Dorsal Horn Circuitry

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Published Ahead of Print on February 17, 2016 as 10.1212/WNL.

Dorsal horn circuitry
Complexity and implications for mechanisms of neuropathic pain
Section Editor
Eduardo E.
Benarroch, MD

Eduardo E. Benarroch, The transmission of pain involves several types of pri- subdivided into an outer and an inner region, both
MD mary unmyelinated Ad- and unmyelinated C afferents containing different subtypes of local excitatory or inhib-
from neurons in in the dorsal root (or trigeminal) gan- itory interneurons. Laminae III to V constitute the deep
glion; these afferents activate second-order spinothala- dorsal horn and contain different subtypes of projection
Correspondence to mic and spinobulbar projection neurons in the dorsal neurons as well as interneurons. Both the projection
Dr. Benarroch: horn (or trigeminal nucleus caudalis). The dorsal horn is neurons and local interneurons receive lamina-specific
not a simple relay station but rather a site of complex input from different subtypes of primary afferents from
processing and gating of nociceptive information via dorsal root ganglion neurons.
circuits involving different subtypes of excitatory or
Primary afferents. There are several populations of primary
inhibitory interneurons. These neurons are the target
afferents that differ in their axon diameter, response to
of descending pain-modulatory influences from the ros-
stimuli, neurochemical characteristics, and targets in the
tral ventromedial medulla and other regions. Pain cir-
dorsal horn. The primary neurotransmitter of all these af-
cuits also participate in the relay and processing of
ferents is L-glutamate. This review focuses on primary
the sensation of itch. Specific molecular markers, such
afferents innervating the skin (table 1).
as transient receptor potential (TRP) channels and Mas-
Nociceptors. There are several subtypes of small
related G-protein–coupled receptor (Mrgpr) subtypes,
myelinated Ad fibers and unmyelinated C nociceptors
have allowed the identification of different subtypes of
innervating the skin.1,2 They can be subdivided into 2
primary afferents transmitting pain and itch sensations.
main neurochemical populations. Peptidergic afferents
The application of transgenic and ablation techniques
contain neuropeptides such as substance P and calcitonin
has provided insight into the heterogeneity of excitatory
gene-related peptide; they transmit painful heat stimuli
or inhibitory interneurons and their involvement in dor-
and terminate at both projection neurons and interneu-
sal horn circuits regulating transmission and gating of
rons in the most superficial laminae of the dorsal horn
pain and itch. Excitatory interneurons have a major role
(lamina I and outer lamina II). These afferents express the
in both normal and abnormal transmission of sensory
transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 (TRPV1) recep-
input to the projection neurons; inhibitory interneurons
tor, which renders them sensitive to heat and capsaicin,
are critically involved in gating these inputs. These find-
and the transient receptor potential ankyrin 1 (TRPA1)
ings provide new insights into the pathophysiology of
receptor, which responds to several chemical irritants. In
the manifestations of neuropathic pain, including spon-
contrast, nonpeptidergic C afferents transmit mechanical,
taneous pain, hyperalgesia, and mechanical allodynia, as
but not heat-induced pain, and target interneurons in
well as neuropathic itch. There are several reviews on all
inner lamina II. These nonpeptidergic populations
these topics.1–19 This review is focused on the spinal
express lectin IB4 and the Mrgpr member D
dorsal horn, although similar processes likely underlie
(MrgprD).1,2 Like all primary nociceptive afferents,
facial trigeminal-mediated pain.
they use L-glutamate as their primary transmitter.
BASIC COMPONENTS OF THE DORSAL HORN Pruriceptors. Some cutaneous C-nociceptive neurons
CIRCUITRY The dorsal horn of the spinal cord is classi- also respond to chemicals that elicit the sensation of itch,
cally subdivided into 5 cytoarchitectonic laminae accord- such as histamine; these afferents are referred to as pru-
ing to Rexed20 (figure 1). Laminae I and II constitute the ritoceptors or pruriceptors.9,10 They detect a wide variety
superficial dorsal horn. Lamina I primarily contains of pruritogenic stimuli via multiple types of G-protein–
different subtypes of projection (spinothalamic and spi- coupled receptors, including H1 and H4 receptors for
nobulbar) neurons. Lamina II or substantia gelatinosa is histamine, the Mas-related G-protein–coupled receptors

BDNF 5 brain-derived neurotrophic factor; GABA 5 g-aminobutyric acid; Mrgpr 5 Mas-related G-protein–coupled receptor;
NK1R 5 neurokinin-1 receptor; TRP 5 transient receptor potential; TRPA1 5 transient receptor potential ankyrin 1;
TRPM8 5 transient receptor potential, melastatin 8 type; TRPV1 5 transient receptor potential, vanilloid type 1.

