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Detailed course outlines of MCS first semester designed for
the Department of Computer Science and IT, IUB.

The Islamia University of Bahawalpur

Tel +62 925 5466 Department of Computer Science & IT,
Fax +62 925 5467 Baghdad ul Jadeed Campus
Table of Contents

CSIT-21101: Programming Fundamentals _________________________________________ 1
CSIT-21102: Digital Logic and Design ____________________________________________ 3
CSIT-21103: Database Systems _________________________________________________ 5
CSIT-21104: Operating Systems_________________________________________________ 7
CSIT-21105: English Comprehension _____________________________________________ 9
CSIT-21106: Islamic Studies ___________________________________________________ 11
Contact Information __________________________________________________________ 13
Pg. 01 MCS – 1st Semester

CSIT-21101: CSIT-21101: Programming Fundamentals

Course Objectives: This course is all about the basic programming skills. Students will learn
Credit Hours: how to design the algorithms to solve simple problems and then how to program the designed
3(2-1) algorithms. Students will study the programming constituents in C++ from basic to the advanced
Pre-Requisites: Pre-Requisites: None
Text Book:
1. C++ by Dietal & Dietal

Reference Materials:
1. How to Program: Using C++ by Robert Lafore
2. Programming in C by Behroz A. Frouzen

Course Outline: Mid Term

Week Course Contents
Week 1 Overview: Types of Programming languages; Basics and History of C++;
Translators: Compiler, Interpreter and Assembler; Compiler -> Running a
program, debugging, linking; Source file, Object file and Executable file;
Errors: Syntax, Logical and Runtime errors;
Structure of a C++ Program: Preprocessor Directives, main function,
Statement terminator, iostream, conio, stdio libraries;

Week 2 Identifiers: What are identifiers? Rules for writing identifiers.

Variables & Constant: Basic variable data types:int, float, char, short
int, long int, unsigned int, signed int, double.
Using Variables: Variable declaration, Variable initialization, Garbage Values,
Overflow and Underflow concept, Type Casting concepts.

Week 3 Input/Output Functions: cout and cin, endl, Programming practice

Outputs problems practice
Week 4 Operators: Binary/Unary operator
Arithmetic Operators: precedence of arithmetic operators
Logical Operators: AND, OR and NOT, using logical operator
Relational Operators: <, >, <=, >=, ==, !=

Week 5 Increment/Decrement operator: Post/Pre, inc/dec operators

Compound Statements: Concept and problems practice
Conditional Statement: if, if-else, nested if-else.
Programming Practice


Pg. 02 MCS – 1st Semester

CSIT-21101: Course Outline: Final Term

Week Course Contents
Fundamentals Week 7 Statements: beak statement, continue statement, Switch Statement:
Difference between switch and if statement concept
Credit Hours: Programming practice
Week 8 Iterative statements/Loops: Pre-test and Post-test Loops.
For loop, Nested for loop
How to write for loop in different ways.
None Programming practice

Week 9 While Loop: Difference of for loop and while loop

Do-While Loop: Difference of while and do-while loop
Programming practice

Week 10 Arrays: Accessing array elements, input and output in arrays, index concept;
Array Types: 1-D and 2- D array;
Programming practice

Week 11 Functions: User defined functions, declaration and definition, Pass by

reference and Pass by value problems practice , Array passing into function
Programming practice

Week 12 String Handling: Basics of String, String vs. Array of char, string.h library
String Functions: gets, puts, strcmp, strcpy, cin.getline.
programming practice

Week 13 Pointers: Pointers to int, float, char

Pointer Types: Void pointer, null pointers, dangling pointers
Use of pointers: using pointers in functions: swapping values example; Use of
pointers in arrays
Programming practice

Week 14 Structures: Concepts, use of structures, data members, calling data members;
Nested structures, Use of array in structures: examples
Programming practice

Week 15 File Handling: File modes; Functions use in file handling;

Files Manipulation: Read a text file, write in a text file, append in a text file.
Programming practice


