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Department of Education

Region III
Division of City of San Fernando
Dolores Stand Alone Senior High School
Dolores, City of San Fernando (P)

21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World


GENERAL DIRECTIONS: Read the directions carefully. Any form of erasures will not be considered. Use ball pen only.

I. Close Analysis: Read the text carefully then answer the questions with the capital letter.

PASSAGE 1. Supernatural Creatures in Philippine Folklore

The scary stench of Halloween is now hanging in the air. Everywhere, we see faces of monsters, beasts,
and other Halloween creatures. In the Philippines, it is a common belief that supernatural beings are working at
large during this season. Their powers are greatest at this time, and hence, they are in their most evil facets.
The Philippine folklore is rich with mythical and supernatural creatures. It is not as popular as those in
Western cultures since it is mostly composed of fragmented tales of horror and wonder. Nevertheless, it has
influenced the lives of Filipinos that certain customs are being practiced so to appease these beings and to prevent
them from terrorizing people. So which supernatural creatures Filipinos are most afraid of? What are their
equivalents to other cultures? And how evil are they?
Many Filipino customs are influenced by their beliefs in various supernatural creatures. Say avoiding too
much noise when near old trees so as not to disturb these unearthly beings, or beeping the vehicle when crossing
bridges at nights as a permission from them. It may seem peculiar but these habits and more have become part of
the way of life for many Filipinos, even for those living in the urban areas.

_____1. What particular folklore is told fragmentally that influenced the lives of the Filipinos?
A. The Halloween
B. The Philippines’
C. The Superpowers
D. None is correct

_____2 . In context, the reference to the supernatural Creatures is meant to underline what aspect of Filipino values?
A. belief B. hospitality C. debt of gratitude D. Superstitious belief

_____3. What “Filipino customs” is not “influenced by the supernatural creatures?”

A. blowing the horn when passing through the cemetery
B. reversing the clothes when lost in the middle of the forest
C. saying “tabi-tabi po” while walking at the isolated or quiet places
D. the acceptance of Christianity

_____4.Why do Filipinos practice such belief?

A. avoid being condemned
B. to appease these creatures so to prevent from harming them
C. they are prohibited by their elders not to believe such powers
D. to show admiration of their faces

_____5. Why the characters of these tales are more of evil facets?
A. because of stinking spirits
B. because of their evil deeds when they were alive
C. it was the logical thought coming from the Halloween
D. they wanted to scare the people who are still alive

_____6.From the whole of this passage, what does the author likely believe?
A. nothing is lost if you follow the customs
B. they are part of the Filipino culture
C. to live in it is an excuse from being mocked
D. the supernatural creatures exist

_____7. The Filipinos mostly love to make ________ statements, for these gave them a chance to show their imprecision.
A. clear B. distortion C. fatuous D. vague
_____8. Which does tell that Filipinos can also be stupid in believing such superstition?
A. disrespecting the supernatural creatures can terrorize them
B. harm can be done by the creatures
C. boisterous voice can disturb the creatures
D. None is accepted

_____9. How is the folklore described?

A. cubicle B. fantastic C. mythical D.mysterious

____10.The word “peculiar” most nearly means__________?

A. accommodating
B. different from usual or normal
C. less spirited and idle
D. welcoming attitude

PASSAGE 2-Aswangs are the most feared mythical creature by the Filipinos. They are Filipino ghouls and
shapeshifters. They are human-like by day but transform into monsters at night. They can change from human to an
animal form like bat, bird, pig, cat, or black dog. The transformation can happen through their own will or through the use
of foul concocted oil. They also have the ability to steal cadavers secretly and replace them with the trunk of a banana tree
carved in the cadaver’s likeness.
Aswangs wait by the roadsides, preying upon unsuspecting travelers. Some attacks houses to feed on sleeping
people. It is said that human liver and heart are their favorite parts. Aswangs prefer pregnant women who are about to give
birth. They love human fetus that they have developed the ability to track down pregnant women by the scent of their
unborn child. Upon finding the house of a pregnant mother, the aswang positions itself on the roof and digs a hole through
which it drops its long thin tongue to enter the woman’s womb and feast on the fetus.

