IELTS Modules For Learner

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Week 1

Us and 1. What’s your name?
How is it spelled?

around ________________________


Lead-in 2. What do you do? What is

1. Work in pairs. Find a the most interesting thing
student you don’t know very about what you do?
well and ask him/her these ________________________
questions: 3. If you had a chance to
travel overseas, where
Reasons to visit would you go? Why?
Helpful ________________________
another country -
Phrases ______________________ ________________________
______________________ ________________________
friendly people ______________________ ________________________
great food ______________________ ________________________
lots to do ______________________ ________________________
unusual buildings ______________________ ________________________
______________________ ________________________
excellent shopping
______________________ ________________________
spectacular view ______________________ 4. If you were stuck in a lift,
discover new cultures ______________________ who would you want to be
new adventures ______________________ with? Why?
create memories Reasons to feel ________________________
comfortable around ________________________
someone - adjectives
5. If you had to describe ________________________
yourself using three words, it calming ________________________
would be…? ________________________
Why? positive thinking ________________________
__________________________ optimistic ________________________
__________________________ smart ________________________
__________________________ ________________________
cheerful ________________________
__________________________ respectful ________________________
__________________________ entertaining ________________________
__________________________ ________________________
__________________________ ________________________
__________________________ trustworthy Words
Words to describe yourself - adjectives
Helpful persistent motivated sociable reliable confident creative
tenacious resourceful realistic responsible friendly open-minded
Week 1

2. Now, take turns to introduce your partner to the rest of the class. Your partner will
introduce you. Use these expressions to help you start introducing.
Halo, I’d like to introduce my partner, (name).
Let me introduce my partner, (name).
I’m pleased to introduce…
Hallo everyone, please meet (name).
Halo, this is my partner (name).

The following are the meanings of some of the words from the helpful words’ boxes. Match
the meanings with the relevant words. The first one has been done for you.

Reasons to feel comfortable around someone

entertaining : providing amusement or enjoyment
reassuring : serving or intended to remove someone's doubts or fears.
respectful : feeling or showing deference and respect.
trustworthy : able to be relied on as honest or truthful.
tolerant : showing willingness to allow the existence of opinions or behavior that one does not
necessarily agree with.

Words to describe yourself

realistic : having or showing a sensible and practical idea of what can be achieved or
persistent : continuing firmly or obstinately in a course of action in spite of difficulty or
sociable : willing to talk and engage in activities with other people
tenacious : tending to keep a firm hold of something.
resourceful : having the ability to find quick and clever ways to overcome difficulties.

Synonyms 1. We would like to thank our family and

friends for their support and their
Synonym is a word or phrase that means exactly
or nearly the same as another word or phrase in comforting words. reassuring
the same language or context. For example, 2. It is usually easier to solve problems
‘pretty’ is synonymous with ‘beautiful’.
when people around you are
1. Study the following sentences and write approachable. open-minded
the synonyms of these italicized words in
bold from the helpful words’ boxes on 3. Being dependable is a must in my
page 1. workplace. reliable
Week 1
4. I love to live in Lombok island because
2. With your instructor, practice the
most people are very welcoming.
pronunciation of new words you have
friendly learnt.
5. People who are knowledgeable
usually are great readers. resourceful

Reading 1
1. Read the following short text about John, a college student telling about himself.
Then, answer the questions that follow.

Study and courses My name is John

A Hi! Nice to meet you! My name is John Smith. I am 19 and a college student. I go
to a college in New York. My favorite courses are Geometry, French, and History.
English is my hardest course. My professors are very friendly and smart. It’s my
second year in college now. I love it!
B I live in a big house on Ivy Street. It’s near the college campus. I share the house
with three other students, Bill, Tony, and Paul. We help each other with homework. On
the weekend, we play football together.

C I have a younger brother. He just started high school. He is 14 and lives with my
parents. They live on Mulberry Street in Boston. Sometimes they visit me in New York.
I am happy when they visit. My Mom always brings me sweets and candy when they
come. I really miss them, too!
Family members

1. Where does John Smith go to college? 4. How old is John Smith’s younger brother?

B. Berlin C. Boston A. Eleven A. Fourteen

D. New York E. Paris B. Seven C. Thirteen

2. What is John Smith’s hardest course? 5. What does John Smith’s Mom bring him
when they visit?
A. French B. Arts
C. Math F. English A. Sweets and B. Candy and ice
candies cream
C. Fruits and D. Flowers and
3. Who shares a house with John Smith? vegetables coffee

A. Anna, B. Bill, John,

Margaret, and Tom 6. What information about himself does
and Tanya John give in paragraphs A, B, and C?
C. Frank, G. Bill, Tony, Choose from the options below and write
Tony, H. and Paul the answers next to the letters A, B, or C in
and Mike the text.

