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STUDENT ID NO. : 4182141002






TABLE OF CONTENT ............................................................................................................ 1

CHAPTER I............................................................................................................................ 1
PRELIMINARY ...................................................................................................................... 1
1.1. Background ......................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Purpose ..................................................................................................................... 3
1.3 Benefit ....................................................................................................................... 3
CHAPTER II .......................................................................................................................... 4
IDEAS CONCEPT................................................................................................................... 4
2.1 Initiative problem...................................................................................................... 4
2.2. Solution to the problem of ideas ............................................................................. 5
2.3. Involvement Part...................................................................................................... 7
2.3.1.Government ....................................................................................................... 7
2.3.2. Society ............................................................................................................... 7
2.4.Work Procedure ........................................................................................................ 7
2.4.1 Phase I Test ........................................................................................................ 7
2.4.2 Phase II Test ....................................................................................................... 8
BAB III .................................................................................................................................. 9
3.1 Conclusion ................................................................................................................. 9
3.2. Suggestion .............................................................................................................. 10
REFERENCE ........................................................................................................................ 11


1.1. Background
Worms are endemic and chronic diseases caused by parasitic worms with a
high prevalence, not deadly, but undermine the health of the human body so that
the resulting decline in nutritional conditions and public health. There are four
important types of worms, namely roundworms (Ascaris Lumbricoides),
hookworm (Ancylostoma Duodenale and Necator Americanus), and Whipworms
(Trichuris Trichiura), this worm disease, its prevalence is very high especially in
the tropics and subtropics. This disease is a cause of a lot of pain, including one of
them is helminthiasis.

The prevalence of morbidity in children in the world with worms more

than 1.5 billion people, or 24% of the world's population is infected with worms
due to direct contact with the soil. More than 2 billion people are infected with
worms. There are 800 million - 1 billion people infected with Ascariasis, 700 -
900 million infected with hookworms, 500 million infected with Trichuris
(Amaliah, 2016). Infections are widespread in tropical and subtropical regions,
with the greatest number occurring in sub-Saharan Africa, America, China and
east Asia. More than 270 million Preschool-aged children where the parasite is
intensively transmitted, and require further prevention and treatment and
treatment (WHO, 2016).

Various factors can affect health in pre-school age children including

behavioral, environmental, hereditary, health care, cultural and religious factors.
socio-economics, peers and schools (Samdal & Alexander2012). Another factor
is the number of members family and knowledge related to clean and healthy life
behavior. Another thing that also influences healthy behavior is the level of
education, gender, and attitudes that foster knowledge until it becomes a habit.
Knowledge and understanding of parents to raise, care for, and educate is needed
in shaping and maintaining healthy behavior in children.

A person's behavior can be influenced by the knowledge gained from experience,
so that it can lead to attitudes toward good values, one of which is health value
(Dhia IH, et al 2017)

The lifestyle of modern society has caused community activities to be

influenced by unhealthy lifestyles. The habit of not washing their hands before
and after eating, before going to bed they rarely brush their teeth, the behavior of
children who defecate in any place, clean the nails and clothes that are worn all
day and are not replaced, the habit of the community likes snacks in any place
where hygiene is not guaranteed phenomena that can cause transmission Worm
infectious diseases (Rizal, et al,2017).

Worm infections can cause malnutrition. Severe infection can interfere

with physical growth and cognitive development of patients. Children who have
been infected with worms for a long time will be experience weight loss and the
ability to learn in the process of new information, which can cause children to
have difficulty developing the power of thought, so that public knowledge is
needed to be able to behave clean and healthy for the creation of an optimal
health. One of the factors that can affect health in pre-age children schools among
them are knowledge factors that result ignorance of various things and causes of
things. This shows that the factor is due to the discovery of the fact that there is a
significant influence which has an impact on a health problem so that behavior
and become a habit among them appear habits in the family, social environment,
social status and school.

