Cyberbullying Script

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Cyberbullying Script
(In an upbeat voice with music starting to fade in)
Good Morning everyone your listening to Jemima. Today we are going
to be discussing the topic of bullying on social media, or should I
say cyber bullying. Something the government has invested over £4
million in. This is in the hope that schools take the matter more
seriously. So let’s take a look at what some school children have
(Play recording of people answering the question to ‘Do Schools do
enough to stop Cyberbullying?’)
You can now hide behind a screen which makes it easier to bully as
you aren’t looking at a face, instead it’s a keyboard. You are
unable to see the emotion of the person and the expression of the
person. It’s cowardly!
(Have a slight pause and let the music play)
Both boys and girls, Men and women are affected. But unlike the
female species the males are supposed to be strong and defend. So
when it comes to help they are more hesitant. Therefore end up going
through the process by themselves, which for some could lead to
suicide. Statistics show that suicide is man’s biggest killer under
the age of 45.
Let’s head over to Fiona Hardman who will be able to tell us more
about the matter.
(Play interview with Fiona asking the questions ‘Do you think
Cyberbullying has grown as social media has grown?, Do you think 14-
24 year olds are most affected by cyberbullying?, How can the amount
of cyberbullying be reduced?, What is the worst social media
platform where cyber bullying takes place?’)
Being Cyberbullied can affect you a huge amount and practically turn
your life upside down. The difference to being bullied and
cyberbullied is that one stops and one follows you.
We can thank social media for this. Especially anonymous chat groups
like and Yolo. Now don’t get me wrong I think social media is
great and such a brilliant way of communicating. But I just don’t
see the point of someone asking what your favourite pizza topping is
anonymously, like c’mon. These anonymous chat sites are usually no
good and just allow people to express their feeling towards you
whether that’s bad or good.
(Play interview with Lily asking her the questions ‘How did the
bullying start?, How did the bullying make you feel?, How did the
bullying stop?, What would you tell people who are suffering at the
Cyberbullying Script

If you bully stop and if you’re being bullied get support. I don’t
think people realise just how common it is and how many people it
happens to. But let me let you into a secret, it’s a lot. A lot of
people just like you and me.

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