Year 1 Assets: Lamiong Lumpia Projected Statement of Financial Position

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Lamiong Lumpia

Projected Statement of Financial Position

Schedule Pre-opertaing Year 1

Current Assets
Cash ₱ 30,868.75 ₱ 85,865.16
Office Supplies 1 - 13.25
Maintenance Supplies 2 - 41.20
Kitchen Supplies 3 - 29.50
Materials Inventory 4 - 18,867.84
Total Current Assets ₱ 30,868.75 ₱ 104,816.95
Noncurrent Assets
Property, Plant and Equipment 5 ₱ 192,372.25 ₱ 192,372.25
Less: Accumulated Depreciation 5 - (22,035.786)
Total Noncurrent Assets ₱ 192,372.25 ₱ 170,336.46
Total Assets ₱ 223,241.00 ₱ 275,153.41
Liabilities and Partnership's Equity
SSS,PHIC,Pag-IBIG Contribution Payable 10 ₱ 3,660.20
Percentage Tax Payable 20 7,650.00
Total Liabilities ₱ 11,310.20
Owner's Equity
Owner's Equity ₱ 230,000.00 ₱ 263,843.21
Total Owner's Equity ₱ 263,843.21
Total Liabilities and Owner's Equity ₱ 275,153.41

ong Lumpia
ent of Financial Position

Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

₱ 156,487.70 ₱ 261,963.07 ₱ 400,771.51 ₱ 566,503.07

14.18 14.49 14.79 15.08
44.50 45.93 47.32 48.74
31.86 32.89 33.88 34.90
38,301.72 58,318.62 78,936.02 100,171.95
₱ 194,879.96 ₱ 320,375.00 ₱ 479,803.52 ₱ 666,773.74

₱ 192,372.25 ₱ 192,372.25 ₱ 192,372.25 ₱ 192,372.25

(44,071.573) (66,107.359) (84,528.445) (106,564.231)
₱ 148,300.68 ₱ 126,264.89 ₱ 107,843.81 ₱ 85,808.02
₱ 343,180.63 ₱ 446,639.90 ₱ 587,647.33 ₱ 752,581.76

₱ 3,660.20 ₱ 3,660.20 ₱ 3,660.20 ₱ 3,660.20

8,032.50 8,434.13 8,855.83 9,177.02
₱ 11,692.70 ₱ 12,094.33 ₱ 12,516.03 ₱ 12,837.22

₱ 331,487.93 ₱ 434,545.57 ₱ 575,131.29 ₱ 739,744.54

₱ 331,487.93 ₱ 434,545.57 ₱ 575,131.29 ₱ 739,744.54
₱ 343,180.63 ₱ 446,639.90 ₱ 587,647.33 ₱ 752,581.76

- - - -
Lamiong Lumpia
Projected Statement of Comprehensive Income
Schedule Year 1 Year 2
Sales 11 ₱ 1,020,000.00 ₱ 1,071,000.00
Total Sales ₱ 1,020,000.00 ₱ 1,071,000.00
Less: Cost of Sales
Cost of Sales 12 ₱ 500,689.05 ₱ 515,709.72
Total Cost of Sales ₱ 500,689.05 ₱ 515,709.72
Gross Profit ₱ 519,310.95 ₱ 555,290.28
Office Supplies Expense 1 ₱ 251.75 ₱ 269.37
Maintenance Supplies Expense 2 782.80 845.42
Kitchen Supplies Expense 3 560.50 605.34
Rent Expense 13 84,000.00 84,000.00
Salaries Expense 9 290,681.01 290,681.01
Permits and Licenses 14 6,759.00 6,259.00
Advertising Expense 15 500.00 500.00
Depreciation Expense 16 22,035.79 22,035.79
Utilities Expense 17 21,122.73 21,545.18
Repairs and Maintenance Expense 18 5,771.17 5,886.59
Delivery Expense 19 22,403.00 22,887.86
Percentage Tax 20 30,600.00 32,130.00
Total Expense ₱ 485,467.74 ₱ 487,645.56
Net Income ₱ 33,843.21 ₱ 67,644.72
hensive Income
Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

₱ 1,124,550.00 ₱ 1,180,777.50 ₱ 1,223,602.22

₱ 1,124,550.00 ₱ 1,180,777.50 ₱ 1,223,602.22

₱ 531,181.01 ₱ 547,116.44 ₱ 563,529.93

₱ 531,181.01 ₱ 547,116.44 ₱ 563,529.93
₱ 593,368.99 ₱ 633,661.06 ₱ 660,072.28

₱ 275.39 ₱ 280.93 ₱ 286.55

872.74 899.02 926.00
624.90 643.72 663.03
84,000.00 84,000.00 84,000.00
290,681.01 290,681.01 290,681.01
6,259.00 6,259.00 6,259.00
500.00 500.00 500.00
22,035.79 22,035.79 22,035.79
21,976.09 22,415.61 22,863.92
6,004.32 6,124.41 6,246.90
23,345.62 23,812.53 24,288.78
33,736.50 35,423.33 36,708.07
₱ 490,311.35 ₱ 493,075.34 ₱ 495,459.04
₱ 103,057.64 ₱ 140,585.72 ₱ 164,613.24
Lamiong Lumpia
Projected Statement of Cash Flows

Schedule Pre-Operating Year 1

Cash Flows from Operating Activities
Cash Inflows
Receipts from Sale 11 ₱ - ₱ 1,020,000.00
Total Cash Inflows ₱ - ₱ 1,020,000.00

