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CHE practical sessions for 1st year

Practical session (1)

Application of communication skills in consultation settings, basics of group
health education
Session plan
1- Rehearsal of consultation principles (20 minutes)
2- Discussion of the check list for assessment of consultation (20 minutes)
3- The tutor divides students into 3 groups, each group present one of the
role plays, (10 minutes) the role play will be displayed in practical session

Case 1:
Mrs Somaia 30 years old coming to the primary health care centre, she is
pregnant in the second trimester, she is coming to the centre as she has
headache for few days. You are the physician who will conduct

Case (2)
Mr. Ali is a clerk, he is 45 years old, he was diagnosed as diabetic since 5 years,
he is coming to the health insurance clinic as he has burning sensation in
his feet. You are the physician who will conduct consultation.

Case (3)
Mr. Sameh is a driver, he is 50 years old, he is hypertensive science 10 years,
recently he is suffering from chest pain, he came to your clinic for

❖ The tutor gives the students Brief on basics of health education (35
❖ The tutor explains to the students the basics of presentation skills and
explains check list for evaluation of presentation skills (35 minutes)
❖ The tutor assign students to prepare presentation including HE messages
(in Arabic) on:
● Prevention of hypertension
● Prevention of hepatitis B&C
● Hazards of over use of social media on health.
Target group: peers (non-medical students)
Presentations will be displayed in practical session 2

Practical session (2)

Applications of consultation principles and group health education

1. Revise check list for evaluation of consultation principles (10

2. Students display their 3 assigned consultation role play
3. Revise check list for evaluation of presentation skills (10 minutes)
4. Students display their assigned presentations (60 minutes)
Deliverables (on CD) and sent to this email:

● Power point presentation on assigned topics

● Illustrative (educational) videos or videographs.

with the following specifications:

1- In title of email, the year should be written (1st year, 2nd year, 4th
2- Inside the email itself:
✔ The supervising staff name
✔ Names of students participating in the presentation
✔ Round number and Group number
✔ The academic year (2019/2020)

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