter, The two ods of the laser rnd are_ polished tod sivered and constitte the ‘pial resonator. Working: A Sinpied—eneney level diagram for the neodynium & ion in YAG crystal 5 shown in Fig. IS. The energy level structure ofthe free neodyim relatively low concentration However The Pumping Mechanism es tn kapton as amp is wich om the NA” fons ae excite othe up nergy bands F, and eae are canon fiom these energy Ievels to evel, by non-adiaive trastion. sa metastable sta “+The metastable vel, isthe uper hse vel, while fms the lower laser le wear vt end tae i. 2,10, Errgy es nd tants in NYG ase. stom is preserved toa certain extent because of its he ene levels ae spit andthe stuctare i complex. = le Mesto yy Population Inversion iar * The upper laser level E, will be rapidly populated, asthe excited Ngo make downward transitions from the upper energy bands Pm © The lower laser level E is far above the ground level ang ‘uly NA oe wg Hom sis fom hep a, ° Naa * the population inversion is readily achieved between the Ey : lve iv telat ‘A chance photon is produced when an Nd ion makes a spont _— E level level, mahlng This spontancous photon stimulates another excited stom transition. PE 8 dx * This stimulated photon and the initial photon excited Fis slated ph Wigger many excited sons ym, * (Pots tus generated tel ck and fr etWee the ed min sp in strength very rapidly, Op ating sufi ener, the rb emerges out oh te ey reflecting mirror. ‘+The laser emission oceus in infared (IR) region at a wavelenath of sou 10a (1.06 jm, *+ The No? ions retum othe round state Eom the lower lasing evel, ote own trough noa-adate transitions Salient Features ‘© Uses four-level pumping scheme 4 The active centers ae Né ions © Light from a xenon or krypton fash amp isthe pumping agent ‘© Low efficiency (1%) and moderate power outpt (wats * Operas n Wid ae 5g 11.5 Hellumeon taser Zee srs ae ony. They oe gona te te insole iri wy Wp pore cog we cin aches sete iol besa ed i itcnc dehape spss oy eo ence gen eel ‘are narrow and as such require sources with sharp sivteath to excite atoms. Fig 2 sot kr ang spe Tee SF a ache Ec pon ety am Ye Maher es cto ss Te ase wee by Ali Javan, William R. Bennett, [[% Jt and Donald R. Herriot Construction: Pow in F201. Heli — consists OF 8 ON woe Sed ah 8 Sor enum am soe Soe fa Nee rage she Sis Se Soran MS tse anstons oats hum atoms help scing P08 @ goes are provided in sree bt peace xen ihe ew They i Smee power surly NEE Fanccally seale'by Ground tate Ground sate Biaed windows amanged Fits) ene tris two ends. On the axis Fig. 2420 the tube, nwo mirrors are Sranged extemally, which form the Fabry-Perot optical resonate. The distance between the ‘hnror is adjusted to be m 2/2 such that the resonator supports standing wave pattern. Working: ‘The energy levels of helium and neon are shown in Fig. 2420. The Pumping Mec! ‘When the power is switched on, a high voltage of about 10 kV is applied across the gas mixture. It ionizes the gas ‘The electrons and ions produced in the process of discharge are accelerated towards, the anode and cathode respectively. They collide with hetium and neon atoms on the way + The energetic electrons excite helium atoms more really, as they are lightes One of the excited levels of helium Fs) is at 20.61 €V above the ground level. 1 isa metastable level and the excited helium atom cannot return to the ground level through spontaneous emission. However, the excited helium stom can retum to the ground level by transferring its excess energy t0 @ neon atom through collision. Such an energy transfer can take place when the two colliding atoms have identical energy levels. Such an energy transfer is known asyrpsomant energy transfer. ‘The neon energy level E,(5s) is at 20.66eV, whict is close to the excited energy level F, of helium tom, Therefore, resonant transfer of energy occurs between the eneited helium atom and ground level neon atom The kinetic energy of helium Stoms provides the additional 0.05 eV required for excitation of the neon atoms. Helium atoms drop tothe ground state aftr exciting neon atoms. This i the pumping ‘mechanism in He-Ne laser. Population Inversion ‘© The upper state of neon stom £, is a metastable state. Therefore, neon atoms accumulate in this upper state me 4 The F, (ip) ese sparsely populated at ordinary temperate, energy level Ey is greater than, © As