Passion for study siblings

Study and courses family members

Shared accommodation favorite food

Week 1
2. Work in pairs and take turn to ask and answer these questions:

1. Where do/did you study? 5. Do you have siblings? What are

2. What are/were your favorite their names?
courses? 6. Are you close with your family
3. Do/did you have difficult courses? members? What sorts of things do
4. Do/did you commute to school/work you usually do together?
or rent an accommodation?

Listening for Names

1. Listen to a speaker dictating eight English MALE names. Listen to the first four and
decide whether the names are spelt correctly (√ ) or incorrectly (ꭕ).

(1) Andrew √ (2) Steven (3) Alex √ (4) Michael

2. Listen to the second four and write what you hear.

(5) William (6) Mario (7) Anthony (8) Christopher

3. Listen to eight English FEMALE names. Listen to the first four and decide whether the
names are spelt correctly (√ ) or incorrectly (ꭕ). Then write what you hear for the second

(1) Charlotte (2) Fatimah √ (3) Valentina (4) Amanda √

(5) Janine (6) Juliette (7) Isabella (8) Chloe

4. Listen to 10 FAMILY names and write what you hear.

(1) Franklin (2) Tremblay (3) Rodriguez (4) Robinson

(5) Walker (6) Sanchez (7) Mueller (8) Nguyen

(9) Peterson (10) Cooper

5. Reflection: Discuss these questions in small groups.

Why is listening to names important?

What was challenging about the task?

What strategies did you use that were helpful?

Week 1
3. Are your grandparents still alive? Did you
Reading 2
meet them?
You are going to read a text about 4. Do you prefer to live in a big family or in a
different types of family. Before you
read: small one? Why?

1. Work in pairs and discuss these

1. Do you have a big or small family?
2. Who do you live with at the moment?

2. Match these family images with the correct family type.

Nuclear family


Blended family


Childless family

Extended family

3. Read the passage and check your answers.

Types of Families
Adapted from an article by ecparent, posted on December 3, 2016

There are six different types of families we can see in our

society today.

Nuclear Families A nuclear family is two adults with at least

one child. When most people think about a family, this is the
kind of family they imagine. However, there are different
Being Healthy is Beautiful by Army Medicine kinds of nuclear families. Some have many children while
is licensed under CC BY 2.0
others have only one. Some have a mother and a father while
others have two parents of the same gender. Some have
biological children, and others have adopted children. These are all nuclear families.

Single-Parent Families In a single-parent family, there is only one adult who is raising children. The
other parent might not be there for many different reasons – death, divorce, etc. About 25% of
American children are born to single mothers.

Blended Families (Step Families) A blended family forms when one single parent marries another
single parent. For example, Sharon and her husband have 2 kids, and then they get divorced.
Week 1
Michael and his wife have 3 kids, and then they get divorced. Sharon and Michael get married to
each other, and now they have 5 kids – 2 from Sharon’s previous marriage, and 3 from Michael’s
previous marriage. They have blended (mixed/put together) two families.

Grandparent Families Sometimes, for various reasons, a child is raised by his grandparents instead
of his parents. When grandparents are raising their grandchildren without help from the children’s
parents, this is a grandparent family.

Childless Families Not all families have children. Some couples choose not to have children, and
some couples are not able to have children, but they are still a family.

Extended Families An extended family might include one or two parents, children, grandparents,
aunts and uncles, and/or cousins all living together. As grandparents get older, they might move in
with their adult children and grandchildren. Or if a spouse (husband or wife) dies, another adult
family member might move in to help with the children. There are many reasons why a family
might live together in this way.

4. Now, decide if the following statements agree with the information in the reading
passage. Write:

TRUE if the same information is found in the passage

FALSE if the opposite information is found in the passage
1. A family with a mother, father and an adopted child can be considered a nuclear family.
2. It is estimated that a quarter of American children are born in single families. _________.

3. Blended families can be included in extended families. Not given, please discard this.

4. Grandparent families happen when grandparents move in to help a single mother take
care of children ____________.

5. Work in small group and discuss these questions.

1. What kind of family do you have?
2. What are the fun and the challenges of living in such family type?
Week 1
1. Read this interview transcript and study how Linda, the interviewee, answer the

Interviewer: What is your name?

