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Cell Biology

(Sumadi and Aditya Marianti, 2007)

Student name : Mamanda Silitonga

NIM : 4193342002

Supporting lecturer : Khairiza Lubis, P.hD

Course : General Biology






In the Critical Book Report I criticized 2 books by comparing one book with another book. My
goal is to carry out this criticism to carry out the activity of analyzing and evaluating a book with
the aim of increasing understanding, broadening appreciation, or analyzing the strengths and
weaknesses of books and helping to correct errors in the book so that no mistakes occur again.
The activity of criticizing books is very important considering that readers are required to
understand a book critically. Every book that is criticized will be a reference for making better
books in the future. If this activity is not carried out there will be no literacy progress in the
world of books, especially in Indonesia. Because of this activity good book quality can be known
in detail and in depth. In this case the critic will criticize a book called Cell Biology. For the sake
of the realization of an understanding of the learning material Cell Biology for students who will
become an educator.


Praise me for praying to God Almighty for the abundance of His grace so that I can complete the
task of making a Critical Book Report on Philosophy of Education in the Philosophy of Education course.

My gratitude goes to Mother Pembina Khairiza Lubis, P.hD., as a supervisor who has provided
guidance and guidance so that this Critical Book Report can be completed to fulfill one of the tasks that
must be completed during the learning process.

I realize this Critical Book Report is still not perfect and I will continue to learn to improve,
therefore I expect constructive criticism and suggestions for further improvement.

Hopefully this Critical Book Report can be useful for readers, and for me especially in
understanding Educational Philosophy material.

Medan, October 16 th 2019

Mamanda Silitonga


EXECUTIVE SUMMERY________________________________________________________________ 2

FOREWORD_________ _______________________________________________________________ 3

TABLE OF CONTENTS__________________________ _______________________________________ 4

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ____________________________________________________________ 5

CHAPTER II SUMMARY OF BOOKS _______________________________________________________ 7

CHAPTER III DISCUSSION______________________________________________________________ 14

CHAPTER IV CLOSING__________________________________________________________________15



- Rationalization of the Importance of CBR

Critical Book Report is the activity of comparing and also critiquing a book with other books from all
aspects such as the language used by a book, the contents of the book and the writing procedures of
the book with the intent and purpose to build from the books that have been created, while also giving
consideration to the reader whether books deserve or not get appreciation from the general public.

- Objectives of CBR
 Complete the tasks and obligations given by the lecturer to students
 Add insight into knowledge about various books to be criticized
 Improving the habit of reading books and the nature of a book
 Strengthening understanding of the Cell Biology book

- Benefits of CBR
 Can find out the contents of the cell biology book to be criticized
 Can compare the contents of the book
 Can be used as a reference material for better and better quality similar works
 Add knowledge about cells

4. Identity Book Review

 Mains Book
 Judul : Biologi Sel
 Edisi : Pertama
 Pengarang : Sumadi
Aditya Marianti
 Penerbit : Graha Ilmu
 Tahun Terbit : 2007
 ISBN : 978-979-756-274-9
 Cover :

- Buku Pembanding
 Judul : Biologi Sel dan Melekular
 Edisi : Pertama
 Pengarang : Dr. Betty Nurhayati, M.Si.
Dr. Sri Darmawanti, M.Si.
 Penerbit : Badan Pusat Pendidikan Sumber Daya Manusia Kesehatan
 Tahun Terbit : 2017
 ISBN : Kementrian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia
 Cover :




A. Introduction

Latin cella word cell. Means the small room, which was found by Robert Hooke, the observation
of the cork incision (there are small rooms that make up the cork).

The cell is a small room bounded by a membrane, in which there is fluid (protoplasm).
Protoplasm consists of plasma cells (cytoplasm) and cell nucleus (nucleus). In the nucleus there
are nucleus or nucleoplasm plasma. The cell is the smallest unit of living things that can carry
out life (cannot be divided again) or is the smallest unit of structural composition of living
things. Functionally, the cell functions to carry out the function of life (organizing life if the
constituent cells function). then forms organisms. Cells multiply by dividing (mitosis). Besides
cells also contain genetic material, which is the material determining the properties of living
things, the nature of living things can be passed on to their offspring.

B. Prokaryotic Cells

Included in the group of prokaryotic cells are bacteria and green algae or cyanobacteria.

