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| . | What are the duties of Safety Officer? | A safety officer acts in advisory capacity to the management and | supervisor with regards to health, safety & environment. He is to monitor and ensure that all the activities are being formed according to the accepted safety norms, help supervisors in identifying hazards associated with the works, check and ensure rectification of unsafe acts and conditions at site. Keep track and record all incidents at site. 2. Define following: a) Hazard:- is an unsafe act or condition which , if left uncontrolled may contribute to an accident. b) Risk:- Chance of personal or physical loss. ©) Threshold limit: Airborne concentration of substances that represent conditions under which it is believed that workers may be exposed repeatedly for eight hours(day, 40 hours/week without producing any adverse effect to their health, 4) Upper and lower flammability limit:- Ratio of gas to air mixture which may allow fire or explosion in the presence of ignition source | 3, What are unsafe acts and conditions? a) Unsafe Act Is a violation of an accepted safe procedure which could permit the occurrence of an accident. A hazardous physical condition or circumstance which could b) Unsafe Conditions | permit the ocenrrence of an accident. AC What is a fire triangle? What are the different types of fire extinguisher? Fire triangle is a diagram which represents the three compenents that creates a fire such as oxygen or Air, fuel and source of ignition (heat). Absence of any of the components, fire would not occur. ! ‘Types of Fire Extinguishers. 1. Dry powder 2. Halon 3. CO2 4. Foam 5. What are the different class of fires and which type of fire Extinguisher is used for each class of fire? Classes of Fire: Class A- light combustible materials (paper, wood, plastic. Etc) B. Flammable liquids/gases (gasoline, oil, butane, methane) C- Electrical fires. D- Combustible metals (potassium, magnesium, sodium) ‘Type of fire extinguisher to be used. Class A- Water/ class A dry powder fire extinguisher, B. Multi-purpose dry powder/Foam type C- Multi-purpose dry powder/CO2 D. Foam type What is confined space What is the procedure for entering a confined space? Confined space means a space that is large enough and so configured that a person can bodily enter and perform assigned work but has limited means for entry or exit. It is not designed for continuous ‘employee occupation, Procedure for entoring confined space: 1. Permit must be procured first from the operations, making sure of the following: 1.1. Complete isolation of the space to be entered 1.2, Draining, depressurization and purging or cleaning should be performed. | 1.3. Gas testing should be conducted to ensure no hazardous | atmosphere is present (oxygen, toxic gas, flammable) 1.4. Space ventilation. 2. A pre-task meeting must be conducted with all authorized entrants prior to entering the space. 3. Entering attendant or stand by man shall be posted at the entranced to maintain communication with the employees working inside to ensure their safety. A log book shall be maintained at the entrance to keep track of the people inside the space. 4. Entrants must wear body harness, and if necessary a lifeline be attached to the harness to avoid entry-rescue. 5. Lighting should be provided, if necessary, a maximum of 24 volts lighting should be used attached to a GFCI. 6. Only intrinsically safe or explosion-proof equipment shall be used inside, 7. Depending on the situation, emergency rescue team may be put on standby. 1 What are the different Hazardous area classifications describe? Zone O: Zone in which a flammable atmosphere is continuously present or present for long periods Zone I: Zone in which a flammable atmosphere is likely to occur under nornial operations, Zone I: Azone in which a flammable atmosphere is not likely to occur unde normal operations and if it occurs, it will only exist for a short time. 8, Define accident, Near miss & incidents? a) Accident: Is an undesired unplanned occurrence which resulted to an injury or death or damage to property or environment, b) Near Miss:- Is any untoward incidont which under slightly differeht situation could have resulted to injury or damage to property or environment, ©) Incident: Is any untoward and unplanned occurrence which resulted or could have resulted to physical injury or death to person or damage to property or environment. Comparison between incident and accident. All accidents are incidents but not all incidents are accidents. 