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Pajunar v.

CA - Mauro is not a possessor in GF, for failure to acquaint himself of any

Branded Carabao (naks sa branded!); One who has unlawfully defect in the title of vendor. Mauro should have checked of the
deprived of a movable property, may recover it from the person in certificate of registration of the carabao.
possession of the same.
- Ownership through prescription is not applicable. The owner, having
been illegally deprived of his property, may recover the same without
Petitioner: Arthur Pajunar need to reimburse the possessor.
Respondent: Mauro Eluna, Teofila Eluna Art. 559. The possession of movable property acquired in good faith is
equivalent to a title. Nevertheless, one who has lost any movable or
FACTS: has been unlawfully deprived thereof, may recover it from the person
- In 1969, respondent Mauro Eluna bartered his 3 years old cow for 1 in possession of the same.
year old female carabao (subject personal property) then in possession
of Aurelio Enopia.
- The female carabao is branded (this means that such must be
registered under the name of the owner). However, Mauro did not Ong v. Ong
register it. Quitclaim; Inadequacy of price in voluntary sales
- Petitioner Pajunar claims ownership over the carabao.
- Pajunar contends that Mauro Eluna failed to establish ownership Petitioner: Imelda Ong, et al
because he failed to register it in his name. Since the female carabao Respondent: Alfredo Ong, et al
bears the brand “ART” on the fore and hind legs of the animal as
branded by petitioners before it got lost, failure of Mauro to register in FACTS:
his name the carabao constitute a flaw in his ownership as required by - Imelda Ong executed in favour of private respondent Sandra Maruzzo
law. (minor) a Quitclaim deed for the consideration of P1 and other
- Private respondent Eluna eventually claims that despite failure to valuable considerations. The Quitclaim transferred and forever quit-
register, he already acquired ownership through prescription (10 claimed to Sandra all right to one half undivided portion of a parcel of
years). He acquired it in 1969. It was only in 1980 when Pajunar land.
showed up to claim ownership. Hence, the period of prescription. - Imelda revoked the Deed of Quitclaim and donated the entire property
- Trial and appellate courts ruled in favour of Mauro. Reason: to son Rex Ong-Jimenez.
ownership through prescription. - Sandra, through her guardian ad litem, respondent Alfredo Ong, filed
for recovery of ownership and to null the Deed of Donation over the
ISSUE: portion belonging to her.
- W/N the carabao is validly owned by private respondent Mauro. - Petitioner Imelda pleads that the Quitclaim Deed is null and void,
arguing that it is equivalent to a Deed on Donation where acceptance
HELD: by the donee is necessary to give it validity. They argued the minority
- No. Mauro did not comply with the requirement of registration to of Sandra.
effect valid transfer. - Trial court ruled in favour of Sandra. It held that the Quitclaim is a
“…but the large cattle under 2 years old may be randed gratis for the Deed of Sale. Hence, there was valid conveyance. IAC affirmed. It held
purpose of effecting a valid transfer, if the registration and transfer are that the 1 peso is the consideration.
made at the same time.” - Sandra replaced her guardian since she reached the age of majority.

- W/N there was consideration to constitute a Deed of Sale. - The lands were assessed at P16,800 but it was sold (together with
the residential house thereon) at the public auction sale at
HELD: P10,500. Bought by private respondent Rosario Duazo.
- YES. The conveyance of ½ undivided portion was in consideration of - Petitioner failed to redeem the same within 1 year, period of
1 peso and other valuable considerations paid by Sandra through redemption. Treasurer then executed a Final Deed of Sale in
Alfredo Ong. Inadequacy of consideration does not render a favour of Duazo.
conveyance inexistent. - Trial court decided in favour of Vda. De Gordon.
- One of the disputable presumptions is that there is a sufficient cause - CA reversed.
of the contract even if such cause is not stated (Art. 1354). This
presumption cannot be overcome by simple assertion of lack of ISSUE:
consideration especially when the contract itself states that - Whether the price is so grossly inadequate as to set aside the
consideration was given, and the same is in a public document with all public sale.
due formalities and solemnities. - Whether Vda. De Gordon is entitled to redeem the lands.
- Even though the Deed of Quitclaim is a Deed of Donation, as argued
by Imelda, the acceptance by a legal guardian is not necessary in a HELD:
simple or pure donation (as in this case). Such acceptance is only - No. When there is right to redeem, inadequacy of price should not
necessary in donations that are onerous and conditional. be material, because the judgement debtor may acquire the
property or also sell his right to redeem and thus recover the loss
he claims to have suffered by reason of the price obtained at the
PNB v. Manuel Gonzalez, Saturnino Lopez auction sale.
- No. She is not entitled anymore because the period of redemption
FACTS: has already lapsed.

