3-D Human Sperm Flagellum Tracing in Low SNR Fluorescence Images

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10, OCTOBER 2018

3-D + t Human Sperm Flagellum Tracing

in Low SNR Fluorescence Images
Paul Hernandez-Herrera, Fernando Montoya, Juan Manuel Rendón-Mancha,
Alberto Darszon, and Gabriel Corkidi
Abstract — Tracing tubular structures from biomedical traces as compared with ground truth, and it is more robust
images is important for a wide range of applications. Partic- and accurate to trace the flagellum’s centerline than multi-
ularly, the spermatozoon is an essential cell whose flagella branch algorithms.
have a tubular form. Its main function is to fertilize the
egg, and the flagellum is fundamental to achieve this task Index Terms — Sperm, flagellum, centerline, segmenta-
which depends importantly on the dynamics of intracellular tion.
calcium ([Ca2+ ]i ). Measuring [Ca2+ ]i along the flagellum in
3-D is not a simple matter since it requires: 1) sophisti-
cated fluorescence imaging techniques dealing with low I. I NTRODUCTION
intensity and signal to noise ratio (SNR) and 2) tracing
the flagellum’s centerline. Most of the algorithms proposed
to trace tubular structures have been developed for multi-
branch structures not being adequate for single tubular
C OMMUNICATION between male and female gametes
is a requirement for sexual reproduction. This dialog
uses the language of changes in membrane ion permeability.
structures with low SNR. Taking into account the prior The main sperm functions, including motility, involve the
knowledge that the flagellum is constituted by a single operation of ion channels and transporters. Sperm must swim
tubular structure, we propose an automatic method to trace to fertilize the egg and the flagellum is key to this function,
and track multiple single tubular structures from 3-D + t
images. First, an algorithm based on one-class classifica- which depends crucially on the concentration of intracellular
tion allows enhancement of the flagellum. This enhanced calcium ([Ca2+ ]i ) [1]. Understanding sperm swimming neces-
3-D image permits guiding an iterative centerline algorithm sitates knowledge about flagellar beating patterns (typical,
toward the flagellum’s centerline. Each sperm is assigned helical, hyper-helical, hyper-activated or chiral ribbons).
an ID to keep track of it in 3-D + t. Our algorithm was Therefore, determining how [Ca2+ ]i modulates the flagellum
quantitatively evaluated using a ground truth 564 semi-
manual traces (six 3-D + t image stacks) comparing them movement is a fundamental endeavor requiring high spatial
to those obtained from state-of-the-art tubular structure and temporal resolution. This is not a simple matter since
centerline extraction algorithms. The qualitative and quan- complex fluorescence microscopy techniques are necessary
titative results show that our algorithm is extracting similar and they yield images that have low intensity and SNR (as
low as 1.8 and as high as 5.0) [2]. This problem is augmented
Manuscript received February 2, 2018; revised May 8, 2018; accepted in 3D+t (three-dimensional space over time) sequences,
May 18, 2018. Date of publication May 23, 2018; date of current version
October 1, 2018. The work of P. Hernandez-Herrera was supported as human sperm flagella beat at an average frequency of 15 Hz.
by the Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología under Postdoctoral Measuring its [Ca2+ ]i from an image requires tracing the
Scholarship Grant 291142. The work of F. Montoya was supported by the flagellum’s centerline, a time consuming task if done manually.
Dirección General de Asuntos del Personal Académico through
the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México under Grant In addition to this task, there are several applications related to
CJIC/CTIC/4898/2016. The work of A. Darszon was supported in part sperm dynamics analysis requiring extracting the flagellum’s
by the Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología under Grant Fronteras centerline such as [3]–[7]. No algorithm has been developed
71 39908-Q, by the Dirección General de Asuntos del Personal
Académico through the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México to automatically trace the flagellum’s centerline in this type
under Grant IN205516 and in part by the National Institutes of Health of 3D+t images.
under Grant RO1 HD38082. The work of G. Corkidi was supported by As the flagellum is similar to a tubular structure, algorithms
the Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología under Grant 253952.
(Corresponding author: Gabriel Corkidi.) developed to segment tubular structures should be suitable to
P. Hernandez-Herrera and J. M. Rendón-Mancha are with the trace its centerline. Such algorithms for 3D tubular structures
Centro de Investigación en Ciencias, Instituto de Investigación en include vessels [8], airways [9], neurons [10]; furthermore,
Ciencias Básicas y Aplicadas, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de
Morelos, Cuernavaca 62209, México (e-mail : phernandez7@uh.edu; machine learning algorithms have also been proposed to
rendon@uaem.mx). perform this task [11]–[16]. These algorithms learn a model
F. Montoya and G. Corkidi are with the Laboratorio de Imágenes y from a training set with extracted features, they usually
Visión por Computadora, Departamento de Ingeniería Celular y
Biocatálisis, Instituto de Biotecnología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma differ in the features and the algorithm used to train. Then,
de México, Cuernavaca 62250, México (e-mail: jjfmn@uaem.mx; the centerline is extracted from the segmented volume using a
corkidi@ibt.unam.mx). skeletonization algorithm (usually minimal-cost path). These
A. Darszon is with the Departamento de Genética del Desar-
rollo y Fisiología Molecular, Instituto de Biotecnología, Universidad algorithms have been proved to perform well in several
Nacional Autónoma de México, Cuernavaca 62250, México (e-mail: fields, however they usually have difficulties in segmenting
darszon@ibt.unam.mx). tubular structures with low SNR. Other approaches use the
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available
online at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. fast marching algorithm [17]–[22] where a cost function is
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TMI.2018.2840047 used to propagate a wave and the centerline is extracted by

