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Indian Institute of Management Bangalore

PGP 2018-20: Decision Sciences II

Case Study 2: JCG Global Air Services

Case Study Deadline: November 29th @ 9:30AM IST (no extensions will be granted).
Groups: Group members as shared by PGP office
Peer Evaluation: Fill out the enclosed peer evaluation form, and submit separately in
class, at the end of the case study submission deadline.

Case Study Deliverables:

One professionally written case study report per group, inclusive of the following:

1. A cover page, with project title, names of team members, etc.

2. One-page executive summary, highlighting main features of your analysis, modeling, and
comments on results obtained.
3. Main case study report, not exceeding 10 one-sided pages, including a succinct
understanding of the problem, mathematical programming models and conclusions.
Specific response for the different questions listed below must also be included in the
4. Total case study report not to exceed 15 one-sided pages.
5. All case studies to be submitted on A4/Letter single sized pages, 12 point Times New
Roman font, and 1.5 line spacing.
6. One soft copy submission per group is required on the course website (Moodle) before the
7. A hard copy of the project report must also be submitted at the beginning of class on
Thursday (November 29th) in the classroom.
Case Study Questions

1. Consider the “no tankering” option, where just enough fuel is loaded at each stop to land at
the next, with exactly 2400 lbs of fuel as required. What is the fuel plan for JCG’s upcoming
four-leg trip with this option?

2. Formulate an appropriate mathematical programming model for the fuel planning decision
where tankering option is taken into consideration. Clearly identify all the decision variables,
constraints and the objective function. Solve the formulation using MS Excel Solver or

3. Which of the two options considered above is better? Advise Sam Burke on the best fuel plan.

4. Sam Burke liked the fuel plan and decided to use the optimization model for fuel planning for
all flights. He observed that at times the optimal plan requires uploading only a few gallons
of fuel, which is not practical. Modify your model to incorporate the requirement that no less
than 100 gallons of fuel can be uploaded.

5. Consider that the company procedure requiring 2400 lbs of fuel upon arrival is a planning
figure that can be raised or lowered to another value to some extent. Would it help to raise or
lower this figure? If so, by how much would you suggest raising or lowering it?

6. Are there any limitations of the model? If so, how would you modify your model to address
Peer Evaluation Form

I pledge that I have answered the following questions truthfully to the best of my knowledge. I
understand that I need to fill this evaluation form individually, and violating these instructions will
be penalized as per the IIM-B Code of Academic Integrity.

Name: Signature:

1. How many meetings/sessions did your group have during the course of the case study?

2. Do you feel that your group members contributed equally? If not, why?

Evaluate each member of your group, including yourself, on a scale from A to D for each of the
aspects listed below. A – Excellent, B – Good, C – Satisfactory, D - Unsatisfactory

Attended Helped in Contributed Case Case

Name Meetings Generation to Models Study study
of Ideas developed Analysis Write-up

3. Overall, are you satisfied with your team? State why or why not.

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