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Emily Walthers

Driving Question: How can we invest in stocks to build an income for the future?

3 pages

Day 1: Monday Day 2: Tuesday Day 3: Wednesday Day 4: Thursday Day 5: Friday
-Go over correlation -Speaker comes to -Computer Lab Day -Computer Lab Day 2 -Computer Lab Day 3
graphs (scatter plots, teach how to invest in -Students will be in -Play the game and -Lab for first half of
double bar graphs, stocks to the students the computer lab or if record any trends. class to invest in some
etc.) -Formative there are tablets -Formative stocks or pull out of
-Project overview: assessment: students accessible, they will Assessment: The last stocks. Also, a time to
introduce what they will record what they use those. 15 minutes of class I record any losses or
will be doing the next learned as an exit -Expectations for the will circulate the room gains.
two weeks and the ticket. computer lab will be and check to see if -In the classroom for
project outline. -The exit ticket will be set and described. they are recording in the second half, the
-A video that shows a a KWL chart. They -I will show an their Excel students will be
screencast of will fill in the know example of the Excel spreadsheet and are on project brainstorming.
someone playing the and want to know sheet they need to task. I will also ask if -Decide how
stock market game. before the speaker, make for their game. they assigned roles to presentation will be
-Assign groups that then they will fill in -They will also learn everyone in their presented.
they will be working what they learned how to read group. -I will give students a
in. when the speaker correlation graphs of -Have them research list of technology they
-Pass out rubric. leaves. stocks and what any stock trends that can utilize to present
-Let them get in their happened a certain could help them in their projects. I will
groups to let them Learning Objective: year that could help their game. also offer poster board
talk and do a little SWBAT explain the them invest better. as an option for
research on their strategies of the stock -Create an Excel sheet Learning Objective: students who want to
phones. This is to market and how to track their progress SWBAT organize do it that way.
spark brainstorming people invest in stocks throughout the stock their Excel
and interest in the to make more money. market game. spreadsheet to display Learning Objective:
project. -Student budget= their data. SWBAT represent
$2mil their data and come to
Standard A2.MP.4: -Let students to start conclusions.
Seen below in text box. playing the game.

This standard will Standard A2.S-ID.B.6:

outline the whole Represent data of two
idea of this project. It quantitative variables
is the main standard on a scatter plot, and
that drives the describe how the
project. quantities are related.
Extend to polynomial
Learning Objective: and exponential models.
Students will
understand the
project and end goal This standard will aid
of the project. them in researching
the correlation graphs
from the stock market.

Learning Objective:
Understand correlation
graphs, such as scatter
plots, to describe
quantities of stocks to
better invest.

Day 6: Day 7: Day 8: Day 9: Day 10:

-Computer Lab Day 4 -Review rubric for -Group Work -Last touches on -Summative
-LAST computer day projects -Tablet cart again projects. Assessment:
-Just stock game -Start to discuss -Time for me to -Practice Presenting. PRESENTATION
-Complete any last expectations for circulate. -Any last minute DAY
finishing touches on presentation day. -Answer questions questions. -6 mins per group
Excel -Answer any questions -Formative (6 groups) (40 mins
Research any trends or concerns students Assessment: ask them tops)
needed for their have. how ready they are -Pick 2 groups to
projects to solidify -Show an example of and if they know what evaluate during
their findings or show what they can do. they are doing. They presentations.
evidence for why -Any remaining time is will tell me their plans -Reflection at the
they invested in a for them to work on in case I need to help end:
stock. what they need to. them modify it. 1. What would
-Calculate ending -I will check out tablet you have
totals. cart for them to use in Learning Objective: done
-They will have time the classroom. SWBAT determine differently?
to print anything or their readiness for 2. What was
work on their Learning Objective: presentations. The your best
presentations with SWBAT identify key students will also learn part?
technology while features on the rubric to organize their ideas 3. What was
their group mates that are necessary for into a presentation that your favorite
work on the game. their project. represents part?
conclusions. 4. What can I
Learning Objective: do, as the
SWBAT research and teacher, to
identify trends better
between stocks and prepare you
breakthroughs the next time?
companies go Learning Objective:
through. SWBAT present
information to a
stock investor and a
professional who
teaches investing in

ISTE Standards:

2b: Advocate for equitable access to educational technology, digital content and learning
opportunities to meet the diverse needs of all students.
 4c: Use collaborative tools to expand students' authentic, real-world learning
experiences by engaging virtually with experts, teams and students, locally and globally.
 6b: Manage the use of technology and student learning strategies in digital platforms,
virtual environments, hands-on makerspaces or in the field.
Marzano Strategies:

 Strategy 3: Cooperative Learning

 Strategy 1: Setting Objectives and Providing Feedback

 Strategy 9: Generating and Testing Hypotheses

A2.MP.4: Model with mathematics. Mathematically proficient students apply the mathematics they know to
solve problems arising in everyday life, society, and the workplace. When given a problem in a contextual
situation, they identify the mathematical elements of a situation and create a mathematical model that
represents those mathematical elements and the relationships among them. Mathematically proficient students
use their model to analyze the relationships and draw conclusions. They interpret their mathematical results in
the context of the situation and reflect on whether the results make sense, possibly improving the model if it
has not served its purpose.

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