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Engineering tools for design, analysis and information

management applied to underground drilling and blasting

I. Onederra1, D. La Rosa1, K.Riihioja1 & G. Power1

Julius Kruttschnitt Mineral Research Centre, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Qld, Australia


Italo A. Onederra
Senior Research Engineer
JKMRC / University of Queensland - Mining Research
Isles Road, Indooroopilly
Brisbane, QLD. 4068 AUSTRALIA
Telephone : +61 7 3365 5888
Facsimile : +61 7 3365 5999
Email: I.Onederra@mailbox.uq.edu.au

Engineering tools for design, analysis and information
management applied to underground drilling and blasting
I. Onederra1, D. La Rosa1, K.Riihioja1 & G. Power1
Julius Kruttschnitt Mineral Research Centre, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Qld, Australia


In underground mining, the often unpredictable variability in ground conditions may

lead to the application of sub-optimal drilling and blasting patterns, resulting in poor
performance. Experience and pertinent information to develop and implement
improved drilling and blasting strategies can be easily lost due to the lack of means to
help engineers store, access and manage this information.

The Julius Kruttschnitt Mineral Research Centre (JKMRC) through a series of

industry funded applied research projects has been developing a system that can
facilitate the drill and blast design, analysis, auditing, documentation and data
management processes. The system is a hybrid between an information management
software module called BMS (Blast Management System) and two design and
analysis modules, 2DRing for underground production blasting activities and 2DFace
for development blasting activities.

A concise description of the software tools and its applications are given in this paper.
Opportunities to further develop the software are also highlighted, they include
options to integrate these tools to existing drilling and blasting automation systems
and portable computing technology to facilitate the design, implementation and
continuous improvement processes.


In underground drilling and blasting, the design and implementation process requires
a good understanding of the geotechnical conditions and the expected response of the
rock mass to the final excavation. The definition of domains is essential for the
establishment of preliminary drilling and blasting parameters. As our understanding of
the conditions increase, designs can be continuously improved to achieve better
results. This iterative process requires a system that can help engineers organise and
manage key information such as geotechnical conditions, blasthole geometry,
explosives, initiation and priming systems, initiation sequence, delay timing and
overall results such as fragmentation, rock movement, over-break and damage. This
paper describes a software system that addresses the above requirements.

The software system has two distinct applications. The first is to capture drilling and
blasting experience through the use of databases as a common storage medium for
blast design information, and the second is to apply simple modelling and blast
simulation techniques to enable continual improvement of the drill and blast design
cycle. The software has not been designed to replace good engineering judgement, but

rather provide assistance in the analysis and management of information such as field
observations, trials and monitoring.



The blast management system (BMS), in conjunction with the 2DRing and 2DFace
modules, allow engineers to keep track of all the information associated with
underground drilling and blasting practices, that is, both production and development
work respectively. The modules are Windows based, using relational databases as the
data storage facility and Microsoft Access for the database engine. The software
modules have been designed in such a way that for those familiar with Windows
applications, little training is required.

The type of information that can be stored and managed by the combined use of the
above modules, include: geotechnical details; drilling and blasting designs such as
hole types; diameters; length; location; explosive details and quantity; details of firing
sequence; cost information; blast results in the form of reports; photographs;
fragmentation assessment data and vibration monitoring data.

A brief description of the main features of the BMS, 2DRing and 2DFace modules is
given in the following sections.

2.1 The Blast Management System (BMS)

The BMS is an object based database management system which uses a hierarchical
or "parent and child" approach to store information and specify relationships to other
data (La Rosa & Chitombo 1999, La Rosa 2001). The BMS is currently used by the
JKMRC as the platform for the management of drilling and blasting information
which include other design modules such as 2DBench for open pit bench blasting
(Onederra et al. 2001a). Currently the BMS platform and the drill and blast design
modules form part of a single package called JKSimBlast (Higgins 2002).

Although the management system BMS and the design modules 2DRing and 2DFace
can be operated independently, both design modules are recommended to be run from
within the BMS, thus forcing the user to keep track of designs in relation to its
geotechnical environment and specific results. The BMS uses a tree structure to
display objects and their position in the hierarchy and the 2DRing and 2DFace
programs contain the required design and analysis tools. The BMS module also has a
number of other options such as a 3D visualiser, detonation simulation, 3D query
functions and reporting functions to aid in the data management and decision-making

Figure 1 shows an example of a typical data tree structure in the BMS. The root node
is the mining operation and it is then divided into two geotechnical domains; hard and
soft. A domain is primarily defined by the rocks and joints it is composed of and these
are the next two data types in the structure. Ring and development blast collections

are then added as children of the domains. Results and analysis information of these
particular designs can also be added to the tree as pointers such as photographs or as
specific data objects such as fragmentation information.

Figure 1. Example of a data hierarchy for the management of drilling blasting information in an
underground operation.

2.2 Ring blasting design editor (2DRing)

As the name suggests, the ring blasting design editor (2DRing) allows engineers to
create a drilling and charging pattern on a two dimensional plane as if it was being
created on paper. However all of the information has three dimensional properties
such as the drilling plane, drilling drives, rig positioning and hole orientation.