From the Department of Neurology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN.

Go to for full disclosures. Funding information and disclosures deemed relevant by the authors, if any, are provided at the end of the article.

© 2016 American Academy of Neurology 1

ª 2016 American Academy of Neurology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

Figure 1 Transmission of afferent inputs from nociceptors and tactile receptors to the dorsal horn

Peptidergic and nonpeptidergic Ad- and C-nociceptor afferents, low-threshold Ab mechanoreceptive afferents, and low-
threshold C-mechanoreceptive afferents (not shown) provide input to projection neurons and interneurons in different
laminae of the dorsal horn. Nociceptive projection neurons express the neurokinin 1 receptor (NK1R) and are primarily
located in lamina I; other projection neurons are wide dynamic range neurons and are distributed in laminae III, IV, and V, as
well as laminae III and IV. Lamina II is subdivided into an outer (IIo) and an inner region (IIi) containing different subtypes of
local excitatory or inhibitory interneurons. Peptidergic afferents transmit painful heat stimuli and terminate in both lamina I
projection neurons and lamina IIo interneurons. Nonpeptidergic afferents transmit mechanical-induced pain to excitatory
interneurons in lamina IIi, which convey these inputs to lamina I projection neurons via a polysynaptic excitatory pathway
that includes central (Ce) and vertical (V) neurons. Low threshold Ab mechanoreceptors primarily target laminae III-V.
Inhibitory g-aminobutyric acid (GABA)/glycinergic interneurons, primarily islet cells (I), receive inputs from both low-thresh-
old mechanoreceptors and nociceptors and gate transmission of nociceptive input in the dorsal horn and prevent the access
of low-threshold mechanoreceptive input to excitatory interneurons; inhibitory interneurons also control the excitability of
lamina III-V projection neurons, which receive both nociceptive and non-nociceptive input.

MrgprA3 and MrgprD, and the proteinase associated For example, itch produced by the dietary supplement
receptor 2, among others.9,10,21 Itch-sensing G-protein– b-alanine involves MrgprD-expressing afferents.21
coupled receptors trigger downstream signaling cascades Low-threshold C mechanoreceptors. There are 2 subgroups
that gate TRP channels such as TRPV1 and TRPA1.22,23 of unmyelinated C afferents that respond to low-
For example, histamine elicits itch in humans via intensity (nonpainful) stimuli and have been associated
mechano-insensitive C afferents.24 Many of these affer- with the affective sensation of pleasant touch.27 The larg-
ents are also nociceptive and express both H1 and est population expresses tyrosine hydroxylase and the
TRPV1 receptors; the presence of TRPV1 receptors is vesicular glutamate transporter subtype 3; a second pop-
required for histamine to elicit itch.22,25 However, activa- ulation expresses the MrgprB4 receptor and terminates
tion of afferents expressing both TRPV1 and MrgprA3 in outer lamina II.
receptors and responding to the antimalarial agent chlo- Low-threshold Ab mechanoreceptors. Large-diameter, mye-
roquine elicits itch but not pain.26 Other subtypes of linated Ab afferents transmit nonpainful inputs from low
afferents also respond to specific groups of pruritogens. mechanical threshold tactile mechanoreceptors involved

2 Neurology 86 March 15, 2016

ª 2016 American Academy of Neurology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

Table 1 Primary skin afferents in the dorsal horn

Fiber type (diameter) velocity Receptor type Modality Neurochemical marker

Ab type (large myelinated, 60 m$s Low-threshold mechanoreceptor Discriminative touch D-opioid receptor
10 mm)

