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Activity worksheets  LEVEL 3 Teacher Support Programme

Sense and Sensibility Photocopiable

While reading c Mrs Jennings: Lady Middleton
Chapter 1, pages 1–3 ………………………………………………
1 These sentences are wrong. Write the correct d Colonel Brandon: Sir John Middleton
sentences. ………………………………………………
a Mr Dashwood has died, and he has left his 4 Choose the right names from the box.
large house, Norland Park to Elinor
Mrs Dashwood  Sir John Middleton
Mrs Jennings  Colonel Brandon
b John is the son of Mr Dashwood’s second a Who is over forty years old?
wife. ………………………………………………
……………………………………………… b Who is about forty years old?
c Mr Dashwood didn’t ask John to help Elinor, ………………………………………………
Marianne and Margaret. c Who is about thirty-five years old?
……………………………………………… ………………………………………………
d John gives a lot of money to Mrs Dashwood. Chapter 3, pages 5–10
……………………………………………… 5 Who says these things? When and why do
e Elinor wanted to move to another large house. they say them?
……………………………………………… a ‘I’ve hurt my foot.’
f Sir John Middleton has a house for Mrs Who? ……………………………………….
Dashwood in the north of England. When? ………………………………………
……………………………………………… b ‘I can carry you.’
2 Answer these questions. Who? ……………………………………….
a How does Mrs Dashwood feel about Fanny? When? ………………………………………
Why does she feel this way? c ‘He has a very nice house not too far away…’
……………………………………………… Who? ……………………………………….
……………………………………………… When? ………………………………………
b How does Fanny feel about Elinor? Why does d ‘My daughters do not try to catch men!’
she feel this way? Who? ……………………………………….
……………………………………………… When? ………………………………………
……………………………………………… e ‘I must go to London immediately to finish
c How does Elinor feel about Edward? some important business.’
……………………………………………… Who? ……………………………………….
……………………………………………… When? ………………………………………
d How does Marianne feel about Edward? Why f ‘And so you had a secret adventure this
does she feel this way? morning.’
……………………………………………… Who? ……………………………………….
……………………………………………… When? ………………………………………
Chapter 2, pages 4–5 Chapter 4, pages 10–16
3 What is the relationship between these 6 Answer these questions.
people? Use the words from the box to write a Who do the Dashwood sisters meet as they
the sentences. walk along the road to Barton?
mother  daughter  father  son ………………………………………………
husband  wife  relative  friend b How is Edward different towards Elinor?
a Lady Middleton: Sir John Middleton c What is Lucy Steele’s ‘great secret’?
……………………………………………… ………………………………………………
b Mrs Dashwood: Sir John Middleton
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Activity worksheets  LEVEL 3 Teacher Support Programme

Sense and Sensibility Photocopiable

d How does Elinor act when she hears Lucy’s 9 Read this and answer the question.
secret? Marianne: How can you forget him so easily? Is
……………………………………………… your heart so hard?
e What does Elinor think of Edward? Elinor: Marianne, I do feel strongly for Edward.
……………………………………………… Yes, I loved him, and it was very painful. Fanny,
Lucy and Mrs Ferrars have all hurt me too. But I
Chapter 5, pages 16–23 couldn’t say anything – I had to try to be calm, and
7 Choose the right answer. to help you too. Please, Marianne, say nothing, and
1 Elinor and Marianne go to London be polite to Lucy and Edward.
because … a How do these words show the difference
a John Dashwood invites them. between Elinor and Marianne? Finish these
b Mrs Jennings invites them. sentences.
c Colonel Brandon invites them. Marianne thinks …………………………….
2 Marianne writes a letter to … Elinor does not ………………………………
a her mother. b Which sister has ‘sense’? Which sister has
b Colonel Brandon. ‘sensibility’? Say why.
c Willoughby. Marianne has ………………………………..
3 People think that Marianne and Willoughby Elinor has ……………………………………
are … Chapter 7, pages 28–39
a engaged. 10 Put these sentences in the order of the story.
b just friends. a Edward visits Mrs Dashwood, Elinor and
c not friends any more. Marianne. c
4 Willoughby does not speak to Marianne at b Mrs Ferrars forgives Edward. c
the party because … c Willoughby talks to Elinor. c
a he is engaged to another woman. d Marianne marries Colonel Brandon. c
b he is angry with her. e Colonel Brandon says he can give Edward
c he loves Elinor. a job as a priest. c
5 In Willoughby’s letter, he tells Marianne … f One of the servants says that Edward is
a he loves her and wants her to marry him. married. c
b he loved her but needed to marry someone g Marianne becomes dangerously ill. c
rich. h Edward and Elinor get engaged. c
c he never loved her. i Mrs Dashwood tells Elinor of Colonel
Brandon’s love for Marianne. c
Chapter 6, pages 23–28
8 Answer these questions. After reading
a What unpleasant news about Edward does 11 What do these words mean? Choose the right
John Dashwood give Elinor? answer.
……………………………………………… 1 enter …
b Why is John Dashwood pleased about this? 2 serve …
……………………………………………… 3 encourage …
c Why are Mrs Ferrars and Fanny angry with 4 advise …
Marianne? 5 look forward to …
……………………………………………… a to tell somebody what you think they
should do
d Why does Mrs Ferrars send Edward out of the
b to help somebody to feel able to do
c to come or go in
e Who is Mrs Ferrars going to give all her
d to think happily about something in the
money to?
……………………………………………… e to hand food or drink to people

