The Reformed Analytical Kano Model

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The Reformed analytical Kano model

Yu-Cheng Lee and Ya-Li Wang Shao-Bin Lin

Institute of Technology Management Department of Finance
Chung-Hua University Shih Chien University
Hsinchu, Taiwan, ROC Taipei, Taiwan, ROC &

Abstract—The traditional Kano’s model is widely used by qualitative descriptions of various relationship curves; thus,
industries and researchers, but some controversy still exists only limited quantitative analysis or measurement of the
surrounding the classification of quality attributes. Furthermore, relationships is discussed [5].
the resultant Kano category is not a true quantitative measure.
Although the analytical Kano model is proposed to manage these To summarize the preceding research, the Kano diagram is
issues, the model still has room for improvements regarding the found to provide a rough sketch of customer satisfaction
complex process in practical applications. Additionally, the regarding the level of attribute performance. A convenient way
scoring scheme of the analytical Kano model is against the basic to incorporate quantitative measures is to assign some scales in
assumption of prospect theory. Consequently, this study attempts terms of the levels of customer satisfaction/dissatisfaction [6].
to reform the analytical Kano model, and then accurately However, the resulting Kano category is still qualitative in
suggests the priority of improvements. First, this study revises nature, which does not precisely reflect the extent to which
the indicators of the vertical axis and the horizontal axis of the customers are satisfied [7]. Hence, [8] proposed an analytical
analytical Kano model. Second, regression analysis with dummy Kano model based on the Kano principles to incorporate
variables is used to estimate the impact of attribute performance quantitative measures into customer satisfaction. The
on overall satisfaction and then to determine the categories of classification of a quality attribute can be defined based on the
quality attributes. Then, this study considers the results of the corresponding location of the value pair (dysfunctional and
categorizing the quality attributes, the attribute performance, functional) in the diagram, as shown in Fig. 1.
and the asymmetric impact of attribute performance on overall
satisfaction before suggesting definite priorities for improvement. From the customer’s perspective, the characteristics K of a
Finally, the reformed analytical Kano model is illustrated in a quality attribute can be represented as a vector r , the
case study. magnitude of the vector denotes the overall importance of
quality attribute to customers, and the angle α determines the
relative level of satisfaction
K and dissatisfaction. Therefore, the
Keywords-the Kano’s model; the analytical Kano model; magnitude of the vector r is called the importance index; and
implicit importance; quality attribute; customer satisfaction
the angle α is called the satisfaction index. Both 0 ≤ r ≤ 2
and 0 ≤ α ≤ π 2 are collectively called the Kano indices [8].
According to [8], the Kano indices are as follows.
Reference [1] developed a model to categorize the quality K G
attributes of a product or service based on how well they are ri = X i2 + Y i 2 , 0 ≤ ri ≤ 2 (1)
able to satisfy customer needs. It concerns relationships where X i , Yi is the average level of satisfaction of the quality
between customer satisfaction and performance of a product or element i for the dysfunctional/functional form question.
service. The model identifies five different categories to
understand how meeting or exceeding customer expectations α i = tan −1 (Yi X i ) , 0 ≤ α i ≤ π 2 (2)
affect satisfaction [2], respectively: 1) Attractive quality
when αi = 0 means that quality element i is an ideal must-be
attributes, 2) One-dimensional quality attributes, 3) Must-be
quality attributes, 4) Indifferent quality attributes, and 5) attribute. Conversely, αi = π 2 means that quality element i is
Reverse quality attributes. an ideal attractive attribute.
The Kano’s model is an excellent tool for industries to 1

analyze vital quality attributes to ensure better decisions

regarding quality strategies. Over the past two decades, this Attractive
theory has gained exposure and acceptance through articles in
various marketing, quality, and operations management One-dimensional
journals [3]. Kano’s model can be easily used to define the
category of quality attributes that influence customer
satisfaction. However, the classification of quality attributes by Indifferent