Ad type (small myelinated, 12 m$s21 Peptidergic nociceptor Heat-triggered pain Substance P, CGRP, TRPV1 and TRPA1 channels,
2.5 mm) m opioid receptor

Nonpeptidergic nociceptor Mechanical-triggered MrgprD, D-opioid receptor


Cold receptor Innocuous cold TRMP8 channel

C type (unmyelinated, 1 mm) ,2 m$s21 Peptidergic nociceptor Heat-triggered pain Substance P, CGRP, TRPV1 and TRPA1 channels,
m opioid receptor

Nonpeptidergic nociceptor Mechanical-triggered MrgprD, d-opioid receptor


Warm receptor Innocuous warmth Substance P TRPV1

Pruriceptors Itch Substance P, CGRP, natriuretic polypeptide B,

TRPV1 H1, MrgprA3

Low-threshold mechanoreceptor, Emotional touch Mrgpr4, tyrosine hydroxylase


Abbreviations: CGRP 5 calcitonin gene-related peptide; Mrgpr 5 Mas-related G-protein–coupled receptor; TRPM8 5 transient receptor potential, melastatin 8
type; TRPA1 5 transient receptor potential ankyrin 1; TRPV1 5 transient receptor potential, vanilloid type 1.

in discriminative touch. These afferents express d-type neurons have a multipolar or fusiform morphology and
opioid receptors.28 Low-threshold Ab mechanosensitive express the neurokinin-1 receptor (NK1R) for substance
afferents arborize in an area that extends from inner lam- P.32 These neurons convey discriminative aspects of
ina II to laminae V and target different neuronal subpo- pain, such as its location and quality, but also participate
pulations in specific laminae.1,2,4 in emotional aspects of pain sensation via parallel spino-
Thermoreceptors. Cutaneous primary sensory neu- thalamic pathways.1 The main targets of these neurons
rons involved in thermosensation include both C are the ventral posterior complex of the thalamus (ven-
and Ad fibers; C fibers innervate I and II and Ad tral posterior lateral, ventral posterior medial, and ventral
fibers layers I and V. Thermal sensation involves posterior inferior nuclei), which project to the primary
selective temperature-dependent activation of differ- and secondary somatosensory cortex,33 and the posterior
ent subtypes of TRP and other cation channels in part of the ventral medial nucleus of the thalamus,
these afferents. For example, C afferents responsive which projects to the dorsal posterior insular cortex.34
to cold express the transient receptor potential Other projection targets of NK1R lamina I neurons
melastatin 8 (TRPM8) receptor and terminate in include the lateral parabrachial nucleus, which provides
lamina I.29 The mechanisms underlying thermal sen- access of nociceptive information to the amygdala and
sation have been reviewed30 and are not discussed here. hypothalamus; and the periaqueductal gray, which par-
Projection neurons. The projection (or output) neurons ticipates in central pain modulatory circuits.
of the dorsal horn transmit sensory information via Whereas up to 80% of lamina I dorsal horn neu-
the spinothalamic tract and several parallel pathways. rons express NK1R and transmit heat-triggered pain
These neurons are located in lamina I and in laminae input from peptidergic C afferents, genetic deletion
III-V and receive inputs from primary afferents both or pharmacologic blockade of either substance P or
directly and via excitatory interneurons (figure 1). the NK1 receptor has limited effect on pain transmis-
Despite their importance, projection neurons only sion in either experimental animals35 or humans.36
constitute a small proportion of the total neuronal This emphasizes the importance of other afferent in-
population in the dorsal horn. puts, including glutamatergic inputs via excitatory
Lamina I. Lamina I contains the majority of spino- interneurons in lamina II in driving the activity of
thalamic tract projection neurons. They include nociceptive lamina I projection neurons (see below).
nociceptive-specific neurons responsive to heat or me- Lamina I also contains pyramidal neurons that lack
chanically induced pain, neurons responsive to innocu- NK1R; these neurons may receive non-nociceptive in-
ous cooling, and neurons responsive to noxious heat, puts from low-threshold C mechanoreceptors signaling
noxious mechanical (pinch), or cold stimuli.31 Some affective touch, or from TRMP8-expressing C afferents
lamina I neurons may also be activated by pruritic agents responding to innocuous cooling.29 Peripheral inflam-
such as histamine. The majority of nociceptive lamina I mation may elicit de novo expression of NK1R in these

