The 7 Fundam Ental Principles of The Red Cross and Red Crescent Movem Ent

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The 7 Fundam ent al

Principles of The Red

Cross and Red Crescent
Movem ent

A hist orical perspect ive




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Principles and Values. I nt er nat ional Federat ion of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societ ies

á As early as 1875, Gust ave Moynier

suggest ed t hat t he RC should
observe t he following 4 Principles:
1 Foresight = preparat ions in advance
2 Solidarit y = Mut ual t ies bet ween NS
3 Cent ralizat ion = One NS per count ry
4 Mut ualit y = assist ance given t o wounded
regardless of nat ionalit y.
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Principles and Values. I nt er nat ional Federat ion of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societ ies

I n 1921, t he revised St at ut es of t he
I CRC were m odified and incorporat ed
four Fundam ent al Principles:
LPSDUWLDOLW\ polit ical, religious and
XQLYHUVDOLW\ of t he Movem ent and t he
HTXDOLW\ of it s m em bers.

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Principles and Values. I nt er nat ional Federat ion of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societ ies

I n 1946, t he League’s Board of

Governors confirm ed t he four 1921
principles, supplem ent ed by anot her
t hirt een principles and six rules of
applicat ion.

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Principles and Values. I nt er nat ional Federat ion of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societ ies

I n 1955 Jean Pict et defined and

analyzed all t he values w hich guide
t he work of t he Movem ent . He list ed
17 principles in t wo cat egories:
a. Fundam ent al Principles,
Principles w hich express t he very
reason for t he Movem ent ’s exist ence and inspire
and influence all it does;
b. t he organic principles,
principles which concern t he
Movem ent ’s st ruct ure and how it works.
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Principles and Values. I nt er nat ional Federat ion of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societ ies

The Movem ent ’s seven Fundam ent al

Principles as t hey st and t oday w ere
unanim ously adopt ed in 1965 by t he
20t h I nt ernat ional Conference of t he
Red Cross, which also decided t hat
t hey should be solem nly read out at
t he opening of every I nt ernat ional
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Principles and Values. I nt er nat ional Federat ion of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societ ies

I n 1986, t he 25t h I nt ernat ional

Conference of t he Red Cross ( in
Geneva) reaffirm ed t he im port ance
of t he Principles by including t hem
in t he Pream ble t o t he Movem ent ’s
St at ut es; t heir draft ing w as slight ly
am ended, and is as follow s:

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Principles and Values. I nt er nat ional Federat ion of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societ ies
The I nt ernat ional Red Cross and Red Crescent
Movem ent , born of a desire t o bring assist ance
wit hout discrim inat ion t o t he wounded on t he
bat t lefield, endeavors, in it s int ernat ional and
nat ional capacit y, t o prevent and alleviat e hum an
suffering w herever it m ay be found. I t s purpose is
t o prot ect life and healt h and t o ensure respect for
t he hum an being. I t prom ot es m ut ual
underst anding, friendship, cooperat ion and last ing
peace am ongst all peoples.
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Principles and Values. I nt er nat ional Federat ion of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societ ies
I t m akes no discrim inat ion as t o nat ionalit y, race,
religious beliefs, class or polit ical opinions. I t
endeavors t o relieve t he suffering of individuals,
being guided solely by t heir needs, and t o give
priorit y t o t he m ost urgent cases of dist ress.
I n order t o cont inue t o enj oy t he confidence of all,
t he Movem ent m ay not t ake sides in host ilit ies or
engage at any t im e in cont roversies of a polit ical,
racial, religious or ideological nat ure
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Principles and Values. I nt er nat ional Federat ion of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societ ies
The Movem ent is independent . The Nat ional
Societ ies, w hile auxiliaries in t he hum anit arian
services of t heir governm ent s and subj ect t o t he
laws of t heir respect ive count ries, m ust alw ays
m aint ain t heir aut onom y so t hat t hey m ay be able
at all t im es t o act in accordance w it h t he principles
of t he Movem ent .

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Principles and Values. I nt er nat ional Federat ion of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societ ies
I t is a volunt ary relief m ovem ent not prom pt ed in
any m anner by desire for gain.

There can be only one Red Cross or one Red
Crescent Societ y in any one count ry. I t m ust be
open t o all. I t m ust carry on it s hum anit arian work
t hroughout it s t errit ory.

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Principles and Values. I nt er nat ional Federat ion of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societ ies

The I nt ernat ional Red Cross and Red Crescent
Movem ent , in w hich all Societ ies have equal st at us
and share equal responsibilit ies and dut ies in
helping each ot her, is worldwide.

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Principles and Values. I nt er nat ional Federat ion of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societ ies


End of Present at ion

Principles and Values. I nt er nat ional Federat ion of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societ ies

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