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Progress test LEVEL 3 Teacher Support Programme

Sense and Sensibility Photocopiable

Chapter 1 c Elinor and Marianne had to spend an hour or
1 Choose the right names from the box. two with the Steeles nearly every day. c
d Miss Lucy Steele asked Elinor if she could ask
John Dashwood  Fanny Dashwood
John Dashwood to give Edward the job of
Mrs Dashwood  Elinor  Marianne
priest at Norland. c
Margaret  Edward  Sir John Middleton
e Marianne was very unhappy because Willoughby
a Norland Park now belonged to ……………… and said goodbye to her. c
his wife. f Miss Lucy Steele told Elinor about her secret
b ……………… was rich and selfish. engagement. c
c Fanny’s brother, ………………, was staying at g Miss Steele thought Marianne and Willoughby
Norland Park. were engaged. c
d Edward and ……………… were soon good
Chapter 5
5 Circle the right words in italics.
e Marianne thought ……………… was boring.
a Mrs Jennings invited Elinor and Marianne to
f ……………… disliked Fanny.
London / Barton Park in January.
g ……………… was a relative from Devon.
b Marianne wanted to see Edward / Willoughby.
Chapter 2 c Willoughby’s letter made Marianne happy / cry.
2 Are these sentences right (3) or wrong (7)? d Mrs Jennings was unpleasant / kind to Marianne.
a Mrs Dashwood thought their new home is too e Willoughby / Colonel Brandon came to visit them.
small. c f Elinor wrote a letter to Edward / her mother.
b Sir John Middleton came to see the Dashwoods g Elinor saw Lucy / Edward in London.
on the day they arrived. c
Chapter 6
c Barton Park is very far from their new home. c
6 Match the two halves of the sentences.
d Colonel Brandon lives at Barton Park. c
1 John Dashwood thinks Colonel Brandon …
e Lady Middleton liked to serve beautiful meals. c
2 Mrs Ferrars wants Edward to …
f Mrs Jennings is a cold woman, who did not say
3 Mrs Ferrars looked at Elinor …
much. c
4 Elinor thought she must tell Marianne …
Chapter 3 5 Mrs Ferrars is angry with Edward, so she …
3 Complete each sentences with a word from the box. 6 Mrs Jennings said Edward …
You can use the same word more than once. 7 Elinor asked Marianne to …
a marry Miss Morton.
about  in  out  to  up  with
b won’t give any money to him.
a Marianne and Margaret went ……… walking. c wouldn’t break the engagement.
b Black clouds built up ……… the sky and it started d will be a good husband for Elinor.
to rain very hard. e be polite to Lucy and Edward.
c Marianne fell and could not get ……… again. f about Lucy’s secret engagement.
d Willoughby was walking near them ……… his g with dislike.
e Elinor and her mother were very surprised to see
Chapter 7
7 Complete these sentences.
Willoughby with Marianne ……… his arms.
a Colonel Brandon asked Edward to be his ……… .
f Willoughby saw the piano and talked ……… the
b Marianne had a dangerous ……… .
c Elinor heard a ……… outside.
Chapter 4 d Willoughby told Elinor his ……… .
4 Put these sentences in the correct order. e Colonel Brandon is a good, ……… man.
a St John introduced Elinor and Marianne to the f One of the ……… said, ‘Mr Ferrars is married.’
relatives of Mrs Jennings. c g Mrs Ferrars agreed to Edward’s new ……… .
b Edward came to visit the Dashwoods. c h Marianne ……… forgot about Willoughby.