Neurology 86 March 15, 2016 3

ª 2016 American Academy of Neurology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

pyramidal neurons, thereby enabling these neurons to nonoverlapping subpopulations of GABA/glycinergic
respond to noxious stimuli.37 interneurons that may coexpress parvalbumin, dynor-
Deep dorsal horn. The projection neurons located in phin, neuropeptide Y, galanin, or neuronal nitric oxide
the deep dorsal horn (laminae III–V) are wide dynamic synthase; these subpopulations also differ in their electro-
range neurons that respond to both innocuous and nox- physiologic properties and afferent input.40–42 For exam-
ious stimuli; these neurons have wide receptive fields and ple, tonic-spiking parvalbumin-expressing inhibitory
code stimulus intensity. The innocuous inputs to these interneurons primarily receive input from low-threshold
neurons derive from large-diameter Ab afferents. Lamina Ab primary afferents and establish axo-axonic synapses
III wide dynamic range neurons express NK1R receptors with myelinated afferents innervating excitatory inter-
and have long dorsally directed dendrites that penetrate neurons.45 In contrast, inhibitory neurons expressing
the superficial dorsal horn (lamina I–II) and may thus be galanin, neuropeptide Y, neuronal nitric oxide syn-
activated by peptidergic afferents. Lamina V neurons also thase, or dynorphin receive inputs from nociceptive
extend dendrites to superficial lamina II and may also be afferents and synapse on either excitatory or other
directly activated by primary afferents, but they also inhibitory interneurons.1,39–41,45
receive inputs from excitatory interneurons of deep lam- Excitatory interneurons. Excitatory interneurons include
ina II targeted by nonpeptidergic nociceptive afferents38 a larger and even more heterogeneous population than
(figure 1). Lamina V neurons contribute to the spino- inhibitory neurons.1,39,40,42–46 Whereas all excitatory neu-
thalamic tract and also target subcortical structures rons are glutamatergic, they can be subdivided into dif-
involved in affective processing of pain sensation, such ferent subpopulations according to the expression of
as the amygdala and hypothalamus, and, at least in mice, vesicular glutamate transporters; somatostatin; somato-
also the globus pallidus.38 statin 2A, opioid or glutamate receptors; and markers
such as protein kinase Cg or gastrin-releasing peptide.
Interneurons. Dorsal horn interneurons have a critical
Many excitatory neurons express the calcium-binding
role in transmission and gating of nociceptive trans- protein calretinin.44 Selective subpopulations of excitatory
mission. They occupy laminae I to III, although the interneurons may receive inputs from distinct primary
majority are concentrated in lamina II.1,2 The dorsal afferents. For example, vertical interneurons expressing
horn interneurons constitute a heterogeneous popula- somatostatin receive inputs from both low-threshold
tion and include several subtypes that differ in their Ab and high-threshold nociceptive Ad/C mechanorecep-
morphology, neurochemistry, electrophysiology, and tors42; neurons expressing the vesicular glutamate trans-
connectivity1,6,39–47 (table 2). The main morphologic porter 3 or protein kinase Cg primarily relay inputs from
types are islet, central, radial, and vertical (also referred to low-threshold Ab mechanoreceptors47; and gastrin-
as stalked) cells, which can be either excitatory or inhib- releasing peptide neurons are activated by pruriceptors.25
itory. Inhibitory interneurons utilize g-aminobutyric acid Excitatory interneurons also vary in their firing pattern,
(GABA), glycine, or both as their neurotransmitter. In which is largely determined by the presence of A-type
general, the majority of these inhibitory interneurons are currents via Kv4 channels1,6 (table 2).
islet cells; others have central and vertical morphologies.
Excitatory interneurons utilize L-glutamate and include
radial and most of the vertical and central cells.1,39–47 AFFERENT INFORMATION IN THE DORSAL
Inhibitory interneurons. Inhibitory interneurons con- HORN Peptidergic vs nonpeptidergic nociceptive afferents.
stitute approximately one-third of the neuronal Selective ablation studies show that subsets of nociceptors
population in the dorsal horn. There are several are selective for a particular modality and provide for