Cases of helminthiasis in Indonesia is still the most public health problem,

with a prevalence of 60% -90% depending on location, environmental sanitation
and socioeconomic. The prevalence of helminthiasis in Indonesia in 2011 was 104
cases, in 2012 there were 132 cases, in 2013 there were 126 cases and in 2014
there were 121 cases and in January-May 2015 with a total of 44 cases.
(Litbang Dinas Kesehatan Sleman, 2016).

1.2 Purpose
a) To find alternative traditional medicines for worms infection that are
easily obtained and inexpensive,
b) To Know the benefits of the antihelmintic effect of ketepeng
(Cassia alata L) boiled water,
c) To Utilizing Local Plants as Medicines for worms infection.

1.3 Benefit

a) Efforts to produce medicinal products against worm infection from

Chinese ketepeng boiled water
b) Provide information to the public regarding the use of traditional medicine
from ketepeng to treat worm infections.


2.1 Initiative problem

Indonesian people have long known and used medicinal plants as one of
the problems in overcoming health problems, long before formal health services
with modern medicine. Maintenance and development of traditional medicine as
cultural heritage through its development of excavation, testing and discovery of
new medicines, including cultivation of plants which Medically, it can be justified
(Syukur and Hernani, 2002).

Worm medicines that are issued in pharmacies and drug stores generally
have many side effects and some worm medicines such as mebendazole have
teratogenic effects so they should not be given to pregnant women. The public
also has not used much worm medicine periodically for certain reasons, for
example the price of the drug is considered quite expensive for certain groups of
people who oppose the quite high infection.

In Indonesian, especially in rural areas, until now there are still many who
treat themselves with traditional medicine which is a hereditary knowledge to treat
children who lack appetite due to helminthiasis. But apparently there are still
many worm medicines from Indonesia that have not been scientifically proven.
Until now, in rural areas there are still many treatments with traditional medicine
which is hereditary knowledge to treat lack appetite due to helminthiasis.
However, there are still many worm medicines from Indonesia that have not been
scientifically proven (Kuntari, 2008).

One of the plants that has the potential to be developed as a medicine for
intestinal worms is Ketepeng Cina (Cassia alata L.) has medicinal properties for
worms, canker sores, constipation, phlegm, ringworm, scabies and itching. There
are so many properties Cassia alata L.that it is necessary to prove the anthelmintic
effect of Chinese Ketepeng (Cassia alata L.) by experimental testing in the

Therefore, researchers are interested in conducting research from the infusion of
Chinese Ketepeng (Cassia alata L.) leaves which can be efficacious as an
anthelmintic against roundworms (Rahayu, 2007).

2.2. Solution to the problem of ideas

Infusion with concentrations of 20% and 40% begins the observation at
the 6th hour that infusion solution is given Chinese Ketepeng (Cassia alata L.)
leaves have not had an antelmentic effect on roundworms (Ascaris lumbricoides)
present in petri dishes. This situation can be seen by the movement of worms that
are still active when given a touch with a stirring rod. The provision of infusion of
Chinese Ketepeng (Cassia alata L.) leaves has not been seen because of an
efficacious substance as an antelmentic in infusion solution of Chinese Ketepeng
leaves has not affected the physiology of the worm's body and has not diffused
into the body through worm skin cells. But at the 12th hour to the 18th hour
concentration of 20%, the 12th hour at a concentration of 40% and the 6th hour at
a concentration of 80%, the infusion solution of the Chinese Ketepeng (Cassia
alata L.) leaf infusion test had an effect, this can be seen in the movement of
worms that begin to slow down.