Blue green algae cells are generally larger than point bacterial cells. In addition, algae cells
photosynthesize with chlorophyll a, which is not found in bacterial cells. Prokaryotic cells are
surrounded by cell walls which are usually not cellulose and are therefore not cellulose.
chemically differs from high cell plant cell wall thick point about 10 to 20 nm cell wall and
sometimes diesel is covered by a Jelly type capsule which is thicker or in the form of slime from
protein material. On the inside of the cell wall there is a plasma membrane or point
plasmalemma at a certain part of this plasma membrane occurs a curve toward the cytosol to
form a building or structure called a mesosome or mitochondria in eukaryotic cells.

Plasma membranes of prokaryotic cells also form folds towards the cytosol, their structure is
like a smooth duct along the surface of the inner membrane, called the Lamela Sito point
membrane. The Lamela membrane system contains photosynthetic pigments. The existence of
this photosynthetic pigment Lamela membrane system is also called membrane photosynthesis.
In Lamela's photosynthetic bacteria the core membrane system is called chromatophor. In Purple
SP, photosynthetic membranes do not form like fine ducts, but rather pouch-like structures or
sac-like structures are formed by invagination or bending of the plasma membrane toward the

On the inside of the plasma membrane are the cytoplasmic ribosomes and nucleoids. Cytoplasm
can contain vacuoles or small vacuoles and store reserves of complex sugars and or organic

ingredients. In certain blue-green algae vacuoles contain nitrogen gas. Ribosomes are free in the
cytoplasm and the site of protein synthesis in an electron microscope can be shown the presence
of a clear core region called a nucleoid point where there are chromosomes formed from circular
single-stranded DNA molecules. This DNA is 1 mm in length containing genetic information.

The smallest prokaryotic cells that live free are micro mycoplasma or often referred to as PPLO
or pneumonia like these organisms can cause disease in animals or humans and can be left to
other types of bacteria with diameter sizes ranging from 0.2 um to 0.5 um or the same size as the
largest virus. When viewed with an electron microscope then from the outside inward will
appear the plasma membrane of a genetic complement group in the form of double spiral threads
from circular DNA and a number of ribosomes PPL is interesting to study because its size is
1000 times smaller than the average size of bacteria and a number of times more smaller than the
average eukaryotic cell

C. Eukaryotic Cells

a. Cell membrane

Membrane cells in the form of thin membranes, also called plasmalemma. Approximately 100 A.
The thickness of the plasma membrane is built by phospholipids, proteins and carbohydrates.
Phospholipids are amphilic molecules, meaning that each molecule contains a hydrophilic head
and a hydrophobic tail. The phospholipid molecule arranges itself in the state of two aqueous
particles by forming a phospholipid arrangement.

Protein and carbohydrate molecules are expressed both on the inner and outer surfaces of the
plasma membrane called extrinsic protein. Whereas the other proteins penetrate into the inner
plasma membrane and even those uterine proteins penetrate until they are translucent and
protrude until both surfaces of the membrane, called intrinsic proteins. While carbohydrate
molecules combine with protein and fat molecules that form glycoprotein and glycolipid bonds.

b. Cytoplasm / Plasma cells

Is a liquid that is in a cell other than nucleoplasm (nucleus plasma). The liquid is called a cytosol,
the solids are organelles. Cytosol is composed of: water, protein, amino acids, vitamins,
nucleotides, fatty acids, sugar & ions (cytosol has another name: cytoplasmic matrix).

Organella-orgganella contained in the cytoplasm, among others are

a. Endoplasmic Reticulum:
The endoplasmic reticulum is related to the outer membrane of the nuclear envelope. There are
two types of endoplasmic reticulum, namely the smooth endoplasmic reticulum and the rough
endoplasmic reticulum. The rough endoplasmic reticulum is closer to the nucleus. The smooth
endoplasmic reticulum is a transition area where chemical molecules such as proteins made by
cells are stored in the lumen to be transported to other cell parts. Pieces of smooth endoplasmic

reticulum called vesicles are cut off from the smooth endoplasmic reticulum and move to other
places in the cell to transfer its contents. The rough endoplasmic reticulum is so called because it
has organelles attached to the endoplasmic reticulum, which causes it to look rough when viewed
using an electron microscope. The rough endoplasmic reticulum and its association with
ribosomes are involved in protein synthesis.

b. Ribosome:
Ribosomes are organelles directly involved in protein synthesis. Made from RNA and protein
and made in the nucleus (from a DNA template), then out to the cytoplasm for perform its

c. Mitochondria
Mitochondria are found in all eukaryotic cells, usually in large numbers in each cell.
Mitochondria burn sugar for fuel / energy in the process of cellular respiration, so mitochondria
are referred to as the "engine" of cells. Mitochondria consist of a smooth outer membrane and a
curved inner membrane separated by intermembrane space. Angled on the inner membrane is
called krista and the space inside the inner membrane is called the mitochondrial matrix.