9, What are the different type of work permits and describe in details? Cold Permit: a document that specifies precautions identifies hazardous and controls all work that is not hot or radiographic in nature. Hot permit: a document that specifies precautions, identifies hazardous and control all work involving naked flames, sparks or has potential for creating spark or heat, Vessel Entry Permit: otherwise known as confined space entry penhit, a document that specifies precautions identifies hazards and control all work involving entry to an enclosure which has limited means of access & exit and where there is possible presence of air contaminants harmful for humans. Confined spaces (such as vessels, tanks, pits, ete.) are not designed for continuous human occupancy. Vohicle Entry Permit: a document that specifies precautions identifies hazards and control all work involving entry of a vehicle or mobile plant into a hazardous area, 10.What are the different type of soils and what precaution should be taken for excavation in different soils? Type Precaution Type A- cohesive or compacted soil with Minor benching compressive strength of 1.5 ton/ sq.ft. which can stand unprotected for a period of time, or need minor protection. ‘Type B- loss stablo typo of oil with Denching or ‘compressive strongth of less than 1.5 sloping or tons/Sqft. But greater than 0.5 tons/sq.ft combination of which may include silt, silt loam or clay loam | both. or distributed type_A rock or soil, Type C- unstable type of soil which has a Combination of | compressive strength of less than 0.5 tons/sq. | benching/ ft. or soil w/e could not stand unprotected. sloping and shoring. Some requires sheet piling. 11, What are the safety precautions taken during gas welding? Basically, prior to starting of any hot work activity, the area should be properly evaluated: 1. Combustibles should be kept away. Housekeeping should be done, 2, All valves, flanges, drains, canals, ete. where gas leaks or presence of flammable atmosphere is possible should be covered. I 3, Fire extinguishers, fire blanket, fire watch and when necessary, charged fire hose should be provided, 4. Gas regulators and gauges should be in good working condition. 5. Flash back arrestors should be fitted with the hoses. 12. What are HS gas and its characteristics? What is pyrophoric scale? Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S) is a colorless highly toxic gas which has a distinctive smell of rotten egg. It is heavier than air and it is flammable at a concentration of 4.5 to 4.6 % I the atmosphere. Pyrophorie scale is actually iron eulphido (FeS) which develops ingide pipeline or piping system. It will readily ignite when cxposed to oxygen or air. 16, 11, 18. 19. What is “Permit to Work" procedure? Permit to work procedure is a procedure that provides coordinated, communicated and controlled safe system of work, which shal] be carried out in hazardous’ non-hazardous areas under KOC jurisdiction. It is intended to achieve a safe working environment by providing the control needed to identify and mitigate any hazardous (either actual or potential) that would have and adverse effect on either the personnel performing the work or on the facilities. Enlist 5 main responsibilities of Work site related PTW? ‘The worksite supervisor shall ensure: 1. He has detailed working knowledge of procedures related to his work activity. 2. He does not start any job requiring a work permit until it is authorized and issued. 3. He understands the limitations and restrictions of the work permit in order that the work may proceed safely. 4, All members of the work party adhere to safe working practices and are fully conversant with the limitations, restrictions and hazards involved. 5. All precautions specified in the work permit aro taken. Enlist 5 main responsibilities of ‘Permit Applicant” (A permit applicant is a person, who is authorized to raise or obtain a Permit)? The permit applicant shall comply with the following preparatory actions while raising a permit: 1. All the required information as stipulated in the permit must be entered before the permit is submitted for approval knd authorization, 2. Any required preparatory work must be stipulated in the permit, application. 3. All personnel under his responsibility must be advised of their responsibility under work permit system. 4, No job can begin until he is satisfied that the worksite supervisor understands his responsibilities under work permit system, 5. The safety gears and appliances required for the work must be available. Enlist 5 main responsibilities of a Permit Issuer? ‘The permit issuer is responsible to ensure that: 1. All hazards associated with the proposed work have been identified. Before any work begins the work site is safely prepared, examined and all specified precautions have been taken. Work permits that may interact or affect on another are cross- referred clearly. The work is examined to ensure that it is in safe & acceptable condition: When work is suspended. Before re-starting the work. - When retiring to normal operation. ‘The shift change hand-over is properly followed and permit endorsement and transfer of responsibility have been completed. 20. Enlist type of works permits as per work category? L 2 3. 4, 5. 