____11. How do aswangs (ghost) transform?

A. they fly like bat at night
B. they transform into a white lady
C. they change their body like the vampire
D. they can transform into different forms of animals or monsters

____12. The author’s purpose in writing this article is best described as which of the following?
A. to entertain people or the readers
B. to give the moral of the text
C. to persuade readers that Philippine literary has its history
D. to persuade readers that Philippines has also myths to share

____13. Which of the following statements has the correct thought?

A. Aswangs wait by the roadsides, preying upon unsuspecting travelers
B. They have ability to steal cadavers secretly and replace them with the trunk of a banana tree carved
in the cadaver’s likeness
C. Vampire attacks houses to feed on sleeping people.
D. All statements are correct.

____14. The transformation can happen through their own will or through the use of concocted oil. What good does
concocted oil bring?
A. to remove make up B. fortify the face
C. strengthen the body D. the statement is illogical

____15.What advantage does aswang get from feeding self with the fetus?
A. the freshness of the fetus B. the satisfaction he feels
C. the hunger that he feels is filled D. the mirth that he obtains from the fetus

____16.Why are aswangs featured as ghouls?

A. They hunt human blood. B. They are evil spirits.
C. They are morbidly interested of death. D. All clauses are correct

____17. Based on the viewpoint presented in the passage, the author wold most likely to agree with
which of the following proposals?
A. that aswangs hunger most of the time
B. that the ability to satisfy oneself is to hurt others
C. that power is the strength to defeat others
D. to satisfy oneself is to catch for a prey
____18.In what era did literature of the Philippines was just marked by your ancestors’ daily observations about life,
explanations for natural phenomena, and beginnings of rituals?
A. Spanish Colonial era B. Precolonial era C. Postcolonial era D. Post Spanish Colonial era

____ 19.Identify the forms of literature during Spanish era, to which it is the dramatic re-enactment of St. Helena’s search
for the Holy Cross.
A. Cenaculo B. Pasyon. C. Carillo D. Tibag

____ 20.What elements of Phil. Poetry that are used by the writer to describe their impressions of their topic or object of
A. Diction B. Rhyme C. Rhyme Scheme D. Senses and images

____ 21. Identify what kind of sense impressions in poetry is this: “This is how I desire God on this island. With you today:
basic and blue. As the sea that softens our feet with salt”
A. Visual imagery B. Olfactory imagery C. Auditory imagery D. Tactile imagery

____ 22. In what process in presentation of a play does the group will always be ready for anything that might happen.
Thus backup plan should be considered.
A. Find a Play B. Find a group you want to work with
C. Assign specific task to each group mate D. Stick to your plane.

____ 23.Which title of the epic story is correct?

A. The Hinalawod B. The Hilinawod C. The Hinilawod D. The Hiliniwod

____ 24.Which of the following statement is correct?

A. Proverbs demand an answer and are used to test the wits of those who are listening to them.
B. Epic usually tells a male hero who has superhuman capabilities.
C. Riddles means to entertain while teaching basic skills in surviving local life.
D. Tales are long-winded poems about a hero and his adventures and misadventures.

____ 25.Which of the following statement is true?

A. Corrido is a chivalric poem about a hero, usually about a saint.
B..Awit is a legendary religious narrative form that usually details the lives of saints or the history of a tradition.
C. Carillo is a play that uses shadows as it main spectacle.
D. Pasyon is a blood-and-thunder melodrama depicting the conflict of Christians and Muslims.

____ 26.What elements of Phil. Poetry where in the author or the writer are very careful on the way they write and the
words they use to form their poems?
A. Diction B. Rhyme C. Rhyme Scheme D. Senses and Images

____ 27. What form of literature is also known as myths and legends?
A. English B. Epic C. Folktales D. Proverbs

Strangers at First Sight (by: Nick Joaquin)

How could you possibly start from nothing?

