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THIS IS A TITLE (first line)

1. Subtitle1, this doesn’t need to be saved

text from this subtitle. text from this subtitle. text from this subtitle. text from this subtitle. text from
this subtitle. text from this subtitle. text from this subtitle. text from this subtitle. text from this
subtitle. text from this subtitle. text from this subtitle. text from this subtitle. text from this subtitle.
text from this subtitle.

More text from this subtitle: this is the second text-chunk, should be saved in a separated jsonstring.

2. Subtitle2, also doesn’t need to be saved

text from this subtitle. text from this subtitle. text from this subtitle.
Blablabla blabla… Ofcourse the document exists out of different pages and has sometimes
pictures/tables included but those i don’t extract. This is just an example layout about how a
document can look like because I’m not allowed to share the original doc’s.

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