Pg. 03 MCS – 1st Semester

CSIT-21102: CSIT-21102: Digital Logic and Design

Digital Logic and
Course Objectives: This course provides a modern introduction to logic design and the basic
Credit Hours: building blocks used in digital systems, in particular digital computers. The course covers topics,

3(2-1) data representation in digital computers; Boolean algebra; the analysis, design, optimization and
implementation of combinatorial and sequential circuits; modern digital circuit technologies.
Pre-Requisites: None
Text Book:
1. Digital Fundamentals by Thomas L. Floyd, Prentice Hall; 11th Edition.
Reference Books:
1. Fundamentals of Digital Logic with Verilog Design by Stephen Brown and Zvonko
Vranesic, McGraw-Hill; 3rd Edition, ISBN-10: 0073380547
2. Digital Design, by M. Morris Mano, Michael D. Ciletti, 4th Edition, Prentice Hall (2007).
ISBN-10: 0131989243
3. Fundamentals of Logic Design by Jr. Charles H. Roth and Larry L Kin

Course Outline: Mid Term

Week Course Contents

Week 1 Overview: Digital and Analog Quantities
Digital Waveform and its Characteristics (Period, Frequency, Duty Cycle)
Number System (Binary, Octal, Decimal and Hex) and their conversions

Week 2 Number Systems: Methods to represent Signed Binary Numbers (Signed

magnitude form, 1’s Complement, 2’s Complement)
Addition/Subtraction using 1’s and 2’s Complement

Week 3 Codes: Gray Code, BCD code, BCD addition

Logic gates: Inverter, AND, OR, NAND, NOR, XOR, XNOR by using at least 2
inputs and 3 inputs and their Applications

Week 4 Integrated Circuits: IC concept,

Combinational Logic: Constructing logic gates circuits from the given Boolean
expressions and vice versa
Laws and rules of Boolean Algebra, Demorgan’s Theorem

Week 5 Expression Simplification: Simplification of Boolean expressions using

Boolean rules/laws
Simple SOP/POS, Standard SOP/POS and its Canonical form, conversion from
SOP to POS and vice versa.
Simplifying SOP and POS expressions using K-Map (up to 3 and 4 variables)


Pg. 04 MCS – 1st Semester

CSIT-21102: Course Outline: Final Term

Digital Logic and
Week Course Contents
Design Week 7 Adders: Half Adder, Full Adder,
Parallel Binary Adders
Credit Hours:
Week 8 Comparators, Encoders/ Decoders, introduction to 7 segment display
Week 9 Multiplexor/ DeMultiplexor
Pre-Requisites: Concept of Parity, parity generators and checkers
Week 10 Flip Flops: Introduction to Flip Flops, Types of flip flops (SR, JK, D) and flip flop
Latches: overview of latches, Difference in latches and flip flops

Week 11 Counters: Synchronous Counters, Asynchronous Counters and their


Week 12 Shift Registers: Serial In/Serial Out, Serial In/ Parallel Out, Parallel In/ Serial
Out, Parallel In/ Parallel Out

Week 13 Memory Basics, Basic Memory Operation ( Write/ Read Operation)

Week 14 Memory Decoding (logical construction and block diagram of m x n RAM)

Example given in Morris Mano (4x3 RAM)

Week 15 RAM,SRAM (Synchronous and Asynchronous with burst feature), DRAM and
its types,
Cache Memory and its levels, Tracks, Sectors, Clusters, Cylinders.