Cash Outflows
Cash Purchases of Office Supplies 1 ₱ - ₱ 265.00
Cash Purchases of Maintenance Supplies 2 - 824.00
Cash Purchase of Kitchen Supplies 3 - 590.00
Cash Purchases of Materials/Ingredients 4 - 519,556.89
Payment on Rent 13 - 84,000.00
Payment on Salaries 9 - 246,758.61
Payment of SSS Contribution 10 - 24,587.20
Payment of PHIC Contribution 10 - 9,075.00
Payment of Pag-IBIG Conntribution 10 - 6,600.00
Payment on Permits and Licenses 14 6,759.00 -
Payment on Utilities Expense 16 - 21,122.73
Payment on Advertising Expense 15 - 500.00
Payment on Delivery Expense 18 22,403.00
Payment of Percentage tax 19 - 22,950.00
Payment on Repairs and Maintenance 17 - 5,771.17
Total Cash Outflows ₱ 6,759.00 ₱ 965,003.59

Cash Provided By (Used In) ₱ (6,759.00) ₱ 54,996.41

Cash Flows from Investing Activities

Cash Inflows ₱ - ₱ -
Total Cash Inflows ₱ - ₱ -

Cash Outflows
Renovation of Building 5 ₱ 117,296.30 ₱ -
Purchase of Kitchen Utensils 6 3,614.70 -
Purchase of Equipment 7 69,213.25 -
Purchase of Furnitures and Fixtures 8 2,248.00 -
Total Cash Outflows ₱ 192,372.25 ₱ -

Cash Provided By (Used In) ₱ (192,372.25)

Cash Flows from Financing Activities

Cash Inflows
Cash invested by the Owner ₱ 230,000.00 ₱ -
Total Cash Inflows ₱ 230,000.00 ₱ -

Cash Outflows
Cash withdrawn by the Owner ₱ - ₱ -
Total Cash Outflows ₱ - ₱ -

Cash Provided By (Used In) ₱ 230,000.00 ₱ -

Net Cash Provided By (Used In) ₱ 30,868.75 ₱ 54,996.41

Cash at the Beginning of the Period - 30,868.75
Cash at the End of the Period ₱ 30,868.75 ₱ 85,865.16
ng Lumpia
ment of Cash Flows

Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

₱ 1,071,000.00 ₱ 1,124,550.00 ₱ 1,180,777.50 ₱ 1,223,602.22

₱ 1,071,000.00 ₱ 1,124,550.00 ₱ 1,180,777.50 ₱ 1,223,602.22

₱ 270.30 ₱ 275.71 ₱ 281.22 ₱ 286.84

848.72 874.18 900.41 927.42
607.70 625.93 644.71 664.05
535,143.60 551,197.91 567,733.84 584,765.86
84,000.00 84,000.00 84,000.00 84,000.00
246,758.61 246,758.61 246,758.61 246,758.61
26,822.40 26,822.40 26,822.40 26,822.40
9,900.00 9,900.00 9,900.00 9,900.00
7,200.00 7,200.00 7,200.00 7,200.00
6,259.00 6,259.00 6,259.00 6,259.00
21,545.18 21,976.09 22,415.61 22,863.92
500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00
22,887.86 23,345.62 23,812.53 24,288.78
31,747.50 33,334.88 35,001.62 36,386.88
5,886.59 6,004.32 6,124.41 6,246.90
₱ 1,000,377.46 ₱ 1,019,074.63 ₱ 1,038,354.35 ₱ 1,057,870.66

₱ 70,622.54 ₱ 105,475.37 ₱ 142,423.15 ₱ 165,731.56

₱ - ₱ - ₱ - ₱ -
₱ - ₱ - ₱ - ₱ -

₱ - ₱ - ₱ - ₱ -
- - 3,614.70 -
- - - -
- - - -
₱ - ₱ - ₱ 3,614.70 ₱ -

₱ - ₱ - ₱ (3,614.70) ₱ -
₱ - ₱ - ₱ - ₱ -
₱ - ₱ - ₱ - ₱ -

₱ - ₱ - ₱ - ₱ -
₱ - ₱ - ₱ - ₱ -

₱ - ₱ - ₱ - ₱ -

₱ 70,622.54 ₱ 105,475.37 ₱ 138,808.45 ₱ 165,731.56

85,865.16 156,487.70 261,963.07 400,771.51
₱ 156,487.70 ₱ 261,963.07 ₱ 400,771.51 ₱ 566,503.07
Lamiong Lumpia
Projected Statement of Changes in Owner's Equity

Pre-Operating Year 1 Year 2

Beginning Owner's Equity ₱ - ₱ 230,000.00 ₱ 263,843.21
Net Income (Loss) 33,843.21 67,644.72
Cordial Investment 230,000.00 - -
Cordial Withdrawals - - -
Ending Owner's Equity ₱ 230,000.00 ₱ 263,843.21 ₱ 331,487.93
in Owner's Equity

Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

₱ 331,487.93 ₱ 434,545.57 ₱ 575,131.29

103,057.64 140,585.72 164,613.24

- - -

- - -
₱ 434,545.57 ₱ 575,131.29 ₱ 739,744.54
Payback Period

Year 1 Year 2
Cash Flow from Operations 54,996.41 70,622.54

Net Annual Cash Flows

Year 1 54,996.41
Year 2 70,622.54
Year 3 105,475.37
Year 4 142,423.15
Year 5 165,731.56

It takes 2.4 years to recover the investment.

Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
105,475.37 142,423.15 165,731.56

Cash to Date Payback Period

54,996.41 1.00
125,618.95 1.00
230,000.00 0.99

Financial Statement Analysis

Formula Year 1

Net Income 33,843.21

Return on Sales = =
Net Sales 1,020,000.00
= 3%

Net Income 33,843.21

Return on Investment = =
Average Total Assets 309,167.02
= 11%

Net Income 33,843.21

Return on Equity = =
Avarage Owner's Equity 297,665.57
= 11%

Net Sales 1,020,000.00

Asset Turnover = =
Average Total Assets 309,167.02
= 3.30

Current Assets 104,816.95

Current Assets = =
Current Liabilities 11,310.20
= 927%
Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

67,644.72 103,057.64 140,585.72 164,613.24

1,071,000.00 1,124,550.00 1,180,777.50 1,223,602.22
6% 9% 12% 13%

67,644.72 103,057.64 140,585.72 164,613.24

394,910.26 517,143.61 670,114.54 376,290.88
17% 20% 21% 44%

67,644.72 103,057.64 140,585.72 164,613.24

383,016.75 504,838.43 657,437.92 369,872.27
18% 20% 21% 45%

1,071,000.00 1,124,550.00 1,180,777.50 1,223,602.22

394,910.26 517,143.61 670,114.54 376,290.88
2.71 2.17 1.76 3.25

194,879.96 320,375.00 479,803.52 666,773.74

11,692.70 12,094.33 12,516.03 12,837.22
1667% 2649% 3834% 5194%
Schedule 1

Office Supplies

Items Quantity Unit Unit Price

Calculator 1 piece 80.00
Record book 1 piece 52.00
DTR 4 packs 10.00
Ballpen 1 boxes 65.00
Official Receipt 1 boxes 28.00
Total Purchases per Year

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

Total Purchases 265.00 270.30 275.71

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

Beginning Office Supplies Inventory - 13.25 14.18
Add: Purchases 265.00 270.30 275.71
Total Supplies Available for use 265.00 283.55 289.88
Less: Ending Office Supplies Inventory 13.25 14.18 14.49
Total Office Supplies Used 251.75 269.37 275.39

Assumptions: Purchases of office supplies will increase 2% every year thereafter. Ending office supplies is 5% of
Total Cost

Year 4 Year 5
281.22 286.84

Year 4 Year 5
14.49 14.79
281.22 286.84
295.71 301.63
14.79 15.08
280.93 286.55

thereafter. Ending office supplies is 5% of total office supplies available for use.
Schedule 2

Maintenance Supplies

Items Quantity Unit

Rags 2 pieces
Mop 1 pieces
Broom 2 pieces
Dustpan 1 piece
Doormat 1 piece
Liquid Hand Soap 1 piece
Toilet Brush 1 piece
Plunger 1 piece
Trash Bin 3 pieces
Total Purchases per Year

Year 1 Year 2
Total Purchases 824.00 848.72

Year 1 Year 2
Beginning Maintenance Supplies Inventory - 41.20
Add: Purchases 824.00 848.72
Total Supplies Available for use 824.00 889.92
Less: Ending Maintenance Supplies Inventory 41.20 44.50
Total Maintenance Supplies Used ₱ 782.80 ₱ 845.42

Assumptions: Purchases of maintenance supplies will increase 3% every year thereafter. Ending maintenance s
Unit Price Total Cost
10.00 20.00
189.00 189.00
30.00 60.00
35.00 35.00
33.00 33.00
50.00 50.00
30.00 30.00
32.00 32.00
125.00 375.00

Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

874.18 900.41 927.42

Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

44.50 45.93 47.32
874.18 900.41 927.42
918.68 946.34 974.74
45.93 47.32 48.74
₱ 872.74 ₱ 899.02 ₱ 926.00

y year thereafter. Ending maintenance supplies is 5% of total maintenance supplies available for use.
Schedule 3

Kitchen Supplies

Items Quantity Unit Unit Price

Table Napkins 10 packs 45.00
Hairnet 5 pieces 16.00
Apron 3 pieces 20.00
Total Purchases per Year

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

Total Purchases 590.00 607.70 625.93

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

Beginning Kitchen Supplies Inventory - 29.50 31.86
Add: Purchases 590.00 607.70 625.93
Total Supplies Available for use 590.00 637.20 657.79
Less: Ending Kitchen Supplies Inventory 29.50 31.86 32.89
Total Kitchen Supplies Used 560.50 605.34 624.90

Assumptions: Purchases of Kitchen supplies will increase 3% every year thereafter. Ending Kitchen supplies is 5% o
Total Cost

Year 4 Year 5
644.71 664.05

Year 4 Year 5
32.89 33.88
644.71 664.05
677.60 697.93
33.88 34.90
643.72 663.03

Ending Kitchen supplies is 5% of total Kitchen supplies available for use.

Schedule 4
Materials Inventory

Items Quantity Unit

Garlic 50 kilogram
Onion 50 kilogram
Ginger 20 kilogram
Spring Onion 798 bundle
Black Pepper 7 kilogram
Soy Sauce 915069 ml
Seasoning Granules 798 sachet
Vinegar 755406 ml
Cornstarch 100 kilogram
Malunggay Powder 8 kilogram
Turnip 350 kilogram
Carrots 798 kilogram
Chayote 525 kilogram
Cabbage 525 kilogram
Brown sugar 299 kilogram
Flour 998 kilogram
Chili 100 kilogram
Ketchup 200 kilogram
Oil 1497 liter
Salt 100 kilogram
Pork 351 kilogram
Chicken 216 kilogram
Beef 106 kilogram
Total Purchases per Year 1,678,370.92

Year 1 Year 2
Total Purchases 519,556.89 535,143.60

Year 1 Year 2
Beg. MI 18,867.84
Add: Purchases 519,556.89 535,143.60
Total MI Available for use 519,556.89 554,011.44
Cost of Sales 500,689.05 515,709.72
Ending MI 18,867.84 38,301.72

Assumptions: Purchases of Raw Materials will increase 3% every year thereafter.

