CH: - 6 (The Sayyid and Lodi Dynasties) - Syed Dynasty

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Ch:- 6(The Sayyid and Lodi Dynasties).


Syed Dynasty
Q1) tell about Syed Dynasty.

A) This dynasty only ruled for 37 years. During this reign, the dynasty miserably failed to rule and no
progress was made in administration policies. During their reign, many insurgencies were also raised and
many independent states were formed and because of this the Empire of Delhi was almost about few
hundreds square Km in area.

Khizar khan:-
Q2) Tell about the arrival of Khizar khan.

A) After the death of Mehmood Tughluq in 1414, Daulat khan lodhi came into power and started to
govern the Delhi Empire. Although, he didn’t announced his government properly.

Khizar khan was appointed by Amir Taimur as a Niab in Hindustan, and the governor of Lahore (Punjab)
for administration of the Delhi empire during his absence. Hence, he sieged Delhi and after 4 months of
blockage, Daulat khan Lodhi escaped and Khizar khan announced his government and captured Delhi.
That how Syed Dynasty began.

Q3) Tell about the reign of Khizar khan.

A) During Khizar reign many insurgencies were raised. Therefore, in-order to safe his empire and to stop
these insurgencies, he tried to recapture and make himself politically strong in areas named: - Doab,
Rajputana, and other areas and appointed several trusted man as Governor in these areas.

Khizar khan also tried to improve the facilities for cultivators, and to restore the powers of the Sultan
but failed to do so.

Khizar khan died in 1421.

Q) Tell what Ferishta said about Khizar khan.

A) According to Ferishta:-

“People were happy and contented under his rule and for this reason, old and
young, the slave and the free lamented his death by wearing black garment.
Mubarak shah:-
Q4) Tell about Mubarak shah.

A) Mubarak Shah was, the son of Khizr Khan. He came to the throne in 1421. He was a man of great
vision, but the nobles were against him and kept revolting.

Q5) Tell about Mubarak shah reign.

A) Mubarak shah was the son Khizar khan. He unlike his father desired to become the sultan of Delhi
Empire. The feudal lords and other royal rulers were breaking the Delhi Empire apart by raising
insurgencies and forming their independent state. Hence, he found it necessary to finish their strength
therefore, he announced that no feudal lord has inheritance right and they will be shifted from one land
to another land and their locations will be changed. Because of this they will become politically weak.
Due to this rule by the Sultan, Feudal lords raised many insurgencies against him.

Q6) Tell about the death of Mubarak shah.

A) The royal rulers and feudal lords were very against him and were playing an important role in plotting
conspiracies of killing sultan, in which they succeeded, when he was murdered in 1434 by a noble
named Sardar ud Mulk.

Muhammad Shah:-
(1434- 1445).
Q7) Tell about Muhammad Shah during his reign:-

A) After the death of Mubarak shah, his nephew Muhammad shah came into power. No blood was spilt
during his reign, because he was coward ruler and didn’t stop the insurgencies raised against him and
accepted the independent states formed in areas like Punjab and Multan.

Q8) Tell about the insurgencies raised during Muhammad shah reign.

A) The insurgencies raised are following:-

1) Lunghah family formed their independent state in Multan.

2) Behlool Lodhi captured central and eastern Punjab and started to became politically strong, but
Muhammad shah didn’t take action against them accepted their rule.

Hence, no blood was spilt and he peacefully ruled till 1445.

He died his natural death in 1445.

Allauddin Alem Shah:-

(1445- 1451).
Q9) tell about Allauddin Alem shah reign.

A) After the death of Muhammad shah, Allauddin Alem shah came into power. He was worthless a
sultan and spent most of the time in fulfilling his desires and did not take interest in the politics and
administration of the Delhi Empire. That is why many royal rulers and feudal lords formed their own
independent state, and during his reign, Delhi Empire was barely few Kilometers in area. In 1448, he
completely left Delhi own its own.

Q10) Tell about Behlool Lodhi arrival.

A) Because of the absent mindedness and worthlessness of Allauddin Alem shah in state affairs, the
noble and royal rulers made Behlool Shah as the new Sultan of Delhi.

From there, the era of Lodhi dynasty began.

Lodhi Dynasty:-
Q11) Tell about Lodhi Dynasty.

A) Lodhi Dynasty was the 5th and the last ruling family of Delhi sultanate. In Afghani language “Lodhi”
means “Great or Almighty”.