d. Golgi apparatus or golgi body

The golgi apparatus or golgi body functions as part of the sending and receiving cells. Material is
received when the vesicle is united with the Golgi apparatus and sent to other parts when the
vesicle is released. Temporary material is stored in the Golgi body and several subsequent
chemical reactions take place there. Golgi apparatus is a distribution and delivery organelle for
cell chemical products. The golgi apparatus modifies proteins and fats made in the endoplasmic
reticulum and prepares them for export outside the cell.

e. Lysosome
Lysosomes have the main function as a digestion (digestion) and contain degradative enzymes.
Lysosomes break down cellular waste products and debris from outside the cell into simple
components that are transferred to the cytoplasm as building material for new cells.

f. Sentriol
Sentriol is a self-replicating organelle made from microtubules and is only found in animal cells.
Sentriol functions to help organize cell division.

g. Vacuoles
The vacuole is a storage area. Plant cells generally have a large central vacuole that takes up
most of the space in plant cells and is used as a storage place for various molecules. Paramecium
has a special type called contractile vacuole that functions to excrete water from cells.

h. Chloroplast
Plant cells contain one type of organelle that is not found in animal cells, namely chloroplasts.
Chloroplast converts light energy to chemical energy through photosynthesis. The main pigment
contained in the chloroplast involved in is chlorophyll. The chloroplast is surrounded by an outer
membrane and an inner membrane separated by intermembrane space. The fluid in the center of
the chloroplast is called the stroma. In this fluid there is a system consisting of piles of discs,
each called thylakoids and having chlorophyll and other pigments in the membrane. Collection
of thylakoids called granum.


The nucleus or cell nucleus is round and oval shaped, bounded by a double membrane. The parts
of the seal core are the core membrane, nucleoplasm, nucleoulus and chromatin strands




A. Concepts of Cell Biology and Molecular Biology

Cell biology is the study of cells, both their understanding and the organelle within a cell
and their functions. The body of a living organism is composed of cells, if the living organism
only has one cell, including unicellular organisms such as yeast, protozoa, and bacteria.
Organisms that are composed of many cells are known as multicellular organisms, for example
humans, animals and plants.
Cells are the smallest units of life, which have different shapes and sizes depending on
the place and function of the tissue they compose.
The first cell was discovered by Robert Hooke in 1665. The cell in Latin is cellula which
means small cell. Why is it called small cubicle? At the beginning of the cell was discovered,
what was seen was a cork cell that looked just like a chamber, because the cork cells observed
were inanimate objects.
In its development, Hooke saw the difference between cork cells and living cells. In
living cells there is a thick liquid which is then called a protoplasm. With the invention of the
electron microscope (Electron Mycroscope / EM), which began to be recognized in biology in
the 1950s, cells can be seen up to more detailed cell components. It was also found that the cell
was a hollow place (cytos in Greek), and a filled bag (cella in Roman).
After EM, the facts about cells are increasingly developed with the use of Scanning
Electron Mycroscope (SEM) which is more clear to be able to see cell topography. The cell is a
container in which the biosynthetic activity of thousands of molecules is needed for the life of
the organism that owns the cell. Cell size and shape vary greatly, depending on the place and
function. You can see how the shape of animal cells (multicellular) when viewed through a
microscope, either by painting or without painting.

The Concept of Molecular Biology
Molecular Biology is the study of cells both their understanding and the organella within
a cell and its function down to the level of its constituent molecules. Molecular biology is a
multidisciplinary science because it covers cell biology, biochemistry, and genetics.
Consider the example of cells making up the plasma membrane and the membrane that

Plasma membranes are composed of two postpolipid layers, which are complemented by
the presence of a transmembrane protein and the presence of carbohydrates attached to the
membrane surface. It appears that the two lipid layers are divided into parts that are hydrophobic
(the part that is in the middle, the part that is afraid of water), and the outer part is hydrophilic. In
addition to studying the structure of the ultra-cell down to the molecular level, Molecular also
studies how cell growth and development is seen at the molecular level. This material can be
studied in the cell cycle.

