Literature Review - Task 2

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BUS 4956 - Integrative Industry Project


Mouza Ali Saeed Ali Saeed AlQubaisi



1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 2

2. Literature Review .................................................................................................................... 2

2.1 Importance of Customer Satisfaction in Electricity and Water Distribution Company ... 2

2.2 Sources and Resources for Customer Satisfaction In Energy Distribution Companies ... 4

2.3 Strategies for implementing Customer satisfaction ......................................................... 6

2.4 Customer Perception for the satisfaction and energy distribution company performance

3. Conclusion ............................................................................................................................. 10

4. References ............................................................................................................................. 12



Customer satisfaction is the most important research area for every business domain. Every

company is striving to have a higher level of customer satisfaction to gain more profit. The

electricity and water distribution companies also require having a higher number of customer

satisfaction to enhance the credibility of the industry as well as the company. This literature review

will highlight the importance of customer satisfaction with respect to the electricity and water

distribution companies. It is very important for the development of the conceptual framework to

identify the role of customer satisfaction in the development of electricity and water distribution.

The literature of this research study is based on some specialized themes to gain more and authentic

development of framework as well as to execute the literature review in right manner. This

literature review has been done by selecting peer review articles. Reason for selecting each paper

is also provided at the end of each literature.


2.1 Importance of Customer Satisfaction in Electricity and Water Distribution Company

(Wang & Yao, 2017) emphasized the importance of satisfaction for the customer

satisfaction in the electric supply industry. The researcher has demonstrated that along with all

other important need of the electricity companies, it is also very essential to have a considerable

amount of satisfaction and loyalty form consumer. This paper demonstrates that consumer loyalty

is not an issue because most of the companies in this industry have the privilege to maintain a

monopoly in the market. The consumer of the electricity companies doesn't have that many

choices to have instant switching. It is important for the companies to make strategic decisions

and low-price strategies along with the high-quality services to enhance the credibility of the

electric and water supply as well as increase in the satisfaction. This research study has


demonstrated the implementation of the CRTIC method and AHP method. Satisfaction

questionnaire is used to determine the combination of effects. The method used in this study have

been implemented in many provinces of China to investigate to customer satisfaction for the

electric supply in 2016. It is also important to have a good and effective supply of the electricity

and water with a feasible method to enhance the credibility as well as the performance of the

company. It is evident from the theme of this research that it is very appropriate to review and to

get authentic information in accordance with the research objective of the study. That is the

reason that this research paper has been included in the literature review.

(Medjoudj, Aissani, & Haim, 2013) in their research paper provide a clear

indication of the importance of customer satisfaction in the power and energy industry. They

emphasized that companies must have to enhance the credibility of their services for the energies

they are providing to the customers by enhancing the overall credibility as well as emphasizing on

the high service quality. It is obvious that customer which is the most authentic and credible source

of the revenue for the companies must have to be satisfied by providing high-quality services. It is

also important for the energy companies to provide efficient power resources to enhance the

credibility. This research demonstrates that every company which is emphasizing on providing

energy and power source to the human have two main objectives which are customer satisfaction

and profit making. Companies can use technical and organizational measures to enhance the

operations phase of the electrical power system. in this study, three main methods have been used

to increase the satisfaction which is “economic criteria inspired from game theory”, cost-benefit

analysis, analytic hierarchy process”. The manager of the electric and power supplies companies

has the privileges to enhance the credibility of customer serving my making higher level of

strategic decision-making. The result of the study demonstrates that CBA method is considered


the most authentic and credible source of identifying benefits of cost and customer satisfaction.

This study demonstrates some important methods which can also be used by Al Ain Distribution

company to enhance the credibility of the services and customer satisfaction. That is the main

reason for including this study in the literature review for undergoing research study.