Unit Price Total Cost
80.00 3,991.58
80.00 3,991.58
120.00 2,394.95
5.00 3,991.58
480.00 3,448.72
0.04 40,720.59
5.00 3,991.58
0.03 22,586.65
72.00 7,184.84
85.00 678.57
110.00 38,488.42
70.00 55,882.11
35.00 18,369.47
50.00 26,242.11
45.00 13,471.58
43.00 42,909.47
53.00 5,288.84
30.00 5,987.37
51.42 76,967.62
30.00 2,993.68
200.00 70,105.26
182.00 39,312.00
288.00 30,558.32

Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

551,197.91 567,733.84 584,765.86

Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

38,301.72 58,318.62 78,936.02
551,197.91 567,733.84 584,765.86
589,499.63 626,052.46 663,701.88
531,181.01 547,116.44 563,529.93
58,318.62 78,936.02 100,171.95
Schedule 4.1

Breakdown of Raw Materials Inventory

Name of Product Ingredients Quantity

Pork Lumpia Garlic 0.05

Pork Lumpia Onion 0.05
Pork Lumpia Spring Onion 1
Pork Lumpia Black Pepper 0.0072
Pork Lumpia Soy Sauce 200
Pork Lumpia Seasoning Granules 1
Pork Lumpia Carrots 1
Pork Lumpia oil 1.875
Pork Lumpia salt 0.1
Pork Lumpia Pork 1.5
Chicken Lumpia Garlic 0.05
Chicken Lumpia Onion 0.05
Chicken Lumpia #REF! 1
Chicken Lumpia Black Pepper 0.0072
Chicken Lumpia Soy Sauce 200
Chicken Lumpia Seasoning Granules 1
Chicken Lumpia Carrots 1
Chicken Lumpia oil 1.875
Chicken Lumpia salt 0.1
Chicken Lumpia Chicken 1.5
Beef Lumpia Garlic 0.05
Beef Lumpia Onion 0.05
Beef Lumpia Spring Onion 1
Beef Lumpia Black Pepper 0.0072
Beef Lumpia Soy Sauce 200
Beef Lumpia Seasoning Granules 1
Beef Lumpia Carrots 1
Beef Lumpia oil 1.875
Beef Lumpia salt 0.1
Beef Lumpia Beef 1.5
Vegetable Lumpia Garlic 0.05
Vegetable Lumpia Onion 0.05
Vegetable Lumpia Spring Onion 1
Vegetable Lumpia Black Pepper 0.0072
Vegetable Lumpia Soy Sauce 200
Vegetable Lumpia Seasoning Granules 1
Vegetable Lumpia Turnip 1
Vegetable Lumpia Carrots 1
Vegetable Lumpia Chayote 1.5
Vegetable Lumpia Cabbage 1.5
Vegetable Lumpia Oil 1.875
Vegetable Lumpia salt 0.1
Sauce and wrapper making Garlic 0.05
Sauce and wrapper making Onion 0.05
Sauce and wrapper making Ginger 0.1
Sauce and wrapper making chili 0.5
Sauce and wrapper making ketchup 1
Sauce and wrapper making black pepper 0.0072
Sauce and wrapper making vinegar 3785
Sauce and wrapper making soy sauce 3785
Sauce and wrapper making brown sugar 1.5
Sauce and wrapper making Flour 5
Sauce and wrapper making cornstarch 0.5
Sauce and wrapper making salt 0.1
Sauce and wrapper making Malunggay Powder 0.04

Sum of RM Purchases in
Ingredients Sum of RM Used in Units units
Garlic 47 50
Onion 47 50
Ginger 19 20
Spring Onion 758 798
Black Pepper 7 7
Soy Sauce 869,316 915069
Seasoning Granules 758 798
Vinegar 717,636 755406
Cornstarch 95 100
Malunggay Powder 8 8
Turnip 332 350
Carrots 758 798
Chayote 499 525
Cabbage 499 525
Brown sugar 284 299
Flour 948 998
Chili 95 100
Ketchup 190 200
Oil 1,422 1497
Salt 95 100
Pork 333 351
Chicken 205 216
Beef 101 106
Grand Total 1,594,452 1678371
No of
Servings RM Used RM
Unit Units Sold per Purchases
Preparati in Units in units

kilogram 44,400 200 11 12

kilogram 44,400 200 11 12
bundle 44,400 200 222 234
kilogram 44,400 200 1.5984 1.6825
ml 44,400 200 44,400 46,737
sachet 44,400 200 222 234
kilogram 44,400 200 222 234
liter 44,400 200 416 438
kilogram 44,400 200 22 23
kilogram 44,400 200 333 351
kilogram 27,360 200 7 7
kilogram 27,360 200 7 7
bundle 27,360 200 137 144
kilogram 27,360 200 0.9850 1.0368
ml 27,360 200 27,360 28,800
sachet 27,360 200 137 144
kilogram 27,360 200 137 144
liter 27,360 200 257 270
kilogram 27,360 200 14 14
kilogram 27,360 200 205 216
kilogram 13,440 200 3 4
kilogram 13,440 200 3 4
kilogram 13,440 200 67 71
kilogram 13,440 200 0.4838 0.5093
ml 13,440 200 13,440 14,147
sachet 13,440 200 67 71
kilogram 13,440 200 67 71
liter 13,440 200 126 133
kilogram 13,440 200 7 7
kilogram 13,440 200 101 106
kilogram 66,480 200 17 17
kilogram 66,480 200 17 17
bundle 66,480 200 332 350
kilogram 66,480 200 2.3933 2.5192
gallon 66,480 200 66,480 69,979
sachet 66,480 200 332 350
kilogram 66,480 200 332 350
kilogram 66,480 200 332 350
kilogram 66,480 200 499 525
kilogram 66,480 200 499 525
liter 66,480 200 623 656
kilogram 66,480 200 33 35
kilogram 151,680 800 9 10
kilogram 151,680 800 9 10
kilogram 151,680 800 19 20
kilogram 151,680 800 95 100
kilogram 151,680 800 190 200
kilogram 151,680 800 1.3651 1.4370
ml 151,680 800 717,636 755,406
ml 151,680 800 717,636 755,406
kilogram 151,680 800 284 299
kilogram 151,680 800 948 998
kilogram 151,680 800 95 100
kilogram 151,680 800 19 20
kilogram 151,680 800 8 8
Schedule 5

