Druid Grove

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Class Feature Improvement:

A variant temple, the druid’s grove allows you to install a

powerful spell, including spells you don’t know or which Savage Shape

might not be on the druid spell list, into the grove making
it permanent.
When you assume your Wild Shape, choose a damage
type of fire, cold, or poison. While in your Wild Shape
The druid chooses one spell from the list below and form, you gain a breath weapon of that type. As a bonus
spends a month in meditation. If the powers that grant action on your turn, you can exhale gas of the chosen
them their spells are pleased with their work, they
damage type in a 30-foot cone. Each creature in that
permanently install the spell the druid requested, which
area must make a Constitution saving throw against your
can be cast once per period listed in the Grove Spells
spell DC, taking 4d6 damage of the chosen type on a
failed save, or half as much on a successful one. You can
do this a number of times equal to your stronghold level,

after which you must take an extended rest to refresh
this ability.

Reincarnate once per season

Foresight once per season


Greater Restoration once per month


Heal once per month


Resurrection once per year

01–05 Regular Medium Infantry (size 1d6)

The spell belongs to the grove but is cast by the druid. 06–10 seasoned Medium airborne (size 1d4)

The grove must be continuously tended. Leaving the 11 Loremaster (3rd level), retainer

grove untended for a month causes it to revert to wild 12 warden (3rd level), retainer

nature and the spell dissipates. The Druid who founded 13–19 Elemental Acolyte (3rd level), retainer

the grove doesn’t have to be the one to tend it, a 20–24 Chaos Mage (3rd level), retainer

lieutenant or follower will do.

25–29 Conjurer (5Th level), retainer

30–36 Exarch (5Th level), retainer

Demesne Effects
37–42 Spirit warden (5Th level), retainer

43–47 Knight of The Green order (7Th level), retainer

• Local birds and mammals in the druid’s demesne can

48–50 Beast lord (7Th level), retainer

speak Common and Elven. They enjoy talking to new

people but will try to find and warn the druid if suspicious 51–55 Farmer

strangers enter the demesne.

56–60 Alchemist

61–65 Sage

• Nuts, fruits, and vegetables grown naturally (i.e., not 66–71 Elf Ambassador

farmed or cultivated) in the druid’s demesne grant those 72–77 Gnome Ambassador

who eat them the effect of goodberry. If taken outside 78–80 Lizardfolk Ambassador

the demesne, they lose this effect.

81–85 roll on The fey allies chart (Page 67)

86–100 roll on The special allies Table (Page 67)

• No roads or trails in the druid’s demesne last more than
a day. However, allies and the units of allies can pass
through the demesne as though there were roads.

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