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The modern man needs English language to survive in the competitive world. English
Language Teaching (ELT) is the upcoming field of teaching which teaches the nuances of
English language to the nook and corner of the society. It adds useful approaches to meet out the
expectations of the intellectual society. One among them is Blended Learning (BL) approach.
Blended learning is a valuable concept that can be used to achieve English teaching goals. The
good old classroom teaching method alone may not be enough to suit individual requirements.
We need the leading modern technology to serve each student’s requirements of English learning
circle. Blended Learning is the combination of digital tools, techniques and materials with the
physical classroom. Blended Learning can unify traditional classroom learning, online learning
and independent study. Blended Learning gives personalized learning experience. It allows
students to study more comfortably in their personal pase. Additionally, It permits learners to
integrate learning experiences from two learning environments, online and face to face. This
paper aims at showing the basic of Blended Learning approach in English Language Teaching.

Key words : English Language Teaching (ELT), Blended Learning (BL), traditional classroom
learning, online learning, personalised learning.

Education system is often altering its position as per the demands of the social,
educational and political settings. English Language has become a vehicle for global
communication in many fields such as education, entertainment, scientific research and
technology. English, as a subject or as a medium of instruction plays a pivotal role in the
working sectors. English Language Teaching (ELT) is the upcoming field of teaching which
teaches the nuances of English language to the society. The acquisition of English language also
provides a chance of finding better employment and more educational opportunities. The modern
students are learning English language to participate in the global communications.
Technology has become an important element of our daily life. Therefore, it should be
integrated in teaching and learning process for various reasons. Educational systems should take
into consideration the increasing change in the world caused by technology and prepare students
to cope with it successfully in order to be able to deal with real life situations and their future
careers. Actually, The classroom teaching alone may not be enough to suit individual
requirements. We need the leading modern technology to serve each student’s needs. To address
this, We can supply E-learning programs. The lessons in this e-learning program are used to
support conventional types of learning. E-learning is described as anywhere and anytime
learning. The E-learning lessons can give the practical experiences to the learning students. An
additional benefit is that e-learning provides the students with an opportunity to adapt to the
digital era and equip themselves with the required skills.

Blended learning is the combination of digital tools, techniques and materials with the
physical classroom. Blended learning is when traditional classroom learning is combined with
online learning and independent study. It is the way which allows the student to have more
control over the time, pace and their learning. Blended learning is an approach to learning that
provides face-to-face and online learning experiences. Modern students often expect online
component or support as part of their course. Therefore many institutions offer online learning
options to supplement face-to-face classes. Blended learning appears to be most commonly used
in Higher Education (HE) or adult education. Blended learning is also used in professional
development and training settings.

Blended Learning refers to a strategic and systematic approach to combining times and
modes of learning, integrating the best aspects of face-to-face and online interactions for each
discipline, using appropriate ICTs. It’s a mix between a classical-and modern learning method.
Students are learning from their computers as well as they get instruction from their teachers.
Blended Learning gives personalized learning experience. It allows students to study more
comfortably in their personal phase. Additionally, It permits learners to integrate learning
experiences from two learning environments, online and face to face. It creates a classroom
setting in which e-learning strategies are used in parallel with traditional classroom language
teaching methods. Many tutors of the modern world agree that combining online elements with
face-to-face instruction means that learners show better performance than if they do learning
only in a traditional class environment.

In Blended Learning, online material can be delivered anywhere, anytime. Moreover, the
reason for providing blended learning is that it works; enable to enhance learning that focuses on
the best learning style for each student. Also teachers find it interesting to give as many chances
for the learner to access the educational content as possible, and in a way that the student can
learn without finding the experience difficult. In fact learners do not like one way to learn, so we
should provide as many ways as possible for them. This is where blended learning makes it

Blended learning is a valuable concept that can be used to achieve English teaching
goals. It allows students to develop and practice English language skills outside the classroom at
anytime and anyplace they choose, as long as they have access to an Internet connection. In
addition, it permits them to repeat lessons without judgment or pressure. The proven
enhancement of student learning documented in this study validates this type of blended-
learning. The addition of e-learning to classroom teaching provides students with opportunities
for autonomous learning and a decentralized transfer of knowledge. Blended learning creates an
optimal and exciting environment for teaching and learning the English language.

Traditional methods limit students to the teacher's instructions, school library and
textbook. Blended learning aids in increasing the knowledge. It saves our valuable time. It
provides both the good old and updated study materials before our two eyes. We can refer the
past pages through the traditional methods of English learning and we can update ourselves
according to the technological trends.

