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What makes a text worth writing

There are many things that make a text worth writing. Some people write to
express their feelings. Some people write to relieve stress and anger. Some people
write because they want to be noticed by others and want to become an author. Some
people write so that they can be a better writer.
For me personally, I will only write if I have to do so. An example would be for a
school assignment like this. If I do not do any written assignments then I would not be
doing good in my classes and would have low grades. There would be a time when I
rarely would write on my own just to put out my thoughts on paper, like one time when I
was upset about my parents' decision of forcing me to go to a party I did not want to go
to. During that time I was writing down about what I wanted to say to them, but did not
say it so I would avoid having problems.
When it comes to other people, they may write for fame or to become an author.
They want to grab the audience's attention by writing some stories that they want to be
heard. Or they can write an autobiography about themselves so that they can be known
by other people who read them. They want to express how they lived and talk about
how their life was.
Some people want to write so that they can express how they feel about certain
things and keep it personal like a diary. I know that people like to write in diaries so that
they can feel like they have a connection with themselves and keep their feelings
private from others. When they are having a bad day, they can write out their stress and
problems in their diary so they can feel better.
There are people who also would write just so that they can become better at
writing. If you write more frequently than you would eventually become a better writer
and improve your skills for the future. If you are applying to colleges or jobs that require
you to write an essay than you can do a good job writing about why you want that
college and write about the skills you have for the job. You would also look more
educated and professional if you know how to write better.
People also would write just to enjoy writing random things they want to write
about. A personal example is from our free writes we have every class period.
Everytime we do them I always write about what happened the previous day with my
friends and I gaming session and go completely off topic with what I start writing about. I
know someone who one time wrote about their personal experience with something but
then went off topic because they did not know what else to write and had to keep writing
for the remaining time.
Through my experiences of writing, I say that writing would have a positive effect
on your feelings and your skills for your future essays to know how to do better. A text
that would make you feel better, impact a reader personally and have your voice heard
would be worth writing.

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