6 Hot work permit Cold work permit Entry work permit Confined space entry permit Vehicle entry Electrical 21. Enlist 5 important precautions for a hot work activity? 1 that the equipment is free of gas! liquid by depressurizing, draining, venting, purging & flushing or any combination of the above. During hydrocarbon venting to atmosphere, any hot work permit must be suspended. ‘The hot work site must be free of hydrocarbons & combustible materials (e.g. sludge, scale, deposits, ete. ‘The work site shall be gas tested and certified as gas free by an authorized gas tester, the maximum allowable level for hot work is 0% lel. If the work generates spark or chipping, the work must’ be suitably confined. Before any hot work can begin, the permit issuer must te Whats the responsibility of an HSE officer? A: The HSE officer acts advisory capacity to the management and the supervision with the aspects of health safety and environment, he is to monitor and ensure that the activities are being formed with acceptable safety norms. Helping supervisors to identify the hazardous and unsafe condition and ensuring rectification. Conducting tool box ‘meeting, supervisors safety meeting, conducting training in various topics, conducting safety incentive program, condueting safety auditing/inspections. Taking disciplinary action against the violators. Conducting nsk assessment and job safety analysis,pre-task ‘meetings and all other project related safety requirements Q: What is H2s? ‘A: HQsis hydrogen suphide. Its colorless, its smell like rotten egg, itis heavier than air, itis highly toxic, itis flammable. The exposure limit is 1Oppm for 8 hirs.exeeding 800 ppm will be instantly fatal. is produced or generated from Decomposition of organic materials. What is Hazardous? Hazardous is the potential to cause harm. Chances of personnel and physical loss. What is LEL and UEL? Ratio of gas to the air mixture which will allow fire or explosion in the presenge of ignition sours. Q A Q What is Risk? A Q A What is unsafe act? A: Itisa violation of an accepted safety procedure which could have permitted to occurrence of an accident What is unsafe condition? Iisa physical condition which could have permitted to occurrence of an accident. Q & Q: What is Near Miss? A: Its also an accident but there will not be any injury to person or damage to Property Q What is an accident? A; Accident is an unexpected, unwanted occurrence which may result in injury to person or damage to property. It is occurring due to unsafe acts or unsafe condition or combination of both, Q: What is incident? A Q: What are the safety precautions you will take for a hot work? A: First need to obtain a hot work permit from KOC operation, hot work area to be covered with proper fire blanket, frequent gas test to be cartied out, remove all the combustible materials from hot work point, KOC fire team approved fire extinguishers to be provided, pressurized fire hose to be provided. The equipment which will be used for the hot work should be inspected prior to the work. Welding machine which will be used ‘must have GECI (Ground fault circuit interceptor). All the equipments should connect. With static earthing device and spark arrestor. Q: What you will do if there is explosion or major fire? A: _itwill inform to the fie station immediately with clear details and Emergency evacuation procedure will be following up. In order all the running equipment must switch off and carmmly walk into the nearest assembly area there on instruction will mount and available transport will take all toa safe area then there will be head count by all section oF time keepers to conform that any one missing or not. IFany one get hurted during accident then immediately take them to the nearest medical center after providing first aid by qualified mail nurse or doctor. The entire work permit will become nullified automatically during emergency. All the people will wait in a safe area until instruction will conve fiom KOC. Q: How many types of Work Permits? Al Thete are six nos:= Cold work permit Hot work permit Vehicle entry permit Confined Space entry permit Radiography permit Excavation Notification Note: Itis according to the KOC Work Permit Procedure Q Explain about confined space entry? A: Confined space isa space that large enough for an employee to enter, has restricted mean of entry or exit, and is not designed for continuous employee's occupancy. First obtain a confined space entry permit from concemed KOC operation, snake sure that all required isolation being done, gas test to be carried out to conform that the proposed confined area is free of toxie gas or flammable atmosphere. Ifthe area is contaminated or it has oxygen deficiency then provide BA sets (breathing apparatus) or air line respiratory system, Conduct pre-task meeting for the employees who will be entering in side the confined area and get there signature to conform that they are aware of the hazardous and safety measures. A watch man to assign at the entrance. Entry