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1. Before the questionnaires were given, the researchers introduced themselves and stated the
intent of the activity. General instructions were given and clarifications were addressed. After
this was done, numbered papers were distributed.

2. A “flashed” questionnaire was used as a data collection instrument. It was divided into three
areas based on Comprehensive School Health Education: (1) Family & Social Health (2)
Mental & Emotional Health and (3) Growth & Development. A set of five questions for each
section was made for appropriate assessment of the necessary life skills. All questions with a
total of 15 were structurally written and close-ended. Each statement/question was flashed
on screen one by one and ample time was provided for the respondents to answer the
questions. This was done so that they would feel at ease upon answering and thus they would
more likely answer with normal responses. A happy face was drawned on the paper provided
if the statement applied to the respondent while a sad face was drawn if the statement did
not apply to the respondent.

3. After all the respondents have answered the questionnaire, the researchers collected it.

4. The responses were then checked and scored. A scoring system was used for evaluation and
rating. This was determined by the point system, which was done by counting the number of
correct or desirable responses. The score categories for each area of concern with the
respective interpretations are as follows: A score of 4-5 per area is considered good attitude
& practice while a score of 0-3 per area is considered bad attitude & practice. After rating,
percentage values for each section were determined.



1. The participants will start on the back portion of the room. A life skill question with three
choices (A, B, C) is provided by the facilitator.
2. The participant is asked to assess whether Station A/ B/ C is applicable to his/her life skill.
3. The game consists three categories (1) Nutrition, (2) Cardiovascular Disorders and (3) Drugs
and alcohol) with three questions per category.
4. The responses were then checked and scored. A scoring system was used for evaluation and
rating. This was determined by the point system, which was done by counting the number of
correct or desirable responses. The score categories for each area of concern with the
respective interpretations are as follows: A score of 2-3 per question is considered good
attitude & practice with that life skill while a score of 0 per question is considered bad attitude
& practice. After rating, percentage values for each section were determined.
* NUTRITION cancer?
A. I have a positive family history for it.
1. How much exercise do you get for the past B. I dont have any family history for cancer.
year? C. I do not know my family history.
A. I'm a medical student. The only exercises I
do are for the mind. 3. How do manage asthma and allergies?
B. I regularly do exercises such as running, A. Recognize triggers and allergens and try to
cycling, swimming, etc. avoid them.
C. Nothing. I have a sedentary lifestyle. B. Find the triggers and allergens and always
be ready with medications
2. What does your diet usually consists of? C. Continue physical activities despite asthma
A. I love fast food meals and would always and allergies
order any of the following: fried chicken,
pizza, pasta, fries, and burger.
B. I have a "seefood diet"- which means that * DRUGS, ALCOHOL
whenever I see food, I eat.
C. I see to it that I have a balanced diet. I love 1. How much do you drink alcohol?
to eat vegetables and fruits. A. I dont drink alcohol.
B. During occasions only.
3. What is your BMI? C. Every week, especially after the
A. Overweight bimonthies.
B. Normal
C. Underweight
2. What are your experiences with alcohol?
* CVD DISORDERS A. I attended classes with a hangover.
B. I was wasted AF.
1. How do you manage stress? C. I was never drunk.
A. I have my own stress relievers such as
traveling, playing sports and binge watching
kdramas and other tv series. 3. What are your experiences with drugs?
B. Binge drinking every Friday night at Cafe A. I have tried weed.
Racer. B. I have tried coccaine or shabu or meth or
C. I smoke cigarette. ecstasy.
C. I have never tried illicit drugs.
2. What are your risk factors for getting

THIRD SHE Activity: Have You Ever?

1. All the participants will form a horizontal line, starting at the same certain mark.
2. A statement will be said. If their answer is YES, they will take 1 step forward. If NO, they
will remain on their position. This will go on until all the questions are asked.
3. The statements are categorised into “Good Habits” and “Bad Habits”. The one who has the
most forward step in the “Good Habits” category is considered to have the best safety
measures. On the other hand, the one who has the most forward step in the “Bad Habits:
category has a poor safety measures practices.

Good Habits
1. I will practice self-protection strategies.
2. I will follow safety guidelines for severe weather and natural disasters.
3. I will duck, cover, and hold during earthquakes.
4. I will hoard food and other essentials in when there are incoming storms.
5. I will respect authority and obey laws at all times.

1. I get at least 30 minutes of walking/jogging/zumba/aerobic/muscle strengthening

physical activity at least 3-4x/week.
2. I brush my teeth at least 2x a day.
3. I go to school well-groomed.
4. I get adequate rest and sleep (at least 9 hours) every day.

1. I have a health insurance.

2. I always check the reliability of health information I hear or read.
3. I keep calendar, organiser or daily to-do list to accommodate my priorities.

Bad Habits
1. I will force my friend to swim with me in deep waters.
2. I will not wear a helmet when driving a motorcycle.
3. I will join and stay close to gangs.
4. I will drive even if intoxicated with alcohol.
5. I will put toothpaste on my burned skin.

1. I usually insert any object into my ears.

2. It is okay for me if my nails are long and dirty.
3. I am afraid of water and don’t usually take a bath everyday.
4. I am too lazy to exercise and usually stay in my bed all day.

1. I have experienced being a victim of health fraud.

2. I buy products endorsed by my favourite celebrity even if it’s not necessary.
3. I have shopped more than 5 times this month either online or on physical stores.

FOURTH SHE ACTIVITY: Waste Segregation

1. The students are to line up for their turn with a distance from the table which has the
items to be used for the activity.
2. On the table are 10 randomly scattered pictures placed upside down, and 4 paper boxes
with labels: biodegradable, non-biodegradable, reusable, and toxic.
3. Each student has to pick 3 pictures, and put every picture to the box he/she believes it
4. The student must be able to get all 3 correct to be counted as properly segregated. Having
even 1 out of the 3 pictures mistaken denotes improper waste segregation.

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