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Pina Ide 1 Gustavo Silva De: daainngvie coma: Pare: mare peter com a> ©C: ——_: “Ovando cecuter”ceescuderogpampasnergia. com> Enviado: Domingo, 25 4 Ostbre de 200807 38 pm Ajuntar: Ofer er Pleara Buena Stages 351039 TueeCare Sp2.0.0 _3_paf MetX20GTA26CE% onehrwrewoesi"0109%201] 981 ‘Asunto: Cotzacen Pacers Estado Maio Peter De acuerdo ao compromet le hago legar as cotzariones solctads, fave ver queen al caso de os slates etapa 26 son dos las opciones cotzadesy cue ol pune 2 corespande aos epuestos manctes. ‘lotoricomente le hago legar ambos requermiantjuntcs para no demorer mas 2 En caso de consutasadconsies favor no dd en conactrme, oles satus Stade. Ment Information trom ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of vius signature ‘database 3550 (20081023) The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus. Ip:// ____informacion de €S€T NOD32 Antivirus, version de la base de frmas de views 3556 (20081026) ESET NOD32 Anlivius fia Cornprobuuo este mensale, hilpu/ Rode & cx orks znvoraws boCare’ Tee 200 eae Wow Proposal To: Piedra Buena LMZ 300 MW Unit For: Blade Replacement and delivery of spare parts Proposal October 24, 2008 ‘Submited by: ‘erzyerof Dudek Paproina 12a, $1117 Wiodtaw Poland, tl +48 71328 6901 Table of Contents {PROPRIETARY INFORMATION NOTICE nem 2. SCOPE OF WORK een 2 PRICE / TERMS AND CONDITIONS. C: 1, PROPRIETARY INFORMATION NOTICE Nomice The infomation contained herein is deemed confidential and ropitary and is ‘owned or contoled by TumoCare Sp. 2 0.0. Its supplod to RECIPIENT (Comtimes retetre to as “Purchaser? sos for RECIPIENT information and to aslo ovalvaton ot TurboCare's proposal fer services andor pats a eet fot here and subsequent moseaions treo (tho “Proposal By acoeplance of this Proposal, RECIPIENT express agrees t0 maintain in ‘Onigence any inormaon made avaiable by Turbecore and nol dadose to ‘anyone autsige of RECIPIENT'S ganization, dung the couse ot AECIPIENTs| {valuation or subsoquert thereto, witout the per ‘arten consent of TurboCare RECIPIENT shal at any tmo and at TuboCare's request felun a TurbaCare Propitary infomation, Including allcpies here. Nothing contained herein should be constued as imoling that TurboCare has (or tha RECIPIENT has accepted, any nhs or leenes to ay Turbocare information, cher than forthe purposes specticaly eft bore. In ation, lunless otherwise specifically stated, neting herein shall be conetrued a¢ ‘reating an express warranty or gusranly of any kind. ‘Shou this Proposal osu in the award of an order to TurboCare, RECIPIENT ‘grees thatthe felowing provsion Is a conton of een avard an fe Seemed incorperated econ ‘CONFIDENTIALITY/NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT ‘The infomation contained hersn and any intrmation doveloped in conjunction brows 1s propretary Iformation owes or comoled by TureoCare. and ‘umahod coley fr use by RECIPIENT in corjuncton wih bis proposal shal be ‘mained in contdence an shall not be disclosed to ay thed party of used ‘produced cher whole or ar, oxcop m connocion wit tis Propcea witout ‘he prior weten consent of Tubodare. Upon cancuson of TurboCa¥e's Work, a& eines eran, all TuboCare propratay infomation, including copes and infomaton develpod during the Werk, sll be retuned 10 TurboCars upon ts request. 14, 2. SCOPE OF WORK Manutaeture of blades for Piogea Buena LNZ K-300-240-1T, 310 mega wat turine, 380 dolvery 0 spare pas 24 Stage 39 Blades for Bucket Replacement ‘+ Mate: 405. SST ( TC Spectcaon MS-1200) Materia: or ariginal OEM teal the eaee of dlvorycuppl of biados ‘+ Blades wi bo machinod win a braze salt Sti eacng acne treatment + Thore are 96 Buckets per row 4+ This quote includes pins and ie wires ‘+ Option ono wil have @ aided two cachet desion (2 vanes welded into one packet. + Option two wil have an nigral One Piece desan (Ungraded one pieced sisi wh upgraded matecal. 