log sheet to be provided and in and out should be entered in that. The entering people shout use body hamess with life line for the emergency rescue purpose. The electrical tools which will be used in side the confined arca should not eaceed more then 24 volts and it should be intrinsically safe or explosive proof. Q: What is Permit to work procedure? A: __ Permit to work procedure is a procedure that provided coordinated, communicated and controlled safe working system of work, which shall be carried out in hazardous / non hazardous area under KOC. tis intended to achieve a safe working environment by control needed to identify and mitigate any hazardous (either potential or actual). Work permit clearly define when/where/how and what are the safe precaution 10 be taken Qi What is Defensive driving? A: _ Defensive driving is a driving to prevent accident, in spite of incorrect actions oF others or adverse whether conditions. Anticipate the driving hazardous and know how to be safe from them. Be alert while driving by keeping your mind free of distractions and attention focused on driving, Alertness involves watching and recognizing the accident causing factors instantly, the profession has foresight to anticipate driving problems likely to develop whether these developments could be dangerous. Being a defensive driver itis every ones primary responsibility to obey the traffic rules and regulations and be courteous to others Q What is lock out and tag out? A: Before lock out and tag out make suce that « valid isolation permit being obtained. Lock out and tag out is a process to block the flow of energy from the source and it will locked with lock system or pad lock for not restore the energy and there should be tag on it, the tag will be as warning do not operate, The lock key should he with permit issuer SAFETY OFFICER INTERVIEW, LE ierentiate " Zone 0, Zone 1Zone 2" hazardous area classifications. Explain 4. Zone 0 A zone in whieh a flammable atmosphere is continuously presents oF present for long periods, op normal operatic Zone |= A zone in which a Mommable atmosphere is ikely t0 aceur in normal erations. Zone 2 > A gone in which a flammable atmosphere is not likely to occur sand if occurs it will only exist for a short time. a Fire extinguishing prineiple Fire extinguishing, in principle, consists in the limitation of one or more of the fotors we have menoned atthe triangle of combustion, so the methods of tinguishing fire may therefore be classified conveniently under the following headings. a) » 9 Ry dopriving the fire of fuel. E,g. turning off a supply of gas at the source, blanking off a fractured feed pipe from a fuel tank ete ‘Smothering: Preventing the mixing of flammable vapors with oxygen by interpassing a blanket on the surface of the burning liquid or by displacing or diluting the air by means of a heavier than air inert gas such as (carbondioxide, steam and nitrogen), Cooling the burning mass to a point below its ignition temperature usually by the application of water, which is being brought to the boiling point, and turning to steam, absorbs considerable quantities of heat. 27 What you know about working in a confined space entry? A Confined space standards defines a confined space as a space that is large enough for an employee to enter, has restricted means of entry or exit, and is not designed for continuous employee occupancy. 1 Before entering in the confined space, must need to obtain a confined space entry work permit Frequent gas test is to be carried out, confined space entry log must be ‘maintained. Person working in confined space shall be used safety hamess and life line with aan attendant if atmosphere has oxygen deficiency or contamination that requires self contained or air supplied respiratory protection. The attendant shall not be assigned to other duties while attending persons in such space Any required electrical lighting or tools shall be powered by a tow voltag system of not more than 12V, 5. Only explosion proof lighting stall he used in confined space. unless the auunosphere has been proven to be nontlanmable What is shoring? A: Shoring isa support prevent tench collapsing, H'side af the trenches is unstable. soft or chances to collapse then shoring is essential, it isto be made by competent person, Q: —Detine HAZAN, QRA and HAZOP Desetibe HAZOP Procedure? A: HAZAN - Hazardous Analysi QRA - Quantified risk Analysis HAZOP - Hazantous operation, Q: Define "Accident", "Incident", "Unsafe Acts", Unsafe Condition and Near Miss Give example for each? A: a) Accident: - Accident is an unexpected, unplanned and unwanted ‘occurrence which is occurred by unsafe condition or unsafe act or combination of both, which can be result in injury to person and damages to property Example: A car collided with another vehicle b) Incident: - Incident is almost similar to accident but only thing is there will not be any injury to person or damage to property, ©) Unsafe acts: - Working with out safety precaution or the aet which ean be create accidents. Example:- Working at heights with out any means of alt protection. 