0278-0062 © 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

Fig. 1. Algorithm overview. (a) A volume rendering of the 3D image stack (all sub-images have an identical scale bar); (b) contrast enhancement:
the original 3D image stack is pre-processed to improve the contrast; (c) a one-class classification algorithm is employed to enhance the flagellum
where the scale represents the probability that a voxel belongs to a tubular structure; (d) an iterative algorithm is employed to extract the flagellum’s
centerline; blue and green segments depict different iterations and red path depicts the last iteration; (e) extracted centerline for the 3D image stack
where the scale depicts the z-coordinate from the centerline; (f) flagellum’s centerline for different time points; each color identifies a different time
point. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

back-tracing from terminal points. The main drawback of 2D+t images [23]–[27], extending here the method for 3D+t,
these approaches is the need to set the initial and terminal and it is used as the starting point of the centerline algorithm.
point, which usually produces shortcuts when tracking a large The algorithm searches for the best minimal path over a prede-
centerline if the two points are close. fined distance of approximately the maximum flagellum’s
Hernandez-Herrera et al. [14] recently proposed a one-class diameter (using the fast marching algorithm), just to move
classification and a machine learning algorithm (MESON) to a small distance from the starting point and then it stops. The
trace the centerline from tubular structures. Tubular structures cost to travel across points near the detected minimal path
were segmented using the classifier and the fast marching is forced to increase (in order to avoid detecting the same
algorithm allowed extraction of their centerline. An alternate minimal path), consecutively indexing the terminal point as the
iterative method (RIVULET2) to extract the centerline from starting one; this procedure is iterated to complete the whole
tubular structures was used by Liu et al. [20], also based flagellum’s centerline, avoiding detection of erroneous paths,
on the fast marching algorithm. Because these approaches specifically at the more curved parts. Our team has already
extract multi-branch structures by design, they can also be presented a preliminary work on sperm flagellum tracing [28].
used to extract single tubular structures. Indeed, multi-branch Compared to MESON and RIVULET2, our algorithm does
algorithms can extract correctly single tubular structures if the not rely on the segmentation of the tubular structures to
images have high contrast and high SNR. However, multi- trace the centerline, instead it relies on the enhanced stack
branch algorithms usually produce spurious branches from low to guide the tracing. Furthermore, those algorithms propagate
contrast images (as those in this work) when a single structure the fast marching until all the points in the segmentation
should be detected. had been visited, whereas our algorithm propagates the fast
Here we propose a tracing algorithm designed to extract marching until a pre-defined length has been reached, avoiding
single tubular structures from a 3D+t low contrast and noisy shortcuts, specifically at the most curved part of the tubular
image stack. We obtain the centerline from the tubular struc- structure. Finally, those algorithms back-trace from the local
tures using a machine learning approach combined with a maximums (there can be many of them) of the geodesic
minimal path algorithm (described in Sec. II C-D). The initial distance generated by the fast marching, instead our algorithm
and terminal point to propagate the fast marching are auto- only back-traces from the global maximum (a single point).
matically detected by the algorithm. The algorithm has been Therefore, our algorithm is better suited to trace the flagellum
designed to trace several single tubular structures avoiding since it traces a single branch, whereas the others may trace
the shortcuts produced by classical fast marching approaches. many branches.
First, the MESON [14] algorithm is applied to each 3D stack The main contributions of this paper are: (i) a novel method-
to enhance tubular structures. Then, the center of the sperm’s ology to trace the centerline from multiple single tubular
head is automatically detected as described in other works for structures with high curvature and low SNR, allowing to trace

Algorithm 1 Pre-Processing Algorithm 2 Enhancement Algorithm

Input: A 3D image stack V Input: A 3D image stack I and scales σr , r = 1, 2, . . . , l
Output: A 3D image stack Vlog with the contrast enhanced Output: Enhanced image stack with values in the range [0,1].
Step 1: Logarithmic transformation of the 3D image stack Values near to 1 for points (voxels) with high confidence to
belong to the tubular structure while near to zero for a low
the sperm flagellum’s centerline, (ii) a criterion to decide Step 1: Detect a training set of background points
if a detected path belongs to a tubular structure, allowing Step 2: Extract local shape information (features) from the
to stop the iterative algorithm, (iii) a detailed justification 3D image stack I
of each algorithmic step, making possible the replication of Step 3: Estimate a one-class classifier (decision function)
the methodology and the results, and (iv) a wide variety for each detected training set and apply the classifiers to the
of experiments to demonstrate the accuracy of the proposed 3D image stack

