How To Prove Cyber Crimes

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How to Prove Cyber Crimes:

The problems is not with the problems, it lies somewhere inside the system or the investigator. In
Pakistan, the problem is that many investigators have neither requisite expertise nor the required
experience to deal with investigation, evidence collection, evidence preservation and
presentation to the court. Therefore, the offender cannot be punishment. Technology is
constantly evolving, investigating electronic crimes will always be difficult because of the ease
of altering the data and the fact that transactions may be done anonymously. Due to alteration of
data, the investigation of cybercrimes is very complicated as compare to manual crimes.
However, by adopting latest techniques the complexity to prove digital crime can be reduced.

The Government of Pakistan has established the “National Response Centre for Cybercrime”
(NR3C) under the administrative control of Federal Investigation Agency (FIA), to investigate
the cybercrimes, trace the criminals and use their efforts to stop misuse of the internet.NR3C has
expertise to deal in the following subjects’ i.e. digital forensics, information system security
audits, technical investigation, penetration testing and training in these fields. Since its
establishment, it is working for the capacity building of law enforcement agencies, Bench and
bar, and other Government organizations. In addition to this, it has also piloted a large number of
seminars, workshops and training programs to create awareness among the academia, print and
electronic media and lawyers. NR3C has also arrested and prosecuted many criminals including
two boys for hacking Supreme Court website. NR3C is a law enforcement agency of the Federal
Government to fight the cybercrime. Feeling importance of the issue, this Hi-Tech crime fighting
unit was established in 2007 to identify and curb the phenomenon of technological abuse in
society. NR3C’s primary function is to deal with technology based crimes committed in Pakistan
or abroad committed by Pakistani nationals. This is the only unit which directly receives
complaints and assists other law enforcement agencies in cyber cases.


Digital forensics is the act of assisting an investigation by accumulating evidence from digital
artifacts. These digital artifacts include computers, network, cloud, hard drive, server, phone, or
any endpoint system connected to the infrastructure. The activity also includes collecting
information from emails, SMSs, images, deleted files, and much more. In short, the
responsibility of digital forensic investigator is a threefold process:

1. Preserving or recording the state of a digital device

2. Analyzing the state of digital device

3. Reporting retrieved information

In the case of a cybercrime, a digital forensic examiner analyzes digital devices and digital data
to gather enough evidence to help track the attacker. As data are abundant due to digital
dependencies, the role of a digital forensic investigator is gaining prominence everywhere.


Digital Forensic plays a very important role in criminal investigation system as it helps the
investigating officer to reach the person who has committed that crime. It helps in various ways
as it shows whether the death was natural or unnatural and if unnatural whether it was accidental,
homicidal or suicidal. It also shows whether death was due to any pointed weapon or firearm or
by any other way such as strangulation, poisoning etc.

A process known as Cadaveric Spasm is very helpful as it indicates that death was with great
emotional attachment and excitement. Reports of DNA and fingerprints are helpful in cases of
rape, robbery and other offences of same kind. Even with help of these reports experts can
identify the weapon used in commission of the crime. Development of forensic science and
digital forensic has made it easy for investigating officers to reach the criminal and put him
behind the bars forensic science reveal truth about the thing that is left unseen by common
eye.The modern forensics helps solving crimes in unimaginable ways. It should be top priority of
all law enforcement agencies that deal with various criminal activities at national and
international levels to have complete awareness about not only the use of forensics but also the
integrity of evidence.

In criminal justice, when evidence is available, forensic scientists and their work may, among
several other advantages, help to determine if a crime has been committed, help to determine
how a crime was committed.

Which help to determine when a crime was committed, help to determine what sequence of
events occurred at a crime scene, exclude the innocent as suspects, save investigators time and
effort, reducing associated costs, and evaluate evidence that may lead to conviction and testify in
the Court. While some of the ways in which forensic science affect our lives are obvious, many
are not so widely known. Digital Forensic is a vital and latest tool in fighting against crime not
only in Pakistan but all around the world and it unravels mysteries and simplifies scenarios for
law enforcement officials. It is playing an essential role in criminal investigation and helping the
criminal justice system of Pakistan to solve crimes.

Therefore, it is need to provide awareness to different law enforcement agencies for the integrity
of evidence.
Digital Forensics is more important now than ever:

With 83% people owning mobile phones today, the existence of data is staggering. but it is not
just mobile phones that forms a part of investigation, but other devices like laptop, desktop, tab,
juke box, play station, smart watches, and everything under the Internet of Things family are
responsible for exchange of data. The advancement of technology adds more to the volume of
data, and therefore, digital forensics should be expanded to adapt to meet the needs of the users.
The emergence of higher sophisticated devices has stressed on the importance of digital forensics

Eminent Cases Solved with Digital Forensics:

Digital footprint stands the amount of usage or accessing the data on various digital devices.
By following the digital footprints, the investigator would be able to retrieve the data that are
critical for solving the crime case.