4d) Unsafe conditions: - The place where Hazardous is hiding. Fxample' = Working inside the deep trench with ont sloping or shoring. ©) Near Miss: - An occurrence that, under slightly different cireumstanees could hhave resulted in an accident, but on this occasions no injury or damages. Example:- A water tanker tilted, Q: Describe 2 types of CO2 systems and their applications? A: a) Co2 is contained in a pressure cylinder and is released by a squeeze trigger mechanism through a horn type applicator, which is using for Electrical fire, b) Plain water: expelled by pressure released from a Co? cartridge, which is using for normal fire, Q: What is Lockout / Tag out? ‘A: Lockout / Tag out isa process of blocking the flow of energy fom source by installing lock divice or padlock with accomplished by pacing tags on lock. The tag 1s as warning not to restore energy and must clearly state do not operate. commissioning of (2 How do you implement HSE during construction thro the project and on what basis? A: To ensure that all major hazands which can cause harm to people. environment ‘or property have been identified. suitable control and recovery measures are implemented. Basis: - Enforcing safety rules and procedures. Q: What is your concept of safety review of documents and drawings? A: The safety review of documentation is to decrease the system operation and setve as a permanent reference to the implementation to avoiding information - Dependent on Individuals 27 What is intrinsically safe concept? A: The elvetrical equipments, which will be used in the hazardous atmosphere, must be intrinsically safe and certified. intrinsically safe electrical equipment’s spark will not expose in the atmosphere it will be confined in the equipment it self. Q: Write in detail about construction waste management and safe disposal? A ee ‘What are the parameters of Risk Management? x» ) Identify 2) Evaluate 3) Recover 4) Mitigate 5) Prevent Q: What is your understanding about HSE Awareness? Write in fall details. A: Promoting and disseminating the health safety and environment programs, Q: Write in detail about construction waste management and safe disposal? A: The HSE officer responsibility as following. 1) Good housekeeping is to be maintained during day-to-day operations. 2) All. waste streams that are generated in the project areas to be indentified classified and entered in a waste register. ) All disposal sites used are to be designed and approved by KOC. ) The subcontractor ia churge of waste management and disposal must be licensed and approved. 3) All environmental incidents and accident spillage or discharges must be properly managed and documented. 6) All waste materials must be dispose in a approved area by Kuwait government, Q: What is defensive driving? A: Detunsive driving is driving to prevent accidents, in spite of the incorrect actions or others or adverse weather conditions. Anticipate driving hazards and know how to protect yourself from them. Be alert while driving by keeping your mind free ‘of distractions and your attention focused on driving. Alertness involves watching and recognizing accident-causing factors instantly. The professional has foresight and ability to recognize the traffic situations as far ahead as possible. The driver must anticipate traffie problems that ae likely to develop and decide whether these developments could be dangerous. ‘Asadefensive driver every one must operate their vehicle in a manner to avoid contributing to an accident or being involved in a preventable accident. ‘To be a good driver you should respect all traffic laws and be courteous to others. Why excavation notification required for excavation? ‘A: Excavation notification is giving details about the under ground facilities and itis to be signed by al! KOC concerned departments to conform that the proposed excavation location has been identified and all safety measures have been taken for the existing under ground facilities. ications. Q: A: ABCD & E. Glass of |” | Water Foam Foam | Chemical | CO2 | fire CO2Exp. | Chem& | Alcohol | dry | i Mame | Mech resisting | powder. | Pressure | (Protein) Refer to | | | type of i | j \ extinguishe | | rs to be used(item = = = 3) Class Most Could be | Not [Not ot Paper,woo | Suitable | used suitable | suitable _| suitable dstextiles VBC ete. | | powder ean | Loe | be used. =| Class "B" | Nottobe — | Most ‘suitable | Most May be (a) Liquids | generally | suitable | suitable used ; with FP. | used:'FOG' | I Below small | | | 65.6D.C | quantities. | | | and | insoluble in | water _ _ Class "BY | Water Most Most May be (b) Liquids | spray will suitable | suitable | used j with F.P. | effectively | | bellow control | 65.60C but | open | | soluble in | container | water ___| MEK fires. = . Class "B" | Water fog | Most Suitable | Most | May be © Liquids | orfine | suitable. suitable | used with D.P. | spray. No above solid jet. 65.6DC | | | and | | insoluble in | Later SAFETY OFFICER INTERVIEW Q Differentiate " Zone 0, Zone 1,Zone 2" hazardous area classifications. Explain A: Zone 0> A zone in which a flammable atmosphere is continuously presents or present for long periods. Zone 1 > A zone in which a flammable atmosphere is likely 1y vecur in uurital operations, Zone 2 > A zone in which a flammable atmosphere is not likely to occur normal operations and if it occurs it will only exist for a short time. Q: Fire extinguishing principle. A: Fire extinguishing, in principle, consists in the limitation of one or more of the factors we have mentioned at the triangle of combustion, so the methods of extinguishing fire may therefore be classified conveniently under the following headings. a) Stary: By depriving the fire of fuel. E,g. turning off a supply of gas at the source, blanking offa fractured feed pipe from a fuel tank etc b) Smothering: Preventing the mixing of flammable vapors with oxygen by interpassing a blanket on the surface of the burning liquid or by displacing o diluting the air by means of a heavier than air inert gas such as (carbondioxide, steam and nitrogen). ©) Cooling:- Cooling the burning mass to a point below its ignition temperature usually by the application of water, which is being brought to the boiling point, and turning to steam, absorbs considerable quantities of heat. Q: What you know about working in a confined space entry? A: Confined space standards defines a confined space as a space that is large enough for an employee to enter, has restricted means of entry ot exit, and is not designed for continuous employee occupancy. 1. Before entering in the confined space, must need to obtain a confined space entry work permit. 2. Frequent gas testis to be carried out, confined space entry log must be maintained 3. Petson working in confined space shall be used safety hamess and life line with an attendant if atmosphere has oxygen deficiency or contamination that requires self contained or air supplied respiratory protection, The attendant shall not be assigned to other duties while attending persons in such spaces. 4, Any required electrical lighting or tools shall be powered by a low voltage system of not more than 12V, 5. Only explosion proof lighting shall be used in confined space, unless the atmosphere has been proven to be nonflammable. Q Whats shoring? As Shoring is a support to prevent trench collapsing. If side of the trenches is unstable, soft or chances to collapse then shoring is essential i isto be made by ‘competent person, Q: Define HAZAN, QRA and HAZOP. Describe HAZOP Procedure? A: HAZAN - Hazardous Analysis, QRA - Quantified risk Analysis, HAZOP - Hazardous operation, Q Define "Accident”, "Incident", "Unsafe Acts", Unsafe Condition and Near Miss.Give example for each? A: a) Accident: - Accident is an unexpected, unplanned and unwanted occurrence which is occurred by unsafe condition or unsafe act or combination of both, which can be result in injury to person and damages to property. Example:- A car collided with another vehicle, b) Incident: - Incident is almost similar to accident but only thing is there will not be any injury to person or damage to property. ©) —_Unsatis acts: - Working with out safety precaution or the act which can be create accidents, Example: - Working at heights with out any means of fall protection, ) Unsafe conditions: - The place where Hazardous is hiding, Example:- Working inside the deep trench with out sloping or shoring. ©) Near Miss: - An occurrence that, under slightly different circumstances could have resulted in an accident, but on this occasions no injury or damages. Example:- A water tanker tilted Q Describe 2 types of CO2 systems and their applications? A: a) Co2is contained in a pressure cylinder and is released by a squeeze trigger mechanism through a horn type applicator, which is using for Electrical fire. b) Plain water: expelled by pressure released from a Co2 cartridge, which is using for normal fire. Q: — Whatis Lockout / Tag out? A: Lockout / Tag out is a process of blocking the flow of energy from source by installing tock divice or padtock with accomplished by placing tags on lock. The tag acts as waming not 0 restore energy and must clearly state do not operate Q: How do you implement HSE during construction through commissioning of the project and on what basis? A: To ensure that all major hazards which can cause harm to people, environment ‘or property have been identified, suitable control and recovery measures are implemented, Basis: - Enforcing safety rules and procedures. What is your concept of safety review of documents and drawings? ‘A: The safety review of documentation is to decrease the system operation and setve as a permanent reference to the implementation to avoiding information - Dependent on Individuals. Q Whats intrinsically safe concept? ‘A: The electrical equipments, which will be used in the hazardous atmosphere, must be intrinsically safe and certified. Intrinsically safe electrical equipments spark will not expose in the atmosphere it will be confined in the equipment it self. Q Write in detail about construction waste management and safe disposal? A Q — Whatare the parameters of Risk Management? A: 1) Identify 2) Evaluate 3) Recover 4) Mitigate 5) Prevent Q What is your understanding about HSE Awareness? Write in full details. A: Promoting and disseminating the health safety and environment programs, Q: Write in detail about construction waste management and safe disposal? A: The HSE officer responsibility as following. 