II. M ETHODS centerline extraction algorithm. Algorithm 2 describes the

steps used to enhance tubular structures such as the flagellum.
Fig. 1 depicts an overview of the algorithm’s main steps. The enhancement algorithm is based on the one-class clas-
In this section, each step is described in detail. sification approach where a training set of points belonging
to the background is automatically detected using a Laplacian
A. 3D+t Image Acquisition Setup filter. A density function (one-class classifier) is learned from
An Olympus IX71 inverted microscope with an Optronis the feature vectors (eigenvalues of Hessian matrix) of the
5000 camera acquiring 3000 images/sec and a resolution points in the training set.
of 512x512 pixels was used to obtain the datasets. A 3D+t 1) Multi-Scale Laplacian to Detect a Training Set: The Lapla-
stack was recorded using a piezoelectric device (Physics cian of the 3D image stack is used to detect the training set
Instruments), allowing focal plane changes at 90 Hz and an consisting of background points. The Laplacian of the 3D
amplitude of 20 micrometers (see Corkidi et al. [29] and image stack (I ) at scale σ is given by:
Silva-Villalobos et al. [30] for details). Sperm were obtained n,σ (ξ )
and prepared as described in Corkidi et al. [2]. L n,σ (I ) = F −1 {−ξ 2 ·
I (ξ )}, (1)
where F −1 is the inverse Fourier transform, −ξ 2 is the
B. Pre-Processing Laplacian operator, Fn,σ is a low-pass filter [14] in the
The images acquired with the microscope have low SNR frequency domain, σ is the scale (radius) used to compute
because of the small number of photons collected by the the low-pass filter, n is a parameter used to control the
camera focal plane sensor and high frame rate (frames decay of the low-pass filter, 
I is the Fourier transform of
per second). Hence, it is necessary to pre-process the image the 3D image stack I and “·” denotes the product between
stacks to improve their quality. There are several approaches two numbers. The multi-scale isotropic Laplacian (L) of the
in image processing to improve image contrast [31], [32]. 3D image stack is given by: L(I )( x ) = L n,σmax (x ) (I )(
x ),
Here, the logarithm transform is used as a pre-processing. where
The log transformation (Vlog (x ) = log(V (
x ) + 1)) is applied
σmax (
x) = argmax {|L n,σ (I )(
x )|}
to the image stack V to shrink the range of intensity values. σ ∈{σ1 ,σ2 ,...,σl }
This transformation allows more compression of high intensity
is the scale at which the Laplacian of the 3D image
values than those of lower intensity. Thus, it increases the
stack (Eq. (1)) reaches the maximum absolute value, x is
contrast of low intensity values such as those occurring at the
a point (voxel) in I and {σ1 , σ2 , . . . , σl } are the expected
flagellum’s tail. Fig. 1(a) depicts a volume rendering of the
radii of the tubular structures to enhance. The points in the
3D image stack, whereas Fig. 1(b) shows the pre-processed
3D image stack with positive multi-scale Laplacian belong
to the background of the 3D image stack (see [14]). Hence,
a training set consisting of background points is detected as:
C. Flagellum Enhancement
T = {
x |L(I )(
x ) > 0}.
Hernandez-Herrera et al. [14] recently proposed
the MESON algorithm to segment bright tubular For each scale σr , a subset of points from T is selected such
structures (neurons) from a 3D image stack. This algorithm that the maximum absolute value of the Laplacian corresponds
could also be suitable to segment the sperm’s flagellum since to scale σr :
it locally resembles a tubular structure.
Tσr = {
x |
x ∈ T ∧ (σmax (
x ) = σr )}, r = 1, 2, . . . , l.
We employed this algorithm to enhance tubular struc-
tures (the flagellum). The enhanced image is used to guide The training set (T ) only corresponds to a fraction of
a minimal path algorithm towards the center of the flagellum. the background points (approximately 40%), we are unable
In addition, the algorithm was employed to stop an iterative to detect 100% of the background points using only the

Laplacian. Hence, from the remaining voxels that were not Algorithm 3 Iterative Centerline Tracing
detected in the training set, some of them belong to the Input: 3D original image stack V , pre-processed 3D image
background and some others to the foreground. The one-class stack I , 3D enhanced image stack R f , iteration length l0
classifier is used to assign low values for those remaining and threshold T
voxels in the background while high values for the voxels Output: centerline tracing as a graph representation
in the foreground. Step 1: Detect starting point sk for tracing sperm k
2) Feature Extraction: Frangi et al. [33] demonstrated that Step 2: Compute fast marching algorithm starting at sk until
the eigenvalues (|λ1 | ≤ |λ2 | ≤ |λ3 |) of the Hessian matrix it reaches a length l0
provide local shape information of the 3D image stack. Specif- Step 3: Extract the centerline by back-propagating from the
ically, it can be shown that for a bright tubular structure λ2 , λ3 point pk that reached the length l0
are negative and have large absolute values and |λ1 | is low, Step 4: Increase the values of cost-function F( x ) for points
for a bright blob structure λ1 , λ2 and λ3 are negative and have inside a tube. This tube is constructed from the centerline
large absolute values, for a bright plate-like structure |λ1 |, |λ2 | detected in previous step and the radius of the flagellum
have a low value and λ3 is negative and has a large absolute Step 5: Compute the orientation and probability of the
value, and for a noisy structure (background) |λ1 |, |λ2 | and centerline to be inside the flagellum. If the probability
|λ3 | usually have low values. Hence, the eigenvalues are is smaller than 0.5 or orientation is larger than 110◦ stop
good features to differentiate a tubular structure from a noisy algorithm; otherwise return to Step 2 where starting point
structure. sk is set to pk .
3) One-Class Classifier Construction: For each scale σr
provided by the user, a one-class classifier is constructed (λ1
is not taken into account here). The one-class classifier is built
D. Iterative Centerline Tracing
from the distribution of the eigenvalues from the training set
Tσr by using a 2D histogram. The 2D histogram bins contain Algorithm 3 depicts the main steps of our iterative approach
the votes of the training set eigenvalues. If the feature vector for centerline tracing.
from a point in the 3D image stack is assigned to a bin with 1) Starting Point Detection: Our approach to track sperm is
high value, then the point should correspond to a background similar to previous algorithms [23], [34], [35] with the main
point. On the other hand, the feature vector from a point difference that the other algorithms were designed to track
inside a tubular structure should correspond to a bin with low the sperm head in 2D+t images, whereas our approach is
value in the 2D histogram since |λ2 | ≈ |λ3 |, |λ2 | >> 0 and developed for 3D+t images. The starting point sk used to
none or few vector in the training set must have high values.1 initialize Algorithm 3 at sperm k is selected at the center of
Therefore, the 2D histogram can be used to enhance tubular the sperm’s head (the algorithm can trace more than one sperm
structures. The 2D histogram is transformed to have values in per stack). Sperm heads are usually the brightest structures in
the range [0,1] and smoothed to have low transitions between the 3D image stack, this information is used to detect each
neighboring bins. Let’s call Dσr the final 2D histogram. Dσr seed point sk . The heads are segmented by applying a binary
can be used for classification purposes by: computing the threshold T . The threshold value should be low enough to
eigenvalues (λ2 and λ3 ) for a given position x in the 3D image allow segmentation of the voxels in the head but high enough
stack, calculating the bin position of the eigenvalues in Dσr to avoid segmentation of voxels in the flagellum. A connected
and selecting the value of Dσr in the assigned bin position. components algorithm is employed in the segmented stack to
Finally, the assigned value can be thresholded and everything identify each connected component Ck which corresponds to
above the threshold would be detected as belonging to the each sperm’s head. The starting point sk is computed for each
background, otherwise it would be detected as belonging to connected component as the centroid from the 3D coordinates
foreground. Instead of using Dσr for classification purposes, of the voxels in each connected component. To keep track of
here Dσr is used to enhance the foreground. sperm, an ID is assigned to each sk at the current time point (t)
4) Enhanced 3D Stack Construction: The scale σmax ( x ) used which depends on the IDs from the previous time (t − 1).
to compute the Laplacian is detected for each x in the 3D To this end, the nearest neighbor algorithm is used to do
image stack. Thus, the feature vector (eigenvalues λ2 and the assignment. Let rk be the seed points detected in the
λ3 ) is extracted and the assigned value on the 2D histogram previous time. Then, the starting point sk is assigned with
Dσmax is calculated for the feature vector. Let’s call this value the same track ID as sperm i from the previous time if the
R(x ), then according to our previous analyses R( x ) must have minimum Euclidean distance between sk and all the seed
high value (close to one) for points in the background but points in the previous time rk corresponds to sperm i (seed
low (close to zero) for the flagellum. Hence, the function point ri ). Our algorithm fails when two sperm are crossing
R f (
x ) = 1 − R(x ), is used to enhance the flagellum. Fig. 1(d) since the segmentation produces a single connected component
depicts an example of flagellum enhancement step. Note that instead of two and one head disappears. After the sperm cross,
the flagellum’s full structure can be visualized since low values the algorithm would detect two heads and the one that was not
are given in the background while high in the flagellum. detected will be assigned a new ID.
Fig. 2(a) depicts a 3D image stack with two nearby sperm.
1 The points in the training set correspond to the background of the 3D Fig. 2(b) depicts the sperm’s head segmentation in gray
image stack and its eigenvalues should be low (|λ2 | ≈ |λ3 | ≈ 0) while green points depict the centroid sk for each connected