1. Matt Baker—2010:

Matt Baker, a Baptist preacher, was convicted of murder of his wife and was sentenced
to imprisonment for 65 years. In the year 2006, his wife had apparently committed suicide by
overdosing on sleeping pills. The suicide was confirmed based on the suicide note left by his
wife. Later, while analyzing Baker’s computer, the search history of Baker’s computer had found
that he has searched for “overdosing on sleeping pills” and had also visited several
pharmaceutical websites prior to the wife’s death.

2. Krenar Lusha—2009:

Krenar Lusha of the United Kingdom was arrested based on his internet search pattern.
On investigating his laptop, it was found that he had downloaded a manual of 4300 GM to make
explosives and search belts. When they searched his apartment for further investigation, the
police also recovered 71.8 l of petrol, potassium nitrate, and a live shotgun cartridge. He had also
used his laptop to chat with people via MSN, describing himself as a terrorist or a sniper. He
presented himself as a person who wanted to see Jewish and American people killed. These
conversations were retrieved from his computer and used as digital evidence in the court.

3. Larry Jo Thomas—2016:

More than 250 Facebook posts are mentioned as a source of digital information gathered during
a forensic investigation in the Indiana appellate court. One of the recorded cases talks about
Larry Jo Thomas who was wrongly representing himself under the name ‘Slaughtaboi Larro’ on
Facebook. He posted a photo on his Facebook wall with an AR-15-style assault rifle. When the
investigation on the murder of Rito Llamas-Jaurez occurred, Larry was found guilty as Llamas-
Jaurez was shot dead with AR-15-style ammunition. Investigators also found a bracelet near the
crime scene which matched the one that Thomas was found wearing in one of the photos on

4. Mikayla Munn—2016:

A Manchester University student, Mikayla Munn, gave birth to a baby in her dorm
room bathtub. She immediately drowned her new born in the bath tub but covered it up stating
that she was not aware of her pregnancy and labor pains were felt while taking a bath, followed
by the baby’s arrival. On verifying her digital assets, investigators have found that she had
searched on Google for “at home abortions” and “ways to cut the umbilical cord of a baby.”
Munn pleaded guilty to neglect and was imprisoned for 9 years.

5. Ross Comptown—2017:

Ross Compton from Middletown, Ohio, was convicted on the grounds of aggravated
arson and insurance fraud of his Court Donegal house. The incident costed him $4 millions in
damage. When Ross submitted fake medical certificates describing his heart illness, the data
from his pacemaker served as evidence before the court of law. The data collected from
pacemaker included his heart rate, pacer demand, and heart rhythms which helped prove arson
and insurance fraud.

There are many cases of criminal and civil types where the gathered digital evidence has helped
uncover hidden scams. If the investigation process excites you and you want to opt for a cyber
forensic investigation career, then take a look at the Computer Hacking Forensic Investigator by
EC-Council. The C|HFI certifies you in the specific security disciplining of computer forensics
from a vendor-neutral perspective.

6. Zainab Ameen Rape and Murder Case:

One of the most prominent cases in the history of Pakistan solved with the help of
Forensic Science is that of Zainab Rape and Murder case. Using technologies, forensic analysis
and scientific investigation, law enforcement agencies with the help of Punjab Information
Technology Board (PITB) and forensic lab nabbed Imran Ali (criminal), who confessed his
crime.The analysis platform, which is typically used for terrorism-related investigations, enables
the authorities to collect CDR (call data records), previous criminal history and profiles, and
historical data about suspects from the method of crime and various other clues.

In this case, the authorities used the call data records from the vicinity of all the previous crimes
and identified people who were common to all the situations. The cell phone of the suspect in the
Kasur child rape-murder case was detected in 4 out of 5 recent instances where the same DNA
was identified. Police confirmed on January 13 that the results of DNA tests carried out in the
wake of the rape and murder of Zainab in Kasur indicated the involvement of one culprit in at
least seven similar cases that occurred in the district over the past year.

With the help of modern day forensic equipments and technologies the real culprit was arrested
and hanged to death.


To conclude it can be stated that digital forensic is one of the most helpful means and method of
solving crime. It helps in great ways in finding criminal and to bring justice to the victim. Court
relies upon such report if made with great cautions and corroborated with other independent

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