Linda: My name is Linda Kartika.
Interviewer: Are you currently working or studying?
Linda: I am currently working as a teacher in one of primary school in Lombok, an
Island where I come from. I have been working in this organization for 5
years and I enjoy my job a lot.
Interviewer: Tell me something about your work schedule and duties.
Linda: Well, I teach 5 days a week from Monday to Friday, 8-4. I teach Maths for
grades 3-6. I teach in Grades 3 and 4 on Mondays and Tuesdays.
Wednesday to Friday are for Grades 5-6.
Interviewer: How do you like to spend time with your family?
Linda: Oh, I’m a family person so I enjoy spending time with my family. My family
loves food. We like to have breakfast together in work days or have family
picnics on the weekend.
Interviewer: Among your family member, who are you most similar to?
Linda: I think I’m most similar to my mother. We both like to cook and tidy up the
house. The difference is that, I like to plant flowers but my mother doesn’t.
Interviewer: Who is the closest to you in your family?
Linda: This is a difficult question. Wee seem to be all close to each other because
we all share our thoughts and feelings freely in my family. And everyone
loves each other.

2. Work in pairs. Take turns to read the parts of the interviewer and Linda.

3. Work alone. Make a note to prepare your own answers to the interviewer’s questions.

4. Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and answer the questions.

Week 1
Simple present tense

1. Read the following description about a family member.

I have a big brother. He is a

cool person. He doesn’t talk a
lot. He is very smart, though.
He often comes up with
brilliant solutions to problems
our family faces. Is he a
genius? Maybe…What does he
want for his future?
I don’t know.

2. The description is written in simple present tense. Pay attention to the bolded and
italicized words and work in pairs to complete this diagram.


Affirmative I have a big brother.


Negative He doesn’t talk a lot. I don’t know.


Yes/No Is he a genius?

Wh- What does he want for his future?

Week 1
3. Look at the following diagram to see a simple summary of how the simple present tense
is used. Then, create your own example on the right.


True in the present:


General truths:


Future schedules:


In simple terms, a sentence is a set of words that contains:
1. a subject (what the sentence is about; the participants in the sentence)
2. a predicate (what is said about the subject)

1. Look at these examples:

1 Subject Predicate
You Speak English

2 Subject Predicate
Mia and Zidan speak English at work

3 Subject Predicate
She walks

4 Subject Predicate
My parents are farmers
Week 1

5 Subject Predicate
you don’t understand

6 Subject Predicate
He doesn’t see the problem

Simply put, a sentence must contain at least a subject and a verb. The verb also includes
auxiliary verbs such as is, am, are and their part forms. Notice that the verb changes (an ‘s’ is
added after the basic verb when the subject is a ‘she’-third person singular)

2. Work in pairs. Look at the following sentences and underline the subjects and the
verbs. The first one has been done for you.
1. I am a student
2. I have a big family
3. I live in a big house with my parents, two sisters and a brother.
4. All family members don’t like to have pets.
5. We think that pets are hard to take care of.
6. My parents are allergic to cats and dogs, too.

3. Work alone. Look at these sentences and choose the correct form of the verb that
agrees with the subject
1. Our big family members usually (gather/gathers) for cultural and religious ceremonials.
2. My sisters (is/are) both at school.
3. My father (work/works) at a hotel in the city.
4. My sister (don’t/doesn’t) know our neighbors very well.
5. The next door family (have/has) a noisy dog.

4. Work in pairs. Decide whether the subjects in these sentences agree with the verbs.
And correct any incorrectly written sentences.

1. I’m understand the problems. I understand

2. I’m like my sister. √
3. I’m work in a dairy firm in Java. I work
4. My father like to read newspaper in the morning. My father likes
5. My brother have a nice motorbike. has
6. My neighbors likes to have picnics with my family. like
7. Cats is a lovable pet to my family members. are
8. I’m think family is important. I think
Week 1
5. Now create FIVE simple sentences about yourself and your family. Remember that the
subject must agree with the verb used.

Listening 2
Listening for specific information
1. Listen carefully to a part of recording about family and complete the following
transcript using the words/phrases you hear from the recording (link https://ielts- The first one has been done for you.

Your parents and (1) siblings (brothers and sisters) are your (2) immediate family– and your (3)
extended family includes all your relatives – uncles, cousins, great-aunts, etc.