thus, among all the paths starting at sk and length l0 (there are
many paths satisfying this condition), we select the path with
minimum-cost (the one ending at pk ).
The cost function F( x ) plays an important role in the
detection of the minimum cost path since it guides the path.
The path will travel through low values of F( x ) instead of
higher. Hence, the function F( x ) should be constructed with
low values in the flagellum’s centerline and high values for
points distant from the centerline.
Fig. 2. Seed points detection. (a) volume rendering of the 3D image In our experiments the cost function F( x ) is defined as:
stack (all sub-images have an identical scale bar); (b) gray depicts
the segmented head, green depicts the detected seed point and red x ) = exp−60·G σa ∗[V (x )·R f (x )] ,
F( (2)
the detected point in the previous time point. (For interpretation of the
references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web where V is the raw image stack with values in the range [0, 1],
version of this article.)
R f is the enhanced flagellum, G σa is a Gaussian kernel and
“∗” represent the convolution, respectively. The function V
forces the minimum-cost path to travel across high intensity
component and red points depict the seed points rk from the
values of V (flagellum’s center) while the function R f discour-
previous Time Point (TP). The red points are used to assign
ages the path travelling outside the flagellum (R f assigns
the sperm’s ID to the green points using the nearest neighbor
low values to the background). The Gaussian smoothing G σa
is employed to reduce noise and have smooth cost values
2) Minimal-Cost Path: Our algorithm to trace the flagellum’s
between neighboring points, this creates smooth minimum cost
centerline is an iterative approach based on the minimal-cost paths, the σa was set to [1,1,1] equal to the minimum radius
path where the first iteration initializes at the starting points sk to be detected; a higher value may result in over-smoothing
and it stops when the paths reach a length l0 . The process is structures with radius smaller than σa . The value 60 was found
repeated and the terminal points from the previous paths are by parameter optimization using grid search and selecting the
used as the new positions for the starting points. This process value that stabilizes the highest average F-score using few
is repeated until the probability of the detected path to be in
stacks for training.
the flagellum is lower than 0.5 or there is a sharp change of The previous approach is designed to trace multiple sperm.
orientation in the path. The algorithm is initialized at each seed point sk corresponding
Given an initial point sk , a terminal point pk and a function to the center of each sperm’s head and the algorithm stops
F(x ) that determines the cost of traveling across point x, when all the paths C(sk , pk ) reached a length l0 .
the minimum-cost path to travel from sk to pk is given by
4) Increase Cost-Values for Already Visited Point: In order
a minimization problem
to discourage future iterations to travel across the already
 pk detected paths C(sk , pk ), the cost function is increased for
T ( pk ) = min F(C(s))ds points close to C(sk , pk ). Recall that the flagellum resembles
C sk a tubular structure and the path C(sk , pk ) should travel across
the center of this tubular structure. Hence, a tube is constructed
where C(s) is a curve in R3 . Among all the possible paths to reduce the cost-function inside the tube. The tube is
to travel from sk to pk the path C(sk , pk ) with minimum constructed such that the starting point of the tube is the point
value is called the minimum-cost path. Given a point pk ∈ R3 , sk , the terminal point of the tube is pk and the center of the
the minimum-cost path C(sk , pk ) can be obtained by solving tube is given by the path C(sk , pk ), the radius of the tube is
the Eikonal equation  which  is a non-linear partial differential r0 and it is given by r0 = 2 · max{DT (C(sk , pk ))}, where
equation given by  ∂T∂t(x )  = F(
x ), with T (sk ) = 0. The fast DT ( x ) is the distance transform [38] from the segmented
marching algorithm [36] is used to get an approximation to flagellum (obtained by applying a threshold of 0.5 to R f ( x ))
the solution T ( x ) of the Eikonal equation. and the radius r0 corresponds approximately to twice the
3) Extract the Centerline by Back-Propagating: Given a maximum radius of the flagellum in the detected centerline
starting point sk and a terminal point pk , the minimum cost C(sk , pk ). The cost function F( x ) is updated as:
path can be detected by backtracing from pk along the gradient 
of T (x ) until sk is reached2 (see [37]). The fast marching ∞ if x belongs to any tube
F(x) =
algorithm is initialized at sk and the point pk is automatically F(x ) otherwise,
detected as
 p the new cost function F( x ) discourages the minimal-cost path
to travel across points in the tube since the new cost value for
pk = argmin{ F(C(s))ds such that C = l0 },
p sk traveling across those values is infinitely expensive (∞).
Fig. 1(d) depicts the different iterations of the algorithm for
2 Get all the neighboors of p a 3D image stack with one sperm, the first iteration starts at the
k and select the neighboor c0 with minimum
value T (x ). Get all the neighboors of c0 and select the neighboor c1 with sperm’s head and is depicted by a green path, the second by
minimum value T ( x ). Repeat until sk is reached a blue path, the third by a green path and so on. The red path