1) Good housekeeping is to be maintained during day-to-day operations. 2) All waste streams that are generated in the project areas to be indentified classified and entered in a waste register. 3) All disposal sites used are to be designed and approved by KOC. 4) The subcontractor in charge of waste management and disposal must be licensed and approved, 5) All environmental incidents and accident spillage or discharges must be properly managed and documented 6) All waste materials must be dispose in a approved area by Kuwait government. Q What is defensive driving? A: Defensive driving is driving to prevent accidents, in spite of the incorrect actions or others or adverse weather conditions. Anticipate driving hazards and know how to protect yourself from them. Be alert while driving by keeping your mind free of distractions and your attention focused on driving. Alertness involves watching and recognizing accident-causing factors instantly. The professional has foresight and ability to recognize the traffic situations as far ahead as possible. The driver must anticipate traffic problems that are likely to develop and decide whether these developments could be dangerous. ‘As a defensive driver every one must operate their vehicle in a manner to avoid contributing to an accident or being involved in a preventable accident. ‘To be a good driver you should respect all traffic laws and be courteous to others. Q: Why excavation notification requited for excavation? A: Excavation notification is giving details about the under ground facilities and itis to be signed by all KOC concerned departments to conform that the proposed ‘excavation location has been identified and all safety measures have been taken for the existing under ground facilities. Q: Fire classifications. A: AB.CD&E. Class of Foam Foam Chemical [COZ fire | Chem & | Aleohol | dry Mech resisting | powder. (Protein) Refer to | type of extinguishe rs tobe used(jtem | | 3) {Glass "A" | Most Could be | Not Not Not Paper;woo | Suitable | used suitable | suitable | suitable : astextiles | | ABC ete. powder can be used. Class "BY [Not to be | Most suitable | Most May be (@) Liquids | generally _ | suitable suitable | used with FP. Below 65.6D.C__ | quantities. and insoluble in water | Class "B" | Water | Not Most Most May be (b) Liquids | spray will | suitable | suitable ble | used | with FP. effectively bellow | control | 65.6DC but | open soluble in | container ‘ water MEK fires Class "B"| Water fog | Most Suitable | Most May be Liquids | orfine | suitable. suitable | used with D.P. | spray. No | above solid jet. 65.6DC and insolubl water Probable Questionnaire for Interview Qt: What are the main responsibilities of an HSE Officer? Az The provision of an effective emergency response support service, advice on accidents and the loss prevention, providing training in all aspects of health safety and environment control, monitoring standards of pecformanee of the company employees, recommending improvement to senior managers. Q.2:_ What is EOD and what will be your responsibility ifn EOD identified? EOD stands of Explosive Ordinance Disposal. Incase of an EOD identified or an unidentified object find, mark the area so as tg relocate it, keep away all workers from that particular area. If possible detail a watchman and igforst Bueganffire station with clear details. Stop all activities at the focation until cleared by KOC Ordi prose Q.3: What important details a work permit gives? A: Itisa form, which is ned By Mer responsible people to carry out the specific Joh It clearly states a a ‘What is 0 be done, where, when, & what are the salety precaution to be taken ERD Comes ey wha oe he Sty precaution Qa: Explain Hydrogen Sulphide? 