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Officer: Good morning, madam.

Valeria: Good morning.
Officer: What is your last name?
Valeria: My last name is Cortez.
Officer: What are your first and middle names?
Valeria: My first name is Valeria and my middle name is Denisse.
Officer: Why are you visiting the United States?
Valeria: I am here for a seminar and tourism.
Officer: Where is the seminar?
Valeria: Here, this is the invitation.
Officer: Where will you stay?
Valeria: At the Days Inn, there is the address.
Officer: Who will you visit?
Valeria: No one, I came here with some colleagues.
Officer: How long will you stay?
Valeria: Two weeks.
Officer: How much money are you bringing?
Valeria: I have about 2000 US Dollars.
Officer: Put four fingers on the scanner. Now your thumb… Look at the camera.
Welcome to the United States.
Valeria: Thank you.

Valeria: Excuse me. Where can I take a taxi to my hotel?

Person 1: Go straight here, and take the elevator to the second floor.

Valeria: Ok.

Person 1: Then you must go outside, ask if you can’t find the exit.

Valeria: Ok. Thank you very much.



Valeria: Excuse me. Where can I take a taxi to my hotel?

Person 2: Oh, go to the end of the corridor, and you will see the doors that lead outside.

Valeria: Ok,Thank you.


Valeria: Excuse me. Where can I take a taxi?

Person 3: The taxi stand is over there, just stand in line.

Valeria: Thank you very much.



Valeria: Good afternoon.

Taxi driver: Good afternoon.

Valeria: Can you please take me to this address?

Taxi driver: Sure, let’s go…

Valeria: Ok.

Valeria: Good afternoon.

Receptionist: Good afternoon.

Valeria: I have a reservation.

Receptionist: What is your name please?

Valeria: My name is Valeria Cortez.

Receptionist: Yes, here it is. Ms. Valeria Cortez. You will stay four nights, correct?

Valeria: Yes, I will stay until Thursday.

Receptionist: Can I have your passport, please?

Valeria: Sure.

Receptionist: Is a room with a double bed ok?

Valeria: Yes.

Receptionist: Ok. Please, fill in this form and sign it.

Valeria: Ok.

Receptionist: Will you pay cash or with a credit card?

Valeria: With a credit card, please.

Receptionist: Ok, can you please swipe it?

Valeria: Sure.

Receptionist: You have room 504. Here is your key.

Valeria: Thank you.

Receptionist: Take the elevator to the fifth floor.

You want help with your bag?

Valeria: No, It’s ok. I can take it. Thank you very much.
Receptionist: You are welcome ma'am.

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