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Elementary Education Program

Department of Teacher Education & Learning Sciences

Design Document for Lesson Plan

Name: Megan Mobley & Kayleigh James

Grade Level: 2nd Grade
Concept/Topic: Incorporating Diverse Languages, Understanding Parts of a Story
Length of Lesson (in minutes): 30 minutes

Learning Objectives​: ​What are your learning objectives? (What new understandings will the
students have as a result of this lesson? Make sure learning objectives are measurable.)

● Understand the parts of a story by filling out a story map with who, what, when, where,
why and how as well as a sentence that summarizes the main idea.
● Understand the meaning of the Spanish words and phrases in the book, translated by
Spanish-speaking students
● Discover different holidays and traditions celebrated in different cultures represented
among the students

Under which standards from the North Carolina Standard Course of Study (NC-SCOS) do these
learning objectives fall?

Social Studies Objectives

2.C.1 Understand how various cultures influence communities
2.C.1.3 Exemplify the respect and appropriate social skills needed for working with diverse

ELA Objectives
Reading Standards
Key Ideas and Evidence
RI.2.1 | Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why and how to demonstrate
an understanding of key details in a text
RI.2.2 | Identify the main topic of a multi-paragraph text as well as the focus of specific
paragraphs within the text
Craft and Structure
RI.2.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases in a text
Speaking and Listening Standards
Collaboration and Communication
SL.2.3 Ask and answer questions about what a speaker says in order to clarify comprehension,
gather additional information, or deepen understanding of a topic or issue
Elementary Education Program
Department of Teacher Education & Learning Sciences

Key Tasks/Activities​: ​What are the key activities or tasks that you plan to use? What is your
rationale for why you have selected these particular tasks/activities to meet your learning
- Students will all be read the story, ​Pablo’s Tree ​by Pat Mora, during which
Spanish-speaking students will be allowed to share their language (they had been asked
beforehand if they would like to share) → whenever there is a Spanish sentence in the
book, a Spanish speaker will read it and translate for the class (RI.2.4)
- After the story is finished, students that speak any other non-English language will be
able to share their language with the class by teaching the class common greetings in the
non-English language
- Students will then create a story map of the story that was read, and afterward be able to
write about a tradition that they themselves have on their birthday
- The students will be given a chance to share with the whole group about their tradition to
compare and contrast.

Anticipating Students’ Responses​: ​How do you anticipate that students will respond to your
planned activities/tasks? This does not mean their response affectively, but instead their
response academically (e.g., What prior knowledge or conceptions might they bring? How do
you think they will approach or solve the task(s)?). When necessary, please insert images of your
handwritten anticipated approaches/strategies. Be specific - use your anticipated responses to
help you plan your questions in the lesson plan.

- We believe that students will be ecstatic to share their own personal experiences with
their birthdays and will bring a variety of cultural experiences to the table that can be
discussed in class
- Students will be able to conclude that just because someone celebrates differently
than them does not mean that they do not experience the same feelings regarding
their birthday
- Students may be surprised to learn that not everyone does the exact same things for their
- Students may develop a further understanding of the differences in the classroom and
how having diversity can lead to a more successful classroom
- Allowing students (that were asked prior to the reading) to assist in reading the
Spanish words and phrases in the book

Responding to Students’ Responses:​ ​Describe how you will provide scaffolding for students
who are stuck, and describe how you will extend the thinking of students who have a firm grasp
on the target content/objectives.

- Some students may not truly comprehend how the other students that speak a
non-English language are truly amazing as they understand a different language
- some students may see speaking a different language as a disadvantaged because
students who speak a non-English language are often pulled from regular class
Elementary Education Program
Department of Teacher Education & Learning Sciences

Development of Practices among Students​: ​Which disciplinary practices does your lesson aim
to develop? (e.g., “construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others”, “develop
and use models”) How do(es) the task(s) develop the target practice(s)?

- Understand the parts of a story by filling out a story map with who, what, when, where,
why and how as well as a sentence that summarizes the main idea.
- Having the students fill out a story map will allow them to further develop their
understanding of how a story progresses
- Understand the meaning of the Spanish words and phrases in the book, translated by
Spanish-speaking students
- Having the students share interpersonally allows them to create a stronger more
effective understanding of each other and the classroom climate
- Have greater respect for the variety of traditions and backgrounds represented in the
world around them

Assessment​: ​Describe your assessment plan for the targeted learning objective(s). What specific
data/information will you use, and how will that data/information tell you that the students
have/have not met the objective?

- We will review their worksheets of the story map and assess whether they recorded the
correct features of the story (RI.2.1, RI.2.2)

Vocabulary/Language Function​: ​Define vocabulary that students will need to know in order to
access the content and goals of your lesson. Be precise and careful with your language. Please
attend to three types of vocabulary:
● Content vocabulary (e.g., obtuse, molecule, civil rights)
● Academic language (e.g., represent, model, compare)
● Key non-content vocabulary that is necessary to understand the task/activity

● Abuelito/Lito (span.): grandfather (allow Spanish speaker to define)

● Tambourine: musical instrument - show picture/video
● (Plant) nursery: a place where you can grow plants - clarify difference between baby
nursery and plant nursery
● Streamers: strips of thin colorful paper-like material used for decorations (show picture if
● Lantern: small portable light (picture if necessary)

Classroom Management Plan​: ​Explain how you will motivate students to engage in the lesson,
how you will set and enforce expectations, and how you will ensure that transitions are smooth
and efficient.

- Students will be motivated through shared experiences (their love of their birthday). We
will ask students to share their birthday traditions with each other to keep them motivated
and excited when learning about other traditions
Elementary Education Program
Department of Teacher Education & Learning Sciences

- We will ensure that students know to be respectful of others in the classroom even if they
have differences in how they celebrate traditions or even in the traditions that they have.
- We will have students doing the same thing at the same time so that we can ensure each
student is on task with what we are asking
- Students will all be read the story, during which Spanish-speaking students will
be allowed to share their language (they had been asked beforehand if they would
like to share)
- After the story is finished, students that speak any other non-English language
will be able to share their language with the class by teaching the class common
greetings in the non-English language
- Students will then create a story map of the story that was read, and afterward be
able to write about a tradition that they themselves have on their birthday
- The students will be given a chance to share with the whole group about their
tradition to compare and contrast.

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