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_ Chofier 6? Hydrovli camponunty ond aceessores z a — ancillary hydraulic devece + Reserves cana ing = Design ond _censiruction Peatwey _ Ia ee STeP re ee dein plug at t_lone st paint ee do) removable comer ore included t0_pravide eavy access 2) sight _glaw included fo pecrit vival Oheole ot Pid level | a = 2 p_intet_from tre chun ing — reres_as SiS paraia act anes tothe boli — | @ alas enteoined aim fo escape fern off a @ prevents localized furbulen ca in reservoir —__ promote neat duipation through _rexeciir wall - rg a ee ay eta = Tafss a Tf pond ball ied men | if * fin Muer voir - iu I a al ina Orected Dubword 9-oi coed ond Peta ota eenuse APPLET tare 4p fon wall —— et, Rec oman (ot 2 Sy Yes Se ad = Sizing of Resende = ontterta m for air 10 ecope __hecu mulators : e 5 Maons of either gravity, mecnanica) es quick secondary source of Plvid power cotpable of i spre cor compressed gaz doing os. o ef work oy required by system, epecalor_type 2) s¢porabe type — piston dassi Acotion ofa phragm, bladder = appicatens of accomplatoce ee ‘Rene [AIR] ote \__ \ymall_omomt-of internal leduage = = f i) Nec ate cataminatin ee - for hakt_ond -tynomrigs. opplicatigy =| pailie_real_— donot ollow ony leavage _Centecnal_or_inttcnal) = nonpaitve seal — permit _g small omont of intemal_leuage | stave teal — vied behwean_moating port that do net move relat —u Heath offer =| — avembu 2 = | relate to each other of seal _ configuration = mot_widely wed = mdlded synttetc bec teal with romd cam section =e 5 j __temper ature ond movement = seal_presure_in_bofh_dtfeetions - a re bration i a. problem - vr MUbber_Celastomer) sea - ieati brats fy c or dongerus — se tebaFlovroBtnylene CTFE) pin rings | 9) jeotner b) buna -N ©) silicon | onrt@ neopreng i) pas ey yea) — |e) tetra houmethyleng Pviton = Mat generar in hydravic sytem became mo cern pment __ con_oparate at 100 2. obfitienn - iHieant JO: te O'F - ina = hydravlic | oil —=cavse_to_became_tvo thin ——> promote detecarahia __ Of seals ond packs gs ——~ accelerate weor between cle _fithing port a >}mein types of heat dinipatioa heat exchanges: © oir cooler 7 . ® wate coslers i = = es a x a ne oirwlaked i i a shel 4 = brass battle a ——_|_tubes, covt iron _penmebe Ti " "EDX cian rote Clby/rie Hemperotre = heat generation rate Ckw? therease CG) oil specific heat Cus/ug/'%) X ot fhe rate Cleg/ on) Specrhc heat in ol = 0-42 Bp/th fp = raw /ug/ i Bay in) = T42 X oi Cop) of flowrate Chg /s) = 8495 x 45) Preyure Gager - he t ——=|neatoa_for_tne_need_ot 9 _prewure neasring deste s —_ — @.adjut preva. et_conhrol valve —__ Gelirered by hudrouie mokr [matte e = meow L—» Bourdon Gage =|onether type —> Schrader Gage - Flawmater =| flow rate. _meduure ments —— required fo -evaluate fhe __ cltypess ai jow indicator — ® ose piston : in 2a Wiquid or —____ tontominonte) _- = contorninatfon any fore ign_materfal_in the Muid that __ _ruult_in_debimental operation of ony compotent Lok fre fiyitsimeoisurh fects ith Aninenees Hunen = =| oames Of contamination tot iat. ang cept maintsnne,end-assmbly metal chips, tubing boasieg uct, bits of pipes —__ @ generated vatnin system ding operon _—meshre_,eatrainad _ ap sealing coud by mit ye inleenal leaage ® prerent component Prom Jeating properly 7 7 aaa iniet_hine — coors _mesb flee ——tin, = weh small porticle than inlet, ‘ing. — ortels betore Pvid rete to | nutewir/ tank le a — E =| types of shearer year —ai Lacack 5 — con ica} | “T" type. C ® permanent — "Y" jype @ abserbeot C =| mast commen filler element consirwction type —_O mierooic_fitee ___rsifenisiine’s 30 wi = ___. wh ati FILTER - pt ih ih | proportional haa fille Ml flay iter in_presure bes line nies a chin through operating cornpaent ond back fo reteevir _____=| mut be_propedy designed in over for systan to [Amcti propely @ steel fubing plastic boing a @ 4 Pesible holes _____=| choice of condvetor_ depend on system operating prewure —__ — pp etnibedd ime milesind soo! ty ane fying 2A diner _cmuideration on clawing omddae O pe of fv i © operating temperaes |-conder mult hare lowe enough crau sectional ore Ovecage velocity v= Yar = @ = volume Hoa vale, pe crou Jechinal area 3 suction lng WES =max recomend velRity pump dvcnorge line any CB Bp= 2b Di ~ working pressure CWP) * — max merdiage sate operating fiuid_presure WP = BP = burt premure ctor of safety #4 _Fagur ot safety FS=8 for pretiures fom 0 10 1000 psi | FS: 6 for premre fom 1000 to 2500 pi .c FS = 4 for oye 2500 pil Sz prewure shotk are expected —__|_ #X Deteemiing wall _fveknes* Ct) of selected stand.ord ze conductor t= De=D a —© tor trick walled cuhinaeesCpi/t & 10) — the hoe — BP = _ 2s - Dit h2t

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