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I. Introduction

Latest year’s Corruption Perceptions Index highlights that the majority of countries are making little or no
progress in ending corruption, while further analysis shows journalists and activists in corrupt countries
risking their lives every day in an effort to speak out.

Thesis Statement
A substantial number of recent studies have examined the relationship between poverty and corruption to
clarify the ways in which these phenomena interact.
Corruption has direct consequences on economic and governance factors, intermediaries that in turn produce
Economic theory and empirical evidence both demonstrate that there is a direct causal link between
corruption and economic economy growth.

Corruption increases income inequality and poverty through lower economy growth,

Lower economy growth is doe due to tax system favoring the rich and well-connected; poor targeting of social
programs; use of wealth by the well-to-do to lobby government for favorable policies that perpetuate inequality
in asset ownership, lower social spending, unequal access to education, and a higher risk in investment
decisions of the poor.

There is a fairly linear relationship between corruption and poverty, the higher the level of corruption the more
poverty there is in a country. This is a complex relationship because not only is associate associated with the
government but with all other institutions of the public administration, the judicial system, the police, the
companies, etc.
The next is an image of all countries around the world,

Taken from:

According to transparency international New Zealand is the country less corrupt in the world and
Colombia is the ninety and sixest sixes less corrupt country in the world, how happen to happen in the most
of them
Goverments government officials may use their authority for private gain in designing and implementing public
policies-defined broadly as corruption. It may result in enriching these official as well as private individuals
who obtain a larger share of public benefits or bear a lower share of public costs.

The corruption begins from the education and home and this affect affects all country
One example is when people sells sell a product, they have to pay for employees to oversee because buyers
are dishonest, in the same way, the seller is infected with corruption, he begins to sell enlarged and low
quality low-quality products. For that reason, the government need needs to hire an inspector to review the
quality of the products. But when this go goes to the producer, this bribe the government official, and the
worst is that at the end of all chain the consumer is the one who ends up paying all the corruption.


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