the poputaion atthe higher eng the po, te oe eel se of plo NO ind eg devel, 2 Laing Random photons of red colour of wavelength 6328 A ae emi few ofthe atoms atthe energy level Ey Te spontaneous photons waveing rough the f86 mie prom «mission of photons of red colour of wavelength 6328 A. i * Ths photon ous ack an fr eve thee iors, casing mn smulaed emision during each passage. The stength of the stmulges on ‘rene nth a ote spt avy ich ibe bu ype ‘he photons traveling at angles othe axis are lost. Ne Thus the transion E, >, generates a laser beam of wavelength 632 From te level Eth neon atoms drop to 3) evel spontaneous * Fleets e metasuble ste, Conequeny sen toms ed 1 came level * Seam atom mth round sat, rough equ colson vi ew of the glass tube holding the helium-neon gas mixture * Bescon alos ar once agin avaiable resto higher sat and paige in lasing action, * Tee eon atoms a ect othe upper sng eve continuously trough xsi 2: th Population inversion can be maintained inthe fice of cones in “mission, the laser operates in continuous wave mode, Role of helium atoms el Pn, lity of ever ase fen Necesity of narrow glass abe © During the operation of the sr, setastabe level ae bought suber of stm a the pond function. The ony way af colons: Therefor, ne wal the dnchage be Salient Features 74 Uses foul pumping scheme” (7% The active centers ate neon atom 2 77% Elsa daca the pampng agen 7+ law efccncy ad ow pono © Operates n CW mode 24.11.4 Carbon Dionide Laser “he cabon a rs very wen 105m in ar Repo its necessary thatthe atoms accumulating ae othe ground state (2p) quickly others te State wil go on diminishing and these cess bringing the atoms 1 the ground state tough se the probability of atomic colisons with he we ade narrow. tnd ficient ser. 188 Four-eve molecule laser ad QO) 75 Construction: The Water aon acon oe — : Bre ke ee Bee A Mat. eis basicaly PPE “dscharge tube having oem 4 tore of Oss section Mb fot oes The discharge tube is oan cmon pal wilceeesiet cre aie ene aon cer ad han ge na its poping rape, Ot dines ss rt aed Tee ain cee, Ott ais nibh nr aso eS ce natn ere iil Ge © : me siete OH Teas OF nT Oy the energy spectrum © Tae oe to many additional ‘ono © is oo + Eat iawn aney ©. £ levels produces far IR radiation atthe wavelength 10.6 um (106,000) ‘The lasing transition between £, > levels produces far IR radiation at 96 ym (56,0004) wavelength + nyemle titer evel fy roan halnse coatons ei aonseat tuneenea) COy eens et to accumulation of papulaion at yew. As the gaseous ture + Malin. the Fy level, which in close to the ground state; tends te be populated re ane cosine aaa ge ston of CO, molecules at the lower {iin level poses a problem and abibit the taser metion ‘ne Helium toms devexcite CO, molecules through inclesic collisions and decrease the population density of CO, at Fy level. It sloo aide cowling the gaseous minture through heat conduction ‘The CO, molecules are once agnin available for excitation to higher state and jpanisipaie tn lasing motion CO, motectiles are excited to the upper Iasing level continuously through collisions ‘As ihe popuilation inversion can be maintsined in the face OF comtewens, eeee Semen" Uses four-level pumping scheme Te active centers are CO, molecules { Blectrical discharge ts the pumping agent + High efficiency 40%) and high power output (several kilowatts) 2 Operates in CW mode 24.11.5 Semiconductor Diode Laser A.remiconductor diode laser ix specially. fabricated p-n junction device, which emits ‘gistent taht when its forward biased. RN” Halland his coworkers made the Ree sa eee Sictor laser in 1962." Ke iz made from Gallen arsenide (GaAs) Which operated at low lemperatures and emitted light in the near TR togion hoax [mi light almost anya ‘pen jumetion lasers are made to rein the spectrum from UV to TR Diode lasers are remarkably small in size (0-Lmm lony bier of 40%. Modulating the Biasing curvent Cow powers. In sp ite of thelr small size and ‘outputs equivalent to that of He-Ne lasers. TI Portable. Because Of the rapid advances in reduced for use in op | a feading, high speed la ‘Drinting ete wide variety of applications | Semiconductor Materials ‘Among the semiconductors there are two diffe semiconductors and indirect band gap semicon 1). They have high efficiency of the sily modulates the laser output, They operate low power requirement, they