Property, Plant and Equipment

Cost of PPE
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4
Leasehold Improvement 117,296.30 117,296.30 117,296.30 117,296.30
Kitchen Utensils 3,614.70 3,614.70 3,614.70 3,614.70
Equipment 69,213.25 69,213.25 69,213.25 69,213.25
Furnitures and Fixtures 2,248.00 2,248.00 2,248.00 2,248.00
Total Cost 192,372.25 192,372.25 192,372.25 192,372.25

Accumulated Depreciation
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4
Leasehold Improvement 11,729.63 23,459.26 35,188.89 46,918.52
Kitchen Utensils 1,204.90 2,409.80 3,614.70 1,204.90
Equipment 8,651.66 17,303.31 25,954.97 34,606.63
Furnitures and Fixtures 449.60 899.20 1,348.80 1,798.40
Total Accu. Depreciation 22,035.79 44,071.57 66,107.36 84,528.45
Year 5

Year 5
Schedule 5

Leasehold Improvements


1 HardiLite 4"x8" 45
2 Metal Stud 60
3 Blind Rivets 2
Flatwall (White) 2
Paint Roller 4
Paint Semi-Gloss (White) 2

1 Flush Door 0.8m x 2.1m 1
2 Sliding Doors 1
Hinges 3" 3
Door Jamb 1.5' x 2.1m 1



1 60x60 Porcelain Tiles 50

2 60x30 Tiles (CR Floor and Wa 30
3 Cement 15
4 RediFIX 2
5 Tile Trim 5
6 RediFIX 2


1 White Enamel Paint 2

2 Brown Enamel Paint 2
3 Paint Roller 4
4 Paint Semi-Gloss (White) 2
5 Paint Roller Tray 2




1 Stranded Wire #14 30

2 Stranded Wire #12 30
3 Led Bulb 15W 4
4 Flexible Hose 1/2 4
5 Utility Box 10
6 Junction Box 7
7 Outlet (3 gang) 6
8 Switch (2 gang) 1
9 Switch (single) 2
10 Receptacle 3
11 Electrical Tape 2



CONTRUCTION (10 % of material)

Year 1 Year 2
Cost of Leasehold Improvements 117,296.30 117,296.30
Depreciation Expense 11,729.63 11,729.63
Accumulated Depreciation 11,729.63 23,459.26
Carrying Amount 105,566.67 93,837.04

Assumption: Leasehold Improvements has a useful life of 10 years with no salvage value.
pc 400.00 18,000.00
pc 165.00 9,900.00
box 550.00 1,100.00
gal 1,900.00 3,800.00
pc 110.00 440.00
gal 670.00 1,340.00


pc 1,500.00 1,500.00
panel 7,000.00 7,000.00
pc 400.00 1,200.00
set 900.00 900.00


pc 250.00 12,500.00
pc 150.00 4,500.00
bag 240.00 3,600.00
gal 800.00 1,600.00
L 120.00 600.00
gal 800.00 1,600.00


Liter 140.00 280.00

Liter 170.00 340.00
pc 110.00 440.00
gal 670.00 1,340.00
pcs 50.00 100.00


m 50.00 1,500.00
m 60.00 1,800.00
pcs 180.00 720.00
roll 700.00 2,800.00
pcs 40.00 400.00
pcs 50.00 350.00
pcs 100.00 600.00
pcs 90.00 90.00
pcs 87.00 174.00
pcs 100.00 300.00
roll 40.00 80.00


L COST 80,894.00
ION (10 % of material) 8,089.40
ST (35%) 28,312.90

Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

117,296.30 117,296.30 117,296.30
11,729.63 11,729.63 11,729.63
35,188.89 46,918.52 58,648.15
82,107.41 70,377.78 58,648.15

0 years with no salvage value.

Year 5
Schedule 6

Kitchen Utensils

Total Cost
Items Quantity Unit Unit Price
Year 1
Chopping Board 2 pieces 289.95 579.90
Picker 2 pieces 39.95 79.90
Strainer 2 pieces 100.00 200.00
Strainer with long handle 2 pieces 129.95 259.90
Kitchen knife 3 pieces 79.00 237.00
Rolling Pin 1 pieces 279.95 279.95
Mixing Bowl 1 pieces 180.00 180.00
Ladle 3 pieces 58.95 176.85
Peeler 2 pieces 99.75 199.50
Tray 6 pieces 87.00 522.00
Nigo 6 pieces 149.95 899.70
Total Cost of Kitchen Utensils ₱3,614.70

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4

Cost of Kitchen Utensils 3,614.70 3,614.70 3,614.70 3,614.70
Depreciation Expense 1,204.90 1,204.90 1,204.90 1,204.90
Accumulated Depreciation 1,204.90 2,409.80 3,614.70 1,204.90
Carrying Amount ₱2,409.80 ₱1,204.90 ₱0.00 ₱2,409.80

Assumption: Kitchen Utensils has a useful life of 3 years with no salvage value. The company will purchase addition
Total Cost
Year 4

Year 5

mpany will purchase additional Kitchen Utensils every 3 years.

Schedule 7


Items Quantity Unit

Refrigerator 1 piece
Stove 1 piece
Touch Screen Phone 1 piece
Fire extinguisher 1 piece
Gas tank 1 piece
Exhaust fan 1 piece
Ceiling fan 2 pieces
Water Jar 1 piece
Motorcycle 1 piece
Cost of Equipment

Assumption: Equipment has a useful life of 8 years with no salvage value.

