Classroom Procedure

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Classroom Procedure

General procedure

A. Beginning of period- at the start of class, students will be in their assigned seats with the
materials needed for that day ready on their desk. All phones should be shutoff and put
away in their back packs.

1. Attendance- All students will be called out by name and state “here” when called

2. Tardy Students- Tardy students will enter the classroom without disrupting the
class, seating in their assigned seat and getting the materials out for the day.

3. Former absent students- May go to the cabinet for absent work and take out the
materials for the day that they missed. If they have any questions they may email
me or ask me after class.

4. Student behavior- Students will only talk in discussion when given permission,
students will only use electronics when given permission. Students must keep a
respectful attitude in the classroom

B. Materials and equipment- students will be expected to have 1 folder that enables
loose leaf paper to be fastened in the middle for notes. 1 pen for editing and giving
feedback to students. 1 pencil, text books and novels will be provided. Lastly 1 pencil

1. Each class- Students will bring 1 paper fastened folder, 1 pen, and 1 pencil to every
class period.

2. Sharpening pencils- Students must have their own pencil sharpener with their
pencil sharpened before class begins.

3. Shelf supplies – Students must ask first if they may use shelf supplies and then fill
out the using material form before checking-in and out of the item.

C. Ending class- Students will work diligently until the last 2 minutes of class to put all their
materials away.

Assignments and instruction procedures

A. Student Attention- Students will give their full attention to lectures and peer
presentations. Students will give their attention to peers during group assignments
B. Student participation- Students will participate fairly and equally in class discussions,
group discussions, group projects, and presentations.

C. Home work- students must have homework completed and ready to go over the
answers at the beginning of class. Students will turn in homework in the tray with their
number period

D. Late work- students may turn in Late work will only be turned the day after it was due
for half the points into the late work tray with their period number written on top

E. Assignment procedures- Students will work on assignments quietly and respectfully in

their seats. They will be completed before moving on.

1. Talking- Students may talk to other students relating to the assignment only.

2. Help- Students may come to my desk to ask for help one at a time, If I am walking
around students may raise their hand for help

3. Getting out of seat- Students may only get out of seat by using the three codes 1
fingers up means bathroom/drink water, 2 fingers get materials needed, 3 fingers to
throw something away and must be given permission after signal been up

4. Assignment done- When assignments are completed students can work on

homework or future assignments along with talking to students that are done as

Student grading

A. Attendance/participation - students will be graded on being on attending school and

participating in class discussions.

B. Assignments- Students will be graded on the quality and completion of class

assignments and homework

C. Essays- Students will be graded on the format, structure, grammar, content, and
sources in each paper.


A. Communicating- Students parents may communicate with me through email relating to

their child.

B. Disruptions- If an administrator or another teacher comes in for announcements

students will be quiet and respectful to the speaker.

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