Pg. 05 MCS – 1st Semester

CSIT-21103: CSIT-21103: Database Systems

Course Objectives: This course will illustrate the important role that database systems play
Credit Hours: in an organization and provide you with a background to understand the subject, and a
3(2-1) foundation upon which to build your management decisions. This course is designed to
investigate how database management system techniques are used to design, develop,
Pre-Requisites: implement and maintain modern database applications in organizations.
None Pre-Requisites: None
Text Book:
1. Database systems: principles, design, and implementation, Catherine M. Ricardo,
Macmillan, 1990. ISBN: 9780023996658

Reference Books:
1. Fundamentals of Database Systems by R. Elmasri and S. Navathe. 6th Edition, Addison-
Wesley (2010). ISBN-10: 0136086209.
2. Modern Database Management by Fred McFadden, Jeffrey Hoofer, Mary Prescott,
Prentice Hall; 11th Edition (July 26, 2012). ISBN-10: 0132662256

Course Outline: Mid Term

Week Course Contents
Week 1 Overview: Database, Database management System (DBMS), Example of
popular DBMS,
Traditional File Processing System, Advantages and Disadvantages of
Database Approach,
Database Administrator: Functions of DBA, End Users

Week 2 Database: Architecture, Database design Life Cycle,

Traditional System Analysis Approach, Staged Database Design Approach

Week 3 Data Flow Diagrams: Context DFD, Diagram 0, Detailed DFD

Data Dictionary: Data Dictionary with types and uses
Logical Data Independence: Applications and Examples

Week 4 Three Level Architecture: External/Conceptual Mapping, Conceptual/Internal

Database Models: Relational Model, Hierarchical Model, Network Model

Week 5 E-R Modelling: Introduction and Purpose of E-R Model

Entities: Entity and its Types, Attributes and its Types, Domain of Attribute,
Relationships: Relationship and its Types, Cardinality of Relationship,


Pg. 06 MCS – 1st Semester

CSIT-21103: Course Outline: Final Term

Week Course Contents
Systems Week 7 E-R Diagrams: Symbols with representation, Different ways to show
cardinalities of relationship in E-R Diagrams
Credit Hours:
3(2-1) Week 8 Working Example of E-R Model: Scenario Based Examples to explain how to
identify Entities, Attributes and Relationship among different entities and how to
draw a complete E-R Diagram
None Week 9 Keys: Super Keys, Candidate Keys, Primary Keys, Alternate / Secondary Keys,
Foreign Keys
Dependencies: Existence Dependency, Identifier Dependency, Referential

Week 10 Relational Model: Introduction, Uses and Advantages of Relational Model,

Database Relations: Properties of Relations, Degree and Cardinality of a
Integrity constraints: Entity Integrity, Referential Integrity

Week 11 Relational Algebra: SELECT Operator, PROJECT Operator, Product, Theta

Join, Equijoin, Natural Join, Semi Join, Outer Join, Set Operations (Union,
Difference, Intersection)
Mapping an E-R Model to Relational Model (Basic Concepts)

Week 12 Normalization: Functional Dependency with examples, First Normal Form with
examples, Full Functional Dependency with examples, Second Normal Form
with examples

Week 13 Normalization: Transitive Dependency with examples, Third Normal Form with
examples, Normalization Process with different examples to explain how to
normalize an un-normalized data

Week 14 Structured Query Language: Different commands of SQL with different

examples. SELECT Statement, INSERT INTO Statement

Week 15 Structured Query Language: DELETE Statement, UPDATE Statement,

CREAT Statement


Pg. 07 MCS – 1st Semester

CSIT-21104: CSIT-21104: Operating Systems

Course Objectives: This course examines the important problems in operating system design
Credit Hours: and implementation. This course will introduce the core concepts of operating systems, such as
3(2-1) processes and threads, scheduling, synchronization, memory management, file systems, input
and output device management and security.
Pre-Requisites: Pre-Requisites: None
None Text Book:
1. Operating System Concepts by Abraham Silberschatz, Peter B. Galvin, and Greg
Gagne, Wiley; 9th edition (December 17, 2012). ISBN-10:1118063333

Reference Materials:
1. Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles by William Stallings, Prentice Hall;
7 edition (March 10, 2011). ISBN-10: 013230998X
2. Modern Operating Systems by Tanenmaum A.S., Prentice Hall; 3rd Edition (2007).
ISBN-13: 978-0136006633