depicts the last iteration of the algorithm and it was rejected

since it does not belong to the centerline of the flagellum.
The distance transform DT from a binary stack B( x ) is
defined as:

min{ x − xb |B(
x b ) = false} if B(
x ) = true
DT (x) =
0 otherwise.
Given a point x in the binary stack B, the distance transform
computes the closest distance from x to the points in the
background. The binary stack B corresponds to a rough
segmentation of the flagellum and it is calculated from the
enhanced image R f by applying a threshold:

true if R f (
x ) > 0.5
B(x) =
false otherwise,
by construction R f ( x ) is close to 1 inside the flagellum and
it is close to 0 in the background. Hence, values close to
Fig. 3. Stopping criteria. (a,c) Maximum intensity projection (MIP) from a
0.5 should be near the boundary of the flagellum. Note that 3D image stack (all sub-images have an identical scale bar) at time point
the flagellum is roughly a tubular structure, thus the distance 28 and 22 for a 3D+t image stack, respectively. (b,d) Example of stopping
transform gives approximately the radius of the flagellum for criteria due to low “probability” and wrong orientation, respectively. Red
path depicts the last iteration. (For interpretation of the references to
points near the center of the flagellum. color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of
5) Stopping Criteria: The algorithm has two criteria to stop this article.)
the iteration of the minimal-cost path detection. It stops if the
detected minimum-cost path has a low possibility of being
inside the flagellum or there is a sharp change in orientation. points (usually 5) in the neighborhood of xi and belonging to
a) Low possibility of being inside the flagellum: recall that C(sk , pk ) using Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The
the function R f ( x ) (see Sec. II-C 4)) assigns values close to direction d( x i , C(sk , pk )) is given by the principal component
1 to points inside the flagellum while low values and close to from the points in the neighborhood of xi . The change of
0 in the background. Hence, for each xi ∈ C(sk , pk ) the value orientation at seed point sk between the two detected minimal
R f (
x i ) can be interpreted as the “probability” of the point paths is given by:
xi to be inside the flagellum. The 50 percentile of the values  sk , C(rk , sk )), d(
 sk , C(sk , pk )) >,
θ (sk ) = cos−1 < d(
{R f (x i )|
x i ∈ C(sk , pk )} is used as a measure of the path
to be inside the flagellum. This measure is less sensitive to where < a , b > denotes the dot product between the vector
the gaps and low values such as those at the flagellum’s  The path C(sk , pk ) is detected as a continuation of
a and b.
end. Hence, if the 50 percentile of the values of the path is path C(rk , sk ) if θ (sk ) (the maximum change in orientation
higher than 0.5, then the path is detected as belonging to the was set to 110◦ since changes in orientation larger than
flagellum, otherwise, the path C(sk , pk ) is detected as being this values were not observed among the sperm analyzed),
outside the flagellum. Fig. 3(a) depicts the Maximum Intensity otherwise the path is detected as an incorrect continuation
Projection (MIP) of a 3D image stack at time point number 28, and it stops. If any of the two criteria to stop the algorithm is
the flagellum’s end is usually the most difficult part to segment satisfied, then the algorithm stops. Otherwise, the algorithm
due to the low contrast. Fig. 3(b) depicts the detected minimum returns to Step 2: Minimal-cost path where the new starting
cost path at each iteration as segments green, blue and red. point sk for the next iteration is set as the terminal point pk
The segments assigned with green and blue are above the of the current detected minimal path.
50 percentile, whereas the red ones are below. Thus, red path is Fig. 3(c) depicts the maximum intensity projection (MIP) of
rejected as being inside the flagellum and the algorithm stops. a 3D image stack at time point number 22. Fig. 3(d) depicts the
Note that the red segment is indeed outside the flagellum. detected minimum-cost paths as segments with green, blue and
b) Orientation: The sperm’s flagellum is a smooth red. The segments assigned green and blue have an orientation
structure which does not have sharp changes in orientation. smaller than 110◦ with respect to the previous path. However,
This information is included in our algorithm to stop the the red path has an orientation larger than 110◦ with respect to
iteration if there is a sharp change in orientation. The its previous path (blue path). Thus, the red path is rejected as
orientation of the trace is measured at each starting point sk being a continuation of the blue path and the algorithm stops.
from the detected minimum-cost path. In order to measure
the orientation, we require the current detected minimal-cost
path and the previous minimal-cost path. Let C(sk , pk ) be the E. Sub-Voxel Centerline
current detected minimal-cost path and C(rk , sk ) the previous The flagellum’s centerline has voxel coordinates due to 3D
detected minimal-cost path. The direction d(  x i , C(sk , pk )) Cartesian representation of the stack. Hence, a post-process
for a point xi in path C(sk , pk ) is calculated from a few of the centerline is required to have sub-voxel accuracy.