You can use a (4) family tree to diagram the relationships among your family members. A
person who is related to you by a long series of connections can be called a (5) distant relative.

If you’re lucky, you have a (6) loving family or a (7) close-knit – these expressions refer to a
family that has good relationships, where everyone loves each other and helps each other. If
you were raised in a loving family, then you probably had a (8) carefree childhood– that means
you had nothing to worry about when you were young.

On the other hand, a family in which the relationships are bad or unhealthy can be called a (9)
dysfunctional family If the children experience abuse, poverty, or problems with the law, we can
say they had a (10) troubled childhood.

2. As a class, check your answers with your instructor.

3. You have learnt new words related to family. It is very important to find a way to retain
new words learnt. Create THREE sentences describing unique, interesting or surprising
facts about your own family Write your sentences on a separate sheet.
Example: In my family, the oldest child usually bears the responsibility to take care of younger
siblings (not a very good sentence since it is common in many families).

My family members love eating mangoes and watermelon with rice (a good response for
describing an unusual family habit).

Speaking 2
Cross-cultural understanding.
Do you know that it is unusual for young people in Western Countries to live with their parents
or grandparents?
1. Get into five small groups and discuss the following questions
1. Do you think it is good to live with grandparents? Group 1
Week 1
2. What are some of the reasons people choose to adopt a child? Group 2
3. Should homosexual couples be allowed to adopt children? Why or why not? Group 3
4. Would you live with your parents after getting married? Why or why not? Group 4
5. Who should take care of old people? Why? Group 5

2. Group discussion. Share your thoughts with the rest of the class. You are encouraged
to ask questions and give your opinions.

Numbers and Letters
1. Look at these numbers and letters. Work in pairs and match them with the correct

a. BA2490 c. P125738976 e. 4/79 Houston Road g. +614 2464 5466

b. 1987 d. $4.15 f. 124

Telephone Address Flight Room Price Year Reference

Number Number Number Number

2. Listen to a speaker dictating 10 numbers and letters. Decide whether these letters and
numbers are spelt correctly (√) or incorrectly (X). Audio link

1. Flight number: ELB2093 √ 7. Address: Raleigh Street √

2. Flight number: WBY6547 WVY654 8. Address: Enshew Lane Enshaw

3. Reference number: IL25VOHC IL25BOHC 9. Telephone number: 0813554782

4. Reference number: 53AMS81P √ √

5. Surname: Prescott √ 10. Telephone number: 0771444032 √

6. Surname: Wainwright √

3. Work in pairs to check your answers.

Week 1
4. Now listen and write what the numbers and/or letters you hear. Audio link:

1. _____________ King Street

Answer key:
2. Family ticket costs $ ______ 1. 391
2. 48
3. Mobile phone number ________________3. 07862335201
4. 1899
4. Theatre opened in ______________
5. 117
5. Secretary is in Room ___________ 6. 454.50

6. Cost of flight £ __________

5. Work in pairs and discuss the challenges in listening to numbers and letters and think
of a solution that might work for you.

Home and neighborhood

1. Work in pairs. Take turn to ask each other these questions about home and
neighborhood. Think about how much you can talk about this topic.

1. Where do you live?

2. What is your home like?
3. What about your neighborhood?

2. As a class, watch a video from Oxford Online English teaching you how to describe
your homes from Watch the video in parts
and do the exercises.

1. How to talk about your home.

Take a note as you watch and complete this diagram.

Terraced house block
Semi-detached apartment
house Studio apartment

Detached house Two- /three -

bedroom apt

Duplex apartment

Create a sentence describing the type of home you live in.

Week 1
Here: _______________________________________________________________________

2. Describing the inside of your home


Spaces in a living room

house _________________
dining room

3. Saying what you like or dislike

Reasons: spacious, cozy, light, warm/cool, convenient.


Reasons: cramped, dark, drafty, stuffy, noisy


4. Saying who you live with (parents, flat mates, myself, etc)

5. Talking about your neighborhood

City centre My home is in…… On the outskirt

suburb In a village

In a remote area
Outside the city

The surrounding atmosphere: quiet lively trendy boring

places to go: shops cafes bars restaurants parks sports facilities

6. Work in pairs. Think about your own home and neighborhood and take a minute to
make a simple note about them. Take turn to describe them to your partner.
Week 1
Present simple and present progressive

1. Look at the following information about an Indonesian mother. Underline the verbs and
say whether they are present simple or present continuous.