Year 1 Year 2
Cost of Equipment 69,213.25 69,213.25
Depreciation Expense 8,651.66 8,651.66
Accumulated Depreciation 8,651.66 17,303.31
Carrying Amount 60,561.59 51,909.94
Unit Price Total Cost
16,495.00 16,495.00
1,059.00 1,059.00
6,999.00 6,999.00
1,250.00 1,250.00
800.00 800.00
1,230.25 1,230.25
635.00 1,270.00
110.00 110.00
40,000.00 40,000.00

Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

69,213.25 69,213.25 69,213.25
8,651.66 8,651.66 8,651.66
25,954.97 34,606.63 43,258.28
43,258.28 34,606.63 25,954.97
Schedule 8

Furnitures and Fixtures

Items Quantity Unit Unit Price

Plastic Monoblock 2 piece 275.00
Casa Blanca 1 piece 1,399.00
Tall plastic stool 1 piece 299.00
Total Cost of Furnitures and Fixtures

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

Cost of Furnitures and Fixtures 2,248.00 2,248.00 2,248.00
Depreciation Expense 449.60 449.60 449.60
Accumulated Depreciation 449.60 899.20 1,348.80
Carrying Amount 1,798.40 1,348.80 899.20

Assumption: Furnitures and Fixtures has a useful life of 5 years with no salvage value.
Total Cost

Year 4 Year 5
2,248.00 2,248.00
449.60 449.60
1,798.40 2,248.00
449.60 -
Schedule 9

Salaries Expense


Salary per Employer's Sha

Position Salary per Day Month
Cook 350.00 7,000.00 515.90
Cashier 333.00 6,660.00 490.84
Delivery Man 333.00 6,660.00 490.84
Total 1016.00 20,320.00 1,497.58


Position Salary per Year Employer's Share
Cook 84,000.00 6,190.80 1,650.00
Cashier 79,920.00 5,890.10 1,650.00
Delivery boy 79,920.00 5,890.10 1,650.00
Total 243,840.00 17,971.01 4,950.00

Salaries Expense

Government Contri
Salary per Year 13thPay
Position Employer's Sha
Cook 84,000.00 7,000.00 6,190.80
Cashier 79,920.00 6,660.00 5,890.10
Delivery Man 79,920.00 6,660.00 5,890.10
Total 243,840.00 20,320.00 17,971.01

Assumption: Withholding Tax is not computed because taxpayer (employees) status cannot be determined.
Government Contributions
Employer's Share Employee's Share Net Pay per
137.50 100.00 254.10 137.50 100.00 6,508.40
137.50 100.00 241.76 137.50 100.00 6,180.74
137.50 100.00 241.76 137.50 100.00 6,180.74
412.50 300.00 737.62 412.50 300.00 18,869.88

Government Contributions
oyer's Share Employee's Share 13th Month Net Pay per
Pay Year
1,200.00 3,049.20 1,650.00 1,200.00 7,000.00 85,100.80
1,200.00 2,901.10 1,650.00 1,200.00 6,660.00 80,828.90
1,200.00 2,901.10 1,650.00 1,200.00 6,660.00 80,828.90
3,600.00 8,851.39 4,950.00 3,600.00 20,320.00 246,758.61

Government Contributions
Employer's Share Expense
1,650.00 1,200.00 100,040.80
1,650.00 1,200.00 95,320.10
1,650.00 1,200.00 95,320.10
4,950.00 3,600.00 290,681.01

s cannot be determined.
Schedule 10

Accrual of Contributions

Government Contributions
Position Total
Cook 9,240.00 3,300.00
Cashier 8,791.20 3,300.00
Delivery Man 8,791.20 3,300.00
Total 26,822.40 9,900.00

Year 1 Year 2
SSS Contributions Payable 2,235.20 2,235.20
PHIC Contributions Payable 825.00 825.00
Pag-IBIG Contributions Payable 600.00 600.00
Total Contributions Payable 3,660.20 3,660.20

SSS Contributions Payable

Year 1 Year 2
Year 1 24,587.20 2,235.20
Year 2 24,587.20
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Total Payments 24,587.20 26,822.40

SSS Contributions Payable at end of the Period 2,235.20 2,235.20

PHIC Contributions Payable

Year 1 Year 2
Year 1 9,075.00 825.00
Year 2 9,075.00
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Total Payments 9,075.00 9,900.00

PHIC Contributions Payable at end of the

Period 825.00 825.00
Pag-IBIG Contributions Payable
Year 1 Year 2
Year 1 6,600.00 600.00
Year 2 6,600.00
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Total Payments 6,600.00 7,200.00

Pag-IBIG Contributions Payable at end of the

Period 600.00 600.00
ent Contributions

Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

2,235.20 2,235.20 2,235.20
825.00 825.00 825.00
600.00 600.00 600.00
3,660.20 3,660.20 3,660.20

Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

24,587.20 2,235.20
24,587.20 2,235.20
26,822.40 26,822.40 26,822.40

2,235.20 2,235.20 2,235.20

Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

9,075.00 825.00
9,075.00 825.00
9,900.00 9,900.00 9,900.00

825.00 825.00 825.00

Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

6,600.00 600.00
6,600.00 600.00
7,200.00 7,200.00 7,200.00

600.00 600.00 600.00

Schedule 11

Items Estimated Units sold/day
Pork Lumpia 111
Chicken Lumpia 70
Beef Lumpia 34
Vegetable Lumpia 167
Total Sales (Inclusive of VAT)

Sales will increase by 5% every year thereafter.