produce power rent groups. They are linect band xp Direct band yap semiconductor is the one in which @ conduction band electuwon can Fecombine directly with « hole in the valence tard ‘= The recombination process leads to emission Of Hight Most of the compound semiconductors belong to tis group, : ‘+ Direct recombination of conduction band clectron with «hole in the valence band is not possible in indiveet band gap 20 ! to this group. The" sonductors. Silicon and wermaniun Belen vombination Of a electron and a hole prediscee hogy ae A Taio Ear N 728 «Direct band gap semiconductors are formed bY groUp TLV elemeny I-VI elements py, 4 Laver are made using direct band gap semiconductors. Gallium Ann diode is an example of semiconductor diode laser, id (ry, Principle The energy band siruture of a semiconductor consists of a valence bang ‘onduction band separated by an ener B=Ps ‘© The conduction band contains electrons and : electrons. - «When an electron from the conduction band jumps into hole in the valece bag the excess energy is given out inthe form ofa photon. fe Thus, the electronhole recombination is the basic mechanism response tg emission of ight «The wavelength ofthe light is given by the elation 2. = he, Semiconductors having suitable value of Z emit light nthe optical eon. ‘Types of semiconductor diode lasers Broadly there are two types of semiconductor diode lasers. They are know a romojuncton semiconductor lasers and heterojunction semiconducior laser. Homojunction Semiconductor Laser "A simple diode laser which makes use of the same semiconductor material on both ses ofthe junction is known asa homojunction diode laser Example; Gallium arsenide (GaAs) laser. Heterojunction Semiconductor Laser “A diode ase which makes use of different semiconductor materials on the two sso the junction i known asa heterojunction dide last. These are further classified as sige fetrajmeton diode lasers and double heterojunction diode laser ‘Example: A jneton laser having GaAs on one side and GaALAs on the oter side. Homojunction semiconductor laser Canstcuetion: Fig. 24.24 shows the schematic ofa homojunction diode laser. Strat wwitha nenrly doped nye GaAs materi a spin is formed on its top by difsing 29! Mteavily zine doped layer constitutes the heavily doped p-egion. The dike r 7 fee atoms into it. A tomomely small in siz. Typical diode chips are $00 um long and about 100 jm wide thick, The top and bottom Ae Cees ' faces are metalized ad pgughened Sth contacts ae provided Safe’ to pass curent through the diode. The font and rear : faces are polished parallel to i Laser oot cach other and perpendicular ‘ fo the plane of the junction. ; ‘The polished faces constitute 1 Fabry-Perot resonator. In acto reso nel \__ opteaty at end_— fo polish the faces. ait ara ' Fig. 2424 Schomate of Pamehuncton dod laser fof parallel! planes cleaved wa A et te a wides the required 0 orm the avi 1 se are roughened to F mi uy Fe fe aon etieon Teme we ackaged in smal seeks ike the iy ease used for discrete canst + jp ae "mmm Fig. 24.25, Energy band dagram of a heavy coped >” unetion without bias wefeking: The energy band diagram ofa heavily doped p-n junction is shown in Fig "s Heavily doped p- and n- regions are used in making laser diode 1 Because of very high doping on n-sie, the donor levels are broadened and extend pee the conduction band. The Fermi level also is pushed into the conduction band. ‘e Electrons occupy the portion of the conduction band lying below the Fermi level © Similarly, on the heavily doped p-side the Fermi level lies within the valence band and holes ‘occupy the portion of the valence band that lies above the Fermi level. © At thermal equilibrium, the Fermi level is tuniform across the junction. The Pumping Mect © When the junction is junction region in high concent ‘© In other words, charge carriers are ‘© When the diode current reaches @ concentrations in the junction region Population Inversion fe As a result, the region (region electrons within the conduction ‘within the valence band. 5 Ew Ee 5 YY TMM Z7 IBLE: © Fig. 24.26. Laser diode under forward bias forward-biased, electrons and holes are injected into the ations (Fig. 24.260). pumped by the dc voltage source. threshold value (see Fig. 24.26b), the carrier ‘will rise toa very high value,

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