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TITLE: Theraflu

PRODUCT: Theraflu


MEDIUM: National TV Commercial

WRITER: Iyanna McAllister

Video Audio

1. WS of a sick girl red in the face in a bed 1. Mother: Doctor, please tell us that you

with a bag on her head and a thermometer in can do something for her. Please!

her mouth. 2. Doctor: I’m sorry, I just don’t see her

2. MS of a doctor and her parents improving. We have tried everything.

3. CU of the parents 3. Nurse: Have you tried theraflu? Just

4. Nurse walks in and hands them theraflu pour the powder in warm water, mix,

5. Doctor goes over to the sick child and and turns into tea!

groves her some in a cup 4. Child: Ahhhhhhh

6. Child goes from red to flesh color and lets 5. Nurse: Theraflu! The tea that heals!

out a sigh of relief.

7. CU of the nurse holding theraflu

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