MIP - Report Writing

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Framework for writing report on Management in Practice


 Title Page
 Certificate/ Copy of Internship completion letter
 Acknowledgement
 List of Contents: This list should contain all chapter headings, sub headings,
and list of all annexes.
 List of tables
 List of charts
 Chapter: 1 Organisation Profile
 Chapter: 2 Identification and Definition of the Issue
 Define the Issue
 It should follow the principle of SMART – Specific, Measurable, Attainable,
Relevant and Time – based.
 Narrate the history of the issue and how long it is existing
 Chapter: 3 Analysis of the Issue
 Explain the cause and effects of the issue from multiple perspectives and provide
supporting evidences/data
 Identify what methods the organisation is currently adopting to deal with the
issue and recognise the limitations of those methods
 Chapter: 4 Identification of Possible Alternative Solutions
 Identify and propose creative alternative solutions to the issue
 Chapter: 5 Evaluation of Alternative Solutions
 Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each alternative solution.
 Perform cost benefit analysis for each alternative solution.
 Select the best alternative solution.
 Chapter: 6 Development of Action Plan
 Consider the available resources in the organization and develop a plan of action
which describes the steps for implementation and review.
 Provide criteria to measure the results, if possible.
 References
 Annexures
Guidelines for writing MIP Report

1. Page: Page should be of A4 size.

2. Font: Times New Roman, size 12.
3. Justification: The whole document must be fully justified.
4. Spacing: The body of the report should have 1.5 line spacing.
5. Margin: 1 inch all sides.
6. Paragraphs: Paragraph spacing should be 12pt.
7. Headings & Subheadings: All the headings and sub headings should be with the font size of
14 and 12 respectively.
8. Page Numbering: Every page should be numbered. The page numbers should start with 1
from the first page of your chapter 1. The page numbers should be in the format of bottom
centre “Page 1 of 1”

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