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Work Study

Work study relates to the techniques of method study and

work measurement ,which are used to ensure the best possible
use of human,machine and material resources to implement
specified activity.
Work study aims @ avoiding wastes in all forms.It
indentifies better ways of doing study attempts to
helps management to obtain the optimum use of the
human,machine and material resources available to the
organization to achieve its production targets.

Work study mainly concentrate on:

(a) To find out the most effective use of plant and equipment

(b) To determine the most effective use of human effort

(c) To evaluate human work

Work study consist of two parts:

(a) Method study
(b) Time study
Method study refers to findings the facts about a situation,
after the critical evaluation of these facts, developing a
new and better method of doing that work.
Objectives of method study:

(1) Improvement of existing production processes and

(2) Economy in human efforts
(3) Improved design of goods and services.
(4) Improved flow of work

Techniques of method study:

(1) Process chart: A chart may be a diagram, a picture or a
graph which gives overall view of the situation,say a
process.A chart representing a process is called process
(2) Flow process chart :it is a detaild version of out line
process chart and records all the also marks
distances travelled and time taken for completing an
activity and mentions other important or key points
(3) Multiple activity chart : when a number of workers
works in a group or an individual handles two or more
machines their activity have to be recorded this activity
do this job.
(4) Travel chart : it is a tabular record for presenting
quantitative data about the materials,workers or
equipment between any number of places over a given
period of records the time taken for worker or
material in process while going from machine to
machine .
(B)Time study:
Time study refers to establishment of time standards for a skilled
worker,to do a specied job of a defined level of performance.

It is the engineering analysis of unit jobs in was first

established by F.W.taylor under scientific management,time study
measures a fair day’s works for the average workers who applies
normal effort and average skill
Time study should not undertaken until product shop
layout,handling system,equipment and tooling are fully standardized.


A multitude of factors may affect job performance. Skills and

abilities, perceptions, attitudes and personality characteristics are
all examples. Additionally the direction intensity and persistence
of an individual’s motivation play a critical role, as does the
evaluation and reward system that is used. Another critical factor
is: Job Design.

A major cause of effective job performance is job design i.e. what

we get when we clarify what each employee should be doing. In a
more technical form job design refers to the process by which
managers decide individual job tasks and authority. Apart from the
very practical issues associated with job designs, we can
appreciate its importance in social and even mental and
psychological terms. Jobs can be sources of psychological stress
and even mental and physical impairment. On a more positive
note jobs can provide income, meaningful life experiences
self-esteem, regulation of our lives and association with others.

Thus the well being of the organization and people relates to

howWell the management designs jobs. The organization must
not only design jobs but also redesign the jobs according to the
changing needs and situations. The main purpose of job design (or re-
design) is to increase both employee motivation and productivity.
Increased productivity can manifest itself in various forms.

What is job designing?


Job designing refers to “the first instance in which

management creates a job by specifying its duties and

“The arrangement of the features of job or group of tasks to

satisfy the economic and/or social needs of the worker”

“The specification of the contents, method and relationships of

jobs to satisfy technological and organizational requirements as
well as the personal needs of the job holders.”

Need for job designing?

Job design helps to determine:

o what tasks are done

o when and how the tasks are done
o how many tasks are done
o in what order the tasks are done
o factors which affect the work organization of the content
and tasks
o what is the remuneration to be paid
o what are the working hours
o It takes into account all factors which affect the work, and
organizes the content and tasks so that the whole job is less
likely to be a risk to the employee

How can job design help with the organization

of work?
Job design principles can address problems such as:
 work overload,
 work under load,
 repetitiveness,
 limited control over work,
 shift work,
 delays in filling vacant positions,
 excessive working hours, and
 Limited understanding of the whole job process

What are the overall goals of job

Goals can be in many difference areas and include

• Task Variety
• Work Breaks / Rest Breaks
• Allowance for an Adjustment Period
• Provide Training
• Vary Mental Activities