240 GB of RAM. The 3D+t image stacks, our software and

documentation are available upon request to the authors.
Parameter Setting: Our approach requires three main para-
meters σr , l0 and T . The parameter σr represents the scales to
be used to compute the multi-scale isotropic Laplacian. This
parameter was set to σr = {1.5, 2, 3, 4} voxels for all the
experiments since the radii of the flagellum is expected to fall
in these values. The parameter l0 was set to 10 voxels for all
the experiments since this value is larger than the maximum
Fig. 4. 3D centerline of a time stack. (a) Volume rendering of a diameter that we are expecting to detect, except for the 3D+t
3D image stack (all sub-images have an identical scale bar); (b) red
segment depicts the first iteration of the algorithm, yellow segment image stack Fluo-4 DS3 , having a large gap, which was
corresponds to second iteration and the final centerline (flagellum’s set to 20 voxels. Finally, the parameter T depends on the
length truncated) corresponds to green path. The centerlines are shifted sperm’s head brightness which can be as low as 35 and as
for visualization purposes. (For interpretation of the references to color in
this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.) high as 250. The raw 3D image stack, containing an average
of up to 5 sperm was cropped to a region of interest (big
enough to cover the sperm to be traced and usually containing
A sub-voxel representation can be useful to have smooth a single sperm), the cropped image was used as input to each
traces, specifically when the image has low resolution such algorithms to speed up the processing.
as the flagellum’s tail. Cubic smoothing spline is applied to
the detected centerline to have a smooth centerline where
the control points correspond to the 3D coordinates of the A. Qualitative Results
extracted centerline (start point corresponds to the flagellum’s In this subsection, qualitative results are presented for two
head and end point to the last point of the extracted centerline) large 3D+t image stacks (Calcein DS3 and Calcein DS4,
and the coefficients of the cubic spline were calculated using 568 time points) and three other ones (two stacks loaded
the Matlab function ‘csaps’. Fig. 1(e) depicts the sub-voxel with Fluo-4 and one stack with Calcein -the first one being a
centerline of the original centerline (Fig. 1(d)). Note that the Calcium sensitive dye and the second one being insensitive-).
sub-voxel centerline is smoother. The 3D+t image stacks treated with Calcein have a higher
SNR than the treated with Fluo-4, thus they are easier to trace.
F. Centerline of the 3D+t Image Stack Supplementary video MOVIE 1 (available in the supple-
mentary files /multimedia tab) depicts a full centerline tracing
Algorithm 3 for 3D centerline extraction is applied to each for Calcein DS3 a 3D+t image stack (150 time points) with
time point t of the 3D+t image stack to extract the flagellum’s a single sperm. It shows a volume rendering of the 3D image
centerline of the 3D stack and track each sperm. Algorithm 3 stack with an overlay of the tracing (gray line). Our algorithm
could have stopped prematurely in the tracing of the sperm is able to correctly trace the flagellum. Fig. 5 depicts an
due to gaps (low intensity similar to the background) in the example of multiple sperm tracings. Fig. 5(a) depicts a volume
flagellum. Hence, Algorithm 3 is re-run for stacks with a rendering from Calcein DS4 TP 263 a 3D stack loaded with
detected sperm’s centerline length of less than lt units, lt is Calcein, the heads are the brightest structures from the stack
computed using a histogram from the detected flagellum’s and the sperm’s flagellum is difficult to visualize because
length across all the time points of the 3D+t image stack. it has low fluorescence as compared with that of the head.
For those stacks, the algorithm is re-run with the parameter Fig. 5(b) depicts the trace for each sperm in the 3D stack
l0 increased to twice its initial value and the sensitivity of where the colormap indicates the z-coordinate of the flagellum.
the one-class classifier is increased to allow detection of For example, the head for the two sperm at the upper-right
finer structures. Finally, the total length of each centerline is corner is at the bottom of the stack since it has assigned a low
truncated to a maximum length automatically detected as the value (blue) while the tail of the flagellum is at the top of the
bin with maximum value in the centerlines length’s histogram. stack since it has assigned a high value (red). Supplementary
Fig. 4(a) depicts a volume rendering of a 3D image stack at video MOVIE 2 (available in the supplementary files /multi-
time point number 53. Fig. 4(b) depicts the centerline detection media tab) depicts the full centerline tracing (418 time points)
for the first run, second run and truncated length as red, for Calcein DS4 a 3D+t image stack with multiple sperm.
yellow and green segments, respectively. Note that the red path Note that the algorithm fails to trace the sperm appearing at
corresponds to an under-estimation of the flagellum’s center- the middle-left of the stack, this is because the flagellum is
line, the yellow path corresponds to an over-estimation of the not in the field of view of the camera. The algorithm stabilizes
flagellum’s centerline while the final centerline corresponds to when the sperm is in the field of view. Tracing multiple sperm
an accurate representation of the flagellum’s centerline. simultaneously in the same frame is a challenging task because
algorithms are usually developed to trace bright structures and
III. R ESULTS the sperm’s head is the brightest structure. Then, our previous
In this section, qualitative and quantitative results are approach [28] failed to trace multiple sperm since the trace
presented for eight 3D+t image stacks. Results were obtained jumped from one head to another if two sperm were near.
using a workstation with a 64-bit processor, 16 cores and This problem is corrected by detecting an initial point for each