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Answer keys LEVEL 3 Teacher Support Programme

Sense and Sensibility

Book key b Mrs Jennings says this about Marianne after the
doctor says Marianne’s fever is dangerous.
1 a Colonel, gentleman, priest, servant c Willoughby says this to Elinor because he wants to
b ‘advice’ is telling somebody what you think they tell her his story about his life.
should do, but ‘encouragement’ is helping them to d Mrs Dashwood says this about Colonel Brandon to
feel able to do it. Elinor because she wants Marianne to marry him.
c their wedding e Edward says this to Elinor because Elinor thinks
2 It is about two girls. One has good sense, and the that Lucy has married Edward Ferrars.
other believes that sensibility (being open to strong 23 –34  Open answers
feelings) is more important.
3 a  Marianne  b  husband  c  two  d  love Discussion activities key
4 a  m  b  j  c  o  d  k  e  p  f  i  g  n  h  l 1 Possible answers:
5 a Elinor is more sensible than her mother / has more • There are two women in the picture, one standing up
sense than her mother. and the other sitting down.
b Mrs Jennings talks and laughs more than her • These women are wearing old-fashioned clothes.
daughter. • I think the title is talking about these two women.
c Marianne is younger than Colonel Brandon but • The story is probably about these two women.
they both like music. 2 Suggested answers:
6 a She has to live in her own home as a guest until a • John Dashwood is the son of Mr Dashwood’s first wife;
relative offers her a different home. She has to sell he had plenty of money from his mother. He is not a
her horses and carriage and take only three servants bad man, but he listens to his selfish wife too much.
to her new home. • Fanny Dashwood is John’s wife. She is quite rich and
b Her husband’s son wants to be kind to her but he selfish.
listens to his selfish wife and gives nothing to Mrs • Elinor Dashwood is the oldest daughter of Mr
Dashwood. Dashwood’s second wife. She is nineteen, and very
7 Open answers sensible. She thinks carefully about everything. She
8 True: a, c, d, e, f likes Edward, Fanny’s brother.
9 Tick: a, c, d, e 3 Mr Dashwood Mrs Dashwood
10 –13  Open answers (first wife)

14 a Colonel Brandon
b Willoughby John Dashwood married
c Miss Grey Fanny Dashwood
d Mrs Dashwood
Mr Dashwood Mrs Dashwood
e John Dashwood (second wife)

f Mrs Ferrars
g Robert
Elinor Marianne Margaret
15 a letter
4 Possible answers:
b engaged
• I think the house is going to be very small.
c money
• I think the house is smaller than Norland Park but
d Mrs Jennings
still big enough for the four Dashwood ladies and three
e Miss Morton
16 –19  Open answers
• Maybe Sir John Middleton is a very old man.
20 a  5  b  3  c  1  d  6  e  2  f  4  g  7
• Perhaps Sir John Middleton is young and handsome.
21 EF: b, d, f
• I think he is a very kind person.
W: a, c, e
• I’m sure they will make new friends there.
22 a Colonel Brandon says this to Elinor because he is
• I don’t think they will make a lot of friends.
offering to give Edward a job and a small house at
• I think they will be happier than living with John and

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Answer keys LEVEL 3 Teacher Support Programme