1. I live in countryside with my small family.

2. We are building a home where we will bring up our only one daughter.
3. We enjoy living in a quiet place.
4. It allows me and my family more chance to breathe fresh air and get to know people
around us closer.
5. Some aspects of life people are moving towards adopting that of city, though.

2. Complete the following table.

name of tense use example

present simple to talk about facts I live in countryside with my small


Present progressive to talk about something We are building a home where we

happening now will bring up our only one
Present progressive to talk about something which is Some aspects of life people are
changing moving towards adopting that of
city, though.
Present simple To express what someone We enjoy living in a quiet place.
thinks or feels

3. Work in pairs. Complete these sentences by putting the verbs in brackets into the
present simple or present continuous.

1. Novita ……. (lives) in Indonesia, but right now she…… (is studying) in Melbourne,
2. She …… (studies) medicine because she …… (wants) to be a professional midwife.
3. She ….. (finds) it challenging to live in Melbourne because the weather is too cold for
4. Currently, she …… (is renting) an apartment unit with two of her friends.
5. As new students, the three …… (are trying) to adjust themselves with the new
environment they …. (live) in.
Week 1
4. Students often make mistakes when using the present simple and present continuous.
Work in pairs, find and correct the mistakes in these sentences.

1. These days, many people are thinking that women should be encouraged to study.
2. People in most cities are believing that traffic is one of the most important problems.
3. Lots of people argue that tourism is bringing more negative impacts. brings
4. Life in developing countries change continuously as a result of constant development.
are changing
5. Many families nowadays are spending more than five million rupiahs a month. spend
6. Families usually allocating certain amount of budget for going out. allocate

5. Work alone. Create two sentences in the present simple tense and two sentences in
present continuous using these words.

Present simple:

1. think
2. visit

Present continuous

1. rent
2. try

6. Discuss your sentences with your neighbor and make necessary corrections.

Compound Sentences
1. Study the following are extracts from the conversation between Linda and the

Linda: I have been working in this organization for 5 years and I enjoy my job
a lot.
Linda: I teach in Grades 3 and 4 on Mondays and Tuesdays. Wednesday to
Friday are for Grades 5-6.
Linda: Oh, I’m a family person so I enjoy spending time with my family.
………. We like to have breakfast together in work days or have family
picnics on the weekend.
Linda: I think I’m most similar to my mother. We both like to cook and tidy up
the house. …… I like to plant flowers but my mother doesn’t.
Linda: We seem to be all close to each other because we all share our
thoughts and feelings freely in my family.
Week 1
The bolded and italicized words (and, so, but, because) in Linda’s sentences are called
conjunctions. A conjunction is a word used to connect other words, phrases and clauses
Words: I, family, work, walk, …..
Phrases: big house, beautiful garden, in the afternoon, …..
independent; standalone sentence: We build a small house.
Dependent: We build a small house that we love to stay in.
Sentences: We build a big house that we love to stay in.

2. Read the extract ones more and decide which conjunction is used to:

Conjunction Used to: Example from the extract

and connect two statements that I have been working in this organization for
are similar 5 years and I enjoy my job a lot.

but connect two opposite ideas I like to plant flowers but my mother
or express choices We like to have breakfast together in work
days or have family picnics on the
so link between causes and Oh, I’m a family person so I enjoy spending
results time with my family.
because give reasons We seem to be all close to each other
because we all share our thoughts and
feelings freely in my family.

3. Work in pairs. Choose the correct conjunction for each of these sentences:
1. My neighbour, Akbar, usually practices the piano (and, or, so, but, because) plays
football at weekend.
2. The weather isn’t very nice (and, or, so, but, because) we don’t go camping.
3. He lost the key (and, or, so, but, because) he couldn’t get into his room.
4. Who’s taller? you (and, or, so, but, because) your brother?
5. She’s 40 years old, (and, or, so, but, because) she looks much younger than her real

4. Work in pairs. Join these elements using the correct conjunction.

1 a. Alisya is 23 Alisya is 23 and Mia is 24

Week 1
b. Mia is 24
2 a. I go to work on public transport I go to work on public transport
b. I don’t have my own vehicle because I don’t have my own vehicle

3 a. We don’t like a noisy neighborhood We don’t like a noisy

b. We move to another place neighborhood so we move….
4 a. We have a big house
We have a big house but it can
b. It can be tiring to clean be…
5 a. My favorite breakfast is toast with
honey My favorite breakfast is toast with
b. Banana bread with coffee honey or banana …..

