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Subject: Social Studies

Grade Level: K
Course: Being a Good citizen
Unit: Being A Good Citizen
Created Date: 9/14/2019 4:44:17 PM
Last Modified: 9/15/2019 12:00:00 AM

Lesson Definition
Main Standard Code: K.R.I.3
Main Standard: Key Ideas and Details: With prompting and support, describe the connection between
two individuals, events, ideas, or pieces of information in a text.
Main Lesson Objective
Learner / Behavior: Students will be predict outcomes when rules are not followed
Student will be able to...
Mastery of Objective
Condition: when shown different scenarios using a worksheets
(Context of Mastery)
Criteria: with at least 2 out of 3 correct answers
(Level of Accuracy)

Lesson Detail

Instructional Modes

• Teacher - Directed Whole - Class Instruction

Behavior Check
Teacher will use "Simon says" game to check behavior
1. Sit Down
2. Quiet Mouth
3. Hands to yourself
4. Eyes on Teacher

Invite children to look at Magazine pp. 6–7. Remind children that they
learned about getting along with others on Magazine pp. 4–5.
Think (stimulate interest)
Direct them to find the title and read it aloud. Ask: What are some rules that
help us get along? share, take turns, help others Have children name
some rules they follow at school. Direct children’s attention to the chart
at the bottom of Magazine pp. 6–7. Explain that a chart is one way to
show information using pictures.

Know (teach)

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Ask a volunteer to tell the class what these pages are mostly about, or
the main idea. rules we follow at school Encourage them to share how
they came to this conclusion. Have children identify which rule helps
keep people safe. don’t run Have them identify which rules help keep
things fair. listen, raise your hand, work quietly, respect others.
What are the children in the photo doing? They are
listening to the teacher and raising their hands. Is this a rule we have
in our classroom? Yes. What happens when everyone talks at the
same time? You wouldn’t be able to hear or understand what is being
said.What are some rules at school that we also
follow at home? Possible responses: listen, respect others, don’t run
inside Why do you think these rules are important at school and at
home? They help us get along in our different groups.Look at the chart. The chart has pictures and words
to help us know the rules. What is one rule on the chart?
Responses will vary
Show (check for understanding)
Ask students who can remember the rules in the chart.
Ask what will happen if there are no rules?

• Teacher - Directed Group

From the chart shown in the magazine ask students one more rule they can add to the rules shown and ask why?

• Student - Directed Groups

Description: Have children work with you to create and illustrate their own classroom
rules chart. You can use the chart on Magazine pp. 6–7 as a model, or you
can create your own version.
Instructions to Students: First, have children reflect on your current
classroom rules. Discuss which rules to include in a Classroom Rules chart.
Have children consider new rules they might add to it. Then have children
work in groups. Provide each group with a rule for the new chart. Have
them work together to decide how to illustrate the rule.
Then, have each group share their illustrated rules with the class. Work
together as a class to create the Classroom Rules chart, using children’s
illustrations. Model writing the rules as captions under the illustrations on
the chart.
Group Goal (task/product): Each group will share their illustrations.

• Guided Practice
Minutes: 0
Redirect children to the chart at the bottom of Magazine pp. 6–7. Cut out a
small area of a blank piece of paper that will allow only one column of the
chart to be seen at a time. Place the paper over the Magazine pages and
discuss only the rule that is shown. Eliminating the other images may help
a child focus on what is being discussed.

• Independent Practice (Teacher Assigned, with Student Option)

Target (Student chooses one)
Activity 1: Using a worksheet the students will circle the consequences if the rules are not
Teacher will read instruction students will circle.

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• Homework
Target Activity (instuctions to students)
Make an observation about house rules at home.
Draw and label 1 house rule.
 Includes an assignment that engages the family. (i.e., student interviews a parent, shares and discusses work or
topic from the day, completes a worksheet with a parent)

Resources / Materials and Technology

Technology Integration Learn more about rules by by exploring rules at home and what
(what and how): happens when rules are broken. Explain the importance of following
rules and the consequences that may occur when rules are not
• Rules at Home What is happening in these pictures? People are
following rules at home, such as waiting their turns and sharing. Do
you have similar rules in your home? Answers will vary

Accommodations and Modifications

Accommodations: Redirect children to the chart at the bottom of Magazine pp. 6–7. Cut out a
small area of a blank piece of paper that will allow only one column of the
chart to be seen at a time. Place the paper over the Magazine pages and
discuss only the rule that is shown. Eliminating the other images may help
a child focus on what is being discussed.
Accelerated: Teach Idiom
On the Our Rules chart, a picture of a mouse is
shown under the words Work Quietly. Some children may not recognize
that the mouse represents the idea of working quietly. A mouse is an
animal that is considered to be quiet and noiseless. The idiom “quiet as a
• Substantial Have children look at the photo of the teacher reading
to her class. Say: Show me what the children are doing.
• Moderate Use this sentence frame to have children tell what the
children are doing in the photo: The children are .
• Light Ask: What are the children doing in the photo? raising their
hands Why? They are taking turns to talk. What would happen if they
all talked at once? The teacher wouldn’t be able to hear them.

Personalization Strategies
Strategy: Student Learning Pictures (e.g., graphs, visual displays of learning)
Describe the personalization strategy (including Instructional Modes where it is applied)
The teacher used show information using pictures about rules.

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