Fig. 5. Qualitative results. (a) Volume rendering of a 3D stack with multiple sperm (all sub-images have an identical scale bar). (b) trace for each
sperm, colormap depicts the value of the extracted flagellum’s z-coordinate. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend,
the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

sperm’s head and propagating the fast marching algorithm for MESON algorithm as a blue line. Note that the algorithm
all these points. This allows the algorithm to avoid jumping stops prematurely for Calcein DS1 TP 50 (Fig. 6(l)) while
to another sperm. An even more difficult task is to trace it produces extra branches for Fluo-4 DS1 TP 28 (Fig. 6(k)).
the flagellum when two sperm are in close proximity and This algorithm ignores the a-priori knowledge that there is
the flagellum are touching or crossing, our current approach only one tubular structure to trace. Fig. 6(m-o) depicts the
cannot handle this task. centerline extracted by the RIVULET2 algorithm as a red
Fig. 6 depicts qualitatively results againts state-of-the- line. Note that RIVULET2 creates extra branches for the three
art tubular structures tracing algorithms (MESON [14] and stacks and it stops prematurely for Fluo-4 DS3 TP 6 and Fluo-
RIVULET2 [20]) where green, yellow, blue and red lines 4 DS1 TP 28 (Fig. 6(m,n)). Multi-branch algorithms such
represent the semi-manual trace, our trace, MESON trace as MESON and RIVULET2 can be modified to extract a
and RIVULET trace, respectively. An exhaustive grid search single structure by selecting the largest branch. However, this
for the best parameter configuration at each time point was approach may fail since there are time points where the largest
performed for the MESON and RIVULET2 algorithms. branch does not correspond to the flagellum’s centerline.
Fig. 6(a-c) depicts the volume rendering for three different Furthermore, the required time to perform this modification
time points (Fluo-4 DS3 TP 6, Fluo-4 DS1 TP 28 and would be even more expensive than manual trace since it
Calcein DS1 TP 50) from three 3D stacks with low, high and requires to do a grid search for parameter configuration (this
medium curvature. Fig. 6(a,b) corresponds to sperm loaded step can produce a lot of traces depending on the number of
with Fluo-4 while Fig. 6(c) corresponds to a sperm loaded parameters, the interval limits and step size), then manually
with Calcein. Note that the images corresponding to sperm select the best centerline among all the traces and finally
loaded with Fluo-4 have more noise and have less contrast than selecting the best branch. Indeed, the best traces depicted
the sperm with Calcein. The head is the brightest structure of in Fig. 6 for the MESON and RIVULET2 algorithms have
the 3D stacks and the flagellum is very difficult to visualize different parameter setting for each time point.
since it has very low contrast. Fig. 6(d-f) depicts the semi-
manual trace for each time point as a green line. The semi-
manual trace for each time point was extracted using the B. Quantitative Results
plugin Simple Neurite Tracer [39] from the open source image In this section, quantitative results are presented for
processing application FIJI [40]. To this end, the user selected six out of eight 3D+t image stacks. Calcein DS3 and
an initial point at the sperm head and another terminal point Calcein DS4 were disregarded from this analysis
in the flagellum. Then, the algorithm extracts the minimum- because the semi-manual trace was unfeasible for these
cost path between these two points. The user selected another large 3D+t image stacks (used only for qualitative
point in the flagellum and the minimum path is detected. The analysis). The metrics Precision (P), Recall (R), and
user repeated this process several times (to avoid shortcuts) the F-score (F) are employed to measure the quality
until the tail of the flagellum is reached. Then, the user has of the reconstruction, P = SC /(SC + Sextra ), R =
to proceed with the next time point. Fig. 6(g-i) depicts the SC /(SC + Smiss ), F = 2(P · R)/(P + R), where SC is
centerline traced by our approach as a yellow line. Note that the total length of the automatic trace that was correctly
the trace highly resembles the semi-manual trace in the three traced (true positive), Smiss and Sextra are the total length of
time points. Fig. 6(j-l) depicts the centerline traced by the the missing (false negative) and extra segments (false positive)

Fig. 6. (a-c) Volume rendering from 3D stacks, the first two were treated with Fluo-4 while the third was treated with calcein (each column has an
identical scale bar); (d-f) semi-manual trace for each 3D stack; (g-i) centerline traced by our iterative algorithm; (j-l) centerline traced by MESON
algorithm; (m-o) centerline traced by RIVULET2 algorithm. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred
to the web version of this article.)