5. Work alone. Write five unique facts about yourself or your family using each of the
conjunctions you had learnt. Share your sentences with the rest of the class.

Listening for specific information

1. Work in pairs. Listen to a student answering these questions about himself and
complete the following table (audio source:

• What do you like most about your hometown?

• Is your hometown a popular place for tourists to visit?
• Has your hometown changed much in recent years?

the town where located: most interesting Reasons:

50 km from Kongo aspects:
secluded area not as stressful as is
in the city

tourism popular/not popular visit season: tourists from:

(circle) summer Germany
change much/not much visits now visits in the 80s
(circle) much/not much much/not much
(circle) (circle)

Visitors from: X Visitors from: Holland

Exercise 1. Then, take turns to ask

2. Work in small groups. Think about and answer the questions.
the candidate in the Exercise 1.
Which part of his answers do you
like and which part would you
change? 4. Look at these questions (a-b) and
the phrases below (1-10). Which
3. Work in pairs. Think about how phrases can be used to answer
you could answer the questions in question a, and which ones can be
used to answer question b?
Week 1
a. What do you like about the area where 8. I find …very enjoyable.
you live? 9. I think (name of town/city) is nice
b. What things in your town/city do you because …
not like? 10. I find … unpleasant.

1. Another good thing is …

2. I enjoy …
3. The best thing about my town is

4. I really dislike …
5. I really like …
6. … is something I don’t like. Lombok Tour Travel

7. I’m not very keen on …

1. Work in pairs. Study the following vocabulary related to hometown.

to get around D inner-city in the suburbs local facilities places of


poor housing public spaces public transport system residential area

sprawling city

a. the central part of a city where people live and where

conditions are often poor
b. local buildings or services serving the public
c. areas in a town or city that are open to the
d. to travel around
e. an area where people live
f. housing that is not in good condition
g. public vehicles such as buses and trains
that operate at regular times on fixed routes
h. the outer area of large towns and cities where
people live
i. a city that has grown over time and which covers a wide area
j. buildings that have a particular interest for visitors

2. Work in pairs. Think how you could answer these questions and take turns to ask and
answer the questions.Use the phrases or vocabulary you have learnt to help you.
Week 1

• Ca you tell me what you do? Do you work

or are you a student?
• Where do you come from?
• Can you describe your city or town?
• What do you like about the area where you
• What things in your town/city do you not
• How is the area changing?
• What do people in your area do in their free
• What would you recommend visitors to see
in your area?

Writing a paragraph

1. Work in pairs and put together the following sentences to create a paragraph. Check
your answer on the next page.

Besides that, Lombok is surrounded by stunning beaches

where locals and tourist can spend their time at.

I am a Lombok person, and I love it.

My hometown, Lombok provides a lovely place to live.

Despite its geographical size, Lombok makes friendly and

homey atmosphere for its inhabitants and visitors.

Lombok also supply itself with fresh meat and vegetables,

available in many traditional and modern market places across
the island.
Week 1
2. Work in pairs. Study the structure of the paragraph.

My hometown, Lombok provides a lovely place to live. Topic Sentence: a

sentence that expresses
In Lombok, many different people from different the main idea of the
paragraph. The
cultural and religious background live together on the
paragraph is all about it.
island. Delicious food is easy to find and are

affordable. Lombok also supply itself with fresh meat

Supporting Sentences
and vegetables, available in many traditional and
SUPPORT the main idea
modern market places across the island. Besides of the paragraph. These
sentences follow a topic
that, Lombok is surrounded by stunning beaches sentence in a
paragraph. They
where locals and tourist can spend their time at.
contain details that
Despite its geographical size, Lombok makes friendly help describe or explain
the main idea of the
and homey atmosphere for its inhabitants and visitors. paragraph. They should
fit the context and flow
I am a Lombok person, and I love it. of a paragraph.

3. Work in pairs. Write a topic sentence for these topics.

4. Write at least four supporting sentences for the following topic sentences:
Your daily routines

One of your family members

Your day at work

Your neighborhood

Your hometown

a. Living in a big family has many challenges.

b. Travelling on public transport has many advantages.

c. There are many ways to live hand in hand with our neighbor.
Week 1
5. Choose your best topic sentence from exercise 3 to develop into a paragraph by
adding at least 5 supporting sentences.

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