Heirs of Ureta v. Heirs of Ureta

Vda. De Gordon v. CA
Tax sale of real property; Inadequacy of price in involuntary sales Petitioner: Heirs of Policronio Ureta
Respondent: Heirs of Liberato Ureta (Heirs of Alfonso)
Petitioner: Restituta V. Vda. De Gordon
Respondent: Rosario Duazo FACTS:
- Alfonso Ureta was rich. He owned fishpens, a fishpond, sari-sari store,
FACTS: passenger jeep, and more. He begot 14 children.
- There are two parcels of land subject of this case which are owned - One of his children, Francisco, proposed that Alfonse sell some of his
by Petitioner Restituta Vda. De Gordon. lands to his children in order to reduce the inheritance taxes.
- For ten years, she failed to pay the real estate taxes which - Alfonso executed 4 Deeds of Sale in favour of Policronio, Liberato,
prompted the City Treasurer of Quezon City to sell the same at a Prudencia, and his common law wife, Valeriana. Such sales was
public auction. without consideration.
- The Deed of Sale in favour of Policronio, the eldest, covered 6 parcels
of land, which are the properties in dispute in this case.
- Alfonso died. His heirs executed a Deed of Extra-Judicial Partition clear badge of simulation that renders the whole transaction
that included the lands subject of the 4 Deeds of Sale. void.
- Conrado, eldest son of Policronio, signed the Deed of Extra-Judicial Absence and Inadequacy of Consideration
Partition, representing all other heirs of Policronio. - Although the contract states that the purchase price of Php2000
- Policronio died. It was only then that his heirs did know about the was paid by Policronio, it has been proven that such was in fact,
Deed of Sale in favour of their father. They saw tax declarations in the never been paid. It was void for lack of consideration.
name of Policronio covering the 6 parcels of land.
- Heirs of Policronio instituted a case to settle the matter with Heirs of
Lim v. CA
- W/N the Dees of Sale was valid. Petitioner: Rosa Lim
- W/N the Deed of Extra-Judicial Partition was valid. Respondent: CA, Victoria Suarez

- RTC: Held that the Deed of Sale was null and void for there was no - Petitioner Rosa Lim came from Cebu to Mania. She received 2
money involved. The Extra-Judicial Partition was valid. pieces of jewelry to be sold on commission basis (1 diamond ring
- CA: Dees of Sale was void for being absolutely simulated. The Extra- worth P169,000 AND 1 bracelet worth P170,000). Lim would be
Judicial Partition was annulled. paid the amount in excess of the prices stipulated. But upon failure
- SC: to sell, Lim is bound to return the jewelry.
- On validity of the sale - Lim failed to sell the jewelry. Suarez wrote a demand letter for the
Two legal presumptions on the validity of the sale: return of the jewelry. Lim alleged, through a letter sent to Suarez’
(a) that it was a result of a fair and regular private transaction; and (b) counsel, that she had already returned both the ring and bracelet
that there was sufficient consideration for the contract. through Aurelia Nadera, the person that introduced the two
parties to each other.
Absolute Simulation - Suarez filed a complaint for estafa against Lim.
- The DOS was absolutely simulated - Lim contended that the transaction between them was not a
- Art.1345. Simulation of contract may be absolute or relative. The contract of agency to cell on commission basis but rather a
former takes place when the parties do not intend to be bound at all… contract of sale on credit. She maintained that she cannot be liable
- Art. 1346. An absolutely simulated or fictitious contract is void… for estafa since she never received the jewelries in trust or on
- The primary consideration in determining the true nature of a contract commission basis from Suarez.
is the intention of the parties. - To prove her claim that Lim did not approve of the contract, she
- Alfonso simulated a transfer to Policronio purely for taxation contended that she did not sign on the blank space provided for
purposes, without intending to transfer ownership. the signature of the person receiving the jewelry but at the upper
- Policronio and his heirs never took possession of the lands portion thereof.
(except lot 5) from the time they were sold to him even after
Alfonso, the father, died. ISSUE:
- Policronio did not ever pay realty taxes. (1) What was the real transaction between Rosa and Suarez? – A
- Policronio’s failure to take exclusive possession of the contract of agency to sell on commission basiss
properties is contrary to the principle of ownership and is a (2) Was the subject diamond ring returned to Suarez through
Aurelia Nadera? – No.
(1) The fact that Lim’s signature appears on the upper corner of
the contract does not have the effect of altering the terms of
the transaction from a contract of agency to sell on
commission basis to a contract of sale. The moment she
affixed her signature, Lim became bound by all the terms of
the contract.
(2) By delivering the rind to Aurelia Nadera without the express
authority and consent of the complaining witness, Lim
assumed the right to dispose of the jewelry as if it were hers,
thereby committing conversion, punishable under Art. 315 of
All elements of estafa are present:
1. Received the pieces of jewelry in trust from
Suarez to be sold on commission basis.
2. Lim misappropriated or converted the jewelry to
her own use.
3. The misappropriation caused damage to Suarez.

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