Table 2 Main population of dorsal horn interneurons

Type Inhibitory Excitatory

Morphology (most common) Islet cell Vertical (stalked), central, and radial cells

Primary neurotransmitter GABA, glycine, or both; dynorphin in L-glutamate

some cases

Neurochemical markers and Parvalbumin, neuropeptide Y, galanin, Somatostatin; somatostatin A2 receptor, protein
subtypes (examples) neuronal NOS kinase C-g, gastrin-releasing peptide, gastrin-
releasing peptide receptor

Afferent input Relatively weak Strong

Typical ion channel (current) Hyperpolarization-activated cyclic Kv4.2, Kv4.3 (A-current)

nucleotide gated channel 1 and 4

Typical discharge pattern Tonic spiking Transient (central cells), delayed (vertical cells)

Abbreviation: GABA 5 g-aminobutyric acid.

4 Neurology 86 March 15, 2016

ª 2016 American Academy of Neurology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

labeled lines for nociceptive transmission.38,48,49 Peptider- deep dorsal horn; lamina II excitatory neurons may
gic TRPV1 receptor–expressing nociceptors signal heat- relay nonpeptidergic C-afferent inputs to lamina V.38
induced pain and target the most superficial laminae of Transmission of itch sensation also involves a serial
the dorsal horn, including both NK1R-expressing excitatory pathway activated by C afferents releasing
projection neurons of lamina I and interneurons in natriuretic peptide B and including interneurons
outer lamina II. These peptidergic afferents engage releasing gastrin-released peptide and their targets.25
different subsets of inhibitory50 and excitatory51 Selective deletion of the gene encoding the testic-
neurons of the superficial dorsal horn. In contrast, ular orphan receptor 4 in mice, which depletes subsets
nonpeptidergic MrgprD-expressing afferents signal of excitatory interneurons, emphasizes the impor-
mechanically induced pain and target excitatory tance of these neurons for the full expression of pain
interneurons of inner lamina II, which then convey and itch sensations.55
noxious mechanical inputs to lamina I via polysynaptic
Access of low-threshold mechanoreceptive input to
pathways (see below). Whereas nonpeptidergic C
nociceptive neurons. Transmission of innocuous mechan-
afferents activate all types of excitatory interneurons,
ical (touch) input to the superficial dorsal horn also in-
they may not directly target inhibitory interneurons.52
volves a sequential pathway of dorsally projecting
Consistent with these differences, peptidergic afferents
excitatory interneurons in lamina II.42,47,54,56 Low-
express m-opioid receptors, whereas nonpeptidergic
threshold Ab mechanoreceptors activate excitatory
afferents express d-opioid receptors.53
interneurons in lamina III that express the vesicular
Itch afferents. There is evidence indicating that there is glutamate transporter-3; these neurons project to
a labeled line for itch sensation.7–10,21,25 Studies in protein kinase Cg-expressing interneurons in inner
mice elucidated an itch-specific circuitry in the lamina II, which in turn sequentially activate central
superficial dorsal horn. 25 This circuit involves C cells in inner lamina II, vertical cells in outer lamina II,
pruriceptor afferents that release natriuretic polypeptide and finally NK-1-expressing nociceptive projection
B (also referred to as brain natriuretic peptide) in neurons in lamina I.47 The convergence of direct Ad/C
addition to L-glutamate; this peptide activates a mechanical nociceptor input and excitatory interneuron-
group of interneurons expressing gastric-releasing mediated low-threshold Ab mechanoreceptor input on
peptide, which in turn acts via its receptors on a third vertical excitatory interneurons in outer lamina II
population of excitatory neurons that convey the itch provides a substrate for innocuous mechanical stimuli
sensation via lamina I spinothalamic neurons.25 to elicit pain (mechanical allodynia), as discussed
below. Like Ab afferents, C-tactile afferents (low-
threshold C mechanoreceptors) also project to inner
lamina II and have access, via excitatory interneurons,
CIRCUITS Feed-forward excitatory circuits for nociceptive
to wide dynamic range projection neurons located
and pruritogenic inputs. Nociceptive afferents engage
in lamina I and lamina V,57 thereby potentially
spinothalamic neurons both directly and via a parallel
contributing to mechanical allodynia. However,
feed-forward circuit through excitatory interneurons
in normal conditions, the access of inputs from
(figure 1). Whereas the NK1R-expressing nociceptive
low-threshold mechanoreceptors to nociceptive neurons
lamina I neurons receive direct input from peptidergic
is prevented by surrounding feed-forward inhibition.42
afferents encoding heat-pain, they receive indirect input
from nonpeptidergic afferents encoding mechanical pain Feed-forward inhibitory circuits. As all primary affer-
via a polysynaptic ventral-to-dorsal pathway that involves ents are excitatory, local inhibitory interneurons acti-
the sequential activation of excitatory interneurons vated by these afferents serve as a gate control mechanism
from inner (ventral) to outer (dorsal) lamina II.1,42,54 to reduce transmission of nociceptive, itch, and tactile
Nonpeptidergic mechanosensitive C nociceptors information to spinothalamic neurons. According to
target central interneurons in inner lamina II, which the gate control theory of Melzack and Wall,58 large-
in turn excite the vertical cells in outer lamina II; fiber afferents conveying innocuous stimuli activate
vertical neurons send excitatory projections to NK1R- inhibitory neurons in the substantia gelatinosa,
expressing spinothalamic neurons in lamina I.54 This which in turn inhibit dorsal horn projection neurons
interneuronal pathway provides for the polymodal that transmit inputs from nociceptive afferents.
responses of lamina I spinothalamic neurons to both Parvalbumin-expressing inhibitory GABA/glycinergic
noxious heat and noxious mechanical stimuli. Since islet cells distributed in inner lamina II through
vertical excitatory interneurons in outer lamina II also lamina IV may provide the substrate for this
receive direct input from Ad nociceptors, this circuit inhibitory gate control mechanism, as they receive
provides a backup excitatory drive for nociceptive input from low-threshold primary afferents (figure 1).
transmission in lamina I. There is also a parallel Some islet cells may also receive inputs from
dorsal-to-ventral drive to projection neurons in the low-threshold mechanosensitive C fibers and may