2.2 Sources and Resources for Customer Satisfaction In Energy Distribution Companies

(Muttaqi, Aghaei, Ganapathy, & Nezhad, 2015) provide clear and authentic evidence to

implement credible sources and resources for the continued identification of customer support in

the electric and power distribution companies. It is very important for the companies to provide

high-quality services with respect to the distribution of the electric and water supply. This study

demonstrates that implementation of new technologies for the distribution of electric supply to the

consumer is way forward for a higher level of satisfaction. It is evident from the instigation that

intelligent electronic devices are also used to enhanced high-speed services. It is also evident that

the distribution industry is considered among the largest user of real-time data to provide the power

and electricity to the consumer. It is evident from the study that the development of the intelligent

devices for the data processing is very essential to enhance the credibility of distribution

companies. This research indicates that communication with the customers is also very important.

These are the devices which allow them to have better integration for the distributed generation

and calculation method which satisfy the consumer to main in a higher level of service. This paper

also emphasizes on many strategies which are important for the energy and power distribution

companies to enhance the load management. The selection of this research paper for the literature

review is very evident that it provides lots of load management strategies to Al Ain distribution

company which help to enhance the effectiveness of the services as well as the customer



(Pätäri & Sinkkonen, 2014) demonstrate in their research that it is very important

for the credibility of the energy industry ton provide fluent distribution as well as high customer

values to gather higher customer satisfaction. It is evident from the investigations that companies

are very much concern with the development of the high capitalize and efficient services for the

water and electricity distribution to increase the energy efficiency opportunities. But on the other

side this study also emphasis on the fact that shortfall of the distribution cause lots of issues in

accordance with the consumer satisfaction and other carriables. It is very important to use the

different business model to increase the credibility. In this study, a viable business model has been

used based on energy and performance. This research is based on two rounds of “Delphi Study”

which is concocted in “Finland”. The researcher has used “Hamel business model framework” to

enhance the capability of the business or distribution company. The main purpose of analyzing

the models is to enhance the capability of energy service companies to increase the development

of this business. The find of the study demonstrates that it is important for the companies to

demonstrate more to their customer about the offerings and services. It is also considering one

important development needs of the business which is important to have a continues

implementation. In this study, researchers have made a strong emphasis on visible and invisible

benefits of the study. The main purpose for the inclusion of this research is to enhance the

credibility of the literature review. It allows demonstrating the importance of business model for

Al Ain Distribution company to enhance the customer satisfaction as well.

(Littlechild, 2014) In his study about the importance of water resource for the

energy have been demonstrated that it is very essential to increase the customer satisfaction of the

water energies. The author of the study has emphasized on the identification of the customer

engagement in the water sector. This study has demonstrated that customer engagement is the most


important source of customer satisfaction. If the company want to increase the satisfaction of the

consumer, it is important for them to have a valuable and considerable enhancement in the

engagement of the customer with water distribution companies. This study has demonstrated the

development of the customer forum which is important to enhance the engagement of the customer

with the companies and the interest of the customer in the water and other economic regulations.

It also demonstrates that at what level the customer is satisfied with the business plan of the study.

The aim of the paper is to enhance the price control approach to satisfy the customer and to develop

a deep understanding for the challenges of the company have been facing. On the other side, this

study has also provided demonstration about the importance of the implementation of the financial

timeline to increase the performance of the company. It ultimately impacts the customer

engagement of the water companies and leads to gain higher customer satisfaction. The reason

behind the addition of this study is to emphasize the importance of customer engagement and

customer satisfaction with the Al Ain Distribution company to improve the credibility for the

distribution of the water. This study has strengthened the overall literature review of the study.

2.3 Strategies for implementing Customer satisfaction

(Mahdi & Abbas, 2014) emphasized on the implementation of the project management

strategies to attain a higher level of service quality in water management organization. these

strategies can also be used in the companies which are supplying the electricity to the people. It is

very important to gain a higher level of customer satisfaction. This can only be achieved by having

a higher level of service quality. Six Sigma technique have been discussed in detail in this study.

Implementing of the six-sigma technique in the problem-solving or issues resolver in the electric

and water supply companies will be very beatifical. It is also important for the companies to have

a higher level of services to achieve the goals of the companies. it is also evident from this study


that sigma technique has been used repeatedly in the research of water and electricity management.

