Acid Rain Virtual Lab

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Glencoe Acid Rain Virtual Lab

1. Acid rain is a type of rain that has unnormal concentration of acid in it. It is rainfall that
has a pH more than 5.0 or lower.
Acid rain is formed when fossil fuels are burned, like coal burning from electric power
plants, and from emissions of vehicles. Chemicals from this emissions mixed with water,
oxygen and other chemicals in the environment would form the acids that compound the
acid rain.

2. Acid rain is a problem for our environment, it can destroy and affect animals and plants
that live underwater, woodlands and plantations and our building structures.
It has some other harmful effects in human beings, like respiration problems as asthma
and bronchitis.

3. The air pollutants that create acid rain are sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxide
The main sources of this pollutants are volcanoes, fossil fuels and emissions of vehicles.

4. In the northeast of the U.S. because is where the pH of the rain is lower.

5. The state in the U.S that emits the most sulfur dioxide is Ohio (OH) with 130.9 annually.

6. States that have a very high emission of sulfur dioxide (SO2) normally have acidic rain.

7. Even though those states have very low emissions of sulfur dioxide (SO2), they still have
the more severe high levels of acid rain in the U.S because they are very close to states
with high emissions of SO2. This is because clouds can travel with winds through
different places.

8. To reduce acid rain, states must promote the reduction of the emissions, this is possible
with the use of electric cars, solar panels and other type of non-fossil fuel energy.

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