Unit 9 Education and Social Process

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Social process is the condition of the adaptation of any beings in any types of socio-cultural

settings. It is a fundamental way in which the man interact and relationship establish. Social
interaction usually takes place in the form of cooperation, conflict, competition etc. The term social
process refers to the repetitive forms of behavior which are commonly found in social life. It is a
manner in which the relation of the members of a group, once brought together acquires a certain
distinctive character.
Communication is another condition of interaction. Without communication there can be no
contact. It is another aspect of contact. In communication an individual assesses the thoughts and
feelings of another person and his behavior. The important means of communication are the
language, radio, T.V. newspaper, gestures etc. through which social contact is established. The
easiest way of communicating thoughts and feeling is through language. Language communication
may be oral or written. But unwritten and unspoken communication is also possible through signs
and symbols. Thus, contact and communication are necessary for social interaction.

The system of social interaction is called social process. The fundamental ways in which people
establish social relationship and interact are called social process. It refers to the repetitive forms
of behavior which are commonly found in social life. Social interaction normally occurs in the
form of accommodation, assimilation, cooperation, competition and conflict. These forms of social
interaction are also called as social processes.

Competition as a social process is based on the fact that all people can never satisfy their desires.
It takes place whenever there is an insufficient supply of things that human beings commonly
desire. It takes place at the level of the group as well as at the level of an individual. It is the less
violent form of opposition in which two or more persons or groups struggle for some end or goal.
Attention is focused on rewards or goals rather than the competitor.
Competition is universal.
Competition is continuous.
It is dynamic.
It is a cause of social change.
Cooperation is one of the most basic and continuous social process. It generally means working
together for the persuasion of a common interest or goal. It has made our social life possible and
livable. Cooperation is both psychological and biological necessity and a social condition of man’s
existence. Cooperation is a form of social interaction where two or more person works together to
gain a common end. It is a process by which the individuals or groups combine their effort in a
more or less organized way for the attainment of common objectives.
Cooperation is a universal social process.
Cooperation is boundless.
It normally brings social progress, satisfaction, and contentment.
It consists the members or individuals of a common goal and interest.

Conflict is a fundamental human and social trait. Conflict actually may strengthen a social
organization. The development of society has been marked by a seamless struggle. Conflict its
origin mostly brings negative result but it creates structural change in the society in a long term
which is always positive. Conflict of some sort is a life of society, the progress emerges from a
struggle in which each individual, classes or institution seek to realize its own idles of goods. The
intensity of this struggle varies with the vigor of the people.
Conflict is a universal social process.
Conflict is conditioned by culture.
Conflict may be personal or impersonal.
Frustration and insecurity promote conflict.
Alike different social process accommodation too occupies a prime position to maintain social
order. It is a social adjustment by maintaining conflicting element in a given socio-cultural settings.
It is a way of inventing social arrangement which helps people to work together. It denotes
acquired changes in the behavior of the individual which help to adjust to their environment.
Accommodation is universal.
It is a continuous process.
It is a natural result of the conflict.
It may be conscious or unconscious activity.
It is a social process where cultural traits of one group generally small and undeveloped get
collapsed to the cultural traits of the next group.The concept of assimilation has been widely
questioned in modern anthropology and most writers now argue for a more careful examination of
the different dimension of cultural interchange and social dominance in the situation of contact
between different socio-cultural systems.
Assimilation is a slow process
It includes all cultural process
There must be two or more cultural groups for assimilation
It is natural for socio-cultural change.
Acculturation is one of the social process which has been known for some certain cultural traits or
one adopts the cultural attribute of the other and develops some certain similar character. With
acculturation parts of the culture changes but each group remains distinct where inter-group
mobility is hardly found in practice.
A two-way process was the culture of one group who can change or exchange their cultural
Long-term and continuous.
The way of life on the acculturated group gets changed.
Acculturation takes place due to public interest or by force of colonization.

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