The main goal of the six-sigma technique is to enhance the overall operation of the companies. it

is evident from this study that implementation of six sigma is very beneficial for the operations

and to implement the customer satisfaction. it allows the company to manage the cost as well as

improve the quality. the water and electricity companies can implement these six sigma techniques

to enhance the service quality which ultimately lead to increase the customer satisfaction. The

main purpose of the review of this research is to increase the overall credibility of the literature

by implementing the literature about the project management. It allows the Al Ain distribution

company to understand the importance of the six sigma techniques.

(Rolando, Anna, Muriel, & Yuri Alvarado, 2016) demonstrate the importance of

electrification in the society to highlight the importance of the electric distribution company in the

society. It is very important for the companies to enhance the credibility of their services in the

society. Most of the customer is keen to imagine that the services or the product they are using

belong to the company which has higher level of social integration and provides lots of benefits as

well. This study will be very beneficial in accordance with the development of electrification plan

even for the rural areas. It is very important for the companies to target the off-grid areas to provide

more benefits to the society. it will be very beneficial to gather more and authentic societal

preference. It will increase the customer satisfaction as well. Moreover, it is very important for the

companies to have considerable and clear plan to serve the people. That is the main reason that

companies of energy distribution are very keen for sustainable societal development. The aim of

this study is to provide a new dimension to the companies to gather more and more authentic

information regarding the need of the customer and satisfy them by satisfying the need of the

society. This research is very important for Al Ain distribution company research to emphasize


and highlight the importance of societal working as well. This is the reason that this research has

been added in the literature review.

2.4 Customer Perception for the satisfaction and energy distribution company


(Zhang, Guo, Hu, & Liu, 2017) research is considerably demonstrated a method for the

integration with the customer. This method is not specialized for the energy industry but it can be

used to increase the customer satisfaction. It is very easy for the companies to enhance the

customer satisfaction by implementing this method. It is also important for the companies to

interact with the customer. It is also evident from the previous literature that many of the industries

don’t have the structure to interact with the customer more or the matter of joy is very less in these

industries same as it is for the electricity and water supply industry. Customer have very low

involvement that is why there is no interaction program among the companies. That is the reason,

it is important for the electricity and water supply company must implement some interaction

strategies to satisfy the customer. These strategies might be in accordance with the development

of the relation with the customer. It is very important to the development of the relationship that

there must be strong communication and international. For this purpose, social media is the best

out way to pursue for the communication that is why electricity and water supply companies must

implement the social media interaction and communication program to enhance the involvement

of the customer as well as also increase the customer satisfaction. It Is also very important for the

company to get feedback on the services and entertain the complaint. It will also have led to

increases in the consumer satisfaction of the electric supply company as well. This study is very

beneficial to enhance the interaction and communication of Al Ain Distribution Company to


increase the overall customer satisfaction. This study also provide a new dimension for the

research study.

(Martínez & Rodríguez del Bosque, 2013) identify some of the other important aspects of

the customer satisfaction which are corporate social responsibility and customer loyalty. It is very

important for the investigation of the customer satisfaction that the corporate social responsibility

and customer loyalty also investigate. It is also important for the development of the long-term

relation with the customer to increase the trust level, this trust can be built with the help of customer

loyalty. There are many loyalty programs which are govern by the companies to enhance the

overall credibility. In case of electricity and water distribution company it is also very essential to

brought loyalty and CSR programs to increase the trust of the customer on the company. It is also

very essential to have considerable amount of the customer identification program. Companies

must identify the important customer who are very potential to provide them extra benefits. These

kinds of strategies allow the customer to have firm satisfaction on the operation of the company.

This research study also emphasis on the role of manager to gain higher level of satisfaction. It is

also very important for the company to have considerable amount of managerial skills to satisfy

the consumer. In the electric and water distribution companies, technical and human skills both

are highly involved, but on the other side, in the hospitality industry only human skills are required.

This study provides a basis for the identification of the skills essential to enhance the customer

satisfaction in the electricity and power supply. It is important for the Al Ain to introduce higher

level of satisfaction by using CSR and customer loyalty.