Features of a good job design :

Good design incorporates the employee’s relationship with
organizational goals and values and should be well understood in
order to align and prioritize the job’s responsibilities. The design

o Allow for employee input. Employees should have the

option to vary activities according to personal needs, work
habits, and the circumstances in the workplace.

o Give employees a sense of accomplishment. Include training

requirements so employees know what tasks to do and how
to do them properly.

o Provide good work/rest schedules Provide feedback to the

employees about their expected performance

Methods of Job Design

The performance technologist has at his or her disposal four

methods of job design. The first, job enlargement, can be used to
increase motivation by giving employee's more and varied tasks.
Tasks that reduce the amount of specialization required by the
employee, as well as, extending the length of time he or she has
to complete them. The second, job rotation, allows an employee
to work in different departments or jobs in an organization to
gain better insight into operations. This, in itself, does not modify
or redesigns the employee's job, but allows the opportunity to
increase his/her skills and knowledge about other jobs.

Job enrichment, the third method, allows the employee to

take on some responsibilities normally delegated to management.
The risk here is that the employee would be transferred too much
responsibility and autonomy in the planning and control aspects
of the job. Done right, however, the newfound control would
invigorate the employee to work more effectively. Lastly, work
simplification is the analysis of a job's most basic
components to restructure or redesign them to make
the job more efficient.

Approaches to job design include:

 Job Enlargement: Job enlargement changes the jobs to

include more and/or different tasks. Job enlargement should add
interest to the work but may or may not give employees more

 Job Rotation: Job rotation moves employees from one task

to another. It distributes the group tasks among a number of

 Job Enrichment: Job enrichment allows employees to

assume more responsibility, accountability, and independence
when learning new tasks or to allow for greater participation and
new opportunities.

 Work Design (Job Engineering): Work design allows

employees to see how the work methods, layout and handling
procedures link together as well as the interaction between people
and machines.

Factors affecting job design?

Job design is affected by organizational, environmental and
behavioral factors. A properly designed job will make it more productive
and satisfying .If a job fails on this count, it must be redesigned based on
the feedback. The various factors affecting job design are the following

• Organizational factors :

Organizational factors include characteristics of task, work flow,

ergonomics and work practices.

• Characteristics of Task:

Job design requires the assembly of a number of tasks into a job or a

group of jobs. An individual may carry out one main task which consists
of a number of inter-related elements or functions. On the other hand,
task functions may be spilt between a team, working closely together or
strung along an assembly line. In more complex jobs, individuals may
carry out a variety of connected tasks, each with a number of functions,
or these tasks may be allocated to a group of workers or divided between
them. Complexity in a job may be a reflection of the number and variety
of tasks to be carried out, or the range and scope of the decisions that
have to be made, or the difficulty of predicting the outcome of decisions.
• The internal structure of each task :

The internal structure of each task consists of three elements

Planning, Executing and Controlling. A completely integrated job will
include all these elements for each of the tasks involved The workers or
group of workers having been given objectives in terms of output,
quality and cost targets, decide on how the work is to be done, assemble
the resources, perform the work and monitor output, quality and cost
standards. Responsibility in a job is measured by the amount of
authority, some one to put to do all these things. The ideal design is to
integrate all the three elements.

• Work Flow

The flow of work in an organization is strongly influenced by the

nature of the product or service. The product or service usually suggests
the sequence and balance between jobs, if the work is to be done
efficiently .After the sequence of jobs is determined, the balance
between the jobs is established.

• Ergonomics:

Ergonomics is concerned with designing and shaping jobs to fit the

physical abilities and characteristics of individuals so that, they perform
the jobs effectively .Ergonomics helps employees to design jobs in such
a way that workers’ physical abilities and job demands are balanced .It
does not alter the nature of job tasks, but alters the location of tools,
switches and other facilities, keeping in view that handling the job is the
primary consideration.

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