7's + HS is Broduced or generated by Decomposition of organic materials its a highly toxic gas, Its smell like rotten egg, Its heavier than air, I is colourless and highly flammable. The exposure limits 10 PPM is the maximum allowed for 8 hours Increasing exposure will cause headache and irritation of eyes. 800 PPM or more will be instantly fatal Q What is pyrophoric scale? In lines or equipment’s which carry gas or liquids and which contain Hydrogen Sulphide, Pyrophoric scale of iron Sulphide may be present. This is highly flammable even exposure to the air. The best way to handle is to douse it with water and keep it thoroughly wetted until safe disposal.» Q.6: What is MSDS? Material safety data sheet, it is provided by manufacturer, its explains safe handling, precautions and remedial steps to Exposure particularly in the case of Hazardous chemicals. Q7: Explain PPE? A: Personal Protective Equipment are intended to protect employees from hazards, There are specific protective equipment for specific job. PPE will protect you only if used it in the intended way QB: What are the points to be checked while green tagging an erected scaffolding? As follow. Plumb and tevel and firmness of the ground, Sole plate Base plate Standards + Ledger Transorm Couplers Boards (Planks) Toe boards Braising Guard rails Mid raits Out riggers Ladders Q.9: Define house keeping? At Waste materials and rubbish are a fire and accident hazard, A place for everything and everything in place is house-keeping, Q.10: Explain types of fire extinguishers? At The fire extinguishers are classified as A, B,C, D & E A—Normal combustible material (Paper, wood, Textiles & ete...) B- For oil, gas, grease ete. C-For electrical fire D- Flammable Metal. (Magnesium, Titanium, Zirconium ete...) They comes in various kinds as A, B, C dry powder chemical type, Which can be ) used for class A, B, C Fires. This is the latest one. Co2 can be used for Metal fire. In recent years FM-2000, a newly developed firefighting system replaces all conventional systems. QUIN: What is ISA? : A: _ ISA stands for Job safety analysis, It is to be completed before the start of any new job. It clearly defines the specific job, equipment and tools to be used, specific hazards of the job and preventive measures to be taken. Its to be filled by supervisory staff and discussed with H.S.E.Dept. It isto be signed by all concerned to confirm that everyone involved does know about the job and how to do it in a safe way. Q.12: Define chemical hazard identification tag. A: Chemical hazard identification tag or hazardous material classification tag is a warning tag to inform that how much hazardous is the material contain ex: fire, healt, reactivity or specific hazard. It is color coded red for fire, blue for health, Yellow for reactivity and white for specific hazard lke oxidizer, alkali, acid and corrosive ete Q.15: In case of Fire, Accident, Gas leak or Explosion what you will do? A junform Burgan fire station with clear details about the incident and Emergency that any one missing or not f any one get hurt during explosion, gos leak i ok aaa rba ll be evacuated to the nearest medical center after giving first aid by qualified first aider or Doctor, All will waitin the safe area until further instruction come from the emergency oificer/KOC for either to return back to the work or to a safe area Emergency officer will give clear instructions of situation improved or ll will be srtoma ty Safe area. All work permits will become nullified during emergeney Shas matically. During emergeney an appointed Sr. Staff ‘Sr. Safety officer will me charge as an emergency officer, area and every section will have a head count by section head or time keeper to check Q.14; Explain safety precaution for a hot work? A ne tot work will start with a valid hot work permit, If'it is in side the GC or refinery then need to cover the welding point with proper fire blanket, Frequent gas fatto be carried out, wet the area with water, combustible materials tobe remot from welding point, keep certified fire extinguishers near the hot work area Pressurized firewater hose tobe kept near the hot work. Equipment, which will be sed for hot work to be inspected before starting up the job. Ail welding machine ust be connected with a G.F.C.1 (Ground fault cireut interrupter, ‘And spark arrests. All welding machines must be grounded with a static-earthing device, And all cables must be properly insulated. Qt5: What are the safety precautions you will take for a temporary electrical connection? A scaetPorary wiring shall be guarded or shall be isolated by elevating to prevent ral sarc antset with workmen or equipment. Vertical clearance above walkways Shall not be less than 3 m (LOfeet) for eicuitscarying 600 V ot less, Wies shell oe ‘upports. Temporary festoon lighting strings shall be made up ion cords shall be of approved types and used forthe purpose for which they {are made, Exposed empty lights sockets and broken bulbs shall be prohibited Q16:_ What are the safety precautions required for a safe excavation? Ai ee kctation will star with a valid excavation notification and excavation permit All excavations more then 1.2 meter must have slope, stepeutting or shoring According tothe stability ofthe earth Types of sand and sloping required, 1. Solid rock - 90 Degree 2, Compacted angular gravel’s - 63 Degree 3. Average soils - 45 Degree

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