22 Stage 38 Blades for Bucket Replacement ‘+ Materia 409 Stainless Ste! Matsa oF origina! OEM matoral in tho caso of elveryisuppy of blades ‘+ Thorw are 120 Buckets por row + This quot includes pins ae i wras 23 Stage 37 Blades for Bucket Replacement ‘Materia 403 Stanioss Ste! Materia or eriginal OEM materalin the case of elvorysurpy of blades 1+ There are 136 Buckets per row 1+ This quote includes pins arte wires 24 Stage 36 Binds for Bucket Replacament ‘+ Matorist 408 SST ( TO Spsceation MS-1200) Natori or orginal O&M ‘mato nthe caso ot dolvery supply of Blades 1+ Thore ave 128 Buckets porrow Prorosn. se. zzz en ‘+ Ths quote includes pins and ie wires + Flat oprings ‘There are 2 Locking Blades Gouyp 25 Spar Parts ‘om [RE [___Pmctonon | Patina | ory 7] se | — Eases cae —| —arner [2 2 seos_[ terns cae | ators | 3 [citse_| oa pn cab —[esmaonio | aso {+ [etre | Si etrce cote GAP| atone | — ae tito | so labenco go car | —ro0oea | 10 [ist | so asince cm car | reser —| a 1 [er ss sere eps ovr | —resoror | es &[-tiet_| Siabrrco lane CAP | tatoos | 8 3 [ts _[ Sl abe com car | viens || 10 [ 106 | Sisco tro CaP | —rreuns | 2 “1 [ oti? Saisie con car | —rronns | 10 mn Stabe eo ca [eos | — 10 rH ‘Seber tego ca | —rac0a | — 8 s Sele labries cre CaP | —eneoe | 10 rH Sota to "| —vne04 | 10 7 Sota com car | —rne063 | — * Set uberis age CaP | —epars |e ‘| e887 | Tuweamimavia car | arsaica | a feu | Tocanitneveacap | raoiss | te 21 [oss | Tones mimevencap | zresias | 9 2 [esr | towea nee car | erator | 9 25 |- 90 Slater como OWE | 10167 | — ee [aos | stesso owe | —stero—[ a8 35 [ar | Welepamow | cri 8 | a | a_| — Wels ou [rts | a [amt ne ou | oon ud [a0 | as | — tet plarocu [sis | 0 | 270_| — thet cuP | eens | 12 20_[ 271 | — Wot pe on | sreui | ato a1_[-a776-| — Wels secu —|-srsusos | 20 33 | 201 selon com Owe | — intra] ap St | 02 | sels tug Ove | —nersze | 18 25-10 Silaeres cons Ove | rats | ae | Seg. de alambre et 26-5 as | ae i vncinass| 10 sr_| 4700 | _musteparocep | carooruao | 72 se _| 4775 | Mule panocep | sa7eosies | 36 so | 1225 | Vaso scot veae | re7a707 | 8 3, PRICE / TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Seta Boce 02 f wor 21 Oaten 9.24 eion, ceonstetoble)sco.96.7 Siope alone Oxegen Storaasea Scop won 2 ms Sooeatit Sipe wor 2 Soemtae Scop woe Sianenst Sipe aon 23h ee bbw cin forthe Spare Pars [ae | —eeicenem [ame] we [a 2 [ass egaraps ca —[ arrears [ro [srs [$7 anna 3 [arse | — tae gre ca —[ veo eo stss6 | sa.s33 + [ette-[ Se bate coms ca | raange | a4 | sae0 00 | sac [ett [Stoic igo GaP | rate | 12 | sasn.o0 | s420000 | 6 [eter[Seto tesco con car | vases [ar | sarean | saaane Seb etc lage CAP | —v2sg01 | as | 27020 | samme : Sobbnates lags ext | —voeesg |g —[ savas | saazono . Sebati cota GAP | —vieuss | 11 | seven | same Seba lage CaP | tenes | ve | sera | so.nesar Seb abate cot caP | —tiebes | 10 | seize | $2477.78 Seb aber ago AP | —v1e0us | 10 | setr7a | sour778 Seb bac cots OAP | —tzse09 | —7r__| 1000 [sangsoo ssh no CAP[—tastas | 5 | sesoa0 | sraeso0n Sobaperc crear] —tieowe | ia __| seize | $2i7778 Seb abettes age ca? | tiene] 10 | setz7e | ganzr 7a Seb ubciuc cots ca | tienes |e | sanr70_[ $a Sb abo ga CAP | 116065 | | aur 70 | suse? Toa minsica cab | Terewes_| se | $787 [38 4000 Tosea mimenes CaP | terestes_[ 16 | sa7na_[stagu778 Tees mimes OS | teroaa_| 6 —[ phan [ Stat. Thsce mimeves x | trezt_| a S40 [$9850 Seabetic cos cu|isiem | ee] sores [0906s Seb ebatio lage cu] tists) [a] s9739 [oases