of the automatic trace, respectively. The values for each metric In our experiments, C was set to 7.5 voxels since this value
are in the range [0,1] with a low value corresponding to is the maximum flagellum’s diameter in our dataset. The last
a wrong tracing while high values correspond to good metric is Aver age − Di splacement − Err or (ADE) which
tracings. A point pc in the trace is classified correctly if measures the average distance error between the manual
there is a point pm in the semi-manual trace such that trace and the automatic trace. Note that Precision penalizes
 pc − pm  < C, where C is a constant defined by the user. the automatic trace if it deviates (it has extra segments)

from the semi-manual trace, Recall penalizes the automatic TABLE I

trace if it missed some parts of the semi-manual trace while P ERFORMANCE E VALUATION ON SIX 3D+ T I MAGE S TACKS .
F-score penalizes the automatic trace if it missed or has
extra branches with respect to the semi-manual trace. Thus,
the F-score metric is the best indicator of the similarity
between the automatic trace and the semi-manual trace since
it takes into account the two possible errors produced by
automatic traces.
Our algorithm was compared against two variations of our
iterative algorithm called minimal-cost path Fixed Length
with Enhancement (FLE) and minimal-cost path Fixed
Length Raw (FLR), two state-of-the-art multi-branch algo-
rithms MESON and RIVULET2, and one variation of
RIVULET2 called FRANGI+RIVULET2. FLE corresponds
to one iteration of our algorithm where the parameter l0 sets
the length of the trace. FLR corresponds to one iteration of
our algorithm where the cost function (Eq. 2) depends only on
the raw image F( x ) = exp−60 I (x ) , and the parameter l0 sets
the length of the trace. FRANGI+RIVULET2 corresponds to
pre-processing the 3D image stack using Frangi vesselness
measure [33] and then applying the RIVULET2 algorithm to
trace the flagellum’s centerline.
Table I depicts the average values (μ) and the standard
deviation (σ ) for the metrics Precision, Recall and F-score
for the six methods in six 3D+t image stacks. Each metric
was calculated for every time point in a given 3D+t image
stack, then the μ and σ were computed. The first two 3D+t
image stacks were from sperm loaded with Calcein and have
98 and 83 time points, respectively. The third to sixth 3D+t
image stacks were loaded with Fluo-4 and have 73, 94,
108 and 108 time points, respectively. Hence, we compared
the six methods using a total of 564 semi-manual traces.
The values shown in the Table I for the algorithms FLE and
FLR correspond to the length l0 that reached the highest
average Precision, Recall and F-score value. These values
for the Calcein dataset correspond to l0 = 95, 95 for FLE
and l0 = 100, 90 for FLR. The values of l0 for the Fluo-
4 dataset correspond to l0 = 70, 55, 90 and 90 for FLE while
l0 = 90, 60, 105 and 95 for FLR. Note that our algorithm
and FLE have similar and the highest performance for the
Calcein DS1 because this 3D+t image stack has a high SNR
and the flagellum’s beating has low curvature. RIVULET
has very low Precision and F-score value compared to our
approach because those metrics are penalized if there are
extra segments in the tracing. FLR has the highest Precision
value for the 3D+t image stack Fluo-4 DS1, however it has
low Recall and F-score values, hence indicating that it was
not able to accurately trace the flagellum. Our algorithm has and they usually produce spurious branches. Observe that our
higher Precision and F-score values compared to FLE for algorithm, FLE and FLR have an ideal metric value for Fluo-
Fluo-4 DS1, thus indicating that it produces better traces for 4 DS2, whereas FRANGI+RIVULET2 has an almost ideal
the flagellum. Our iterative algorithm has better performance metric value, this is because the extracted flagellum from this
because the flagellum’s beating for this 3D+t image stack has 3D+t image stack has low curvature and high SNR.
a high curvature and the classical fast marching algorithms The average values (μ) for the metrics Precision, Recall
such as FLE, FLR, MESON and RIVULET2 are not able to and F-score for the six methods show that our algorithm has
capture the curvature as they usually take shortcuts due to the the highest Precision, Recall and F-score values indicating
propagation of the fast marching in all directions. Note that that it produces more accurate tracings than FLE, FLR,
MESON and RIVULET2 have low performance, this is due MESON, RIVULET2 and FRANGI+RIVULET2. Note that
to the fact that they are not designed to track a single branch RIVULET2 has the lowest F-score value indicating that it

performed the worst for the 3D+t image stacks and therefore previous algorithms able to extract the centerline from this
it is discouraged to use it to trace a single branch struc- type of fluorescent images. Other algorithms able to extract
ture. Pre-processing the 3D image stack using the Frangi the centerline from tubular structures have been designed to
vesselness measure increases the average metric values for the extract more than one branch, however there is a prior knowl-
RIVULET2, however it still has low metric values indicating edge that the flagellum is a single structure. The quantitative
incorrect tracings. Comparing the average value between our and qualitative results show that the multi-branch algorithms
approach and the two variations of our algorithm (FLE and MESON and RIVULET2 produce poor results when tracing
FLR), we note that FLR has the lowest F-score (0.92) value a single structure, whereas our algorithm is producing similar
indicating that it performed the worst for the 3D+t image results as a manual tracing. The qualitative results using a
stacks and therefore it is discouraged to use the raw data to total of 564 semi-manual traces highly discourage using the
guide the minimal-cost path. FLE highly increases the metrics raw data to guide the minimal-cost path (Table I, method
values, it has an average F-score of 0.94, hence adding the C) and they encourage the use of the enhanced image to
enhanced image to guide the minimal-cost path is highly keep the trace inside the flagellum (Table I, method B).
recommended since it results in better tracing than using the Furthermore, the iterative approach increases the accuracy of
raw image. Finally, adding the iterative approach (our algo- the tracing (Table I, method A), specifically at the more curved
rithm) also increases the accuracy, it has an average F-score parts of the flagellum. The proposed method is capable of
of 0.97, thus for 3D+t image stacks with flagella beating solving a major problem related with the analysis of the 3D
with high curvature is recommended to included an iterative motility of sperm cells in fluorescence images with very low
approach. Finally, our algorithm has an average ADE value intensity and low SNR.
of 2.28, thus, indicating that the average distance between
the automatic trace and the semi-manual trace is very near ACKNOWLEDGMENT
to 2 voxels which suggest that the traces are very close to The author would like to thank P. Torres and E. Mata for
each other. helpful assistance with biological procedures and A. Bribiesca
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8 minutes (min) for our algorithm, 1 h 1 min for FLE,
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