Student Consent Form PDF

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Student Consent Form WORKBOOKS FOR PREPARATION OF OLYMPIADS. REASONING cee <= ‘O evel andevel2) ‘e WORKBOOK P= SOF Olympia Trans bile web pplication ‘ORDER WORKBOOKS FOR YOUR CHILD" ‘OUR PARTNERS IN CONDUCT OF OLYMPIAD EXAMS PW ise) Very ico ped ee pe couhen he toon {64} soar Ke) soon (64) soor (eA) oon Ke) ern, = Gunnczove FEM esos ee eso eso AIACONSUTANCY SERS oml Cier PEM exo cto eno 1 emo Tea Tess 1] Obmpind 15 isan ontne assessment expert andthe Fee eso nso Fesstndln company in dome Gew ww) wm) wo | sort TECHFEST IT BOMBAY partnered SOF for NSO through Bo 00 00 80 60 [)_ e150) ghichinNOvATION CHALLENGE for students of classes 8 PEM wo eo) wom | eto mato] Sas wasconducted Eso wo) wo | wo | eo | eo | PEM oreo) ee) ao) veo) cae] MME BRITISH COUNCIL partnered SOF to conduct the EO. Fe woe tao ew) —_‘tn Counc the Une Kingdoms teratoral Tea eee eae is ergairation fr edveatona oppotuntles nd cut wo) wf) wo [> wo [wo )ao) Shin wo || to PNUD ete cuts ghee IGS partnered SOF to const the C50 for students of Tener at ised Rica atteccuntbea tpn Bun tied yest ets Yess cole he Mabe of Compaane As hasbeen st upby an Bet of Ptioment ~ monn e SOF promotes education, explores potential and develops competitive Inaddlon to above foreach section rom cls, fiom where 25 or more Spit among school chiren SOF sims toast students nwicening Mugen wien examthe top tre rank hole lbe awarded ago ther academic horizon beyond school books and prepare to exe n__sverand bronze medal respectively today's highly competitive evironment. SOF conducts the folowing sb Olympiads: 1.SOF- INTERNATIONAL GENERAL KNOWLEDGE OLYMPIAD (IGKO) + Top St of students, clase wise who appear for the 1 level exam 2 SOF- INTERNATIONAL ENGLISH OLYMPIAD (EO) ree 3: SOF - NATIONAL SCIENCE OLYMPIAD (NSO) + Top 25 rank holders fom each Zone an each class na ner + Chzetopper where atleast 10 students froma clas appear inthe exam & scores atleast SO% mari. Ih case of section wise regitaons, Class eee eee topper ith highest mark fom al sections wl gusty rte 2= evel 6.SOF- INTERNATIONAL COMMERCE OLYMPIAD CO +P Tevel Oympiad exam il be held for IEO, NSO & IMO for clases 3 to 12. Your chiks school is participating in the SOF Olymplads in 2018-20. To register, please return this completed form to the school along with + Where 10 0 more students from a clas including all sections) e registration fee unite an exam-the top thee ran holders willbe awarded a gold silver and bronze medal respectively For additional information, please contact the schoo! or + Where between St09 students from a class (including al sections) vist or wwwfacebook convsofworld write an exarn-the topper wll be awarded a gold medal Cee ee eee nt eer ere ec rees oets net Meee Re ene ee For more copies, please take photocopies or ask or ‘oplesby seneing us an ermal at infooset word sOr Student Consent Form Poeun ares SOF School Code Sewes~ei SOF Olympiads 2019-20 1. Student Name (Capt Letters) 2 cass Section Roll No | coe nC 3. School Name. Co The participating student shall deposit €150/US$ 10 per Olympiad with the school which will retain the conducting charges and emit the balance to SOF as per Schoo! Registration Form. My child would like to participate in Please TICK the appropriate boxes ‘SOF International General Knowledge Olympiad (Class 1 10 10) ‘SOF International English Olympiad (Class 1 to 12) ~ ‘SOF National Science Olympiad (Class 1 to 12) ooo00 ‘SOF International Mathematics Olympiad (Class 1 012) ‘SOF National Cyber Olympiad (Class 1 0 10) ‘SOF Intemational Commerce Olympiad (Class 11 & 12) i Totaleus$, INWoRDS:@/USS, renee | hereby declare that all the details mentioned above are true to the best of my knowledge. Ihave read and understood the terms of participation governing the 2019-20 Olympiads and agree that land my child shall abide by them, owe 2D L&C] Students Signature Parent/Guardian Signatre Awards & Recognition for Students Tota Level Awards nwrde Participating students receive a“Cetfeate of Participation” and a detailed "Student Performance Report: Wai + Meda of Distinction for top 25 Zona toppers per class per exam. "ao + Gold, iver &3ronze medals for ass toppers* Level 2 Certificates, Medals & Awards" fanker Erooooforteestranting | Medas: Col, iver | Oustanding ives | Cathawnrdofe500 €2500% | Zonaltedsln Gal | Ceniteate of onal Tove 2ast renting — | Siversbronze | Excelence Suge respectvely ZonalRankers amor | 8526s Gis worth, eh ei fan ZonalRonken TT" wP_| TaavOwnners Cerfeate of Zona cence Zonal Ranker above 5 Tie Ceeate Scholarships SOF Schlep of Exeallence in Elst SEED _| €5000 each wh ceca 2 mugen SOF Academic Excelence Scholarship (AES) | ®5000 each wth ceria &rophy co tudes peer) Sa eee an ane Dee oa

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