The Blended Learning approach is becoming highly popular in English Language

Teaching (ELT). English Teachers have been blending or integrating different types of learning
activities and resources in both the English language classroom and the language laboratory for
a very long time. Today, the term ‘blended learning’ has evolved to mean the integration of
classroom learning with online or e-learning. English Teacher can apply any innovative approach
in the English language classes. They have the capacity to blend the traditional and the modern
methods of English teaching under the name Blended Learning.
English teachers have to allot the resources including textual books, online tools, FAQs,
web links and media files. All the components of the activity should be ready before the student
starts the activity. Before beginning the blended learning activity, students are provided with an
overview of what they will do in the activity. As well, students are provided with information
about the components of the activity, where they will do these, in what sequence, with what
support, and within what time frame.

The English tutor can teach an introductory seminar, and then proceed with follow-up
materials online, making use of blogs and social networking services. They can teach you the
English prose lesson and project the short analysis of that prose piece on the internet site. This is
an example of Blended Learning. Here, The English Teacher uses both the printed text book and
the internet site.

The online communication through a Blended Learning environment enables students to

maintain connections with other students and their learning institution even when off campus.
The students can chat with the teachers inside and outside the classrooms through the online
settings. Web/video conferencing system can be provided to the English learners inside and
outside the classroom. Textbook ideas can be passed using video conferencing system. Initially,
English teachers can teach the lessons and they can show the video clippings related to that
lessons. All the students can be combined as the group. English Teachers can teach to the large
set of students at a time.

Feedback can be received from the students. It allows students to report on the learning
experience which they gained in the particular English Lesson. Handwritten feedbacks and the
online feedback sheets can be used for collecting the suggestions from the students. Students get
feedback on their performance as part of doing the activity or following completion of the
activity. An advantage of blended learning is that it can enable students to receive immediate
feedback on their performance. It can also enable students to receive more feedback from
multiple students and the guest presenter in an online discussions.

Collaborative learning can be increased with the help of Blended Learning. Blended
Learning collaborate the teaching materials and the learning minds. Blended Learning can
collaborate the different set of English learners in order to enrich their English learning
experience. The same English lessons can be interpreted in the different ways by the
collaborative learners in a different style. A further potential benefit of blended learning is the
additional opportunity for peer and tutor interaction through online discussion. The online
discussion can be made in the English classrooms. This can improve the skill over English
language among the learning community. The students can express their personal views about
the particular English lesson through the online discussions. They can share the views present in
the traditional text through the technical settings.

The success of blended learning programmes inevitably relies on student's equitable

access to technology. All the reputed educational institutions are allowing students to access the
online technology through Wi-Fi services. They expect the students to use the Wi-Fi for the
learning purposes. The rural students are getting benefited by this free Wi-Fi available in the
learning institutions. Typically, the student has to do something more than just reading on-screen.
The sequence of what the student will do in the blended learning activity is mapped out in
advance. The resources and supports that students will need, and when they will need these are
also mapped out in advance.

Traditional educational system is slowly adapted to fast technological changes in the

contemporary information-oriented society. Blended Learning can take both the traditional and
technological oriented English language classrooms to a new blended world. It will ask both the
old methods and new methods of English teaching to walk hand in hand with each other.
Blended Learning provides an individual approach in English Language Teaching and English
Language Learning. It saves time in class as well in our home. It increases the quality of
communication between a student and a teacher in English language classrooms.

Blended learning approach creates a rich environment that enriches student's motivation,
increases their participation in the learning process and supports collaborative learning. The
unique construction of blended learning helps English language learners with great opportunities
for active and deeper learning. The flexibility of blended learning allows learners to access
content any time from any place and fosters independent learning. Blended learning also
motivates students to collaboratively construct knowledge and develop English language skills.
Therefore, Blended Learning blends both the knowledge and wisdom in English Language
Teaching. It can allow the modern English teachers to mix the innovative ideas in their English
Language Teaching.

References :

Allan, B. (2007) Blended Learning: Tools for Teaching and Training. London: Facet Publishing.

Gruba, P., & Hinkelman, D. (2012). Blending technologies in second language classrooms. New
York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Huang, R. H., Zhou, Y. L., and Wang, Y. (2006). Blended Learning: Theory into Practice.
Beijing: Higher Education Press.

MacDonald, J. (2006). Blended learning and online tutoring. Aldershot, Hampshire: Gower.

Marsh, D. (2012). Blended learning creating learning opportunities for language learners. New
York: Cambridge University Press.

Sharma, P., & Barret, B. (2007). Blended learning: Using technology in and beyond the language
classroom.Oxford: MacMillan Education.


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