the traditional Kano’s model still encounters some controversy Must-be

[4]. Furthermore, the traditional Kano’s model focuses on the α r0
0 1

Figure 1. the analytical Kano model

978-1-4577-2025-3/12/$26.00 ©2012 IEEE

Based on the above formulation, the quality attributes can performance is low, but satisfaction when performance is high
be classified into four categories, i.e., indifferent, must-be, is not affected, then these can be classified as must-be quality
attractive and one-dimensional (see Fig. 1). In Fig. 1, a attributes. If quality attributes have a higher impact on overall
threshold value of the importance index r0 is used to satisfaction when performance is high, but do not affect
differentiate important quality attributes from less important satisfaction when performance is low, then these can be
classified as attractive quality attributes. If the impact of
ones. If the radius is smaller than r0 , it would be considered as attribute performance (whether high or low) on overall
the indifferent region. Hence r0 is called an indifference satisfaction is high, they can be classified as one-dimensional
threshold [8]. quality attributes. Consequently, the determination method of
[11] on the category of quality attributes is used to integrate the
Although [8] proposed new and improved model to concepts of importance and performance into the classification
overcome the disputes and limitations of the traditional Kano’s of quality attributes. Simultaneously, regression analysis with
model, the model still has room for improvements regarding dummy variables is used to estimate the impact of attribute
practical applications due to of its relative complexity. For performance on overall satisfaction to substitute the indicators
practical applications, two separate questionnaires must be of the vertical axis (functional) and the horizontal axis
designed to facilitate the survey, complicating the process. The (dysfunctional) of the analytical Kano model. Finally, the
two questionnaire topics include the importance of quality results of the categorizing the quality attributes, the attribute
attributes and the categorization of attributes according to the performance, and the asymmetric impact of attribute
Kano’s model. In addition, [8] adopts a scoring scheme that performance on overall satisfaction are combined to suggest
defines customer’s satisfaction and dissatisfaction as shown in the priority of improvements. The classification of quality
Table I. The scale is designed to be asymmetric because [8] attributes of the reformed analytical Kano model is shown in
argued that positive answers are considered to be stronger Fig. 2.
responses than negative ones. In other words, the scaling has
the effect of diminishing the influence of negative evaluations. In Fig. 2, the I + refers to the impact on overall satisfaction
This Argument of [8] is, however, against the prospect theory −
by [9]. Therefore, the revision of the scoring scheme used to when attribute performance is high, and the I denotes the
evaluate customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction by [8] is impact on overall satisfaction when attribute performance is
necessary. Otherwise, it would influence the precision of the low. The asymmetric impact of attribute performance on
Kano indices. overall satisfaction can be represented as a vector I , and the
magnitude of the vector denotes the overall impact of the
To simplify the analytical Kano model in practical quality attribute on customer satisfaction. Therefore, the
applications, and to overcome the scoring scheme of the K
analytical Kano model disagrees with the basic assumption of magnitude of the vector I can be considered the importance
prospect theory, this study attempts to reform the analytical index. I 0 is an indifference threshold that is used to
Kano model, and then accurately suggests the priority of differentiate the important quality attributes from the less
improvements. important ones. If the radius is smaller than I 0 , it is considered
Functional form Dysfunctional form 1
Answers to the Kano question
of the question of the question
I like it that way (like) 1 -0.5
It must be that way (must-be) 0.5 -0.25
I am neutral (neutral) 0 0 Attractive
I can live with it that way (live with) -0.25 0.5
I dislike it that way (dislike) -0.5 1
Reference [10] believe that when using some form of self- K
stated importance, customers may not consider the current I Must-be
level of attribute satisfaction, whereas a regression analysis
determines the weight of importance at the current level of
performance. Reference [11] further confirmed the asymmetric 0 1
relationship between attribute performance and overall
Figure 2. A reformed analytical Kano model
satisfaction using regression analysis with dummy variables.
Additionally, through the results of regression analysis, they The methodology steps of the reformed analytical Kano
identified the asymmetric impact of attribute performance on model are as follows:
overall satisfaction, and subsequently selected the category of
quality attributes. 1) Design a performance questionnaire. Performance with
Reference [11] suggested that if the impact on overall single quality elements as well as overall satisfaction with the
satisfaction with quality attributes is high when the
service is evaluated using a 10-point scale, and each question clerk, Q3 professional knowledge of the service center clerk,
is closed. Q4 online service provided by the telecommunications
2) Collect data through questionnaires and acquire company, Q5 service provided in the shop, Q6 quality of the
+ − mobile phone signal, Q7 correctness of the mobile phone bill,
the I and I of each quality element using regression
Q8 e-bill service, Q9 premium programs for mobile phones,
analysis with dummy variables.
Q10 value-added service for mobile phones, Q11 internet
y = β 0 + I i+ dummy 1 + I i− dummy 2 + ε
(3) connection service for mobile phones, Q12 3G visual service
where y = Overall satisfaction for mobile phones, and Q13 service rate for mobile phones.
dummy 1 = Dummy set indicating the highest The questionnaire was distributed to 1800 customers
performance level randomly, and 203 valid questionnaires were returned.
According to (3)~(5), the results of the questionnaire were
dummy 2 = Dummy set indicating the lowest calculated, and shown in Table II. The results of Tables II
performance level depict the reformed analytical Kano model, as shown in Fig. 3.
Additionally, the quality attribute categories are listed in the
I i+ = Impact of the ith quality attribute on the sixth column of Table II.
overall satisfaction associated with a
I i− = Impact of the ith quality attribute on the
K Category in the
overall satisfaction associated with a Item
I− I+ Ii reformed analytical
low performance level (i = 1, 2,…, n) Kano model
ε = Random error K
3) Calculate the magnitude of I i . The overall impact of Q3 6.631 -0.627*** 0.257*** 0.678 must-be
Q4 7.158 -0.509*** 0.144** 0.529 must-be
the ith quality attributeK on customer satisfactionK can K be Q5 6.483 -0.393*** 0.437*** 0.588 one-dimensional
represented as a vector I i , and the magnitude of I i is I i . Q6 7.167 -0.704*** 0.141** 0.718 must-be
Q7 7.956 -0.387*** 0.445*** 0.590 one-dimensional
The formula is as follows: Q8 7.399 -0.460*** 0.262*** 0.529 one-dimensional
Q9 6.217 -0.411*** 0.449*** 0.609 one-dimensional
K 2 2 K Q10 6.394 -0.499*** 0.390*** 0.633 one-dimensional
I i = I i+ + I i− , 0 ≤ I i ≤ 2 (4) Q11 5.980 -0.419*** 0.373*** 0.561 one-dimensional
Q12 4.483 -0.155** 0.484*** 0.508 attractive
4) Calculate the I 0 . I 0 is an indifference threshold that is Q13 6.212 -0.493*** 0.253*** 0.554 one-dimensional
used to differentiate the important quality attributes fromK the P = 6.664 I 0 = 0.404
less important ones. This study believes that if the I i is ** p < .05 ; *** p < .001
+ −
smaller than the average of the I and I , the ith quality I +
attribute is not significant. The formula is as follows:

I0 = I i+ + I i− (5)
2n Q12
i =1 Q7 Q9
Q5 Q2
5) Calculate P and plot the reformed analytical Kano 0.4 Q10
Q11 Q1
model. P is the mean of the performance of quality attributes.
+ − Q8 Q13
According to the I , I , and I 0 , plot the reformed Q3
analytical Kano model. 0.2
Q4 Q6
6) Summarize and categorize the results according to the
reformed analytical Kano model.
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 I−
III. Case Study
Figure 3. The display of the reformed analytical Kano model
The subject for this case study is the mobile
telecommunication company CT, one of the three largest
mobile telecommunication companies in Taiwan. This study
refers to the definition by [12] of the telecommunication IV. DISCUSSION
industry’s service quality elements the basis for Step1. There Regarding analysis based on Tables II and Fig. 3, the
were 13 questions regarding service quality elements and 1 reformed analytical Kano model is described below. From the
question regarding overall satisfaction shown in the results shown in Table II and Fig. 3, Q3: professional
questionnaire used in this study. They include: Q1 successful knowledge of the service center clerk, Q4: online service
connection to service center, Q2 attitude of the service center provided by the telecommunications company, and Q6: quality
of the mobile phone signal are must-be quality attributes. Q1: into the Kano’s model, resulting in the reformed analytical
successful connection to service center, Q2: attitude of the Kano model, which can be used to directly discuss
service center clerk, Q5: service provided in the shop, Q7: improvement effects and prioritize quality attributes.
correctness of the mobile phone bill, Q8: e-bill service, Q9:
premium programs for mobile phones, Q10: value-added In the preceding case, the order of improvements was
service for mobile phones, Q11: internet connection service for prioritized more precisely using the reformed analytical Kano
mobile phones, and Q13: service rate for mobile phones are model. Compared to the analytical Kano model, the reformed
one-dimensional quality attributes. Q12: 3G visual service for analytical Kano model is significantly simpler for practical
mobile phones is an attractive quality attribute. applications, and enables greater amounts of valuable
information for improvement to be obtained. Business
By contrast, regarding performance, Q1: successful management typically focuses on improvements to quality
connection to service center, Q2: attitude of the service center elements that customers consider unsatisfactory. However,
clerk, Q4: online service provided by the telecommunications according to the reformed analytical Kano model, this is not the
company, Q6: quality of the mobile phone signal, Q7: only consideration. The reformed analytical Kano model is not
correctness of the mobile phone bill, and Q8: e-bill service are only a useful practical tool for industries, but is also a
the quality elements with a performance greater than theoretical model for academic research.
the P (6.664) ; thus, Q1, Q2, Q4, Q6, Q7, and Q8 are
considered high performance. Q3: professional knowledge of REFERENCES
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According to the reformed analytical Kano model, the issues
related to the analytical Kano model are improved. In addition,
the concept of “importance” and “performance” is integrated

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