This situation is thought to be caused by the presence of tannin compounds

contained in the infusion solution of Chinese Ketepeng leaves (Cassia alata L.)
has begun to enter the digestive tract and directly influences the process of protein
formation needed for worm activity. This active substance will coagulate protein
in the walls of roundworms (Ascaris lumbricoides), causing metabolic disorders
and homeostasis of worms (Budiyanti, 2010). And finally when the 24th hour at a
concentration of 20%, the 18th hour to the 24th hour at a concentration of 40%
and starting at the 12th hour to the 24th hour at a concentration of 80%, the
anthelmintic effect of the infusion of Chinese ketepeng leaves (Cassia alata L.) is
already visible, it is characterized by the body of the worm that has undergone
paralysis, seen after being given a touch of the worm is not moving. Paralysis or
paralysis is a loss of muscle function for one or many muscles. Paralysis can
cause loss of mobility in the affected area. Paralysis is often caused due to damage

to the brain. Observation using a 250 mg pirantel pamoate solution (combantrin®)
changes in the worm's body both color and state of body movement has begun to
weaken, this situation occurs at the 6th hour. Then in the 12th hour to the 18th
hour the worms undergo paralysis, but at the 24th hour there are still worms that
are paralyzed and 3 worms that have lysis. The three worms undergoing lysis are
caused by pirantel pamoat inhibiting the action of the cholinesterase enzyme.
From observations that have been made with a 6 hour interval for 24 hours it has
been proven that at a concentration of 20% after the 24th hour roundworm
(Ascaris lumbricoides) is paralyzed, this means a concentration of 20% already
has an anthelmintic effect even though the time required is longer than the
concentration 40% after the 18th hour to the 24th hour the worm undergoes
paralysis and at a concentration of 80% the worm has undergone paralysis, this is
evidenced from observations at the 12th hour to the 24th hour after administration
of infusion of Chinese Ketepeng (Cassia alata L.) leaves. Whereas at the
observation of the 250 mg pyrantel pamoate solution (combantrin®) at 12 hours
the worms had been paralyzed and at 24 hours there were worms that were
paralysis and 3 worms that had lysis.

2.3. Involvement Part
The government really needs its role in the use of this application
because the government is a provider of facilities and infrastructure.
In addition, it is also an agent responsible for socializing the use of
drugs or food legally and safely in other words must be tested by
BPOM first because this is a food product. also the government can
provide funds to provide opportunities for researchers to develop
soursop leaves so that their use is already an item that is ready to use
such as the use of chemotherapy in packages, of course the
government is working with the Indonesian Research Institute (LIPI)
in developing this .

2.3.2. Society
Society is the main object because society is the main target of this
idea so that people are free and can survive from deadly diseases such
as cancer. Lack of socialization and confirmation of the benefits of
soursop leaves makes the community have to spend a large amount of
funds for middle-aged operations and chemotherapy, even though
soursop leaves are very easy to find and easy to process.

2.4.Work Procedure
Antihelmintic testing procedure of Ketepeng leaves below is sourced from
the research journal Titi Kurnianti, 2008 :

2.4.1 Phase I Test

The first stage is the stage of making boiled water from the
ketepeng leaves. Selected a good side of ketepeng, then washed clean.
The leaves are then boiled with water so that the volume of water is only
three-fifths from the original volume. The dry weight of ketepeng leaves
is 28 percent of the wet weight, so if 100 grams of fresh ketepeng leaves
are boiled until the cooking water remains 100 ml, the concentration of

boiled water is considered to be 28 percent. To obtain boiled water with
lower concentrations, boiled water is added with a saline saline solution
with the formula
V1xC1 = V2xC2 where V1 is the initial volume, C1 is the initial
concentration, V2 is the final volume and C2 is the final concentration. In
this experiment, a series of ketepeng boiled water was made with a
concentration of 28 percent, 22.4 percent, 16.8 percent, 11.2 percent, 8.4
percent, 5.6 percent and 2.8 percent. Each one is taken as much as 25 ml
and put in a petri dish. In the petri for the control group, 25 ml of faali
salt was added. Then the hookworm is taken from the dog's intestine.
Newly slaughtered dog intestine is cut lengthwise, its contents idtmapung
in a bucket. The intestinal mucosa is then scraped off to release worms
that might be attached to the mucosa. The contents of the intestine are
then filtered in running water and one by one the living worms are taken
with a syringe. Then in each concentration of stew and control, 10 dog
hookworms were added. Worm deaths are counted every hour for 6