Behlool Lodhi:-
Q12) Tell about the background of Behlool Lodhi.

A) Behlool Lodhi Grandfather came in Hindustan after leaving his country named “Koh-e- Sulaman”. He
started to work under the head of the province.

Behlool Lodhi father was a man of owner. After the death of his father his uncle Islam Khan brought him
up. Islam khan appointed him as the chief of army.

Q13) Tell about Behlool Lodhi arrival.

A) Because of the absent mindedness and worthlessness of Allauddin Alem shah in state affairs, the
noble and royal rulers made Behlool Shah as the new Sultan of Delhi.

From there, the era of Lodhi dynasty began.

Q14) tell about the reign of Behlool Lodhi.

A) Behlool Lodhi belonged to Afghani race and after his accession to thrones, he gave important values
to the people of his race and appointed them for many important designations.
Q15) Tell about the role of Behlool Lodhi in the expansion of his empire.

A) Behlool Lodhi always desired to expand his Empire, so first took action against Langhah family in
Multan but failed. Then, he tried to recapture Jonpur and after many years he succeeded to capture,
before his death. He died on 1489.

Sikandar Lodhi:-
Q16) Tell about the reign of Sikandar Lodhi and the problems he faced during his reign.

A) After the death of Behlool Lodhi his son Sikandar Lodhi came into power. On his accession to the
thrones, he adopted the policies same like his fathers, but his brothers were creating hurdles in his way
because they believed that he was only the rightful ruler of Delhi Empire, so in-order to avoid clashes
with his brother, Sikandar Lodhi appointed his one brother as the governor of Jonpur and other as the
governor of Autawa. When the royal ruler of Jonpur raised insurgency, Sikandar Lodhi fully supported
his brother, but his brother failed to stop the insurgencies. Hence, he was replaced with another trusted
man of the Sultan. The former ruler of Jonpur, later on again tried to defeat the Sultan but failed.

He also captured Bihar and reduced Gwalior to subjection. He changed his capital from Delhi to Agra,
which proved to be a right decision because of the poor conditions in Delhi.

Sikandar Lodhi was the greatest king of the Lodi Dynasty. He died on 1517 after a successful reign of 28

Ibrahim Lodi:-
(1517- 1526)
Q17) Tell about the Arrival of Ibrahim Lodhi.

A) After the death of Sikandar Lodhi, the Afghani royal rulers together decided to make Ibrahim the
eldest son of Sikandar the ruler of Delhi and his younger son Jallal Khan, the ruler of Jonpur.

Q18) Tell about the rivalry with his brother Jallal Khan.
A) Ibrahim has many disputes with Jallal khan over the thrones. Because of these disputes, they both
made their separate Afghan parties. Hence, the Afghan nation was separated into 2 half’s.

Q19) Tell about the fight between Rana Sangha and Ibrahim Lodhi.

A) Rana Sangha took advantage of the disunity between Afghani’s. He also captured many areas from
Syed family of Delhi and wanted to form his Empire in Hindustan. Hence, he decided to attack Ibrahim

Ibrahim Lodhi was afraid because of the increasing strength of Rana Sangha.
Both fought very bravely and the battle lasted for many day and at last he apologized with Rana Sangha
and the battle was over, but the Sultan’s reputation and his army were badly injured.

Q20) Tell about the relation with royal rulers of the sultan.

A) Ibrahim Lodhi was a very strict type of dictatorship. He used to treat his governor badly and punished
them on small mistakes. Hence, because of his strictness, many royal rulers were against him and
formed their own independent state.

Q21) tell about the relation of Sultan with Daulat khan Lodhi.

A) Ibrahim Lodhi had not even trusted Daulat khan Lodhi who was the governor of Punjab so, he asked
for Daulat Khan Lodhi presence in Delhi but, send his son Dallawar Khan to Delhi to meet Daulat khan
lodhi because he thought that Daulat khan might had plotted a conspiracy against him. When Dallawar
met Daulat khan, he was insulted by him. So, when Dallawar came back to his father, he told him about
the whole incident.

Q22) Tell about the arrival of Babar.

A) Babar was invited by Daulat khan Lodhi to capture Hindustan, so in 1524 he first captured Punjab.
Later on, in 1526 Babar defeated Ibrahim Lodhi in the field of Pani patt. Hence, the Mughal Dynasty

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