*The company is not subject to VAT because their Sales does not exceed the VAT Threshold which is P 3,000,00

Computation of Sales
No of Population 331
Those who will patronize 326

No. of Respondents that

usually buy the items

Pork Lumpia 113

Chicken Lumpia 71
Beef Lumpia 35
Vegetable Lumpia 170

Frequency of Eating Lumpia

Items Everyday
Pork Lumpia 12960
Chicken Lumpia 8160
Beef Lumpia 4080
Vegetable Lumpia 19680

*The business will be open only from Monday to Friday, therefore we assume that there are only 20 days a mo
Units Sold per month Units Sold per Year Unit Unit Price
2,220 44400 serving 12.00
1,400 27360 serving 12.00
680 13440 serving 12.00
3,340 66480 serving 10.00

not exceed the VAT Threshold which is P 3,000,000.


Frequency of Eating Lumpia

No. of Respondents that will buy in
"Lamiong Lumpia" Once a Day Twice a Day Thrice a Day
(A x 98%)
49% 36% 15%
111 54 40 17
70 34 25 10
34 17 12 5
167 82 60 25

Frequency of Eating Lumpia

Total Unit Sold
Twice a Day Thrice a Day per Year
480 720
19200 12240 44400
12000 7200 27360
5760 3600 13440
28800 18000 66480

ore we assume that there are only 20 days a month x 12 months = 240 days a year
Daily Sales Monthly Sales Year 1 Year 2
1,332.00 26,640.00 319,680.00 335,664.00
840.00 16,800.00 201,600.00 211,680.00
408.00 8,160.00 97,920.00 102,816.00
1,670.00 33,400.00 400,800.00 420,840.00
4,250.00 85,000.00 1,020,000.00 1,071,000.00
Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
352,447.20 370,069.56 388,573.04
222,264.00 233,377.20 240,378.52
107,956.80 113,354.64 116,755.28
441,882.00 463,976.10 477,895.38
1,124,550.00 1,180,777.50 1,223,602.22
Schedule 12

Cost of Sales
Items Year 1
Pork Lumpia 151,128.39
Chicken Lumpia 89,434.16
Beef Lumpia 54,617.37
Vegetable Lumpia 205,509.13
Total 500,689.05

Assumption: Cost of Sales will increase 3% every year thereafter.

Pork Lumpia
Ingredients Quantity (g) for 200 Pieces of Lumpia
Garlic 0.05
Onion 0.05
Spring Onion 1
Black Pepper 0.0072
Soy Sauce 200
Seasoning Granules 1
Carrots 1
oil 1.875
salt 0.1
Pork 1.5
Cost forr 200 pieces
Cost per piece
Cost of Sauce per piece
Total cost per piece
Number of Servings in a Year
Cost per Year

Chicken Lumpia
Ingredients Quantity (g) for 200 Pieces of Lumpia
Garlic 0.05
Onion 0.05
Spring Onion 1
Black Pepper 0.0072
Soy Sauce 200
Seasoning Granules 1
Carrots 1
oil 1.875
salt 0.1
Chicken 1.5
Cost for 200 pieces
Cost per piece
Cost of Sauce and wrapper per piece
Total Cost per piece
Number of Servings in a Year
Cost per Year

Beef Lumpia
Ingredients Quantity (g) for 200 Pieces of Lumpia
Garlic 0.05
Onion 0.05
Spring Onion 1
Black Pepper 0.0072
Soy Sauce 200
Seasoning Granules 1
Carrots 1
oil 1.875
salt 0.1
Beef 1.5
Cost for 200 pieces
Cost per piece
Cost of Sauce and wrapper per piece
Total Cost per piece
Number of Servings in a Year
Cost per Year

Vegetable Lumpia
Ingredients Quantity (g) for 200 Pieces of Lumpia
Garlic 0.05
Onion 0.05
Spring Onion 1
Black Pepper 0.0072
Soy Sauce 200
Seasoning Granules 1
Turnip 1
Carrots 1
Chayote 1.5
Cabbage 1.5
Oil 1.875
salt 0.1
Cost for 200 pieces
Cost per piece
Cost of Sauce and wrapper per piece
Total Cost per piece
Number of Servings in a Year
Cost per Year

Sauce and wrapper

Ingredients Quantity (g)
Garlic 0.05
Onion 0.05
Ginger 0.1
chili 0.5
ketchup 1
black pepper 0.0072
vinegar 3785
soy sauce 3785
brown sugar 1.5
Flour 5
cornstarch 0.5
salt 0.1
Malunggay Powder 0.04
Cost for 800 pieces
Cost per piece
Number of Servings in a Year
Cost per Year
Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
155,662.24 160,332.11 165,142.07 170,096.33
92,117.19 94,880.70 97,727.12 100,658.94
56,255.89 57,943.57 59,681.88 61,472.33
211,674.40 218,024.63 224,565.37 231,302.33
515,709.72 531,181.01 547,116.44 563,529.93

Units Unit Price Total Price

kilogram 80.00 4.00
kilogram 80.00 4.00
bundle 10.00 10.00
kilogram 480.00 3.46
ml 0.0445 8.90
sachet 5.00 5.00
kilogram 70.00 70.00
liter 51.42 96.41
kilogram 30.00 3.00
kilogram 200.00 300.00

Units Unit Price Total Price

kilogram 80.00 4.00
kilogram 80.00 4.00
bundle 10.00 10.00
kilogram 480.00 3.46
ml 0.0445 8.90
sachet 5.00 5.00
kilogram 70.00 70.00
liter 51.42 96.41
kilogram 30.00 3.00
kilogram 182.00 273.00

Units Unit Price Total Price

kilogram 80.00 4.00
kilogram 80.00 4.00
bundle 10.00 10.00
kilogram 480.00 3.46
ml 0.0445 8.90
sachet 5.00 5.00
kilogram 70.00 70.00
liter 51.42 96.41
kilogram 30.00 3.00
kilogram 288.00 432.00