2.4.2 Phase II Test

In this stage II as much as 25 ml of each of the boiled water
concentration of ketepeng leaves that have been obtained in the phase I
test, faali salt and pyrant pamoate 0.236 percent were put into the petri


3.1 Conclusion
The boiled water of ketepeng leaves compared to the content of pyrantel
pamoat is much different, as in the results of the attached journal, the boiled water
of ketepeng at a concentration of 39.2 percent is 3 hours 58 minutes. This means
that within 3 hours 58 minutes, the number of dead hookworms reached 50
percent. This figure is far above the LT50 value of pirantel pamoat 0.236 percent,
which is 2 hours 41 minutes.This shows that the effectiveness of ketepeng boiled
water as an antihelmintic is lower than the effectiveness of pyrantel pamoate
which is indeed the drug of choice for hookworm infection, at the same time
pirantel pamoate will kill more worms than tapered leaves of ketepeng leaves.

Although the antihelmintic effect of ketepeng boiled water is low, it does

not mean that the ketepeng leaf is not effective for use as a worm medicine
because the test material used here is boiled water and not extracts. This material
still contains other ingredients on the side antihelmintic active ingredients and
antihelmintic levels are certainly lower when compared in extract form. If the
antihelmintic active ingredient can be separated, it is likely the antihelmintic
powerwill be bigger.

The ability of boiled water ketepeng leaves to kill hookworms may be

caused by the presence of certain active compounds contained therein. Cassia
alata L leaves are known to contain alkaloids, flavonoids, farmers and
antrakinons. Saponin compounds have the effect of inhibiting the action of the
enzymes khemotripsin, kholinesterase and preoteinase. Antihelmintic power of
boiled ketepeng leaves is thought to be caused by the active compound saponin
which inhibits the action of kholinesterase so that the worms will experience
spastic paralysis of the muscles which can eventually cause death.

3.2. Suggestion
Chinese ketepeng (Cassia alata L.) plants that have the potential to be
developed as a medicine for worms infection. Considering the many properties of
Chinese Ketepeng (Cassia alata L.), it is necessary to prove the anthelmintic
effect of Chinese Ketepeng (Cassia alata L.) with experimental tests in the
laboratory. Therefore, to find out more effective anthelmintic effects, further
research is needed through isolation of Chinese Ketepeng (Cassia alata L.) plants.


Amaliah,(2016).Distribusi Spasial Kasus Kecacingan (Ascaris Lumbricoides)

terhadap Personal Higiene Anak Balita di Pulau Kodingareng
Kecamatan Ujung Tanah Kota Makasar, Jurnal Higiene. UIN Alaudin

Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan.(2013).Laporan Hasil

RISKESDA, Dinkes, Sleman Yogyakarta.

Depkes RI. (2004).Pedoman Umum Program Nasional Pemberantasan Cacing di

Era Desentralisasi. Jakarta.

Dhia IH, et al.(2017).Gambaran Pengetahuan Penyakit Cacingan (Helminthiasis)

Pada Wali Murid SDN 1,2,3 dan 4 Mulyoagung Kecamatan Dau
kabupaten Malang Jawa Timur, UNM. Jurnal Preventia.

Rizal,et al.(2017).Prevalensi dan Intensitas Infeksi Ascaris Lumbricoides dan

Trichuris Trichura Pada anggota Keluarga di Jakarta dan Cipanas Jawa
Barat, Departemen Parasitologi, FK UI, Jakarta.

Samdal & Alexander.(2012), Survei health behavior school children (HBSC)

WHO.(2016).Prevalensi Penyakit Kecacingan di Dunia, World Health



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