The Leprechaun's Potatoes: "Ah Yes! My Plan Worked, These Potatoes Will Fetch A Hefty Price at The Market!"

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Temujin Bautista


The Leprechaun's Potatoes

There was once a Leprechaun that planted the best potatoes in Yorkshire. These spuds
where amazing, they had a green hue and a sweet & savory taste, a taste that anyone would

But one day, the Leprechaun noticed that the potatoes begun to go pale!

He screamed, "My potatoes! What has been done to my potatoes!?",

as a perfectionist, he bursted in a panic and plucked them out of the ground and planted a new
batch, tossing away the bad spud, but what he doesnt know is that someone had turned the

Nearby, hiding in the bush was a sneaky gnome, who had casted a spell that changed the
color of the potatoes temporarily, and once the Leprechaun threw away the 'rotten' batch, the
gnome hurrily took them, and changed them back to normal, using some dust he had in his

"Ah yes! My plan worked, these potatoes will fetch a hefty price at the market!",

and so the Gnome scurried off.

Back in the home of the Leprechaun, he ponders, wondering how his crops turned out
bad. Eaten by this thought, he went back to check on the bad potatoes to inspect them
thoroughly, and to his surprise they weren't there!,

"Where be my potatoes, I swore I threw them here!",

he searched around and found some Gnome dust of the floor,

"So i see, it must be that wretched Gnome, Rumple, who's been asking for my potatoes all
year long",

angered by this insolence, the Leprechaun began to grow his knew crops, but this time he did
something in mind that he was sure the Gnome would never forget.

A week passed and the new batch of Green Potatoes bloomed, however, same as last
time these also became very pale, so pale that the Leprechaun threw them away immediately.

As what the Gnome had planned for, he took the batch of thrown potatoes and scurried
away, but what he doesnt know, is that these potatoes had the Leprechaun's spell on it, which
would turn the potatoes into hideous Spud Monsters!

The potatoes started to shake, the gnome, surprised with this, threw them on the

"What's happening to these potatoes?", he shouted.

The potatoes grew twenty times there original size and begun to grow a giant gaping
mouth, while vine like tentacles protruded outwards, grabbing the Gnome,

"Let go of me you bunch of dumb potatoes!",

struggling with the tight grip of the Spuds, he hears a voice coming from the bushes.

"You think you could trick and steal my potatoes again, I dont think so!" exclaimed the
leprechaun, with a grin on his face.

"Okay! Okay! I'm sorry for stealing your potatoes, I won't every do it again, so please don't let
them eat me!", begged the Gnome as the Spud Monsters begun to pull him towards their

"You better make sure, or else, my potatoes would be the last thing you'll ever taste... or will
ever taste you!",

and with a snap of his finger, the Spud Monster tossed the Gnome across Yorkshire never to be
seen again.

The wise do not let themselves be tricked a second time.

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