Neurology 86 March 15, 2016 5

ª 2016 American Academy of Neurology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

therefore contribute to the pain inhibitory effects of Long-term potentiation of excitatory synapses on
innocuous stimuli.59 Inhibition in the dorsal horn spinothalamic neurons. In normal conditions, burst
may occur via both presynaptic and postsynaptic of activity of nociceptors triggers an activity-dependent
mechanisms. For example, parvalbumin-expressing long-term potentiation of the excitatory glutamatergic
GABAergic neurons in inner lamina II and lamina synapses onto their target dorsal horn projection
III provide axo-axonic inhibition of primary neurons; this is referred to as homosynaptic long-term
myelinated afferents, thereby gating the access potentiation.15,16 Repeated nociceptor activation
of low-threshold afferent input to excitatory also triggers heterosynaptic long-term potentiation,
interneurons.45 Deletion studies indicate that whereby nociceptive-specific conditioning stimuli lead
specific groups of inhibitory GABAergic60,61 or to long-lasting facilitation of the responses of dorsal
glycinergic62 interneurons are also involved in horn neurons to non-nociceptive Ab- or C-type
tonic inhibition of the itch pathway. Inhibitory afferent inputs. Heterosynaptic long-term potentiation
islet cells may mediate some of the descending also allows the spread of the change in synaptic strength
monoaminergic modulatory control on pain to neighboring nonactivated synapses; this results in
transmission.40,63 The gate control theory also expansion of the stimulus-sensitive territory outside
proposes that noxious stimuli would open the gate that of the damaged nerve or beyond the area of tissue
by inhibiting the inhibitory interneurons.58 Consistent injury.
with this hypothesis, some inhibitory islet or central Long-term potentiation may occur at the presyn-
cells receive direct input from nociceptive substance aptic or postsynaptic levels and largely reflects calcium
P–containing C fibers and are activated by noxious (Ca21)–mediated mechanisms.15,16 Postsynaptic long-
stimuli; these cells could promote pain transmission term potentiation is triggered by Ca21 influx via
by inhibiting other inhibitory islet cells.50 voltage-gated Cav1.2 (L-type) channels and NMDA
receptors, as well as Ca21 release from intracellular
stores triggered by either G-protein-coupled recep-
CENTRAL SENSITIZATION, AND NEUROPATHIC tors, such as metabotropic glutamate receptors, or
PAIN Neuropathic pain reflects injury of the sensory receptor tyrosine kinases, such as the tyrosine kinase
system, leading to reduced threshold for pain sensa- B receptor for brain-derived neurotrophic factor
tion resulting in spontaneous pain, increased ampli- (BDNF). The resulting increase in intracellular Ca21
tude and duration of pain responses (hyperalgesia), triggers several downstream cascades, including those
and triggering of pain by innocuous stimuli (allo- mediated by a variety of protein kinases, such as
dynia). These diverse manifestations reflect various extracellular signal-regulated kinase. This results in
combinations of disturbances of nociceptive transmis- upregulation of a-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-isoxa-
sion and processing at the level of peripheral nocicep- zole propionic acid (AMPA) receptor expression in
tors, dorsal horn (or trigeminal nucleus caudalis), and the postsynaptic membrane, activation of transcription
supraspinal targets. Itch is an unpleasant sensory and and local translation of synaptic proteins, and structural
emotional sensation that produces the desire to scratch changes in dendritic spines. In normal conditions, central
and has several common features with pain.7 For exam- sensitization is initiated by a conditioned stimulus from
ple, itch-producing agents, such as histamine or peptidergic nociceptor afferents and reflects the corelease