And then end up as everything
I never thought I’d feel this way again…
More like I pushed myself to never fall victim again
To this arresting feeling
How ironic is it,
That what I wanted to lose the most,
Is what most people long for their whole life?
I don’t know what to do,
Guess I’ll just ignore everything again,
Time to shut my senses to all the assaults that the world has to offer…
After all, I’ve suppressed everything so far
What’s one more to add?

____ 28. What pronoun in the poem suggests the identity of the speaker?
A. Am B. It C. I D. You

____19. What example is this poem showing?

A. blank verse B. conventional poem C. free verse D. sonnet
____20. What is visualized in the poem?
A. feeling B. honesty C. joys D. senses

____21. Which of the following is the theme of the poem?

A. impression B. loneliness C. merriment D. nostalgia

____22. How many characters are involved in the poem?

A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4

____23.What literary devises is identified in the poem?

A. hyperbole B. imagery C. irony D. personification

____24. What else does the speaker convey in the poem?

A. certainty B. disgust C. fulfilment D. uncertainty

____25. Why does the speaker supress the desire of his senses?
A. to avoid being blamed B. to show selfishness C. to avoid sorrow D. he dislikes to be victimized

____26. Which is the real name of Nick Joaquin?

A. Nicomidez Joaquin B. Nicomedez Marquez C. Nicomedez Marquez Joaquin D. it is his real name

____27. Riddles tease the mind. “What has to be broken before it can be used?”
A. cacao B. castanas C. egg D. tomatoe

____28. What begins with T, ends with T and has T in it?

A. tarts B. tattoo C. toothpaste D. teapot

____29. What has a head and a tail but has no body?

A. doll B. circle C. coin D. dust

____30. “You can hold it without using your arms or your hands,” what is it?
A. Ashes B. breath C. sigh D. hiccup

____31. “It is so fragile even saying just its name you can break it.” What is it?
A. peace B. piece C. silence D. serenity

____32. What is the genre of this statement,”What is broken if it is not kept?”

A. epic B. proverb C. riddle D. quote

____33. “What tastes better than it smells?” What is its genre?

A. fiction B. non-fiction C. proverb D. riddle

____34. What is its genre, “A good man is hard to find?”

A. fiction B. non-fiction C. proverb D. riddle

____35. What genre is it, “A person is known by the company he keeps?”

A. fiction B. non-fiction C. proverb D. riddle

____36. “A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.” It is a proverb by Alexander Pope.

A. glow B. grace C. spark D. there is a way

____37. “New king, new character, ”What does it imply?

A. New leadership always brings new ways B. People gain strength by standing together
C. Your future will be the result of your action D. You endanger your life with the people you don”t know

____38. “Nothing destroys iron but its own corrosion.” What does it imply?
A. a strong wind erodes the plants B. an iron when rusted, corrodes
C. even a strong man can be undone by his habits D. there is hope after despair

____ 39. “What can’t talk but always reply when spoken to?” What is it?
A. answer B. echo C. noise D. voice

____40. What do you get when you divide 30 by ½ and add 10?
A.50 B. 60 C. 70 D. 80
Department of Education
Region III
Division of City of San Fernando
Dolores Stand Alone Senior High School
Dolores, City of San Fernando (P)


21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World


1 B 11 D 21 D 31 C 41 C
2 D 12 C 22 C 32 C 42 C
3 D 13 A/B 23 C 33 C 43 D
4 B 14 BONUS 24 C 34 D 44 C
5 C 15 A 25 C 35 C 45 C
6 B 16 D 26 A 36 C 46 BONUS
7 D 17 BONUS 27 C 37 C 47 A
8 A 18 B 28 C 38 D 48 C
9 C 19 D 29 C 39 C 49 B
10 B 20 D 30 A 40 C 50 C


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