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. iteach Classroom Appraisal and Report Evaluation 20_/%-20_ 20 Growth Plan Couctiriy Crabtree. MOYS 10-19-19 an aif ante Naw SSN last digit) Date Observation ‘Geerall Rating Math | 8% 9.00 fs 2 Tonien Obsered /GradeLave —eyinning Tine Finding Time Tess Ph EDTC S600 Completed 4 Proficient 1 tasic earner Development = cloymentally appropriate inst 4, hf} Implements developmentally appropriate earning Differ — ‘Standard 9: Professional Learning and Ethical pts insiruction for individual needs Practice —___ Z * Inquires: about students as individuals with diverse wks and accepts feedback to improve teaching |__NVA _ Not App = Diflerentiates_ instruction to meet learners races lessons (0 allow learners to integrate their new aming barkgrounds effectiveness [Fah aimeas Tn Supporing al sadens To Tare Uses sellrefesion to improve teaching efeativencss “ = jDemonsraes commitment to the profession Standard 3: Learning Environments Z rs safe and respectal envio Wot effectively with school personel ime and-resmures to acely gage sides Works effectively with paren = Manages classroom activity and behavior effective = Povetvely inlevenes to redirect sudent- misbehaviows Communication [ = * Communicates efecivel Standard & Content Knowledge z Uses appropriate vocabulary forage oF srudents + Demonstrates knowledge of subject muller —— 3 = Creates meaning learming experiences Professional Dispositions ‘ — + Exhibits initiative and enthusiasm for teaching ‘Standard §: Applications of Content Iseonsisiently prepared and organized + Conncets content knowledge issues im Suen Ives monsrates punctuality and fesponsibii Eng in higher level thinking skills Dresses and is groomed appropriately = Listens to other poins of view and values diversi Demonstrates honesty and integrity in actions and and informal assessments decisions Standard 6: Assesment od useful descriptive Qeedbaok = Upholds ecical behavior and maintains confidentially ign. vith oBjetives and standards +Wilingly takes initiative Exhibits fuimess in grading practic Implements suggestions and is Rexible In eheduling = Usss a variety of formative and summative assessments ‘echnolo + Uses available technology to ereate personalized and authentic learning experiences for stuclents * Uses tecinalogy to accommo ‘Standava 7: Planning fr struction | = Comets Ton gol wih schol, ditt ad soso + Uses assessment data to inform planning for instruction ‘modify instruction to m Tha od 10! * Models digital literacy and ethical use of digital tools Tor Standard &: Varies instruct Instructional Strategies sudents and peers strategies 10 engage He Lesson: Expanded h jses technology appropriately 10 enhance instruction ne | [Reinforcement /Refinement_, 7 Vel} Oh aae Sa a Ar pet time. Jas uf hesitate tp reinforce, your exnectat of behavior ~ phen at. Grea f | — 7 = - pe lee : | i blerto tend thet for understrnding. Love the grupo (abl/booct) ym t rehension. Akuays ‘Stoty yur targer.lyu d. ) Great less ! Field Supervisor Signature A? tun) pf) ore Field Supervisor Name: > Lag. Candidate's Signature ne Field Supervisor email: 4 Gus © tens. 2015 Whie—eachOMfee Yellow Candidate Pik Campus Adinsuator Goldene - Ment , 7.0, Box 1626 Denton TX 7623 3838100 9 ¢ to wart) hove your 4

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