capsaicin, activate nociceptive primary afferents and of glutamate with substance P; these neuropeptides act
can generate simultaneously itch and pain sensations64; via NK1Rs to elicit membrane depolarization, thereby
persons with congenital insensitivity to pain are also promoting NMDA receptor activation. Presynaptic
typically insensitive to itch.65,66 However, itch and mechanisms lead to increased release of glutamate from
pain are independent sensations that may be inversely C afferents in the dorsal horn; this may be promoted by
related to one another; for example, nociceptive nitric oxide via protein kinase G–mediated phosphoryl-
counterstimuli (scratching) transiently relieves itch, ation cascades.15
whereas analgesic m-opioid receptor agonists produce
itch.7 Chronic neuropathic pain, with or without Plastic changes in primary afferents and excitatory
associated itch, is the consequence of peripheral and interneurons. Peripheral axotomy leads to sprouting
central sensitization within the spinothalamic system. of Ab afferents into lamina I and outer lamina II.67
These subjects have been extensively reviewed.15–19 After nerve injury, Ab afferents undergo a phenotypic
Peripheral sensitization reflects plastic changes in change including upregulation of expression of sub-
expression of function of a wide variety of cation stance P and other neuropeptides15,16; however,
channels in nociceptors, including TRPV1 and several there is no evidence that these fibers release sub-
types of voltage-gated sodium (Nav) channels, in stance P to activate NK1R in nociceptive lamina I
response to axon injury or tissue inflammation. These neurons.1 Repetitive noxious stimulation also trig-
mechanisms are not discussed here. gers extracellular receptor-activated kinase mediated

6 Neurology 86 March 15, 2016

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phosphorylation and downregulation of Kv4.2 axonal injury also triggers presynaptic Ca21-dependent
channels in excitatory neurons; this leads to signaling that results in global downregulation of the
increased excitability of these cells, thereby excitatory drive to GABAergic neurons from
promoting neuropathic pain.68 nociceptive Ad and C fibers.72
In the setting of axonal injury, there is activation
Loss of inhibition in the dorsal horn. There is extensive of microglia in the dorsal horn.73 Spinal cord microg-
experimental evidence that manifestations of neuro- lia has a major role in the genesis of persistent pain via
pathic pain, such as mechanical allodynia and itch, release of several mediators that regulate synaptic plas-
reflect impaired inhibition within dorsal horn circuits69 ticity of the excitatory and inhibitory pain circuits.74
(figure 2). There are several mechanisms contribut- For example, proinflammatory cytokines promote
ing to loss of GABAergic and glycinergic inhibition postsynaptic long-term potentiation of excitatory syn-
in the dorsal horn in the setting of axonal injury apses on dorsal horn projection neurons. Microglia
or tissue inflammation. They include excitotoxic may also contribute to the reduced efficacy of inhib-
damage of GABAergic neurons, long-term depression itory transmission in the dorsal horn. Microglia-
of inhibitory GABAergic transmission, and reduced derived BDNF downregulates the expression of the
efficacy of inhibitory transmission via GABAA or potassium chloride exporter in lamina I neurons; this
glycine receptor channels.69,70 For example, some leads to a depolarization shift in the equilibrium
GABAergic interneurons in the dorsal horn express potential of chloride, thereby reducing the efficacy
TRPV1 receptors; activation of these receptors may of GABAA and glycine receptor–mediated inhibi-
elicit long-term depression of excitatory inputs from tion.75 However, GABAergic and glycinergic neurons
myelinated fibers to these inhibitory neurons.71 Peripheral may retain their inhibitory effect in the setting of