Course Outline: Mid Term

Week Course Contents
Week 1 Overview: Operating System basics, Operating System Services
User Interface: Command Line interface, Graphical User Interface (GUI)
System Calls: Definition, types and working

Week 2 OS Structures: Simple, Layered, Microkernels, Modules

Virtual Machines: Introduction , advantages and disadvantages
Kernel and shells, System Boot

Week 3 Processes: Process states, Process state diagram, Process Control Block
Process scheduling Types: Short term, long term, medium term, context
switching, Queuing diagram

Week 4 Process: Operations on Processes (process creation, process termination)

Inter-process Communication: Message Passing and shared variable

Week 5 Threads: Introduction, difference with processes, Multithreading Models

(explanation with examples), Thread Libraries.
User Threads vs. kernel Threads


Pg. 08 MCS – 1st Semester

CSIT-21104: Course Outline: Final Term

Week Course Contents
Systems Week 7 Process Scheduling: Scheduling criteria, scheduling mechanisms,
Types: preemptive vs non-preemptive scheduling.
Credit Hours:
Week 8 Scheduling Algorithms: FCFS, SJF, Priority, and Round Robin.
Comparison of all 4 algorithms

Pre-Requisites: Week 9 Threads and Concurrency: concurrency through multi-threading, concurrency

None through interrupt handling, concurrent access to shared memory, race
conditions, mutual exclusion.

Week 10 Synchronization: Atomic instructions, locks, mutex semaphores, counting

Classic Synchronization Problems: Producer Consumer, Dining
Philosophers, Readers and Writers.

Week 11 Deadlock: Overview and its Prevention (Methods and explanation)

Methods for Handling Deadlocks

Week 12 Deadlock Avoidance (methods and explanation)

Recovery from Deadlock

Week 13 Memory: Swapping (Overview)

Segmentation (Overview and explanation)

Week 14 Paging: Introduction and explanation

Week 15 Page Replacement Algorithms: FIFO, LRU, Optimal


Pg. 09 MCS – 1st Semester

CSIT-21105: CSIT-21105: English Comprehension

Comprehension &
Technical & Course Objectives: The main objective of the course is to equip students with skills that will
Business Writing enable them to communicate clearly and concisely in diverse business situations. The students
will learn the importance of planning and organizing effective written messages. The course will
Credit Hours: emphasize on determining objectives and on developing a logical argument before presenting
3(3-0) the message in an appropriate format.

Pre-Requisites: None
None Text Book:
1. Effective Business Communication by Herta a Murphy, McGraw-Hill, 2009, 7th Edition,

Reference Books:
1. Effective Communication Skills: The Foundations for Change by JohnNielsen, 2008,
ISBN: 1453506748
2. Technical English: Writing, Reading, and Speaking by Pickett and Laster. 8th Edition

Course Outline: Mid Term

Week Course Contents
Week 1 Principles of writing good English, understanding the composition process:
writing clearly; words, sentence and paragraphs; Comprehension and
expression; Use of grammar and punctuation.

Week 2 Letter Writing Skills: Kinds of Business letter, Essential parts of business
letter, Principles of business communication, 7c’s or qualities of business letters

Week 3 Business letter Types: Inquiry letters, The order letter, Claim letter, Credit
letter, Sales letter, Adjustment letters
Memo and applications

Week 4 Business Communication: Introduction, Importance of effective business

communication, Advantages of business communication, Direction of

Week 5 Components of communication, Barriers to communication

International or global communication


Pg. 10 MCS – 1st Semester

CSIT-21105: Course Outline: Final Term

Week Course Contents
Comprehension & Week 7 Business report Writing: Guidelines
Technical & Writing a market report
Business Writing
Week 8 Short or informal business report
The formal long report
Credit Hours:
3(3-0) Week 9 Resume Writing: Resume vs. Curriculum Vitae
The job application process
Week 10 Proposal Writing: Parts of proposals,
None Research proposals,
Business proposals

Week 11 Interpersonal Skills: Strategies for successful speaking and listening

Strategies for successful interpersonal communication

Week 12 Oral presentations: Guidelines and practice, Time management,

Opening and concluding,
Use of audio-visual aids,
Delivery and presentation.