(Jacob, Kleipaß, & Pohl, 2013) in their study demonstrate the importance of the customer

satisfaction in the companies which are providing solutions to the consumer. Electricity and water

distribution companies are also providing higher level of solution to the consumers that is why it


is important to have considerable amount of satisfaction among the consumers for the company. it

is also very important for the companies to build up strategies to enhance the overall credibility of

the customer satisfaction in the company. This research study also emphasizes on some of the

important antecedents of the consumer satisfaction which must be used by the companies to gain

higher level of satisfaction. The most important antecedent is service quality. It is important for

the companies to have considerable amount of the development plan to provide different kind of

solution to all the issues of the consumer. It is also investigated by the research study that there are

many new dimensions of the satisfied solution for the consumer to provide the higher level of

satisfaction. The method of service-profit capital thinking is also very essential to gain higher

satisfaction, cosmopolite process has been changed. It is also implemented by the research study

that there is a novel sight by the companies to gain higher level of satisfaction. These companies

have emphasis on providing all kind of satisfaction to enhance their capability of service provision.

It is also demonstrating by the research of the study that knowledge about the company have also

provide higher level of integration with respect to the customer recruitment. If customer have

higher level of knowledge about the company it become very easy to increase the customer

satisfaction. This study provides a basis to increase the customer satisfaction by providing

knowledge about the company. Al Ain distribution company also must increase the knowledge

among the consumer to gather higher level of satisfaction.


It is concluded from the literature review that there are many antecedents of the customer

satisfaction to enhance its credibility even in the electricity and water distribution company. The

literature review demonstrates that previous studies also have the focus on the development of the

consumer satisfaction in electricity and water distribution companies. It is important for these

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companies to implement considerable count of the strategies which have been discussed in the

literature to increase the customer satisfaction. On the other side, this literature review is very

beneficial to provide a strong basis for the consumer satisfaction research in electricity and water

distribution company. This literature also emphasized on the development of a complete plan for

the enhancement of customer satisfaction by the electricity and water supplies company.

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Jacob, F., Kleipaß, U., & Pohl, A. (2013). Nature and role of customer satisfaction in the solution
business. European Management Journal, 32(3), 487–498.
Littlechild, S. (2014). The Customer Forum: Customer engagement in the Scottish water sector.
Utilities Policy, 31, 206–218.
Mahdi, G., & Abbas, S. (2014). Implementing Six Sigma For Cost Reduction In The Water And
Waste Water Company Mahdi. Journal Of Current Research In Science, 32(10), 881–884.
Martínez, P., & Rodríguez del Bosque, I. (2013). CSR and customer loyalty: The roles of trust,
customer identification with the company and satisfaction. International Journal of
Hospitality Management, 35(January), 89–99.
Medjoudj, R., Aissani, D., & Haim, K. D. (2013). Power customer satisfaction and profitability
analysis using multi-criteria decision making methods. International Journal of Electrical
Power and Energy Systems, 45(1), 331–339.
Muttaqi, K. M., Aghaei, J., Ganapathy, V., & Nezhad, A. E. (2015). Technical challenges for
electric power industries with implementation of distribution system automation in smart
grids. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 46(March), 129–142.
Pätäri, S., & Sinkkonen, K. (2014). Energy Service Companies and Energy Performance
Contracting: Is there a need to renew the business model? Insights from a Delphi study.
Journal of Cleaner Production, 66(March), 264–271.
Rolando, M.-V., Anna, B., Muriel, W., & Yuri Alvarado, R. (2016). Energy with Development :
50 years ’ Experience of Community-driven Rural Electrification and Future Challenges
for COOPEGUANACASTE in Costa Rica. Asia Pacific Solar Conference, 1–12.

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Wang, R., & Yao, L. (2017). The Electricity Customer Satisfaction Weight Study Based on
Comprehensive Weight Determination. International Conference on Electrical Engineering
and Automation Control (ICEEAC 2017) ISBN: 978-1-60595-447-9 The, (Iceeac), 323–
Zhang, M., Guo, L., Hu, M., & Liu, W. (2017). Influence of customer engagement with company
social networks on stickiness: Mediating effect of customer value creation. International
Journal of Information Management, 37(3), 229–240.

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