Munepanecub | even 28 | —s —| 38 | seenco tte parscub | ~ ioe [oe ise | sorasa Paes Soling Pico tor - § 3,087,008.38 USD i TurboCare a | a6 sduelle piano cMP_| et7@01140 | _ 90 s1556_| $466.67 [ares | tostspers cu [essa [eo [sige | 97770 [arm | Mies cue | opens | 2 [ste | secs Soar | Mates cub [ evtsis | aso [sine enna Sore | tessa onset | esta eta [or [notnen ee Des’ [5 gate | sss [est [soisres eo up| —resae [ee [sere | sass 31[ este [silane CuP| tists [ve | sant | sagrzze Set seeriaes eno cup | rates [ms | sstaae [proaeace wo | om | POE | seeae| 19 | seoeas | saocese Sos | asian [ones [re [sae [ese Ss [-arts_[_— Mets pra cb [ease siee2_| sennao SL tae | vragen vee [ip [sprang] $a en fon 1300778 ‘Thege prices inolude al items listed In Section 2, Scope of Work (collectively, the “Work. ‘These pices do net include feght, commission, tes, oF dus, al pices are ustean US Dolars 3.1 Purchaser Supplied tems ‘A.a minimum a subject to change, Purchaser shal rovidethe folowing + Fou standard blades and osing arrangement pe sage for engineering + Diameters and tscnicl data shat ttl ot shoul proposal ur eto and order 32 Delivery Dovey of Components Isedin section 2.1.25 i estimated tobe 6 Months. Dever schedule doesnot take into accoun instalation of buckets. Al dla estineles are made subject to prior sale Freight & Insurance ‘i equipment and pars supplied Ex Works TurboGares facies. If Purchaser ‘equasis Turbocare fo arrange stoping, all Weight costs wil Be Dllod 10 the purchasor at cost pus ftheen (15%) peroant Ir Purchaser has ts on Height romeo! Insurance andi eects to procure Xs own insurance, but requests TurboCare fo frange engping, Pucrasot must sgn ard daiver to TurboCare, ona imey basis, fan insoanoo waver reinguishing ary ard al claims against TurboCare for any Tabity relative to Purchase’ equipman, cluding loss or damage thereto. Falure to provide the waver pri to shipment shal be conscored exprossauthory fr ‘FulboCare ta pro Insurance cowerage ila n Paras 03 eteofone hal ono {08% poroon of ho declared value of tho goods fo each shipment Ferounder. Tho 2overago and payrnent eanct lator bo waived o contested. 3.3, Torms of Sale and Paymont “Tis propocal i valid or hy (20) day fom its date uioss extended in wring by ‘TurbsCare. Our proposal condlioned on acceptance ol TurboCare’s General Tore and Conatone (wbrevsodU¥2309,. Alinwoess 0 payade net Tay (20), days from date of vole witout stl o* deductions. Ite work to be performed hereunder is delayed by Purehaeor or ary act oyord tho conto of TureoCare, paymorts shal be made based on the purchase pice and the percentage of ‘omplston on the effectve date of such delay. Equlpmont ha for Purchabor shal be at fe rick and expense of Purchase. Should tho ord bo terminated, the Purchaser ‘shat pay TutboCare. Tor all costs and expenses Incured and ommtmarts mada in connection with the povormance of tho ofr, plus. 2 reasonabie prot Any past eu amounts shal who! projudce fo the “ght of Turbotare to paymect when due, Ber iteres a a fleaing rato equvalnt to one- tweitn (1/12) ctthe par annum peme rato charged by Chase Manhattan Bark, New Yor, New York, USA, a Suen prime ‘at If pushed on the fst banking day folowing the date payments due, pus an edaanal ane halo one percont (0.5%), ‘The flowing are the appicable payments terms: MILESTONE, %£0t Selling Price (on Placement of Purchase Ordor 50% (On Notioston of Purchase of Mato 40% Nottieatin of Reads to Ship 10% TurboCare 4, ATTACHMENTS “The Purchaser hereby accepts the terms and codons set orth in this Proposal and ha folowing dacumert() a copy a which ilar alached “Terms ard Gondions MDreviseg01010e!

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