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WHO'S A FUSSY EATER? Count and uncount nouns - some, any, a lot of 1 Duncan and Nick are students. Listen to their conversation. + Who isthe fussy eater? ‘+ What didn't Duncan like when he was a kid? What did he lke? ‘+ Where do they goto eat? 2 GHED Listen again and complete the lines. 1 ‘Oh, good, we have some tomatoes? 2 ‘Ididn't like a__ of things when I was a kid? 3 ‘Ididn't like ___green vegetables? 4 ‘Did you like ___ vegetables at all?” 5 ‘liked fruit, but not all? 6 ‘Idrank a___ of apple juice? 7 ‘Wiked the usual things kids like? Euros Read the sentences. When do we use some and any? ‘There’ some wine. | There ae some tomatoes ‘Thereisnitany beer. | There arent any apples Isthere any coffee? | Are there any bananas? >> Grammar Reference 8.2 p19 Vike 3 Duncan and Nick are in Romano’ Italian nd I'd like ... restaurant, Read and listen to their conversation with the waitress. Good evening, guys. Are you ready to order? I think we are, What would you like, Nick? Pasta, of course. [love pasta. Td like the spaghetti Bolognese. Same for me, please. I really like spaghetti Great! And would you like the wine list? No, thanks. Just a glass of red for me. Would you like some wine, Nick? zoe vey N_ Yes, but I dont like red wine. 1d like a glass of dry white, if that’s OK. W That’ fine. N_ Oh,and can we have some water too, please? W Ofcourse, Would you like sparkling or still? D_ Just some tap water, thanks. W No problem. Read the sentences. Are the sentences true (V) or false (X)? Correct the false ones. 1 Duncan and Nick both order the same meal. 2 Duncan doesn't like spaghetti very much. 3 They would both like some red wine. 4 Nick only likes white wine. 5 They don't want any water. 6 Duncan would like some sparkling water Practise the conversation with a partner. ime 11 Which pair of sentences means Do you want/I want...” Do youlike wine? | Would you like some wine? like apples 1 like some red wine. 2. Weuse some, not any, when we request and offer things. Would you lke some wine? Can we have some water? 3. Weuse any, not some in other questions and negatives. There arent any tomatoes. Is there any pasta? D> Grammar Reference 83 p39 Unit + Eatin or out? 63

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