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Jane Eyre AP Literature

Relationships 2nd Hour

Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë


Helen Burns Mrs. Reed

Jane finds her first real friend Helen Burns when she goes to Jane and Mrs. Reed has never been strong. Mrs. Reed
Lowood. Jane sees Helen reading a book, and approaches her never truly wanted to be a parental figure for Jane,
because she realizes that she needs to build new and healthy
relationships. Jane learns how to use kindness in unfavorable but on her husband's death bed he made her
situations as well as effectively practice forgiveness through promise to take care of his orphan niece. As her aunt
her time at Lowood and throughout the rest of her life. When faces death, it becomes known that Jane had an uncle
it comes time, Helen is not fearful of death. She has this looking for her. This uncle has a decent sum of
mindset because she believes that God is doing this for a
money to his name and is looking to possibly give it
reason and that she has nothing to worry about. Brontë draws
admiration for Helen when she provides Jane with a role to Jane. In not telling Jane, Mrs. Reed feels as though
model and positive relationship. Helen is a good sign for Jane she has beat Jane yet again. She ultimately fails in the
as she hopes for a better future. When Helen speaks, she is sense that Jane receives an inheritance and finds her
very spiritual and confident allowing her to be quite assertive family. In the long run, Mrs. Reed helps Jane by
and powerful. In the last paragraph of Chapter 9, we finally
receive closure for Helen's death, giving a peaceful ending to
making her stronger and teaching her how to be
her story. It should receive the proper memorial to signify that independent. The brutal treatment that she directed
she was a positive impact in Jane's life and allow her to finally at Jane set her up for a strong ability in overcoming
rest. obstacles. When Mrs. Reed reappears in the story it
shows that this is the end of that time in Jane's life
and brings closure to the suffering that she went
through in her time with the Reed's.
Mr. Rochester
From the beginning of Jane and Mr. Rochester's relationship it was
strong. They would talk a lot, as Mr. Rochester liked many qualities St. John
about Jane, but the most prevalent features were her honesty and
forgiveness. Mr. Rochester preferred Jane over Blanche Ingram
because he enjoyed her personality more then Ms. Ingram's Jane and St. John have a solid relationship right from the start.
appearance. Jane's description of Mr. Rochester allows the reader to They both share many characteristics and traits that draw them
know how she feels about him, she describes in great detail their to each other. St. John is attractive in the eyes of many because
conversations, and reactions to one another which influences the of his physical appearance as well as his kind spirit. Jane
reader to like Mr. Rochester yet, still question the unknown about rejects the proposal to St. John because she still have feeling
him. As Jane talks about Mr. Rochester the reader can see feelings for Rochester and does not truly love St. John. When it comes
developing in Jane, as she think over all the conversations they have. to Helen Burns and St. John, Jane finds real friendship in these
Brontë uses the theme of sight and blindness in a ironic way. Jane two. They are both very spiritual people who teach Jane a lot
was extremely unconfident in her looks, but in the end Mr. about herself and the life around her. They share similar
Rochester was blind and that was the last thing on his mind. As for qualities of forgiveness, kindness, and selflessness. Jane shows
the theme of sanity and madness Jane was pushed to her limits of the reader that St. John is a very kind and spiritual person. An
example of this would be the fact that when Jane was at her
the madness in her life, yet kept sanity and ended up happy. Brontë
lowest, he brought her into his home and cared for her. She
did not use many supernatural elements in this novel, but she did ends the novel with his achievements to portray that if Jane
use that element in Jane and Mr. Rochester's relationship which would've married him, she would be a widow, living a life that
showed how strong their love was for one another. Yet their was not for her. It also showed that with his hard work, St. John
relationship was natural in the fact that there was no real spirit got to accomplish his goals. He deserves this for his countless
involved. Their relationship was extremely powerful, and their love acts of kindness and dedication to his missionary.
stated true to the end.

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