B. Classification of Living Bodies

the classification / classification of living things experiences the dynamics of change in
accordance with the development of scientific technology. The development of technology and
science will result in the development of data in the form of the characteristics / characteristics of
an organism used by taxonomists. Based on the order, there is currently a classification system
for up to 8 generations as presented in the Table below.
Linnaeu Haeckel Chatton Copelan Whittak Whoes Cacalier- Ruggiero
s (1866) (1937) d er e Smith (2015)
(1735) (1938) (1969) (1990) (1998)

2 3 2 4 5 3 6 7
Kingdo Kingdo Super Kingdo kingdo Domain Kingdom kingdom
m m kingdo m m

Belum Protista Prokariot Monera Monera Bacteria Bacteria Bacteria

dikenal a Archaea Arcahea
Eukariota Protista Protista Eukarya Protozoa Protozoa
Chromista Chromista
Fungi Fungi Fungi
Plantae Plantae Plantae Plantae Plantae Plantae
Animalia Animalia Animalia Plantae Animalia Animalia

Based on the structure of ultra cells, cells can be classified into two groups, namely Eukaryot
cells and Prokaryot cells. This classification was carried out by Chatton (1937).
All eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells have the following components:
1) Plasma membrane which acts as a barrier, which is selective in nature
2) Cytosol, which is in the form of semifluid, like jelly, which is in the cell, di
therein are suspended all components of the cell

3) Chromosomes, carrying genes that are sequenced in DNA
4) Ribosomes, as a place of protein synthesis.

1. Eukaryotic cells
There are many organella cells in eukaryotes that have different functions. These organella types
have an average diameter of 5μm.
The types of organella are:

a. The nucleus is often called the cell nucleus containing chromosomes. In the chromosome there
is DNA, and in DNA there are many genes that function to carry offspring from parents to
offspring. The cell nucleus is enclosed in a membrane, a lipid bilayer membrane, so that it is
separated from the cytoplasm. In the cell nucleus there is a granular mass, which is called the
nucleus or nucleus. Inside the nucleolus there is the synthesis of rRNA, which is then packed
with proteins imported from the cytoplasm into large and small ribosomal subunits. Large and
small ribosomal subunits are then carried out of the nucleus through the pores of the core
membrane to the cytoplasm. The small ribosome sub unit and the large ribosome sub unit are
then assembled into ribosomes. Each nucleus can have two or more nucleoli, depending on the
species. In the cell nucleus also occurs transcription, which produces mRNA, which is then
transferred to the outside of the cell nucleus through the pores of the nuclear membrane, leading
to the ribosome.

b. Ribosomes, which are the place of protein synthesis, are precisely translations. Translation is
the process of protein synthesis with mRNA as a template. Ribosomes are complexes between
rRNA and protein. Cells that have high protein synthesis rates have many ribosomes, even up to
several million ribosomes. There are two kinds of ribosomes, namely ribosomes that are bound
to the rough ER membrane, and free ribosomes that are in the cytoplasm. Both kinds of
ribosomes have similar structures. Ribosomes are free as a place for protein synthesis to function
in the cytosol, while proteins synthesized in the bound ribosome are used on the membrane itself
or excreted outside the cell. Examples of proteins produced in free ribosomes are enzymes that
function in analyzing decomposition. While the protein produced by Ribosomes is bound, for
example, enzymes produced by the pancreas that are secreted into the small intestine for the
process of digestion of proteins.

c. Endoplasmic reticulum (RE), is an organella that has a relationship with several

endomembranous systems. Endomembrane system in question is the core membrane, RE, golgi
body, lysosomes, vesicles, vacuoles and plasma membranes, where the endomembrane system is
a lot of work in protein synthesis (where protein synthesis, refinement of the results of protein
synthesis, storage of protein synthesis results, and export of proteins to protein outside cell). RE
membrane in the form of lamella which is a continuation of the core membrane. There are two
types of RE, namely 1) Rough RE, because the membrane is attached to the ribosome whose
function is for protein synthesis. The rough RE in the pancreatic cells synthesizes a protein that
functions as an insulin hormone, which is then secreted in the bloodstream. The hormone insulin
is in the form of glycoprotein; 2) RE is smooth, because there is no ribosome attached to the
surface of the membrane. The functions of refined RE are: lipid synthesis, carbohydrate
metabolism, detoxification of drugs and poisons, and storing calcium ions.
d. Mitochondria, have two membranes namely the outer membrane and the inner membrane that
form the curves in the direction called cristae. Mitochondria are where cellular respiration
occurs, producing energy in the form of ATP, which is a high-energy molecule. Mitochondria
contain many enzymes that function in the Kreb cycle. There are cells that only have one large
mitochondria, but there are those that have many mitochondria. Cells with high activity have
more mitochondria when compared to cells with less activity.

e. Golgi Agency, was first discovered by a biologist and physicist from Italy named Camello
Golgy. Its function is to improve the results of protein synthesis in the ribosome, improvements
that occur are folding (folding), carboxylation, methylase.

f. Lysosome, derived from Greek which means the body is breaking, shaped like a vesicle, round
like a ball, is a bag. Produced by a rough RE and Golgy's body, Golgy's body forms shoots which
are then released, the host is a lysosome. Inside the lysosome contains hydrolytic enzymes whose
function is to digest food that enters the cell or macromolecules, in addition Lysosomes also
destroy damaged organella.

g. The vacuole, shaped like a lysosome, is a bag, the size varies,

depending on its function.

