HRMT 2 Final

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Kimmarie Downey 301098352

Question a. Three recruitment strategies the school bus company can use to attract

applicants for this job are:

Networking is the first strategy that the school bus company should use to attract school bus drivers

including cold calls print advertising, employee referrals, former employees. Among those

methods, employee referral is the most efficient way to hire qualified school bus drivers for the

company. Job vacancies will be posted via the internal communication platform offering monetary

or nonmonetary incentives for referrals. High-quality candidates, lower recruiting costs and better

retention rates are some advantages of this method.

Hiring through agency recruiters is the second strategy that fits the company because they are

professionals who are well-trained provide recruiting services and have many networks in the

market. These recruiters can find candidates that suitable, qualified and meet the requirements for

a specific job. They also provide the service of screening and interviewing potential candidates.

Some top recruiters in Canada are Randstad and Adecco Canada.

Online recruiting is the third strategy to enable the school bus company to search for candidates

for positions in a fast, easy and convenient way. The school bus company can announce the job

opening online via Job online board, the company’s websites and social media. These ways are

the favored methods of the recruit to use, as they are quick and convenient and reach a vast amount

of applicants. Companies can post vacant jobs where active job seekers will be able to browse and
apply online for the position. While popular platforms form for online recruiting are Indeed,

Monster, and Glassdoor, those of social networking sites are Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter.

Question b. Screening methods in which Bus 2 School should use in their assessment for


Application Tracking system (ATS) Software is used to sort applicant’s resumes by selecting the

applicants who resume is a match to key criteria areas set out by the company. This is an automated

program that reduces the time to go through all applicants resume manually (Dessler & Chhinzer,

2020). Moreover, this program can easily provide a short list of candidates who meet all

requirements for further process.

Phone Interview is used to verify and see the ability of the applicant. In this interview the

applicants are asked a series of questions which are relevant to the job opening. Based on the

answers given the company or person conducting the interview will decide if candidates can

advance to the next level.

Question g. Two behavioral and situational interview questions based on important selection

criteria (KSAOs).

Behavioral Interview

1. Tell me about a time you had to ensure that you make all scheduled stops on time due to

unforeseen circumstances?

 Expected response: Candidate should display punctual and what strategies they would use to

be on time and good time management skills.

 Example of answer: There was an instance where there was construction being carried out on

one of my route. In order to make it to all my stops on time I had left my house earlier to avoid

the traffic and I parked a few distance away from my stop and wait for my picked up time.
2. Tell me why are you interested in becoming a school bus driver?

 Expected response: Candidate should present good communication skills and the ability to

manage students and put their safety at highest priority.

 Example of answer. I am interested in becoming a bus driver because I am a people person

who enjoys working with children. I feel getting children safely to and from school on a daily

basis is utmost important. Also, I like that the job is hours are flexible and comes with benefits.

Situational Interview

1. Suppose you are the driver of the school bus and you are running late because of a student that

indulged into some argument with other students?

 Expected response: Candidate should present various skills and abilities including problem

solving skills, management of passengers, the ability to resolve conflicts and deportment such

as firmness, calm demeanor. Bus drivers are responsible for the lives of their passengers, and

they must display knowledge of driving safely and the ability to deal with unruly children.

 Example of answer: I would tell the students in a firm authority voice to stop the disagreement.

If that does not work, then I will pull the bus over and go to the students to try and resolve the

situation by placing the students in seating far from each other and also write up the students

for bad behavior.

2. Imagine you had an accident, hitting a car. What would you do in such a case?

Expected response: Candidate should clearly understand the company’s procedures related to

safety, incident and other related process. Candidate needs to display how they could react in an

emergency situation and the safety of students and the ability to stay calm and follow the

company's procedures.
Example of answer: I would first check the status of the students to see if anyone is injured and

moved them to a safe area. I would then check on the person(s) in the car and then call emergency

services. After I have done the above, then I would call the company to report the incident, so that

they can make the necessary arrangements.

Question h. Explain the basis on which Bus 2 School can decide which applicants would be

selected based on their results.

The basis on which Bus 2 school can use to decide which applicant to get the job is by using the

statistical method. This is where a score is set and give weight to some specific job criteria on the

tests that were administered. The decision maker can then compare each candidate score and then

rank each accumulated score from highest to lowest The candidate with the highest score will be

offered the job (Dessler and Chhinzer,2020).

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