RRL Textmessaging

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Texting feature in mobile phones has become a “God’s gift” for most of the people.

This feature made this

communication very convenient to everyone. It has become an important part of the daily lives of people, especially
to the Filipinos. According to AHN Media Corp (2010), the Philippines has been tagged as the “texting capital of the
world”. Many Filipinos exchange text messages with the use of their mobile phones. People have become frequent
texters, and they have started sending messages in shortened ways. This problem cropped up with the innovation of
this new technology, and its possible effects on the students’ language proficiency.

The language proficiency of the students are important for effective communication. Language, according to
McKee (1939), will successfully help people in different activities, which involve communication, various types of
interaction, or even writing. Whether we are students or not, there is a need to use language appropriately. McKee
goes on to say that the ability to write effectively is still important regardless of the influential and incredible effects
of technology on man’s activities (p.3).

One of the most common issues of text messaging is its effects on education. Some educators say it is negatively
affecting the spelling proficiency of the students. According to Dolch (1942), “Children must spell if they are to
write”. When we write, we are really writing down our thoughts. These thoughts are expressed using words, and
these words need to be spelled correctly. Therefore, writing would require appropriate spelling (p. 1).

Writing, in addition, is very important, because it is one form of communication. According to Shidle (1965),
“writing skills are needed everywhere”. In his book The Art of Successful Communication, he states that it is hard to
find works which no longer needs communicating skills. Anywhere, man can connect ideas through written
communication, which exists in any level. Every person has the need to communicate effectively, and writing them
down is one of the most efficient way (p. 11). Also, according to Quattrini (1985), the best way to show these ideas
is through writing because it is like “shaping” what you are thinking. This “shaping” also includes choosing the right
words for your thought (p. 2-3). These words would bring the message of your thoughts (Cruse, 2000).

Choosing the right words requires wide vocabulary. At the present, we are using English as our medium of
communication; therefore, there is a need for us to be familiar with the English vocabulary. According to Gabiana’s
research (as cited in Saga-Olis, 1998), students were very positive toward the English language as part of their
system of education. This attitude of the respondents led to the conclusion that the students felt that language play an
important role on their success in the future. The achievement of many professionals also lies on their ability to use
the language appropriately. According to Mackay (as cited in Saga-Olis, 1998), professionals who master the
English language tend to be successful and globally competitive (p. 42). This goes to show the importance of
English as a medium of communicating internationally. The study of Enriquez and Nolasco (2007) also showed that
a person who has a wide range of vocabulary might not have difficulties in thinking and communication. The two
also added that vocabulary, spelling and grammar skills are the basic components of language which are very useful
to a man’s life.

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