2. Prokaryot cells
Prokaryotic cells are cells without a nuclear membrane. This cell has genetic material in the form
of DNA that is not enveloped by a membrane, but is only a mass of higher viscosity compared to
the thickness of the cytoplasm around it so it is called a nucleoid. Prokaryotic cells do not have
organelle, so this cell structure is still very simple. Cell activity takes place inside the cell
membrane and in the cytoplasm. For example prokaryotic cells are bacteria which are generally
unicellular organisms and their characteristics:
a. There is a cell wall whose basic ingredients are peptidoglycan (a combination of protein and
carbohydrate), but also the presence of fat. The nature of this cell wall rigid (rigid) that is outside
the cell membrane, its function in addition to protecting cell contents also gives shape to
bacterial cells
b. Cell membrane, located inside the cell wall but outside of the cytoplasm, functions to separate
the inside and outside of the cell.
c. DNA is circular in shape, supercoil, found in the cytoplasm without any membrane covering
d. No nucleus was found, but a nucleoid
e. Not found endoplasmic reticulum both rough and smooth, but found ribosomes which are
small particles composed of proteins and RNA. Bacterial cells are unicellular but have many
ribosomes to 10,000 ribosomal copies. Ribosome functions as a place for protein synthesis
f. No Mitochondria or Golgi bodies were found
g. Having pilli / fimbriae which are composed of protein pillins, their function is to attach to host
cells, as an initial infection.
h. Having flagella, composed of flagellin proteins, functions to move

A. Discussion of the main book chapter on
Buku utama ini membahas tentang sel prokariotik dan sel eukariotik. Di buku ini
menjelaskan arti dari kedua sel tersebut dan juga bagian-bagian yang terdapat pada
sel tersebut juga. Tapi penjelasan tersebut menurut saya kurang lengkap. Dan pada
buku tersebut terdapat gambar yang digunakan untuk menjelaskan bagian-bagian
sel tersebut.
Pada buku pembanding ini membahas tentang biologi sl dan monokuler. Sehingga di
buku tersebut terdapatpembahasan tentang biologi molekuler. Dan buku
inimerupakan buku bahan ajar sehingga setiap permulain buku di sertai kata-kata
pengantar dari yang membuat buku tersebut. Dan buku ini juga terdapat gambar
untuk memudahkan kita dalam mengetahui bagian-bagian sel.

B. Strengths and weaknesses

- Dalam aspek penampilan buku, buku pembanding lebih menarik untuk dilihat karena
sampulnya cukup berwarna sedangkan buku utama Nampak seperti buku
- Dari aspek layout dan tata letak, pada buku satu kelebihannya ialah
Buku lebih kecil sehingga mudah dibawa-bawa kemana-mana tat letak dalam buku
sudah baiksedangkan buku pembanding lebih besar da agak susah di bawa dan tata
letak sudah baik .
- Dari aspek isi buku, buku pembanding memberikan penjelasan yang lumayan
rinci atas pembahasannya. Sedangkan pada buku utama lebih tidak terlalu
lengkap dikarena akan dibaha skembali di bab-bab selanjutnya.
- Pada aspek tata Bahasa buku biologi tentu lebih ilmiah dalam membahas
materinya sedangkan pada buku dua tata bahasanya sangan ringan dan sederhana dan
mudah dimengerti.

A. Conclusion
Jadi kesimpulannya lebih baik menggunak buku pembanding karena buku sudah lumayan
lengkap dan gambar buku nya berwarna sehingga lebih menarik untuk dibaca oleh khalayak

B. Recommendations
Saya merekomendasikan untuk membaca buku pembandingnya yaitu biologi sel dan molecular.
Tapi kembali kepada masing-msing orang. Bagaiman penilaisn anda terhadap buku ini.


Darmawanti, B. N. (2017). BIOLOGI SEL DAN MOLEKULER. Jakarta : Badan Pusat PendidikanSumber Daya
Manusia Kesehatan.

Marianti, S. d. (2007). BIOLOGI SEL. Yogyakarta: Graha ilmu.




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