Week 13 Meetings: Conducting meetings,

Small group communication,
Taking meeting minutes.

Week 14 Group discussion

Week 15 Interviews: Preparation for interviews


Pg. 11 MCS – 1st Semester

CSIT-21106: CSIT-21106: Islamic Studies

Islamic Studies

Credit Hours: Course Objectives: This course introduces basics of Islam.

Pre-Requisites: None
Text Book:
1. Zafar ul Islam by Prof. Dr.A. Rauf Zafar

Course Outline: Mid Term

Week Course Contents
Week 1 Introduction to Quranic Studies: Basic Concepts of Quran, History of Quran,

Week 2 Study of Selected Text of Holly Quran: Verses of Surah Al-Baqra Related to
Faith(Verse No-284-286), Verses of Surah Al-Hujrat Related to Adab Al-Nabi,
(Verse No-1-18)

Week 3 Study of Selected Text of Holly Quran: Verses of Surah Al-Mumanoon

Related to Characteristics of faithful (Verse No-1-11), Verses of Surah al-
Furqan Related to Social Ethics (Verse No.63-77), Verses of Surah Al-Inam
Related to Ihkam(Verse No-152-154)

Week 4 Study of Selected Text of Holly Quran: Verses of Surah Al-Ihzab Related to
Adab al-Nabi (Verse No.6,21,40,56,57,58.)

Week 5 Study of Selected Text of Holly Quran: Verses of Surah Al-Hashar (18,19,20)
Related to thinking, Day of Judgment, Verses of Surah Al-Saf Related to
Tafakar,Tadabar (Verse No-1,14)


Pg. 12 MCS – 1st Semester

CSIT-21106: Course Outline: Final Term

Islamic Studies Week Course Contents
Week 7 Seerat of Holy Prophet (S.A.W) I: Life of Muhammad Bin Abdullah (Before
Credit Hours: Prophet Hood), Life of Holy Prophet (S.A.W) in Makkah, Important Lessons
0(0-0) Derived from the life of Holy Prophet in Makkah

Week 8 Seerat of Holy Prophet (S.A.W) II: Life of Holy Prophet (S.A.W) in Madina,
Important Events of Life Holy Prophet in Madina, Important Lessons Derived
None from the life of Holy Prophet in Madina

Week 9 Introduction to Sunnah: Basic Concepts of Hadith, History of Hadith, Kinds of

Hadith, Uloom –ul-Hadith, Sunnah & Hadith, Legal Position of Sunnah

Week 10 Introduction to Islamic Law & Jurisprudence: Basic Concepts of Islamic Law
& Jurisprudence, History & Importance of Islamic Law & Jurisprudence

Week 11 Introduction to Islamic Law & Jurisprudence: Sources of Islamic Law &
Jurisprudence, Nature of Differences in Islamic Law, Islam and Sectarianism

Week 12 Islamic Culture & Civilization: Basic Concepts of Islamic Culture &
Civilization, Historical Development of Islamic Culture & Civilization,

Week 13 Islamic Culture & Civilization: Characteristics of Islamic Culture & Civilization,
Islamic Culture & Civilization and Contemporary Issues

Week 14 Islam & Science: Basic Concepts of Islam & Science, Contributions of Muslims
in the Development of Science, Quranic & Science

Week 15 Islamic Economic System: Basic Concepts of Islamic Economic System,

Means of Distribution of wealth in Islamic Economics


Pg. 13 MCS – 1st Semester

Contact Information
Dr. Imran Sarwar Bajwa
Coordinator, MCS Program
Department of Computer Science & IT,
The Islamia University of Bahawalpur
Baghdad-ul-Jadeed Campus
Tel: +62 925 5467

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