Units Unit Price Total Price

kilogram 80.00 4.00
kilogram 80.00 4.00
bundle 10.00 10.00
kilogram 480.00 3.46
ml 0.0445 8.90
sachet 5.00 5.00
kilogram 110.00 110.00
kilogram 70.00 70.00
kilogram 35.00 52.50
kilogram 50.00 75.00
liter 51.42 96.41
kilogram 30.00 3.00

Units Unit Price Total Price

kilogram 80.00 4.00
kilogram 80.00 4.00
kilogram 120.00 12.00
kilogram 53.00 26.50
kilogram 47.50 47.50
kilogram 480.00 3.46
ml 0.0299 113.17
ml 0.0445 168.43
kilogram 45.00 67.50
kilogram 43.00 215.00
kilogram 72.00 36.00
kilogram 30.00 3.00
kilogram 85.00 3.40
Schedule 13

Rent Expense

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

Monthly Rent 7,000.00 7,000.00 7,000.00 7,000.00 7,000.00
x No. of Months 12 12 12 12 12
Annual Rent 84,000.00 84,000.00 84,000.00 84,000.00 84,000.00
Schedule 14

Permits and Licenses

Items Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

Mayor's Permit 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00
Registration Fee - DTI 500.00 - -
Registration Fee - BIR 500.00 500.00 500.00
Documentary Stamp - BIR 20.00 20.00 20.00
Sanitary Fee 90.00 90.00 90.00
Fire safety and Inspection fee 649.00 649.00 649.00
Total 6,759.00 6,259.00 6,259.00
Year 4 Year 5
5,000.00 5,000.00
- -
500.00 500.00
20.00 20.00
90.00 90.00
649.00 649.00
6,259.00 6,259.00
Schedule 15

Advertising Expense

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

Cost per Tarp. 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00
x No. of Tarp. 1 1 1 1 1
Total Cost 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00
Schedule 16

Depreciation Expense

Depreciation Expense
Year 1 Year 2
Leasehold Improvement 11,729.63 11,729.63
Kitchen Utensils 1,204.90 1,204.90
Equipment 8,651.66 8,651.66
Furnitures and Fixtures 449.60 449.60
Total Depreciation Expense 22,035.79 22,035.79
Depreciation Expense
Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
11,729.63 11,729.63 11,729.63
1,204.90 1,204.90 1,204.90
8,651.66 8,651.66 8,651.66
449.60 449.60 449.60
22,035.79 22,035.79 22,035.79
Schedule 16

Utilities Expense

Electricity Bills
Items Quantity Watts Kilowatts
Refrigerator 1 100 0.1
Cellphone (charger) 1 4 0.004
Exhaust fan 1 12 0.012
Ceiling fan 2 60 0.12
Bulb 4 15 0.06

Water Bills
Cubic Meter Rate per cubic Daily
per day meter
Water Consumption 0.3160 120.00 37.92

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

Total Utilities Expense 21,122.73 21,545.18 21,976.09

Assumption: Electricity and Water Expenses will increase 2% every year thereafter.
No. of Hours per Rate per Monthly Bill Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Day Kilowatt
24 8.47 609.63 7,315.57 7,461.89 7,611.12
2 8.47 2.03 24.39 24.87 25.37
8 8.47 24.39 292.62 298.48 304.44
8 8.47 243.85 2,926.23 2,984.75 3,044.45
8 8.47 121.93 1,463.11 1,492.38 1,522.22
1,001.83 12,021.93 12,262.37 12,507.61

Monthly Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

758.4 9,100.80 9,282.82 9,468.47 9,657.84 9,851.00

Year 4 Year 5
22,415.61 22,863.92

year thereafter.
Year 4 Year 5

7,763.35 7,918.61
25.88 26.40
310.53 316.74
3,105.34 3,167.45
1,552.67 1,583.72
12,757.77 13,012.92
Schedule 17

Repairs and Maintenance Expense

Items Cost Year 1 Year 2

Building 117,296.30 3,518.89 3,589.27
Kitchen Utensils 3,614.70 108.44 110.61
Equipment 69,213.25 2,076.40 2,117.93
Furnitures and Fixtures 2,248.00 67.44 68.79
Total 5,771.17 5,886.59

Assumptions: Repairs and Maintenance Expense is 3% of the cost of the depreciable assets. It will increase 2% eve
Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
3,661.05 3,734.27 3,808.96
112.82 115.08 117.38
2,160.28 2,203.49 2,247.56
70.16 71.57 73.00
6,004.32 6,124.41 6,246.90

le assets. It will increase 2% every year thereafter.

Schedule 18

Delivery Expense

Items Consumption per Day (liter) Price per liter

Gasoline (Unleaded) 1.75 51.15

Assumption: Gas and oil prices are expected to increase by 2% every year thereafter.
Daily Monthly Quarterly Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
89.51 1,790.25 7,161.00 21,483.00 21,912.66 22,350.91
230.00 920.00 975.20 994.70
22,403.00 22,887.86 23,345.62

every year thereafter.

Year 4 Year 5
22,797.93 23,253.89
1,014.60 1,034.89
23,812.53 24,288.78
Schedule 19

Tax payable

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4

Gross Sales (Quarterly) 1,020,000.00 1,071,000.00 1,124,550.00 1,180,777.50
Percentage Tax Rate 3% 3% 3% 3%
Income Tax 30,600.00 32,130.00 33,736.50 35,423.33

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4
Year 1 22,950.00 7,650.00
Year 2 24,097.50 8,032.50
Year 3 25,302.38 8,434.13
Year 4 26,567.49
Year 5
Total Payment 22,950.00 31,747.50 33,334.88 35,001.62
Payble at the yr. end 7,650.00 8,032.50 8,434.13 8,855.83

Note: Tax payment is made on the 25th day following the taxable quarter.
Year 5

Year 5


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