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Republic of the Philippines COMMISSION ON AUDIT Regional Office No. Vill Leyte Government Center, Candahug, Palo, Leyte Email Address: Telefax (053) 323-7768 SCHEDULE OF COURSE OFFERINGS FOR CY 2019 (AGENCY Personnel) DURATION COURSE/SEMINAR TARGET PARTICIPANTS | SEMINAR FEE | May vi Laws and Rules on Personnel involved in the 3 : processing of claims, 21-24 | Goverment Expenciures | Feetrsenetsincding P-8,000.00 ( ) | certifying and approving officers | Property/Supply Officers, | | | Property Custodians, | 28-31 Property and Supply Storekeeper and other | | Management System (PSMS) | personne! involved in managing ogoroo the agency's office supplies | | and properties June T | Rules and Regulations on Personnel involved in the | Settlement of Accounts (RRSA) | processing of claims, | 10-11 and Revised Rules of Procedure | disbursements including P 4,000.00 | | of COA (RRPC) certifying and approving officers | A Members of Appraisal and | ppraisal and Disposal of , s Disposal Committee, 18-20 Goverment Property Peunine Cotertal are 26,000.00 ¢ ) Property Custodian s Cash Management and Cashiers, Regular & Special 19-21 | Control System (CMCS) Collecting/Disbursing Officers | 6,000.00 | Laws and Rules on Personnel involved in the Hoe ; processing of claims, 24-27 | Goverment Expenditures | isbursements including fe 000.00 ( ) certifying and approving officers July Property/Supply Officers, Property Custodians, 2-5 | Property and Supply Storekeeper and other supe Management System (PSMS) | personnel involved in managing | ®:000. the agency's office supplies and properties EEE Page 1 of3 duly Laws and Rules on peers eet 15-19 | Government Expenditures | Gisbursements including 5 S.onieg « ) certifying and approving officers | Cash Management and Cashiers, Regular & Special 22-24 | Control System (CMCS) CollectingDisbursing Officers | 6,000.00 August : Rules and Regulations on Personnel involved in the Settlement of Accounts (RRSA) | processing of claims, 18-20 | and Revised Rules of Procedure | disbursements including HF 4,000/00, of COA (RRPC) certifying and approving officers | Appraisal and Disposal of ee hora end 27-28 | Government Property Accounting Bereerinal and P6,000.00 | (ADGP) Property Custodian "September Laws and Rules on incl g 9-8 | Goverment Expenditures | es treronts cing 8,000.00 « ) oe certifying and approving officers Cash Management and Cashiers, Regular & Special 17-48 | Control System (CMCS) _| Collecting/Disbursing Officers | 6:00.00 | Personnel involved in the : processing of claims, a7 zoLta| pone teen disbursements and also 8,000.00 | ‘ccountants (ANAC) property custodianship & | | tization | roperty/Supply Officers, | | Aer Property Custodians, | Property and Supply Storekeeper and other 24-27 | Management System (PSMS) | personnel involved in managing | 8.00.00 | | the agency's office supplies and properties | Rules and Regulations on __| Personnel involved in the | | Settlement of Accounts (RRSA) | processing of claims, | | 25-26 | and Revised Rules of Procedure | disbursements including 4 000.00 | of COA (RRPC) certifying and approving officers | | October | 4-3 | GAD Planning and Budgeting | Personnel involvedin GAD | pg 990,00 & Auditing (GPBA) Planning & Budgeting L eer 5 i Laws and Rules on ane 1-4 Government Expenditures | F a i 8,000.00 (LARGE) disbursements including |Leertitying and approving officers | Page 2 of 3 October i Members of Appraisal and Appraisal and Disposal of Disposal Committee, 9-11 | Government Property Re cinane econ ais 6,000.00 ( ) Property Custodian Personnel involved in the | : processing of claims, 2-25) | ecourtna for Non. disbursements and also 8,000.00 | Accountants (ANAC) property custodianship & i utilization November lltaws'and ules on Personnel involved in the X processing of claims, 4-7 Government Expenatures | FeStrements ncuing 8,000.00 ( ) certifying and approving officers GAD Planning, Budgeting Personnel involvedin GAD | | 20-22 and Auditing (GPBA) Planning & Budgeting 6,000.00 Recommending Approval: t ut ETIL-DIE MEI UEVO ecto ed Director IV COA Regiohat OFfc6 No. VII Professional Development Office, PIDS ps Approved by: x LORETO-TOLENTINO Assistant Commissioner Professional and Institutional Development Sector Page 3 of 3

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