The design process can be divided as follows:

• Definition of the region to be blasted (i.e. stope outlines);

• Definition and orientation of drilling planes;
• Definition and location of the drilling drive and rig position;
• Blast hole drilling;
• Selection and loading of explosives and accessories (down-hole and surface

This module incorporates a number of features that allow the importation and creation
of stope outlines and the definition and orientation of drilling planes and drilling

drives. Figure 2 shows an example of a typical ring pattern showing the stope outline,
a geological boundary, a drilling drive, rig position and drillholes. In 2DRing the user
is able to create drill hole patterns with a number of options. The properties of drill
holes such as diameter, length, and orientation can be input and changed at any stage
of the design process. Options for the charging and sequencing of drill hole patterns
are also included to aid in the tracking of explosive quantity and accessories used
during design. Explosive types and properties are loaded from a "stocks" database.
The user is able to create new explosive and accessories stocks for any given supplier.

Figure 2. Example of a typical ring pattern showing the stope outline, a geological boundary, a drilling
drive, rig position and drillholes. The right hand side shows the 2DRing design module and the left the

Charging and sequencing information is also used in the program during preliminary
analysis such as detonation simulations and explosive energy distribution calculations.
The BMS can be used to view in three dimensions the design and detonation
simulations carried out in 2DRing (see Figure 3). This is particularly helpful when
designing multiple ring blasts in large stopes, in pillar recovery situations or mass

Figure 3. 3D viewer and timing simulation with the BMS

2.3 Development blasting design editor (2DFace).

As in the 2DRing module, the development blast design editor (2DFace) allows
engineers to create a development pattern on a two dimensional plane with three
dimensional properties. In this case the design process can be divided as follows:

• Definition of the region to be blasted, in this case the tunnel or drive outline;
• Blast hole drilling;
• Selection and loading of explosives and accessories (down-hole and surface

The 2DFace module incorporates a number of predefined tunnel shapes for which
properties such as width, height and orientation can be set. The program also allows
for the creation of irregular shapes through the polygon creation tool or the
importation of actual profiles from laser surveys or other mine planning software.

In 2DFace the user is able to create drill hole patterns using single hole drilling and
multiple hole drilling options. As in the 2DRing module, options for the charging and
sequencing of drill hole patterns have also been included to facilitate the tracking of
the explosive quantity and accessories used during design. Figure 4 shows an example
of a typical drilling pattern created in 2DFace. Details of this module have been
further described by Onederra et al. (2001b).

Figure 4. Example of a typical drilling pattern created in 2DFace. The right hand side shows the
2DFace design module and the left the BMS.

2.3 Engineering design and analysis tools

The drilling and blasting design and data storage features of the modules are
complemented by a number of engineering analysis tools, these include:

• Detonation simulation analysis;

• Explosive energy distribution analysis;

• The near field peak particle velocity contouring; and
• An image digitiser (2DFace only).

In summary, the detonation simulation tool allows the user to view (in different
modes) the detonation sequence of the blast and visually assess the design prior to
actual blasting. A number of parameters can be defined to simulate the blast,
including detonator scatter, number of simulations and frame speed.

The explosive energy distribution analysis introduced by Kleine (1988) can help
assess the distribution of the explosive charge in a plane or volume of rock mass. It
has generally being applied to optimise design geometries and the charging conditions
of ring patterns (Guest et al. 1995, Onederra et al. 1999).

The semi-empirical approach developed by Holmberg & Persson (1980) to estimate

near field peak particle velocities (PPV) has also been incorporated. This engineering
approach has been widely applied to estimate the extent of rock mass damage and pre-
conditioning (McKenzie et al. 1995, LeBlanc et al. 1995, Liu & Proulx 1996, Meyer
& Dunn 1996, Villaescusa et al. 1997;2002, Peterson et al. 2001). Near field peak
particle velocity has also been applied in the development of a breakage uniformity
index that forms part of a fragmentation modelling framework for underground ring
blasting applications (Onederra 2002).

In the 2DFace module, the image digitiser is a unique tool which has been developed
to enable engineers to digitise an image of the face to obtain the "as drilled" collar
positions of a pattern. It also includes features for the digitisation of rock mass
structural features. This tool is useful in quality control, performance assessment as
well as for general blast auditing practices.

2.4 General reporting tools

In addition to standard windows printing options, 2DRing and 2DFace contain a

number of other tools that help in the reporting of specific information. These include
for example a dimensioning tool, visibility of objects and properties, design object
summaries and copying and pasting of data. The latter allows the user to easily
transfer information to other windows based applications such as Microsoft Excel as
shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5. Example of 2DFace data copied into a Microsoft excel spreadsheet


3.1 Development of a fragmentation modelling framework for underground ring

blasting applications.

This example describes the application of the system in both the management and
back-analysis of information that has contributed to the development of a preliminary
fragmentation model for underground ring blasting applications. The example is
drawn from work conducted at the Newcrest-Ridgeway operation (Power 2001,
Onederra 2001c;2002). At Ridgeway, extensive fragmentation assessment and
analysis work was conducted during the extraction of the 5330 and 5305 undercuts.
The database has included the analysis of over 400 individual images of drawpoint
muckpiles taken at different stages of extraction. Images were analysed using the
SPLIT image analysis system (Kemeny et al. 1999).

