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Linus Pauling Institute

About the Linus Pauling Institute

More than 40 years ago, Dr. Linus
Pauling concluded that vitamins and other
essential micronutrients play a significant
role in enhancing health and preventing
disease. Thus, in 1973 he co-founded the
Linus Pauling Institute to carry out research
in this field that he believed would be of
enormous importance to public health.

In 1996, the LPI moved to the campus of

Oregon State University in Corvallis, OR. It
now operates as one of the
University’s Research Centers and
Institutes. It is principally supported by gifts from individuals, private
corporations, and foundations, research grants from private and federal
agencies such as the National Institutes of Health, and continuing support
from OSU.

Research programs at the Linus Pauling Institute investigate the role that
vitamins and essential minerals (micronutrients) and chemicals from
plants (phytochemicals) play in human aging, immune function, and
chronic disease. The goal of these studies is to understand the
mechanisms by which diet, micronutrients, and dietary supplements affect
disease initiation and progression and can be used in the prevention or
treatment of human diseases, thereby enhancing lifespan and healthspan.

More information about

micronutrients and phytochemicals,
many of which are available as
dietary supplements, can be found in
the Linus Pauling
Institute's Micronutrient Information

Journalists wishing to contact members of the Linus Pauling Institute can

consult our media contact page.

For more about our founder, Dr. Linus Carl Pauling, see
his biography or our biographical timeline.

Interested in touring the Linus Pauling Science Center? Send us an email

and one of our staff will be happy to show you around.

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A Biography of Linus Pauling

The Pauling Papers at the OSU Libraries

Pauling Biographical Timeline

Healthy Youth Program

Research Programs at the LPI

Micronutrient Information Center

Media Contact

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