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Name of the presenter : Ms. Alma Susan.

Topic : prevention of deep vein thrombosis.

Group : care givers of post-operative patients.

Method of teaching : video assisted teaching.

Av aids : video

Venue : medical trust hospital.

Duration : 30 minutes

Participants will attain knowledge regarding prevention of deep vein thrombosis, apply this knowledge in prevention of
disease and develop a positive attitude towards health care.

SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES. At the end of the class the participants will be able to,

 Define deep vein thrombosis.

 List down the etiology and risk factors of deep vein thrombosis.
 Enlist the clinical features of DVT.
 List the diagnostic measures.
 Identify the complications of deep vein thrombosis
 Explain the management of DVT
 Identify the preventive aspects of DVT
 Discuss the excercises to prevent DVT
time Specific content Teacher Learner Evaluation
objectives. activity activity .

2 Introduce the INTRODUCTION. Teacher Listen

min topic. Deep vein thrombosis is a silent killer. It is a serious threat to introduces s
recovery from surgery and is the third most common vascular the topic
diseases after ischemic heart diseases and stroke. Venous with the
thromboembolism (VTE) is a condition in which a blood clot help of
forms most often in the deep veins of the leg, groin or arm (known video.
as deep vein thrombosis, DVT) and travels in the circulation,
lodging in the lungs (known as pulmonary embolism, PE.

with the
2 Define DVT. help of Listen
Deep vein thrombosis is the formation of a blood within a deep
min video. s.
vein, predominantly in the legs.
 Venous stasis explains
3mi List down  Hypercoagulability the Listen
n the aetiology  Changes in endothelial blood vessel lining. etiology s.
and risk RISK FACTORS. with the
factors of  Older age. help of
deep vein  Major surgeries. video.
thrombosis.  Cancers
 Inactivity or immobilization
 Pregnancy and post-partum period.
 Trauma
 Previous VTE.
 Combined oral contraceptives
 Hormonal replacement therapy
 Central venous catheters
 Obesity
 Infections
 Chemotherapy.
 Non O blood type.
 Smoking.
5  Unilateral leg edema explains Listen
min  Extremity pain clinical s
 Warm skin and erythema features
Enlist the  Calf muscle tenderness. with the
clinical  Homans sign will be positive. Pain on dorsiflexion of the foot help of
features of when the leg is raised. video.

 Cyanosis
2mi List the  D-Dimer testing. the Listen
n diagnostic D-Dimer testing is the most important test to diagnose DVT. diagnostic s
measures. Fragments of fibrin formed as a result of fibrin degradation and measures
clot lysis. Elevated results suggestive of DVT. with the
help of a

Identify the
3 complication COMPLICATIONS. Teacher
min s of deep  Pulmonary embolism lists the Listen
vein  Heart failure. diagnostic s
thrombosis  Stroke measures

 Varicose vein with the

 Post thrombotic syndrome. help of a

Explain the MANAGEMENT OF DVT. Teacher
3 management  Blood thinners. explains Listen
min of DVT  IVC filters. manageme s.
 Thrombolysis nt of DVT

 Thrombectomy. with the

help of


5mi Identify the  Stay active. Teacher
n preventive explains
aspects of prevention
with the
help of

 Early mobilization after surgery.

 Wear compression stockings / anti embolism stockings whole
day (18mm hg)
 Intermitted compression devices.

 Manage weight.
 Quit smoking

 Do not wear constricting garments around the legs or waist

(elastic bands or garters)
 Keep hydrated-drink with minimum six glasses of water a

 Elevate legs for 2-4 days until thrombus is considered stable.

 Avoid long periods of immobility and standing still.

 Control systemic diseases such as hypertension and diabetes.

 Monitor/check B.P regularly.

Discuss the listens

exercises to Teacher .
6 prevent DVT explains
min manageme
nt of DVT
with the
help of
 Walking is the main exercise.
 Heel to toe excercises.
Position the heel of one foot just in front of the toes of the other
foot. Your heel and toes should touch or almost touch.
Choose a spot ahead of you and focus on it to keep you steady as
you walk.
Take a step. Put your heel just in front of the toe of your other foot.
Repeat for 20 steps.
 Foot pumps
Start with your feet on the floor.
Lift your heels up while keeping the balls of your feet on the floor.
Hold the pose for a few seconds.
Set your heels to the floor and lift your toes up. Hold for a few
Repeat the stretch each way a few times.
 Ankle circles and lifts.
Lift your feet off the floor.
Trace circles with your toes, from the inside out. Keep this up for a
few seconds.
Switch direction and draw circles from the outside inwards for a
few seconds.
Repeat both directions a few times.
 Leg lifts
Lift your foot off the floor, and straighten your leg as much as you
can, while keeping your ankles bent and your toes pointed upward.
Relax your leg.
Repeat with the other leg.
Alternate each leg a few times.
 Knee pull-ins
Bend your leg and hug your knee as close to your chest as you can.
Keep your back straight and hold the pose for a few seconds.
Alternate each side a few times.

Deep vein thrombosis is a serious but preventable medical
condition in which blood clots occur in a vein deep in the body.
Most deep vein clots occur in the lower leg or thigh. This is a
threat that should be considered with importance as it can lead to
complications such as pulmonary embolism, and post thrombotic
syndrome. Prevention options include early and frequent walking,
calf exercises, anticoagulants, compression stockings, and
pneumatic compression.

 What is homan’s sign?
 What is the pressure exerted by compression stockings?

 Black MJ, Hawks HJ. Medical Surgical Nursing: Clinical
Management for positive outcomes .8th ed. Volume 2:
Elsevier publications 2012.p1331-35.
 Lewis etal, medical surgical nursing assessment and
management of clinical problems,3rd south Asian edition
volume 1, Elsevier publications, page number 256.
 Lewis SL,Heitkemper MM,Dirksen SR,O‘Brein PG,Bucher
L. Medical surgical nursing: assessment & management of
clinical problems.10th ed. Philadelphia. Elsevier
 Hinkle LJ, Cheever HK .Brunner & Suddarths textbook of
Medical surgical nursing,13th ed.India.Wolter kluwer
publications;2015 p1166-1167

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