The fragmentation performance of individual rings was directly linked to the actual
drilling and blasting parameters used in the firing of these rings. Back-analysis of
these blasting conditions with the use of the BMS-2DRing system allowed for the
development of empirical relationships linking design parameters and rock mass
conditions to fragmentation performance. Figure 6 gives an example of the "as
drilled" and "as charged conditions" of a typical ring fired in the E3 crosscut during
the development of 5330L undercut. Results of the fragmentation assessment work
conducted on one of the muckpile images of this particular ring are also shown. In
Figure 6, the left hand side of the screen shows the tree structure of the BMS with
domains, ring data and other objects such as photographs and muckpile fragmentation

Figure 6. Application of the BMS-2DRing system for the storage and management of sub level caving
ring blasting information.

In this particular application, the BMS-2DRing system did not only provide a
consistent way of documenting, storing and managing information, but also allowed
the back-analysis of ring geometries with some of the engineering tools described
earlier. This facilitated the development of an empirical fragmentation modelling
framework. The fragmentation model being developed has already been trialed in
assessing the impact of certain design changes and their effect on fragmentation.
Results from this model have so far been very encouraging and both calibration and
validation studies are continuing. Details of the model are discussed in more detailed
by Onederra (2002). In addition to fragmentation modelling, the information collected
from this study has also helped in reviewing future design practices with the view to
minimise the incidence of undesirable outcomes such as brow damage and back-

3.2 Development blasting auditing, analysis and design optimisation at Anglogold
Brazil mines.

As part of the drill and blast continuous improvement process, the Anglogold Brazil
operations needed a system that would allow engineers to evaluate their current
drilling and blasting development practices. The objective was to identify the main
factors influencing advance rates in "difficult" ground conditions and establish
strategies to achieve best results and hence minimise the cost of advance. The 2DFace
program was customised to allow engineers to design, analyse and monitor current
practices with the view to establish improved standards for specific geotechnical
environments (Onederra et al. 2000). The program was also used for quality control
purposes, to highlight differences between design and implementation and identify the
possible effects that these could have on overall efficiency. Figure 7 shows the image
digitising tool used to collect information for this purpose.

Figure 7. Example showing the application of the 2DFace image digitiser to collect "as drilled"
information of development patterns as well as major rock mass structural features.

Blast monitoring, including VOD measurements and vibration monitoring were used
to complement the analysis conducted with the 2DFace software. The work
particularly focussed on the more difficult rock masses where optimal advance rates
were not being achieved. As part of the monitoring program a decision was taken to
quantify the performance of the preferred burn cut geometries.

A preliminary 3D explosive energy distribution analysis of the burn cuts indicated

that the possible contributor to detonation failures was hole deviation and/or poor
collar positioning. In some cases holes had been collared too close to one another
resulting in localised high energy zones. This confirmed the importance of accurate
hole collaring and drilling. The overall analysis helped define the critical distance
between charged holes in the burn cut to avoid the incidence of hole dislocation
and/or explosive desensitisation. Immediate improvements in results were achieved.
Results of the monitoring program were stored in the BMS-2DFace system and could
be easily retrieved for future reference.


The BMS-2DRing/2DFace (also known as JKSimBlast-Underground) system

provides an immediate opportunity to facilitate the design, implementation and
continuous improvement process of underground drilling and blasting activities. The
system provides a flexible platform which can facilitate its integration with existing
drilling and blasting automation systems such as drill rig alignment and positioning
systems and MWD (Measure while drilling) data acquisition systems.

With the emergence of rugged mobile computing systems such as pen tablets,
engineers can now gather digital information in situ. For example by using the image
digitising tool in 2DFace, engineers can collect "as drilled" patterns and geotechnical
data at the face. This permits the implementation of up to date and effective quality
control procedures and back-analysis tools which can contribute to the
implementation improved drilling and blasting practices and better match between
designs and geotechnical domains.


In underground drilling and blasting as with many other mining activities, the
development and implementation of improvement strategies requires the adequate
collection and proper documentation of data. This paper has introduced the
application of a software system that facilitates this process by helping engineers
implement a database storage and management system. The system allows the
documentation of all underground drilling and blasting related information, including
geotechnical data, design details, implementation, monitoring, analysis and results.

The software can be used as a tool to assess the likely impact or effect of a particular
design. This is in conjunction with field observations, experimentation and
monitoring. The tools provide what is essentially a platform for the organisation of all
the information associated with the drilling and blasting process and associated

One of the key advantages of the system is that it uses relational databases as the data
storage facility and Microsoft Access for the database engine. Being Microsoft
Windows based, it requires little training for those familiar with windows
applications. In addition to the applications described earlier, the system can be an
invaluable training tool for undergraduates, operators and all personnel involved in
underground drilling and blasting activities.


The authors would like to thank the JKMRC-AMIRA BART project sponsors and
Anglogold Brazil for supporting the further development of the software.


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