Figure 2 Loss of inhibition in the dorsal horn as a mechanism of mechanical allodynia and neuropathic itch

(A) Loss of inhibitory control by g-aminobutyric acid (GABA)/glycinergic interneurons in the dorsal horn is an important mechanism for the manifestations of
neuropathic pain. Persistent mechanical allodynia reflects loss of inhibitory control on excitatory interneurons involved in the sequential dorsally projecting
polysynaptic excitatory pathway that allows inputs from low-threshold Ab mechanoreceptors terminating in lamina III to activate nociceptive neurons in
lamina I and thereby elicit pain. This pathway involves vesicular glutamate transporter-3 (VGLUT3)–expressing neurons in lamina III, protein kinase Cg–
expressing interneurons in inner lamina II, and vertical cells of outer lamina II projecting to neurokinin 1 receptor (NK1R)–expressing nociceptive projection
neurons in lamina I. (B) Removal of inhibition by interneurons expressing GABA/dynorphin, glycine, or both also result in neuropathic itch. The multisynaptic
dorsal horn itch pathway involves primary C-pruriceptor afferents that release natriuretic polypeptide B (NPPB), which, acting via natriuretic peptide
receptors, activates a group of interneurons expressing gastric-releasing peptide. These neurons activate a third population of excitatory neurons that
express the gastrin-releasing peptide receptor and, either directly or indirectly, convey the itch sensation via lamina I spinothalamic neurons.

Neurology 86 March 15, 2016 7

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neuropathy. For example, administration of drugs these monoamines in the dorsal horn. On the basis
that activate GABAA receptors,76 transplantation of of experimental studies in animals with selective dele-
GABA precursor neuron in the dorsal horn,77 or tion GABA/dynorphin neurons,61 the kappa opioid
selective activation of glycinergic neurons62 may receptor agonist nalfurafine is approved in Japan for
reduce neuropathic pain. treatment of itch associated with chronic kidney dis-
ease.80 A recently described dorsal horn circuit for
Consequences of impaired inhibition in the dorsal horn.
mechanically induced itch and tonically inhibited by
Mechanical allodynia. Recent studies show that persis-
neuropeptide Y interneurons81 may provide further
tent mechanical allodynia involves loss of inhibition
therapeutic targets. The major role of glycine in inhib-
of the excitatory interneurons involved in the sequential
itory dorsal horn circuits also provides the rationale for
dorsally projecting polysynaptic excitatory pathway that
development of drugs targeting glycinergic transmission
allows inputs from low-threshold Ab mechanoreceptors
for management of neuropathic pain and itch.
terminating in lamina III to activate nociceptive neurons
in lamina I and thereby elicit pain (figure 2).78 In normal STUDY FUNDING
conditions, this pathway is inactive due to surrounding No targeted funding reported.
feed-forward inhibition via GABA/glycinergic interneu-
rons.42 Both long-term depression of excitatory synapses DISCLOSURE
on GABAergic neurons71 or toxin-mediated ablation or E. Benarroch receives a stipend in his capacity as section editor of Clinical
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10 Neurology 86 March 15, 2016

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Dorsal horn circuitry: Complexity and implications for mechanisms of neuropathic
Eduardo E. Benarroch
Neurology published online February 17, 2016
DOI 10.1212/WNL.0000000000002478

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