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Continuing Professional Development

1. Explain the methods of professional development below

Professional Description
Induction training at the start of every job you will be taken
through some induction training. This would
help you to feel more comfortable within the
company. They might take you on a tour or
make you go through some PowerPoints so
that you know your way around and have
more information on the business.
Performance A meeting that you would have with your
appraisal manager every six months so that you can
review what has happened through the
previous months at your jobs. You would
highlight your strengths, weaknesses and set
some goals as to what you need to have
achieved before your next meeting.
On the job/ off the On the job training is when you are given the
job training opportunity to learn things while you are at
your workplace. This might include being
paired up with other people within your
company so that you are able to learn things
from them and gain training from them. Off
the job training is when you learn outside of
your job. Their might be a training course that
your company wants you to go on and this
might be external from your company. Going
on this course would be off the job training.
Coaching and Coaching and mentoring is when an
mentoring experienced individual is partnered up with a
less experienced individual so that they are
able to help teach and guide them through
learning new things. Coaching is a lot more
involved and is usually done for a shorter
amount of time, whereas mentoring is less
involved however is carried out for a long
amount of time.
Graduate training When someone that has just graduated is
programme placed on a graduate training programme so
that they can go straight into a high paying
job quickly even though they may not
necessarily have the experience. The training
programme would help them to become more
experience. It is usually for managerial roles.
Management When a manager is placed on a training
training program so that they can become a better
manager. There’s lots of different training
programs that they can go on, such as one for
better support training. This may help them to
become a more reliable source for the
employees that are working below them.
Secondments This is when you are packed in a different
department so that you can learn how to do
the jobs on this planet so that when this
department is in need of some extra help,
they are able to call on you so that you can
provide this extra help when they need it.
They might have a member of their team that
is going to be off for a long time and so they
might need you to stand in for this.
Shadowing This is when you are buddies up with someone
that is more experienced than you so that you
can learn lots of new tips and tricks from
them. This would help them to become more
experienced in their role because you
shadowing they are able to get a better
understanding of how to do things a lot better.
You might shadow someone in writing emails
so you understand how to format emails and
reply to people more efficiently.
E-Learning This is when you are learning through the
internet. For example, your company might
make you do a GDPR course online and this
would fall under E-Learning.
Vocational & This is when you enrol on a course so that you
professional are able to gain the knowledge of a certain bc
courses subject. Once you have this knowledge and
can prove you have a good understanding of it
all through coursework and exams, you are
able to receive the proper qualifications with
it. For example, you would need qualifications
to become a doctor because not just anyone
can become a doctor.
Job rotation When your job roles keep switching. This is
usually done to make sure that you’re not
always doing the same thing and getting
bored. It gives you the chance to have more
experience in the different parts of your job so
that you are experienced in multiple things
instead of only one thing.
Lifelong learning This is when you are always learning, no
matter how old you are or how long you have
been working or studying.
Retraining When you are made redundant of your job, it
is your business's responsibility to make sure
that they can find you a different job that is
similar to the one you already have. This
wouldn’t be the same job because it wouldn’t
have made you redundant then. but you
would need to be retrained so that you can do
this new job.

2. Explain which of these methods you may need to

achieve your career aim and why

Induction Training
I would need induction training in order to achieve my career aim
because with any job, you need to be making sure that you know
the company you are working for and are comfortable with where
you are so you can do the best job properly. I would need to know
where everything is within the company I am working at to make
sure that I am comfortable with my surroundings.

I think that to achieve my career goal I would probably need to do
some shadowing. This is because I would really like to go into
finance and finance consists of using certain software like
QuickBooks to do a lot of work. If I am unfamiliar with the software
that the company is using, I may need to do some shadowing so
that I am able to use the software so that I can do my job.

A lot of the times in finance, the work that you are doing must be
made sure that it is kept private and confidential. This is to ensure
that the financial information isn’t getting into the wrong hands. I
might have to do some E Learning courses on GDPR so that I know
how to handle all of the financial information that is supposed to be
kept confidential.

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