Sense and Sensibility

• I think the Dashwoods will be invited by Sir John 14 Example answer about Willoughby:
Middleton. Perhaps some people don’t agree that everything ends well
5 Open answers for Willoughby as he married for money and his wife
6 Possible answers: doesn’t love him, but I think it was good for Willoughby
• Marianne is not very sensible because she goes off alone as well because he could at least tell Elinor his side of the
with Willoughby. This makes people think that they story.
are engaged. 15 Open answers
• Elinor is sensible and says, ‘If something is nice, it can 16 Possible answers:
still be wrong.’ • Marianne goes alone with Willoughby to visit his
7 Open answers aunt’s house when she is not there.
8 Possible answers: • She lets people think that she is engaged to Willoughby
• He doesn’t want to marry Marianne, so he goes to when he hasn’t asked her to marry him.
London. Out of sight, out of mind. • She walks for a long way through wet grass and gets ill
• Perhaps he has another girlfriend in London. because of this.
• I don’t think he is serious about Marianne. If he is Possible advice:
serious, he will announce the engagement. • You should not go off alone with Willoughby.
• I think they will never see each other again. • You should tell people that Willoughby hasn’t asked you
• I think Marianne has been dumped. to marry him.
9 Open answers • You should be careful not to catch a terrible cold.
10 Possible answers: • I know you are sad thinking of Willoughby, but you
• I don’t agree. He at least told Marianne that he is should get over him.
engaged to someone else. Some men don’t even explain 17 Example writing:
what’s going on. John and Fanny Dashwood
• I think Willoughby is a sad person who loves money Money is very important in the lives of John and Fanny
too much, but I understand his action. Dashwod. They care more about money than they do
• If he thinks he needs money, he shouldn’t see about their relatives and this is why they do not give any
Marianne. He shouldn’t make her think that he loves money to Mrs Dashwood and her three daughters.
• I think it will take a long time for Marianne to forget Activity worksheets key
Willoughby. She loved him so much. 1 a Mr Dashwood has died, and he has left his large
• I think she’s been stupid. She couldn’t judge if house, Norland Park, to John Dashwood.
Willoughby was serious about her or not. She was b John is the son of Mr Dashwood’s first wife.
blind in love, I guess. c Mr Dashwood asked John to help Elinor, Marianne
11 Open answers and Margaret.
12 Possible answers: d John does not give any money to Mrs Dashwood.
Lucy Steele e Mrs Dashwood wanted to move to another large
dishonest: Lucy Steele was not so free with her words as house.
the older Miss Steele, but her face was not very honest. f Sir John Middleton has a house for Mrs Dashwood
(p. 13) in the west of England.
Mrs Ferrars 2 Suggested answers:
difficult: Mrs Ferrars was a little, thin woman with a a Mrs Dashwood does not like Fanny because she is
serious and quite unpleasant face. (p. 25) rude to her.
Fanny Dashwood b Fanny doesn’t like Elinor because she is poor. She
selfish: Lady Middleton and Mrs John Dashwood were doesn’t like seeing Elinor with her brother Edward.
soon the best of friends. They were both selfish women. She wants a rich wife for Edward, not a poor one
(p. 25) like Elinor.
13 Open answers c Elinor likes Edward very much.

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Answer keys LEVEL 3 Teacher Support Programme

Sense and Sensibility

d Marianne thinks Edward is boring because he is 8 a Edward’s mother has found a rich young lady for
quiet and serious. She likes people who feel strongly him.
about books or music or pictures, and Edward b Because he thinks that the money is so useful and
doesn’t do so. that they need more money for Norland.
3 a Lady Middleton is Sir John Middleton’s wife. c Because Marianne speaks her mind to them and is
b Mrs Dashwood is a relative of Sir John Middleton. rather rude.
c Mrs Jennings is Lady Middleton’s mother. d Because she has heard about the secret engagement
d Colonel Brandon is a friend of Sir John Middleton. and is very angry.
4 a Mrs Jennings e Edward’s younger brother, Robert.
b Sir John Middleton, Mrs Dashwood 9 a (Marianne thinks) that your heart is hard if you
c Colonel Brandon don’t show how sad you are. (Elinor does not) show
5 Suggested answers: her feelings, but in fact she has strong feelings.
a Who? Marianne b (Marianne has) ‘sensibility’. She feels a lot and
When? When she runs fast down the hill and falls shows her feelings. (Elinor has) ‘sense’. She thinks
b Who? Willoughby about things carefully and tries to stay calm.
When? When he sees Marianne cannot get up 10 a  6  b  8  c  3  d  9  e  1  f  5  g  2
c Who? Sir John Middleton h  7  i  4
When? When Elinor asks him about Willoughby 11 1  c  2  e  3  b  4  a  5  d
d Who? Mrs Dashwood
When? When Sir John Middleton says that Progress test key
Marianne mustn’t catch all the men 1 a John Dashwood
e Who? Colonel Brandon b Fanny Dashwood
When? On the day people have planned to visit c Edward
Whitwell. d Elinor
f Who? Mrs Jennings e Edward
When? At the dinner after Marianne has gone off f Mrs Dashwood
alone with Willoughby g Sir John Middleton
6 a Edward Ferrars. 2 a  3  b  7  c  7  d  7  e  3  f  7
b He is cold. 3 a  out  b  in  c  up  d  with  e  in  f  about
c She is engaged to Edward Ferrars. 4 a  3  b  2  c  4  d  7  e  1  f  6  g  5
d She is surprised, but she tries to speak calmly. 5 a  London  b  Willoughby  c  cry  d  kind
e She feels sorry for him. She is thinking if he really e  Colonel Brandon  f  her mother  g  Lucy
loves Lucy. 6 1  d  2  a  3  g  4  f  5  b  6  c  7  e
7 1  b  2  c  3  a  4  a  5  c 7 a  priest  b  fever  c  carriage  d  story  e  unselfish
f  servants  g  engagement  h  finally

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